Our last project will allow you to work alone or in a group of 2 or 3 to research a topic that interests you. You will be splitting the topic up into 2-3 subtopics and researching it. Because our Chromebooks will be handed in on May 28th, the project will be a little scaled back. I've got a template made for both A Day and B Day kids. You will follow the directions on the template to complete your multimodal report. If you want to go over and above to make a different type of multimodal experience, you can do that. However, it will probably mean more time working outside of class on the project. The grading rubric is a part of the template.
There is a schedule for what needs to be done on each of your 3 work days included in the template as well.
When you have decided your topic, share it here in a comment so that we can see what everyone is researching!
I am researching Miley Cyrus. I am researching her because she is very interesting and fun to learn about,