
Thursday, April 9, 2015

OBC2 - Through My Eyes


  1. Reina - Well one thing i was thinking about the whole time i was reading was how sad and scary it would be to be in her shoes. And i think its crazy how well she took it being only 6 years old. And i was kind of wondering how being racist even started like what triggerd it. But when i did my confusion and curiosity i found out some things. I honestly wouldent have took it as good as she did if it was me.

    1. I think that she was strong about it because she wanted to change how black people were treated. She wanted to be equal to whites. I think racism must have happened when one of them became rich and famous and the reason that I feel like that is because none of it would have been started just by a black person being born something like a different color getting american money must have had something to do with it.

    2. Ruby also had a lot of people trying to protect her because even some white people wanted the way black people were treated to change it just proves that Racism is not a good thing.

  2. One subject that just really stuck with me was when one of the ladies in the crowd said that she was going to poison Ruby I thought just because she is black does not give you a right to say that even if you do not do it. I thought about how it made Ruby feel sad, and it made her not want to eat and I thought what kind of person is this lady...? Why does she have to be mean to little children and make them feel like they did something to her when they did absolutely nothing to the woman I think if anyone would have said anything like that to me I would cry and wonder what I did to the person to make them say those mean things like that. I would feel like not eating. I thought ruby is very strong.

    1. well back then barely anyone even cared about black people kids or adult. So they didnt really know better. Well they knew better but i guess people didnt care what was said because of their race.

  3. Well Reina the kids did know better and just because they were growing up in a racist time does not mean that the kids had to be racist they just saw their parents being racist and thought that if they were not racist then their parents would punish them and they did not want to not fit in with all of the other kids. They did not fully understand that being mean to black people was very wrong.
