
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Seventh Period Times Investigates

After you share your Google Doc with Ms. DeVries, copy and paste your news article here to share with your classmates and the world.  Read over what others have written.  Write positive comments about their writing moves.


  1. Have you heard of the big problem with teens vaping/juuling in the U.S.? America is at a point where nearly everything is being questioned to see if it’s safe or not. “Most teens will try anything once, but it’s whether they get addicted or not,” One 8th grade boy says.

    3 out of 5 8th grade students interviewed says they have vaped/juuled before. That’s more than 50% percent. 2 said they wanted to but 1 said they were pressured to do it. “I use it as a relaxation thing or something to do when i’m bored,” explains student that said they vaped/juuled. Another student that has done it before says,”I think the problem is getting out of hand, if we aren’t supposed to do it for health issues, then it should be our choice to do it or not.”

    State governors have started banning certain flavors of juice to keep from teenagers from wanting to try. Juul has claimed to be not aimed towards teen, and even put thousands of dollars to stop teen usage. We don’t know for sure if they actually did or not, but even this past week, the Mango juul pods have been banned nationwide.

    Some studies have shown teen users can get a juul easy as buying something from the grocery store. The government seems to making more regulations and trying to stop it than Juul itself, making the question, Is Juul even trying to stop teen usage, due to the money it’s gotten? Most people think it is a big problem, while other people think it is their choice to do it or not. What do you think?

    1. I like how you hid your bias and didn't just come out and say it.

    2. Its good you asked students and said why they had vaped or juuled

    3. You did a good job and your interviews are good.

  2. This morning we got news about behavior problems from Bartels Middle School in Portage, WI. Our reporter interviewed some students and teachers about the topic. The students said that they see behavior problems every day at least once per class. Statistics said that 24% of teachers lose four or more hours of teaching time per week.

    Most of the behavior problems that we see is because of chaotic and troubled homes. The disruption is caused by just a few students a class. Clinically speaking these kids are “antisocial”. This is why they interrupt the class.

    Some of the kids said that behavior problems are like fish in the sea. They also said that the kids should at least try to fix them.

    1. I like your metaphor because it can really show how bad it can be

    2. I like how you use active writing to point out the students.

  3. Bullying can happen anywhere. Everyone is different in a special way, but bullies like to attack that one thing that makes you, you. It’s technically called your gift that everyone is born with. Bullies target certain things about people such as the clothes they where, their size, height, and the way they look. Bullying usually happens because either the bully gets bullied and wants to look cool in front of a group of people or because of drama that escalates into one big thing. At BMS bullying happens daily in almost every hallway, classroom, etc. A counselor once said that everyday at least one kid comes into their office to talk about bullying.

    Statistics show that 28% of students in the US experience bullying in their life. 70.6% have seen or done bullying in their school. Those numbers are probably higher than anyone expected. Some programs we have tried are assemblies like the courage retreat, but when everyone leaves school the next day it’s like the assembly didn’t even happen. One suggestion was to split up some groups of kids.

    Statistics show that bully victims are between 2 and 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non victims. 160,000 kids in the US stay home from school everyday with the fear of getting bullied. Some people just say “Oh, we are just playing.” Even though it is only playing around if both of you think of it as that. If one day someone lived another person's life it would change how they think of them. Bullying happens way to much, anyone can change that.

    1. I really like the use of actual statistics, but I think you could be a little less biased

    2. I liked how you put in like numbers about the people being bullied.

    3. I like the stats you put in the article so you can know how common it is

  4. Snezana wanted to be herself and try out differents looks like a rockstar, short hair, and other things. But the kids at her school didn’t like that. So they thought it would be funny to verbally and physically abuse her just for being herself. Snezana would come home with ripped books and her homework destroyed. Her mother tried telling the school about her troubles but they avoided resolving the issue. She continued to be bullied. Then a new group of peer mediators, people who go to schools and help solve conflicts and bullying. Snezana thought it would be another new group of people that will bully her. Then she figured out that they try to end bullying so she joined them to help. Over the years they have solved over 50 conflicts of bullying at schools.

    At the local Middle School in Portage WI bullying and teasing is like snow in December. Reporters have asked students how much they see bullying and its very common. Students will bully kids if they don’t fit their personal standards like hair, clothes, and shoes. A reporter asked a teacher about bullying and she said “students do it sneakily so they don’t get into trouble. Bullies seem to get a kick out of making people feel bad. Teachers struggle to catch bullying because kids don’t do it in front of teachers. Bullying is now super common in Portage and can happen anywhere to people.

    1. Good Intro Hunter!

    2. I like how you didn't say your bias and how you made it detailed.

    3. I really like how you added a story into your journalsim

  5. The transition from Elementary to Middle school includes a change in how kids feel. According to a BMS counciler some students start to go though a rough time and get depressed when they get to middle school.

    Some students don’t even know why they’re depressed but this could be the answer. “Things that lead to depression could be dependence on technology, hormines, early childhood trauma, or even inherited traits,” says BMS counciler. Things can be done at school to help with depression are things like intervention, mindfullness activities, or maybe groups. “ I can help students deal with depression by giving them positive attention while also trying to figure out what’s causing it,” said the counciler.

    About 30% of teens around the world are being treated for depression. Some of these teens are being treated with medication. When asked if medication was helpful the counciler at BMS reported that “ It can be, because some levels of depression are not triggered by negative thoughts or events but more chemical embalances that do not allow someone to expirence joy that do require medication.” says Mr. Wyman the counciler at BMS. When the couciler was asked if depression was asked if depression is a big thing with middle and high school students he said, “yes, because we have a lot of kids that come in and talk about depression or lack of resiliance.”

    Depression can really negatively affect students. “ I’ve seen depression put a really bad impact on kids. Some kids are unable to function or have a high need for attention. In school they start failing classes, not completing work, and/or losing interest in activities.”

    Depresssion causes a lot of emotional and behavioral changes. Depression can lead to alcohol and drug abuse, academic problems, family conflicts, relationship difficulties, involvment with the juvenile system, and maybe even suicide.

    There doesn’t seem to be a quick or easy solution to curing depression. Making sure you have a good support system or someone to talk to outside of school is helpful. This reporter is not sure if there is any complete solution to depression but she’s looking to find one.

    Suicide Prevention #: 1-800-273-8255

    1. Good Job Asja! It is really good and really shows a point.

  6. It’s hard enough in classrooms to get homework done, learn the lessons, and study for the test on wednesday, but that could all be limited to less than five minutes minutes by kids who take pleasure in interrupting the class. As the reporter was writing this, there were kids misbehaving in Ms. DeVries’ s class 7th hour class.

    On average, about 2 kids disrespect the teacher on team 8 every class period. Sometimes some of the kids who are respectful most of the time could feed off of the others like wild hyenas eating off the corpse of a water buffalo and cause more problems for the teacher.

    The teachers had thought up some ways to help these children to help them to act better during class. One way was to have higher expectations and to have more consequences for the students. Another way is to let problems in the past stay in the past and be open for all the kids in the class. Some way we could all stop the interrupting is to stop listening to them, while it is hard to have a good laugh in class, work time could be drastically improved.

    1. I liked your metaphor. In my head it was really realistic and I can understand what you mean.


  7. The transition from 6th-8th grade has had a lot of friends having more and more problems in school. After interviewing teachers that have been at bartels for years has made the journatist think that more kids over the last three years at Bartels Middle School had an illness to make parents worry more and more about their children.

    Kids and parents worry about this illness. This is depression and everyone says there is no skill. The teachers at bartels say that the best way to help is to listen because most of the kids just need someone to listen to them. Middle school is the worse that go through more depression because they are going through change and the high school know what they are doing with their life.

    Kids that have depression they just need someone not to judge them for what they act like. And they need someone to be supported and help them through the things they need. The cause that is the biggest is things that are going on at home and with relationships and they always bring it to school but they dont hate school because of that reason it just is an anxiety thing. Depression is something everyone goes through.

  8. Every day, kids arrive late to class in Bartel’s Middle School. It looks like they ran the marathon when they arrive to class. In Portage Wisconsin, Bartels Middle, a reporter surveyed students on how to improvise. They all seem to vary on one thing, binders. Kids with only two or fewer binders arrive on time without going to their locker.

    One interview was named Ben. He stated that before he used to arrive late. He would usually go to his locker and be late to class. In the end, he improvised and only used two binders for the whole day. He suggests that maybe it's not the time but how you manage that time. “If your having trouble, consider having fewer binders so you don’t have to go to your locker as much.”

    Another Interview was with Julien. He had a little bit different story. Since he started school, he wanted to have few binders. He still uses this method to this day. His advice was that you should find any way not to be late.

    Both of them have things in common. They both use the same method. Next time you blame the time, think about what you did. And how you can improvise or fix it? Now you don’t always have to blame on the time now.
