
Monday, December 15, 2014

OBC - Children of the Dust Bowl


  1. I picked this book because, I wanted to know what children our age used to go through when our parents were teenaggers.

  2. I picked this book because it looked interesting and I wanted to learn more about the dust bowl and how it affected kids that were our age.

  3. I picked this book because I want to learn a little bit more about what it was like back then for kids. Another reason is because it seems like a good book.

  4. I picked this book because I I thought it looked like a fun book to read.I wanted to learn more about what children went through when the dust bowl happened.

  5. I pick this book because I like framing and the outdoors and I wanted to read about that kind of stuff and this was the closest thing

  6. I picked this book because I wanted to learn more about children's point of view for the Dust Bowl and how they lived through it, and if they liked to lived through it.

  7. I chose this book because in 6th grade when we read, Out of the Dust I thought it was really interesting and the way people livid was also interesting, and I want to learn more about it. I picked this book also because it looked interesting as well.

  8. I am confused, Who or what is the GRAPE OF WRATH?

    1. Well its his Book title and authors have a wild imagination.

    2. It's a book that someone wrote that was against/making fun of the Okies. I guess it was a really good book but it was offensive to the Okies and their was a big deal if they should be able to sell the book or not.

    3. They book was not to make fun of the okies. It was to show people what troubles and difficulties that the okies went through for survival. The book is about a family called the Joads who were okies and how they lived in and the travel they took to California to find a job and work for them there. that is how they got the idea to go to California.

  9. I do not understand how the storm created electricity in the air.

    1. Yah I didn't really get that either.

    2. neither did i

    3. yeah I didn't get that either.

    4. It was wild maybe.

  10. what i don't understand is how they went 4 years with little food and why didn't any one help them and a nothing thing is is why did they make kids walk to school in the storm.

    1. They had to walk in the storm because all the parents were busy and they had no other way to get to school

  11. I'm confused about why the grapes of wrath was such a big deal.

    1. They were a big deal because they were food.

    2. Yah and I think that it was a famous book.

    3. The Grapes of Wrath was such a big deal because the book talked about how the Okies live in this time period. And what struggles they went through to achieve survival.

  12. Something I was confused about was why were the kids incharge of making sure that the ropes were tight when they packed up to go to California? I mean they aren't very strong yet.

    1. well most of them are really strong because some would work at there farms instead of going to school

  13. Something I was confused about was why were the kids incharge of making sure that the ropes were tight when they packed up to go to California? I mean they aren't very strong yet.

    1. Sorry, I don't know either!

  14. One thing I thought was confusing is why the people wanted to go to California. Are there any other places they wanted to go to instead? And how would they get there if they did not have much food,water,and money.

    1. i think they went to California because it was closer Oklahoma and they had good land there from them to grow there food.

    2. They wanted to go to California because it wasn't as harsh as Oklahoma. They probably had more food there too.

  15. The thing that confussed me was that once they moved to califoina that the people that lived there were afened by how the peple from the dust bolw dressed

    1. They were mean to the Oakies because they were dirty and starving and so they needed help. People in California didnt want to help the Oakies.

  16. Something that confused me was that I didn't know what "Fried Jack" was. Im guessing it is some sort of food but I don't know what kind of food.

    1. Fried Jack is a deep fried piece of dough, usually eaten in the morning.

  17. I think that it was really mean and I didn't understand that the Californians treating Okie's bad. I think that it was rude because they are just people too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I am confused about how the kids have to do most of the work and I just don't get it?

    1. Maybe the kids have to pitch in with all of the work to survive

  19. What is Mother Road. They talk about it a lot in the book.

    1. I think it means that they just carried everything they passably could somewhere, and that is why they called it a mother load.

  20. I choose this book because I want to know how hard ot would be living as a child during the dust bowl.

  21. I am confused how an elderly lady could hold onto a post while being blown 50 mph!

    1. She must have really strong arms. I don't even know if I could do that!

    2. I think that was just the wind speed, if she weighs enough to keep herself on the ground then I think she could do it.

    3. I agree with Lilee because if you weigh enough you could probably hold down your weight, but then again 50 mph is fast so maybe she is wonder woman and very strong?

  22. Why did they listen to California. Because who stays alive for their 200 year birthday?

    1. I don't get why they listened either, but i guess they were really wanting to get a job for their families. I guess it didn't turn out the way the Okies wanted it to go though.

  23. Week of January 5th - Each group member needs to comment with a discussion question or idea for the group. Then reply to each other's questions. You will need to reply to at least 3 group members, but feel free to reply to more.

  24. In chapter 3, it said that if the crops were producing lots of goods one year and that they all are not being sold. And that if the okies that picked the crops tryed to keep some of the food then they would light it on fire. Do you think the okies desure some of the food? Why?

    1. I think the okies deserve the food because they were the ones who helped pick the crops, and if they are working, they deserve some sort of reward.

    2. I think they deserve the food as well, because they worked hard for it and they probably have to feed their families and without the food they could starve. The farm owners are being very selfish.

    3. I agree with Lilee because people who do all the work or at least most of it should get some sort of award. Because they are not just trying to feed you and your family they are also trying to feed their family.

    4. Right! They came all this way and you won't even shared the food you aren't going to eat with the Okies.

  25. When people started donating things to Weedpatch school were they being kind and changing their opinions on the Oakies or were they just throwing away trash at the school to prove that the Oakies are trash?

    1. I was confused about that, too because before they were calling them names and not giving them what they came for. It just doesn't make sense because they were treating them so bad and now they are going to give them stuff. Like that doesn't make sense.

  26. In chapter 5, page 42, it said that the locals went to weedpatch camp and they were trying to drive the Okies out with guns, bricks, and clubs, but it also said that hundreds of Okies went to jail when they were trying to defend themselves. Why did they get in trouble when the locals did't?

    1. They probably did it because they they didn't like the Okies and the locals thought that the Okies were bad, even though the locals were the ones doing it.

    2. The locals brought the Okies to California by putting the sings up and advertising to live there, now the Okies are there and they want them out by using violence? The locals don't get in trouble I think because they live there. That doesn't make sense.

    3. Since everyone seemed to hate the Okies they would do everything to get the Okies to leave, even if it involved breaking the law.

  27. In Chapter 4, it said that the Okies were being called really bad names and weren't allowed to go in to any places because they were known as Okies. How can these people call the Okies bad names when they are to ones who lied and said that there was lots of work for them in California.

    1. Yes, I was thinking the same thing this is looking a lot like the segregation between blacks and whites but with Californians and the Okies!

    2. The Californians who said they needed more workers didn't lie they just assumed they needed more than what they actually needed

    3. I don't think that the people in California wanted that many people to come and to many people actually came so they were annoyed.

  28. Wow! I did not know that the name Okie ment such a bad name! The Californians are not letting Okies in stores, movie theaters and if they are let in the movie theater they have to sit in the balcony. I think this is is looking alot like the segregation between whites and blacks. Anyone else think that? What do you think about it?

    1. I think the same way they shouldn't treat them like an old book that nobody cares about, because it is old.

    2. It's like the whole thing in the southern staste too

    3. I think that they told the Okies that there was work there for them and pretty much turned them into slaves. They treat them poorly, and wont even let them have the surplus of crops. They are people just like the californians and they are citizens of California too, so they don't have the right to treat them that way.

    4. well that just playing mean they wont even let them in the stores?! the have to get food someone how to help their family

    5. Yeah i agree that it's turning out exactly like the segregation between Blacks and Whites, because the Okies are being called names and they aren't being allowed to do anything the the Californians get to do. It's just not fair because they came all this way.

  29. Even thought the citizens of California did not like the Okies, don't they still have to help and assist them at store/shops, doctors/hospitals, or businesses? They are still citizens of the state to. What do you think? Shouldn't they have to assist the Okies by law? Why?

    1. I think that they should have to assist them because they are just people just like us. It doesn't matter if they are poor they should be treated just like non-Okies. Just think if I were the Okie and you were the "normal" person, you would probably treat me like just a random person out there.

    2. I think they should let them because one reason is that they're human also and they need that job to help their family

  30. I cant belive that the got paid 25 cent an hour in todays world you can even get a candy bar for that. It was nice that they made them camps to stay at.why did;t they go north instead of going west

    1. Yeh. They've made so much money that everything is worth a lot more and cents aren't used like they used to.

    2. I think that even if they went North they would still have been treated the same because they are still Okies.

  31. Im not sure why they didnt go to the north maybe the person who told everybody in that were in south to go to california because its better there or something.

    1. That's what I thought wouldn't the word get out about how there is no more jobs so that people would go north instead of California. If someone would have told all of the other people then there wouldn't have been such a population change and people wouldn't have got mad.

    2. They went to California because California had a shortage of labor, and the okies figures that they could go there to work for the Californiana ans earn some money there and start a new life.

    3. I get what you saying Mollie but why would the Californians tell them that there are plenty of jobs here but then treat them like garbage and not give them what they came for?

  32. What ever happened to the okies? Did they finally get enough money to like like the Californians or did they see them as people not as animals?

    1. I think they moved somewhere. I think that they are know treating them as people.

  33. Did the people that moved from Oklahoma(Okies) get enough money for shelter and food?

    1. I think the okies only had enough money to stay at the Weedpatch camp.

    2. I am pretty shore they did, they had just enough to money to stay at the Weed Patch Camp.

    3. What I dont understand is why they didnt move north in stead of west. They could of moved to wisconsin and had lots of jobs

  34. My other thing is, Why would the Californians be nice now(if they are i'm confused about that a little too) and not before?

    1. The Californians are not being nice to the Okies they are just simply giving the Okies stuff that they don't need anymore like old book, cloths, etc. They also gave them a place to live and I think that they did that because they don't like having homeless people be living all around Los Angeles and other towns in California. But I am not sure. This is just what I think.

  35. OMG! I didn't know that the OKies were called something that bad. They could've kept it with the shortened version of Oklahoma!

    1. I know it was so rued of the people to call them such horable things.

    2. I know right why would they say that? They're normal people like others in California they're not any different

    3. Ya that was really mean just think of that they went throught

  36. what did you think about using some of there sheets and blankets as there houses so they wouldn't have to be rained on.

    1. I did'nt really get that ether.

  37. Round Two. Comment about something that shocked or surprised you in the second half of the book. Write it in a way that will allow others to discuss this idea/event with you. Reply to at least 3 other comments (if possible). All must be done by Jan 23rd. There will be no lates with this blog.

  38. One thing that surprised me was how the Okies were treated by the Californian's. Something that shocked me was that California had openings for jobs and then advertised to the Okies and didn't let the Okies work, but I guess to many people came because over 7000 people came a month.

  39. Something that surprised me was when the school for the Okies became the best school to go to and that even the people who weren't Okies wanted to go there, and eventually it was not a school just for the Okies anymore.

    1. That surprised me too, because the people that lived in California didn't even want to let them eat, and now they want to go to school with them.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That surprised me but it also made me mad because the Okies worked hard for that school and the Californians treated the like dirt until the Okies wanted something from them so they wanted their children to go there. It isn't right! They shouldn't have gotten their way because of how terribly they treated the Okies.

    4. I was mad to because they didn't do any of the work and like Sadie said they treated them like dirt.

    5. I think it was kind of bad that the Californians didn't build any of it, but wouldn't you be super happy with yourself that the people that made fun of you are now jealous.

    6. I also think that to and the Okies built the school by themselves with their bare hands! Really! And the Californians were such snobs. I dont like them

  40. Something that shocked me in a good way was how the Okie Children built the Weedpatch School by themselves, and that school is one of the best school it even has a swimming pool! They even grow their own veggies and fruits I am so proud of them. Anyone else feel the same way?

    1. Yes, I felt the same. They wanted an education and the got one. It said in the book that the Californian kids started to go to school at Weedpatch now as well. Alot of them transferred to the okie school. The school was very nice and successful. They even grew their own lunches!

    2. i was really happy for them. At first they hardly had food and they couldn't go to school because from they came from but now they have their own food, and school. They even have a swimming pool! How cool is that

    3. Yeah, I felt the same, I don't think that i could build a school when i was that young. They pursued their dreams and they biult what they wanted. I was happy for them, too.

    4. They should get a lot of credit because the children at the non-okie school did not build there own school, and their school was'nt as good as the okie school.

    5. Lilee, I think you right. The California students shouldn't be able to go to school because they don't deserve it. If they want a good education they should have to work for it, they should build their own school like the Okies.

    6. Yes I am really proud of them because they have become self-sufficient and don't need the terrible Californians.

    7. I felt really bad for what the Okies had to deal with before their education began and i still feel kinda bad for them because they were having to deal with California trying to destroy their stuff and being called names.

    8. I do! those so called "dumb okies" have the coolest school and get to do a bunch of cool things. The okies did earn that good of a school because of the way they were treated and all of the effort they put into it.

  41. One of the things that shocked me when they had one of the best teacher and school there. I wonder did the other kids that didn't like the okies were jealous that they had a better school and teachers than them? Cause if i was one of them i would be really jealous. What do you guys think?

    1. I would have been jealous, too, I would want a very good teacher and a good school. I was shocked that the Californians wanted to go to school with them.

    2. I think that they were jealous, and because of that, the californians realized that the okies are not so bad.

    3. Yeah, I think that they finally got used to them and noticed that they weren't going anywhere and thought we mine as well suck it up and deal with it and try and become friends.

    4. Yeah they Okies deserve the best education because even when things got rough they still pulled through and made themselves a life worth living.

    5. Is the Okies teacher a Californian or an Okie?

    6. I think the Okies deserve at least a good school and don't the Californians have good teachers too? Its not like they don't have a good home and barely enough food, the Californian kids are just being greedy and unthankful.

    7. ya they could be mad at them for that too

  42. What surprised me was that teenagers from California would throw bricks into the Okies new pool.

    1. I was but then again wasn't surprised by that, because they didn't want them to have an education so they would try and ruin their stuff.

    2. They probably threw the rocks because they didn't have a pool and they were probably mad, and jealous.

    3. That is what I was thinking, too. Like they were jealous because the Okies had better things than them now and not the other way around.

    4. they were trying to get back at the boy that punched the boy at the fair.

  43. Another thing that was shocking to me was, that the Californians try to destroy the Okies pool and other things. Do you think that they were mad that they had better things than them? I do.

    1. Yeah I agree as well, the school that the Okies built was very nice and I think the Californians were very jealous and didn't want the Okies to have such a nice place. They have no right to take it away from them.

    2. I think that they did that because they didn't want the Okies to have things that they didn't too.

    3. No they tryed to get back at the kid that hit the rich kid

    4. Yes, I think they were just Jealous that Weedpatch has a better school than them. And also have more outside things like, pool, animals, and a garden.

    5. maybe because they might just be jealous that they have better things then them.

  44. I was suprrised that they did'nt burie mr.Harte at the school I would of thought that they would burie him there.

    1. Yes and no because he could have but then who would want to be buried at a school.

  45. I was surprised that the Weedpatch kids could build and do all of these things. Most kids can't make a school, a pool, take care of animals, and garden all together. I can't believe that the Californians could call them "dumb Okies" when now some of them want to use there school.

    1. Yes, I don't understand that either. If they are so dumb than how come the Californian started to transfer to Weedpatch. And how they grow their own food and take care of animals. It could be a class or an outside school activity.

    2. I now they must have been raised just right in order for them to build a school, a pool, take care of animals, and garden.

  46. It surprised me that all of the kids were building a pool instead of being prepared for school like they should be doing.

  47. I was surprised that the okies kids and teachers let the Californian kids go to Weedpatch School. The okies built Weedpatch just for the okies because they were not allowed to go to school with the Californians. But then once the school was done, the other kids started to transfer to Weedpatch. Do you think it was right that the okies let them go to school with them even though the California kids didn't let them?
