
Thursday, April 9, 2015

OBC2 - I am a Seal Team 6 Warrior


  1. how was he able to go 60 feet underwater for that long -conner

    1. he would of had to train a lot to go that far down because no ine can just do that right off the bst

  2. Desmond, why did this one guy pray to god to kill leon.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I know, I don't know how they did that and still be alive.

  3. I think that Hell week was unbelivable and shocking that they survied it without quiting

    1. I thought it was crazy that they only got 2 hours of sleep per day during Hell week.

    2. It surprised me that there were still people left toughing it out, because that sounds insanely difficult.

    3. Yeah I probably wouldn't have been able to do it because I wouldn't want to get sick and be in the cold water.

  4. I thought it was crazy when they tied up their hands and feet and made them swim.

    1. it is crazy to have that much breath to go underwater that long

  5. I thought hell week was pretty interesting and scary because what they went through was scary and hard and I am suprised that he went through that without stopping.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I thought that the intence traning was the hardest part of probably becoming a seal and that it was an intresting subject.

    1. If the SEALs are supposed to be the best, they would have to go through all of this so they're prepared for anything, because if they can't swim well and need to cross a river to get into/out of battle then they would be to worried about trying to swim rather than focusing on the real task ahead.

  8. Hell week sounds unbearable because if you have a wound it can't be treated and most of the guys had infections. Also some of the guys got sick because there immune systems weren't able to respond to sicknesses quick enough because their core temperatures were too low.

    1. I wonder if they had to sign papers saying that the Instructors weren't liable if anybody died, because you're right, they really needed medical attention

  9. Something that surprised me was he had the strength to deny the hot chocolate and warm blankets and everything else, when most people already had. He must have been pretty determined to not give up, because when everybody else gave up it must've been hard for him to not just give up.

  10. So is Hell Week basically a week of very hard and stressful training to get you ready for the Navy? Or that's basically what I thought of it.

  11. I didn't understand why he didn't ring the bell when he was offered hot chocolate and warm blankets. If that was me, I probably would have ring the bell.

  12. I am confused why they didn't capture adid when they had the chance it was genral garasons falt they would have had them

  13. I thought it was awesome when he made that 800 yard shot and killed the RPG person

  14. I thought it was weird that they kept delaying missions that they had planned out

  15. I was confused why they cept holding the seal team back from capturing otto. Did they think he couldn't do it or what?

  16. I thought it was cool when it shot the 800 yard shot and killed him and I also thought it was cool when they captured Atto.

    1. ya 800 yards is real far and i couldn't imagen having to be that steayd

  17. I thought that it was real sump that they din't let them go on a mission that they had planed like what was the reason.

  18. I can't believe that he survived and was still able to walk after being shot three times. And he was still wanting to fight when they picked him up, it should be a dead giveaway to stop when you've been shot three times. And I can't believe that he could bare the pain. Do you think that you would be able to bare the pain of being shot three times?

    1. It depends on if I was trained or not because if I was trained to deal with it I could do but if I wasn't I wouldn't be able to

    2. But if he had so much Adrenalin going and as tough as he was

  19. I dont understand why his mom stayed with his step dad because of what he did to her son.

    1. Especially with his drinking problem. If I were his mom then I would honestly leave instantly

    2. I can't believe that he has gone through all of this pain and gotten this far and hasn't even thought about quitting or going back home or anything like that. I mean he has been through. I mean he has been shot three times, he has been attacked with a fire extinguisher, and on top of that he went through Hell Week. I honestly would be surprised if I could even make it half way through Hell Week. I think that he will probably make it all of the way through this. He has worked so hard for it.

    3. It helped him in the long run because it prepared him for the traning the he had to do later in the book.

    4. And she knew it was going on too and if I was him i would of ran away as soon as i got my drivers licence or beat his step dad like he did to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Me too but I wonder if she knew that her son was being beaten. Or if she was intoxicated when it was happening. Or if she was scared he would leave her.

  20. I don't understand why someone in Seal Team Two would get C-4 that delays on an important mission like blowing up missiles

    1. so that they would have time to get out of the blast zone

    2. They did that because they lost track and could find the location so they didn't send the team.

    3. Well it happens like some times they are defaulte.

  21. I thought it was cool on how he didn't die and then wanted to become a chiropracor and then he did.

    1. He never died Landon his dad did.

    2. that would be a big change going from being a sniper to a chiropractor wow that just shows how well he can adjust to any thing

  22. I though that it was crazy that Howard threatend the delta guy by saying he was going to shoot him in the leg.

  23. little big man got lucky when his knife save him, I thought it was weird that it did not leave any blood

    1. Well see it kindove bloockt the bullet and saved his lif like that was a lucky shoot

    2. ya that is wired but if it didn't hit any Vidal or vains

  24. I think he was bias towards the commanders, because he often thought that they made horrible calls, like when they went in the circle from McKnight and almost died by going back into the place where they were trying to escape.

  25. It was so weird when he threatened to shoot someone in the leg???? I mean wow what the heck.

    1. Like that was very wierd like they were in a bad sisuation and he had get out of thier so I belive he snaped under pressuer.

    2. u got to do what u got to do even if it wired

    3. The guy would've been killed if he hadn't gotten in the Cutvee though, so he had to act fast, better to be legless then dead.

    4. Ya I guess you guys are right he had to do what he had to do

  26. I belive the ending of the book was good and that how he is still helping people today

    1. I think it is cool to.

    2. Yeah I thought that was a good ending as well

      Unlike The Giver -_-
