
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The March Series

We've been discussing the book with our table groups.  Now it's time to branch out and find out what others that are reading this book think.  Take some time to think about a part of the book that would make for a good discussion.  It can be any part from the beginning to the part you read for today.

Tell about the part you read, give your thoughts about it, and invite others to share their thoughts too.

Here are some discussion stems.  Choose one of the following or make a similar type of post.

I want to talk about the part where __________________.  I thought _____________________.  What did you think?

The part that I thought was most interesting so far was _____________________________.  I think _________________________________________.  What did you think?


  1. What are your thoughts about what happened to the kids when they wanted to protest? I can not believe how the kids had the courage to protest against a issue much bigger than they are. Although they were just kids who wanted to have civil rights the governor ordered police forces to use fire hoses and bring dogs into harm these children. How could someone do something so cruel to these little kids? What did you think about while reading this section of the book?

    1. I agree. I also thought that the children could have strategized more to find a way around this violence. But it was not fair what-so-ever that these people got harmed while fighting for their rights as human beings.

    2. I agree. I also think that maybe the kids did the right thing, ultimately. For the people who found out what happened, it must have been horrifying to know that your own government loosed dogs and fire hoses on children, no matter your views on civil rights. I think that the government obviously did something disgusting in getting dogs to attack children like that, and the fire hose just makes it worse.

  2. I want to talk about the part in the second book when the freedom rides are going on. I thought that that all of the people who were involved in the rides were very brave. I also thought it was a cool that even when they were sent to jail the riders still would continue to ride on the buses. What do you think?

    1. I agree with you I think the freedom rider were very couragous and brave to keep riding the busses even after they goet put in jail.

    2. I thought the same thing entirely. It was amazing how much these people went through just to be equal.

    3. I agree with your thinking about how all of the freedom riders were very brave to step up and go against society itself just to get the freedom they so rightfully deserved, but never got. I think that it was a good thing as well that even though they were arrested numerous times, they still had enough courage to try again and fight for their rights, even if the consequences meant jail time.

    4. I think that the freedom riders had a right to ride in a bus around the country for freedom. But I don't think that it was fair that the white people burned and bombed their busses. And why would they beat people up for no reason? like really.

  3. I want to talk about the part where a lot of people got mad about John Lewis's original speech, and how he changed some of it. I thought that it wasn't that big of a deal adding masses, but I don't think revolution was a good word to use. John saying black masses, to me seems like he's saying there's a lot of us and we want to have more rights. But revolution not so much, revolutions are normally for ownership of land, and they just want civil rights not ownership over the US. I was also surprised that Dr.King said that the speech didn't sound like John. What do you think?

    1. I agree with you, he could have used a better wording than he did, for instance he could have said new era.

    2. I agree with you that it wasn't that big of a deal that he had to change his speech, but when you say that revolution in a way means ownership, maybe they are saying that they want the ownership of their civil rights that they were given, but never granted to use. I honestly don't know why Dr. King said that they speech didn't sound like John because to me it just seemed like a good speech that would inspire people. No matter choice that was used.

    3. I also agree. I think that by using that word it sounds more like he is trying to take over some of the United States. It's like John Lewis is angry with the whole entire country and he wants to change everything like he was a dictator.

    4. I disagree. I think that the original wording was bad when it could be offensive to certain religions, but I think the use of revolution was a good choice, a planned one, even. The definition of revolution, more or less, is a fundamental change in power or organization in a short period of time after the population rises up against the current leaders or authorities. Taking that definition, the use of revolution is a good one, and would be a good way to inspire people, especially with the world's history of revolutions. Using the word revolution doesn't seem like it could've been detrimental at all, in my opinion.

  4. I want to talk about the part where John Lewis gets punched and kicked multiple times because he wanted to use the restroom. I thought that it was wrong and they should have let him go into the restroom or he could have just went outside like other people.What did you think?
    (In the Second book)

    1. I think the men sould have tried talking to him or let him finish what he was doing then have him leave the bathroom, I mean what else would he have done besides going to the bathroom, instead of kicking him and punching him when he was clearly in the middle of stuff.

    2. I think they should've let him go to the bathroom, but he couldn't have went anywhere else.The bathroom he went in was a whites only bathroom, which he was using to show that segregated bathrooms shouldn't exist. But the people could have at least let him leave and talk to him, but I think him getting beat up did show that it's a bad idea to have segregated bathrooms.

    3. Yes i get that they don't want him in the bathroom but they should of let him finish then talk it out. Then maybe it wouldn't of been such a big confertation.

    4. I think that there wasn't anything that people would have tried to do to help him because in that time, segregation was the only thing people ever knew. So when a black man got beat up because some whites felt like it, that is what people just learned to live with. I also think that it is sad to have to learn to live with that like you said. It is just outrageous that people can come up with so many ways to hurt people, but they can't create a single reason why.

    5. I can not believe how someone can be punished for something as simple as wanting to use the restroom. I don't understand how the other people felt that they were entitled to control what someone else does.

  5. I want to talk about the part in the frist book where they talk about chickens for a solid 12 pages. I think there is a deeper meing behind the chicken than what the authore portrays, I believe that the chickens symbolize how it is easyier to hate someone you know rather than someone you don't, because he never ate the chicken that were on his farm but when he was with his aunt he easyly ate the chicken that his aunt bought from the market. What did you think?

    1. I agree with you. I think that that the chickens symbolize that it is hard to hate someone you know but it is easy to hate someone you don't know.Therefore I think that is the hidden meaning behind the chickens.

    2. I might think that they could also mean that even tho you know people you love them and people you don't know you can easily hate yes there will be a tad of guilt but not much.

    3. I never thought of the chickens meaning that. My group and I talked about how the chickens are people in the movement. He doesn't care about the chickens he doesn't know die and doesn't know there are people dieing in the movement. He preaches to them as he preaches to his followers in the movement later on. John also feels terrible when the ones he knows died, which we thought symbolized after he knew about the movement, he knows people are dieing and putting their lives on the line for future generations freedom.

  6. I want to talk about the part when the church gets bombed at the end of the second book. I thought it was very surprising, but I also noticed the the stain glassed window that is on the back of the book, is also the one that gets destroyed on the last page of the. It really shocked me, but I am still trying to figure out why they chose that window as the back cover and what it symbolizes. What do you think?

    1. I agree, I was really shocked when that happened and I could figure out why they would put that as the book cover. I could be because it has to do something with symbolizing what they are doing in their fight for freedom and how people are hurting them over it.

    2. I think that it might symbolize that even though there's steps forward there's still major steps back. But I also think it might show how dedicated everyone is to the civil rights movement, they will keep going forward even when it's dangerous and it effects and hurts people around them.

    3. I thought that it was surprising as well. I think that the picture symbolizes how people are not only wanting people not to vote but they want the people to feel as bad as possible. The angry people doing that can make them feel bad by doing that to the church.

    4. It surprised me and I think the picture simbolized the people being angry, people not voting, and the meaness in general to the black community.

  7. I want to talk about the part where Bull Conner order children participating in the march to be sprayed with a hose, he also sent the police dogs on them.I thought that it was absolutely terrible. I mean I understand that he was treating them the same as the adults but come on, he should have a little mercy. What did you think? I part that was most interesting to me was when John Lewis gave his speech. I though it was very meaningful and even though he had to change it the message remained the same. He was very passionate and really believed in what he was talking about. What did you think?

    1. I was thinking the same thing. It's almost lie he has no heart. I can't even imagine what it would be like to see that happening in real life.

    2. I to, do not understand what was going through there minds. Why would someone do something so harsh. Not only the physical trauma but the mental trauma those kids had to experience.

  8. I thought his parents were rude. They way they told him to stay out of the way, don't say that, they were pretty much telling him to be invisible at school.What do you think about his parents?

    1. I disagree, I think his parents were doing him to be cautious of what he was doing. I mean I would be a little worried if his parents were completely willing to have there son intervene with the rules that white people have set. His parents were trying to look out for him that's all. Maybe they were a little bit harsh but for the most part I think they were doing what any parent would have done in that scenario.

  9. I want to talk about the part where those four girls died in the church bombing. I thought that it was ridiculous that that church was even bombed, since churches are supposed to be a safe place for all people, it's an unspoken thing not to do something to anyone inside, or even just the church itself. Those girls really didn't deserve to die, they were only going to church. It also seems a bit counterintuitive to do something so ethically wrong, considering how that may help people to realize how messed up organizations like the KKK or people with similar values were. What do you think?

    1. I think that it's crazy they even bombed the church, the KKK believe in Christian faith which is what the church was teaching. So why did they bomb a church where people are learning the religion that the KKK believe? There was also 35 church burnings which is again crazy. I remember hearing from people that churches are safe spaces for everyone, but to have these crimes happen in a church is really messed up since, again most people in the south are Christian and go to church.And that was a Christian church.
