
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Diary of Anne Frank and The Other Side of the Wall


We've been discussing the book with our table groups.  Now it's time to branch out and find out what others that are reading this book think.  Take some time to think about a part of the book that would make for a good discussion.  It can be any part from the beginning to the part you read for today.

Tell about the part you read, give your thoughts about it, and invite others to share their thoughts too.

Here are some discussion stems.  Choose one of the following or make a similar type of post.

I want to talk about the part where __________________.  I thought _____________________.  What did you think?

The part that I thought was most interesting so far was _____________________________.  I think _________________________________________.  What did you think?


  1. I want to talk about the part where Anne and Margot died. I thought it was super sad and they deserved better. What do you think?

    1. I agree with you , I think it is very sad that they died and it really put a twist to the book. I also feel that they did not deserve it because they didn't really do anything bad in life to deserve that.

    2. I thought it was also very sad when they died. They were both too young. I did not like the way the Jews were treated at the camp.

    3. I also think they deserved way better I mean they tried so hard to fight for there lives and to keep quite and to make sure no one knew where they were and for all of that to just go to waste is really sad but at least they got to spend the time they had together.

  2. I want to talk about the part when the Frank family moved into the annex. I thought it was a shame that they would have to be there in the first place but at least they were not at a concentration camp. The part I thought was the most interesting was how the Frank's lived with so many people and so little room. I think that they had a great system down to be quiet and still do the things they love without getting caught. What did you think?

    1. i agree with how they shouldn't have to lve in the annex because it is not good. And i think that they tried to make the best of it.

    2. I agree they shouldn't have to live like that.

    3. Yes I agree, you would think with all those people in that little place they would have been caught and sent to a camp sooner.

    4. Yea I agree with you Jack, I would rather have them live there for 5 years then have them suffer in a camp.

    5. I agree with you. I think they have a good system too. Although, they are did well with it. They made the best of it.

  3. I want to talk about the part where Anne and her family were caught in the room they were hiding in. I thought that it was quite sad because Anne and her family had done nothing wrong and they had to suffer from something that they didn't do , just because what they are . I feel that they shouldn't be so cruel to them just because they are jewish I feel if they haven't done anything wrong they should be able to stay and not be harmed. What do you think?

    1. I agree. I think it was a shame that the Franks got caught. They were very kind and hard workers, and they did not deserve to die.

    2. I agree. They shouldn't have had to suffer. I think they did all of the things right. Also, they did a good job of being smart and making the smart decisions.

    3. I agree it was sad and they didn't deserve it. They should have to suffer.

    4. I also really agree I always have wondered what if they have survived but I guess if they did survive we wouldn't know what they had to go through.

    5. I agree there was no reason for them to be sent away and treated the way they did. They were just living their life and not harming or doing anything wrong.

  4. I want to talk about the part where Anne frank and her family went into hiding. I thought that was a good idea that they went into hiding but i also think that they could of done something different then hide ,like why didn't they just leave and move

    1. I agree that it was a good idea to hide. They did a good job keeping quiet for 2 years. I think they had a hard time moving to other places because the Nazis were everywhere.

    2. I agree they did it for their safety but they could have pick a different place.

  5. I want to talk about the part where they got caught. I thought they hid very well for a long time and were smart about their choices. I think they did a good job because they hid for two years. I think they make the right choices. What did you think?

  6. I want to talk about the choices that they made when they were hiding. I think that they made smart choices by being quiet and doing what they had to do to make sure they would not get caught. Through out the book when they were in hiding i thought that they were trying to make the best of it and trying not to get caught.

    1. I agree, I also think they made right choices. I think it is smart what they did. Although, they did get caught.

    2. I agree , they did a good job hiding and not getting caught and made the best of their time alive. Even though times were rough they stayed strong and made the right choices when they needed to.

    3. I agree, they were trying really hard to stay quite and it was probably really hard because they had to stay almost in on place so they couldn't hear them walking around up there.

  7. I want to talk about the part where the the keep forbidding Jews to enter places. The Nazi's are getting bigger and bigger. I'm wondering how the Nazi party is growing so fast in a short amount of time. Even though that's how it was, I don't think they should have forbidden Jews to go anywhere? I think we all should go wherever we want whenever we want. What do you think?

  8. How did the security service know that there was hidden bookshelf?

    1. I feel that someone found out they were hiding there because someone probably saw them or herd them and didn't want to get in trouble for knowing and told a guard who got his others and then went up there to check it out for themselves.

  9. I wanted to talk about when they were in the camp. Reason because Anne was happy there, and I am not saying that it was bad for her to be happy especially what she had to go through, but she knew how bad it was going to be why did she get so excited to see people she might not ever see again.

    1. I agree I don't know why she would feel that way. Maybe she just wanted to meet more people and stay with them.

  10. I want to talk about the other side of the wall book, The part that was pretty sad was when the dads parents said that he couldn't see them anymore just because he and his family choose to move to the other side of the wall to have more freedom and to better his family. I also want to talk about the DDA and how it seems like they backstab all their workers at one point or another.

    1. i agree with you i think he should have another chance and a freedom of speech.
