
Monday, November 12, 2018

The War to End All Wars

We've been discussing the book with our table groups.  Now it's time to branch out and find out what others that are reading this book think.  Take some time to think about a part of the book that would make for a good discussion.  It can be any part from the beginning to the part you read for today.

Tell about the part you read, give your thoughts about it, and invite others to share their thoughts too.

Here are some discussion stems.  Choose one of the following or make a similar type of post.

I want to talk about the part where __________________.  I thought _____________________.  What did you think?

The part that I thought was most interesting so far was _____________________________.  I think _________________________________________.  What did you think?


  1. I want to talk about Christmas day 1914 because I think it was cool that solders stopped fighting to celabrate and sing together.

    1. matthew gibbons11/16/2018 09:14:00 AM

      yea I think that was cool of them to stop fighting and just celebrate on christmas

    2. I think it takes a strong person to put aside the differences and celebrate.

  2. I want to talk about the part where we figure out the foreigners don't care enough about their leader to retaliate. I thought that they should retaliate in killing Gavrilo. What did you think?

    The part that I thought was most interesting so far was that the foreigners were so chill about the fact that Gavrilo just killed their leader. I think that even though they want peace, they shouldn't have tolerated the murder of their own leader.

    1. I know right. I would have declared war imeditly

    2. matthew gibbons11/16/2018 09:21:00 AM

      I think that they should have taken revenge on gavrilo because its not right just to do nothing while gavrilo kill there leader- matthew gibbons

    3. I think that they made the right choice because then they would have to have a war, and in doing so the other alleys would probably join in and then it would cause a world wide caos, is that what you want wyatt.

  3. Matthew Gibbons11/12/2018 09:33:00 AM

    I want to talk about the part where Franz ferdinand was assassinated. Why was he assassinated, what did he do to make these people mad at him. Did they not like him.

    1. he was asassinated because he was a forin ruler of them

    2. matthew gibbons11/16/2018 09:25:00 AM

      oh thanks because i was really confused on why the y they would kill a innocent man but I still think that they shouldn't have assassinated him just for being a forin ruler. - matthew gibbons

  4. The people were not happy with him because he was a forin ruler of them

  5. I want to talk about how how many people died in the trenches. And how they died.
