
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Gandhi: My Life is my Message

We've been discussing the book with our table groups.  Now it's time to branch out and find out what others that are reading this book think.  Take some time to think about a part of the book that would make for a good discussion.  It can be any part from the beginning to the part you read for today.

Tell about the part you read, give your thoughts about it, and invite others to share their thoughts too.

Here are some discussion stems.  Choose one of the following or make a similar type of post.

I want to talk about the part where __________________.  I thought _____________________.  What did you think?

The part that I thought was most interesting so far was _____________________________.  I think _________________________________________.  What did you think?


  1. I want to talk about how Gandhi punishes himself. He does this if it is big or small. It is like he is starving himself. I thought that it was a little extreme. I think that he could have punished himself in a different way. What do you think?

    1. I agree he could have punished himself a different way that he could not potentially kill him.

    2. I agree I think it is way too extreme.

    3. I agree he could have done it a different way instead of the way he did it.

    4. i dont think he shuld have punished himself because everyone makes a mistake somtime in there life where not born perfictly.

    5. I'm going to agree with you. I know that he's punishing himself for maybe a good reason but still he should probably find something else to punish himself with. Maybe not fasting but a lesser amount of food.

    6. I agree that Gandhi should have done an alternative punishment because fasting could be potentially dangerous. I think he does it even though it is dangerous because then the British government takes him seriously.

  2. I want to talk about the part where Mr. Coates thought that Gandhi's necklace was a sign of superstition and wanted to break it. I was wondering what kind of religion he was part of to make him believe that that necklace was part of a superstition. What did you think?

    1. I was thinking the samething.

    2. Same I was thinking the same.

    3. I was also think the same thing

    4. That was weird that he did want to break the necklace. I think it would be interesting to find out about that religion.

    5. I also agree that it was a little weird to ask someone to break their necklace. His religion might have had to do with a little bit of it, but I think that it was mostly because he was simply not educated on Gandhi's religion. I wonder why Mr. Croates wanted to break it.

    6. My question is why did he wanna break it yes he thought it was a sign of superstition but there wasn't really a big reason to break it?

  3. I want to talk about Gandhi's social/home life and how he treats Kasturba. I think Gandhi's home and work life is totally out of balance. He wasn't there for his children when they were young, he has left his family for a long time, and had Kasturba go through tons of grief. I think that it would be right for Kasturba to support Gandhi with his political activities, but she shouldn't have to sacrifice everything. Gandhi was asking a lot from her, from being asked to clean the chamber pots of the untouchables, to moving to another continent. Do you think Gandhi was taking it a little too far as well?

    1. I think he should treat her better.

    2. I have to agree with you. I know that he is doing all of this for a good purpose but I think that he should go back to India for a while. He is unfamiliar in his own land and he knows it. He also hasn't payed much attention to his children and wife. He shouldn't expect them to know right away that this new organization is part of their family now too.

    3. I agree that he was taking it too far, but I think if he had done it differently it would not have turned out as good for him in accomplishing his goal with peace.

  4. There is lots of deaths and people going threw hard times.There is lots of names and i dont know lots of names of people.The part where the 2000 people where walking threw the desert eas bad because there was lots of people with guns that found them and killed lots of them some got badly hurt.all the people wanted was equil wrights but they 88-89.

  5. I want to talk about how Gandhi says he teaches his wife. I thought women had some education but not every much.What do you think?The part I thought was most interesting was when Gandhi got in truble for wearing a hat in court. I thought that it could have been handdled better. What do you think?

    1. I think you shuld be able to where a hat in cort.

    2. I know that when Ghandi went to court he got yelled at for wearing a 'hat'. I also know that in Britain it is polite to take their hats off but what I don't understand is that the court wouldn't just leave him alone. Gandhi didn't know better and is part of a different religion.

    3. I know that when Gandhi went to court he got yelled at for his hat. Gandhi didnt know better because he came from a way different religion.

  6. I want to talk about how they are so racist. Like at the beginning when he was going to South Africa, they didn't even let him ride the train, even though he was first. class. The part I thought was the most interesting, is that how he changes everyone's mind about letting Indian's have equality. What do you think.

    1. i know they threw him of the train and he even had a first class ticket!

    2. They were very racist at the beginning. I think it was crazy and wrong that they did not let him do everything normal even though he had all of the paper permission anyone else needed.

    3. They were very racist they wouldn't cut there person's hair and they also wouldn't let him on they train

    4. I really don't think that that was fair. He had the first class ticket yet they still kicked him off. It's rude and skin color shouldn't matter because we all bleed close to the same blood.

    5. I agree that they were very racist. I think that they were this way because they didn't want another race overpowering them.

    6. I agree they are very racist and I think he is a very powerful man.

    7. I would have to agree they took racism to a whole new level in the book.

  7. I want to talk about when oj why they were hurting them when they didn't pay up. Why did the people need the money so bad. Why couldn't they ask nicely like most people. What do you think?
