
Monday, December 15, 2014

OBC - The Notorious Benedict Arnold


  1. I picked this book because the illustrations looked cool

  2. I choose this book because Benedict Arnold sounds interesting to learn about.

  3. I chose this book because it interests me how a person did us so many good things and then betrayed us and went to the other side. I would like to learn a bit more of the ways he helped us, more on why he switched, and some of the things he did to help Britian.

  4. I chose this book because i've read other books with Benedict in it and i just wanted to learn more about him.

  5. I chose this book because I wanted to know more about Benedict Arnold and want to know the history about him.

  6. I was confused on why Benedict had killed the man who had been seeing his sister. I don't understand why he would want to kill the guy that made her happy. Its not like he was gonna be around? Also did he get charged for this act? Like murder? Did they not care that he shot him? Or was "protecting his sister" a good enough reason.

    1. He was most likely jealous like every big brother is when his liitle sister gets a boyfriend

    2. Maybe nobody even knew, it never said anything about other people knowing. And he seems a little aggressive, perhaps he scared the people who did hear, and they didn't want to get hurt. Also, people dueled back then. Maybe this kind of thing wasn't thought of as badly.

  7. im not really confused but i was just wondering are all the first born sons be named Benedict Arnold

    1. Maybe because some of them died and he maybe wanted jr's.

  8. I think because its just like a tradition. I'm sure if they didn't have a son they would go to the extreme measures of name a girl Benedict. i bet they stopped doing it though since Benedict is a shameful name, now.

  9. I am just confused and am wondering why all of the sons are named Benedicg Arnold and still wondering if they are named after the ones that died or what???

  10. Week of January 5th - Each group member needs to comment with a discussion question or idea for the group. Then reply to each other's questions. You will need to reply to at least 3 group members, but feel free to reply to more.

  11. I think it's weird that Benedict Arnold gets upset at a local loyalist named Reverend Samuel Peters spoke out against the Boston Tea Party. Arnold deeply approved of this, and so he actually went to his house and threatened to break the door down. Since he is so honorable, it seems strange to me that he would later on in life go betray America, which is probably a lot less honorable than speaking out against the Tea Party. What do you think?

    1. I think you're right.

    2. They called him honorable before he betrayed America. Now I guess you could say his name is a desecrates to be said.

    3. He probably did some bad things but at the same time he was also known for as a hero some times as well so he is on the verge of a hero and a bad perosn.

  12. Was the route through the swamp the only way or were there more routes

    1. He wanted to take routes never traveled before, and a swamp doesn't seem like the most ideal place to go through, so it probably wouldn't be guarded as it wouldn't be expected.

    2. There may have been more routes maybe not by him but maybe by other soldiers.

    3. I'm pretty sure they were trying to be quick and discreet.

    4. I agree with Jacob A. there was probably more routes but they were jsut made by other soldiers.

  13. I think that Arnold should take anger class. He obviously has some kind of issues. Like when he killed that make for trying to date his sister. Did people just not care? Or where the afraid of him? It also states in the book that he was a very pushy leader. No one really elected him to be leader he just kind of too place. Do you think he is pushy and rude?

    1. That is a good question. I never thought of that because I thought that he was trying to protect his sister from getting into trouble.

    2. I also think he's pushy and rude, but he didn't just decide "Oh I'm a leader now, listen to what I say." He gave the idea to invade Quebec, and his ideas and good leading skills in the attack of Ticonderoga were probably what got him elected as leader. It also said after Washington had the meeting that Arnold was a newly elected colonel, saying it was very recent when he was promoted.

    3. I think that they were a little but of both I think that they were scared and at the same time they just didn't care like they were wondering about it but they didn't have the guts to ask them about it.

  14. I don't understand the part where he is done invading Fort Ti. but then says i'm gonna invade Canada now. Why is he invading Canada?

    1. He invaded Canada to take over the river, so they could eliminate a good spot for the British to attack the colonists.

  15. I think he is invading Canada so they would have more control of the world

    1. agree, I think he invading it just because. Maybe they were suspicious of what Canada was planning to do.

    2. He probably jsut wanted to be known for power and for people to be scared and to be this big person that thinks that he is all so mighty powerful.

  16. I think the power went to his head so he thought he could start doing anything

    1. I don't think that, if you read the book around page 50-60ish when it happened, it talked about eliminating a good route for attackers to come.

    2. But he did pretty much think that he found out that people started respecting him more then he started doing soo much more.

  17. I agree with Chandler but i think he shot the man to protect his sister dont get me wrong it doesn't make it right

  18. Round Two. Comment about something that shocked or surprised you in the second half of the book. Write it in a way that will allow others to discuss this idea/event with you. Reply to at least 3 other comments (if possible). All must be done by Jan 23rd. There will be no lates with this blog.

  19. It shocked me that when John Andre was getting hanged he wasn't bitter. You'd think he would be really upset or even crying that he was going to die. Instead he says their music is really good, and dies bravely. Am I the only one surprised by this, or is it to be expected?

    1. I inferred that he would be the type to never show weakness. I think he wanted to die brave as you said. I think his crying and begging would have just made him seem like a coward. He obviously deserved it.

    2. Me especially you usually hear about people saying oh please give me one more chance I will amke it right and all of that stuff but no he went down bravely and basically said that it is what it is and then he went down.

    3. I think it was a good thing that he didnt show weakness, because he was showing them that he was strong about it and understood that he did wrong.

  20. I didn't understand why he sold his men and his fort for 20 thousand pounds. He could have gotten way more for it. Also its so unloyal to SELL your men. There are people too. Its kinda like slavery.

    1. If this comment makes no sense, assume I'm thinking of the wrong time in the book. But if you're saying West Point, then this should make sense

      He was selling his men because he was siding with the British. He was doing the plan, which was to sabitage the Americans. Once sabitaged, they could send a British fleet in to wipe it out.

      If this wasn't the right circumstance please reply what you meant, so I can give the right response to the right thing.

    2. That is what I was practically thinking it is a pretty crapy deal.(Excuse my language)

    3. I think that since he was siding with the British it was a good idea to sell his men...but it is still an unloyal thing to do.

    4. But Summer he kind of lost everything besides getting the 20 thousand pounds.
