
Thursday, April 9, 2015

OBC2 - Marching for Freedom


  1. I was surprised that the kids weren't afraid after they have seen everyone else get hit, hurt, and some even died. The kids weren't afraid after seeing all that happen. They weren't afraid it could happen to them at anytime.

    1. Well I think they were scared but didn't show it. Some of them really wanted to go do the marches but the parents wouldn't let them and that shocked me the most.

    2. I thought the kids were super brave because they knew they could end up being killed and never seeing their families again or being treated horrible in jail.

  2. The kid that got his jaw smashed by a night stick and kept fighting was pretty surprising just because he wouldn't stop fighting he kept going he could have been killed for doing what he did.

  3. I liked the book and what still surprised me through the entire book is how the African Americans still fought through all the violet fights. They were very strong and brave to talk back and keep fighting for there rights.

    1. That is kind of what I said and I completely agree!

  4. It was really surprising when the people marching didn't back down from the bridge they stayed and and waited to get beat half way to death that is what really surprised me.

    1. Yeah that surprised me to, but it shows you how much they wanted it because if any of us did that today we would back up right away and like pretty much give up

    2. It was surprising to me too because they didn't back down no matter what and they stayed strong.

    3. Yeah same. I Would be terrified and I honestly wouldn't be that brave.

  5. The biggest thing that surprised me throughout the whole book it how through every thing they went through, blood, sweat, tears, and pain but they still never gave up they never let go of what they wanted and kept fighting and eventually they got it, that just shows everyone that if you want something don't stop fighting for it just keep trying. Did this surprise anyone else? What are your thoughts on this?

    1. That surprised me too because I don't think if I tried I would be able to still push through and not give up.

    2. I totally agree! I thought they were super brave to have done that I would be scared.

    3. It did kind of surprise me but if you have your eyes on the prize you won't give up

  6. I found this book really interesting, but one thing that shocked me was that the Officers were treating them horrible in jail and they were cramming the blacks into a a small jail cell that had no windows, it was dark and the blacks explained how if you moved you'd bump into someone. Another thing is when they went on the March they walked through rain, and ate watered down oatmeal and still went on.

    1. Well back then they didn't think that African American's were actually people they pretty much through of them as like animals, so that didn't surprised me that they treated them that badly.

    2. Yeah but the thing is, is that they weren't looked upon as animals at that point, they had some rights but not all. And I thought it was interesting because they used to be slaves for the whites, but now they are trash because they were freed?

    3. Yeah they didn't treat the African Americans really nice. They treated them like they weren't human. They treated so badly and could care less what ever happen to them.

    4. That was what the black people wanted to fill up the jails that was what they wanted so they could get attention and you have to remember they bailed them out after a little bit.
