
Monday, December 15, 2014

OBC - The Nazi Hunters


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  2. I wanted to read this book because I am interested in it. I want to learn about the Nazi Hunters.

  3. I picked out The Nazi Hunters because I wanted to learn more about what their tactics were to try and catch them, and I wanted to learn what they did when they caught them.

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  5. I picked this book becasue I like history, wars, and fights.

  6. I picked this book because I wanted to learn more about nazi hunters, and then in the book I want to learn what happened to the guy when they caught him

  7. I wanted to read this book because i want to learn more about how they were trying to catch them,and i want to learn more abourt what the did when they captured/caught them.

  8. I wanted to read this book because a lot of people have read it. And I think it should be a good book.

  9. I picked this book because it seemed interesting and I wanted to learn more about what they did and how they were caught and when they were caught.

  10. The reason I picked this book was because the topic interested me, and want to learn all of the details in between when he left and when he was captured.

  11. I picked this book because I wanted to know if the nazis got punished or not after the klan ended

  12. I picked this book because I want to know why they hate certain people. I also want to know what happend to them and why they followed hitlers instructions.

  13. I chose this book because it is a topic I have liked to learn about. Also because I want to learn how they caught them.

  14. I chose this book because I researched this topic and I wanted to learn more about it.

  15. I chose this book because I wanted to learn about people finding and capturing the remaining Nazis.

  16. I picked this book because I wanted to know if the nazis ot in trouble for what they did after the kkk ended

  17. I chose this book because I read a little about the Nazi Hunters and I wanted to learn more about it.

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  19. Why didn't the Nazis just kill the Jews instead of put them in the concentration camps?

    1. I think I have the answer to your question and that is that they want them to suffer and if they just kill them they won't feel the pain.

  20. I didn't understand the prolauge at all can some one help me? Also, why is it that every time they mass kill people they are striped down to nothing?

  21. I don't get why they would have a blind man that can't see be a spy?

  22. What would happen if the Jewish people refused to leave or do what the Nazis said??

    1. They would be shot to death.

    2. They would be killed

  23. I dont understand why the Nazis didnt kill the jews. I also dont get why the put them in the camps when they could of killed them.

  24. How many SS Officers were there? The list seems to keep going on.

    1. They kept gaining more but there were around 1,250,000 officers.

  25. To trick them into thinking they were going somewhere good but then kill them to show that the Nazi's were smart and not to mess with them.

  26. Yes I get that there were no trains but why did he make children and sick people walk 125b miles to their death?

  27. I don't get why they gave the jews to the S.S officers so they can put them in the concentration camps.

  28. I want to know why Zeeves entire family didnt get sick, did he join the nazis?
    Also why were there concentration camps?

    1. They had concentration camps because they wanted their work with the jews to be secret so they used the concentration camps to kill them so that they could not go and tell anyone what was happening to them

  29. I did not get how they know what eichmann looks like when they only have picture of when he was 30 wouldn't he look different ?

    1. He might look a little different, but his facial features should be the same.

    2. Yes, what Macy said example if you go home and look at your kindergarden photo, then look at your photo this year. You look a little different but mostly the same

    3. Yes, what Macy said example if you go home and look at your kindergarden photo, then look at your photo this year. You look a little different but mostly the same

  30. I don't get that Eichmann's parents would tell the OSS agents Adolf that he is apart of the SS.

    1. They may have been so disappointed in him that they didn't care anymore.

  31. How did they know what happened to them? If any of them tried to escape they would get caught.

    1. They probably found out by the survivors of the camps they were sent to and they told them what happened.

  32. Probably so they didn't just run away at first, or tell anyone else. They wanted them to feel comfortable, and in order to do that they had to do that.

  33. I can't believe that the gendarmes bullied and whipped the 103 citizens. That is hard to believe.

  34. So that all the jews feel better and then the Nazi kill them

  35. Why is Adolf still with his family and not hiding? Wouldn't that be easy for the hunters to track him down? Unless that was really his uncle.

    1. It is really his uncle they figure that out of page 45.

  36. To get them to trust them and then kill them so they won't run away or something.

  37. Why was Eichmann in his position if it unnerved him to see all of these jews being hurt? I mean I understand the part where he was still in his position because of the power it gave him, but still.

  38. They took them to the concentration camps because it was death by labor. They put them in the camps because they did work for the Nazis that the Nazis were basically to lazy to do. Plus, the Nazis were going to kill them anyway so they made sure they put the Jewish people to work first.

  39. Week of January 5th - Each group member needs to comment with a discussion question or idea for the group. Then reply to each other's questions. You will need to reply to at least 3 group members, but feel free to reply to more.

  40. Okay, so one of the things that I am really confused about in this book is the fact that none of the Nazis are even the slightest bit keeping their opinion about the Jews to themselves. Well I guess I understand the fact that they're these big bad scary people but even in the face of the Jewish leader they "dissed" the Jews. Why wouldn't hesitate and think it through before saying something about it? I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that the Nazis should have probably thought through what they were saying before they said anything at all. Just because you have all of the "authority" doesn't mean you get to be horrible to who ever and when ever you want.

    1. I completely agree, if the Nazis were really trying to kill all the Jews they should have had more structure instead of just saying and doing what they wanted.

    2. I agree. They should have not put it out there that they were against the Jews, but I think they said it out loud because they wanted to be known and worshipped.

  41. Does anyone think that is strange that no one notices that Eichmann has ALOT of aliases that all live in separate houses under one mans body?

    1. Yes, how can he know all of these different people in different places? He was obviously well known and going back to earlier in the book, "he was treated like royalty". He may have possibly planned ahead.

    2. I also noticed that but it is so he would not get caught and so he had a place to go if he was found.

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  44. Adolf Eichmann could be anywhere, but where do you believe he is? And why?

    1. I believe that he could be in a different country, because if you committed a crime; you wouldn't want to get caught.

    2. I don't know if your this far but he is in San Fernando which is in a spanish speaking country and to stay hidden and stay safe.

    3. I would think that he would do the crime and then he would run off as far as he could go so yes he would probably be in a different country where he thinks that no one would guess to look there. And if anyone did find him there he would do the same thing over and run away.

    4. If you did what Adolf did you would probably go to a different country, try to blend in with the crowed, and try to be "normal"

  45. Everyone is probably trying to protect him, because he probably tricked them (I mean he did trick a bunch of people that the Jews were really bad people. Some people might have also not known who he was, he could have changed his name.

  46. How do think that Harel got all those people to help go and catch Eichmann?

    1. Everyone was willing to find Adolf so he could be punished.

    2. Everyone knew that if someone was really close to Adolf they would have to tell people anything they knew about him.

    3. They wanted to get as many people as they needed because 1 it would help them find him faster and 2 because a lot of people wanted Eichmann found and killed for what he did.

    4. Everybody want to catch him so that he could be punished.

  47. I always thought that Adolf Hitler was the most horrible nazi there was, but in the book it says that Adolf Eichmann is. Why is that?

    1. He was probably the worst one because he was the one who had convinced the Jews that they were going to a safe place, but was actually sending them to their deaths.

    2. He was probably the worst one because he killed 11 million people.

    3. He was probably the worst one because of all the people he killed and made suffer.

    4. I think they are saying that he is the worst nazi that is still alive

  48. So this one has had me really confused way back in chapter 2 on page 26 Diamant wanted to hit Adolfs son with a paddle for revenge on Eichmann. I just don't get it first of all they were Eichmanns act and second for all they know their father is dead so it would be for no reason.

    1. They probably don't want to tell anyone that because they want people to think that he's alive.

    2. Exactly! Especially since it was Eichmann that made the acts doesn't have anything to do with his son. That would be like someone's big brother bullying my little sister and me seeking revenge by bullying his little brother or sister.

    3. Maybe he did something really bad to him that he doesn't know that they know

  49. Adolf could be anywhere, how will people know where he is? If they don't figure that out they are never going to be able to find him.

  50. Do you think that they took too long to find and capture Adolf Eichmann? Why or why not?

    1. Yes, because they didn't have any evidence of what he looked like or any other type of evidence to start off.

    2. Yes I think that they should capture him as fast as they can because then they would have him and would not have to be searching everywhere for him because he keeps
      moving and running. So yes I do think that they are taking to long to catch him.

    3. Yes I agree, they are taking to long to find him because they don't have a lot of people trying to find him.

    4. Yes, because they dont have any evidece or that many people looking for him.

  51. Why doesn't Adolf just turn himself in because he's going to die eventually. If he turned himself in he would die sooner and wouldn't have to worry about being hunted.

    1. Would you rather die in a jail, or in your house with your family.

    2. Its not like people wanna die and I am sure he is going to want to spend as much time with his familiy as possible

    3. Would you want to be caught after what he did? probably not, even if he did turn his self in his sentence wouldn't be reduced, he would have died either way.

  52. I think it was both. They must have enjoyed to do it so long.

  53. Do you think that Adolf Eichmann did all of that horrible stuff because he enjoys it or do you think Adolf Hitler was making him do it

    1. Adolf Eichmann I think was just following orders. I don't know if they were from Adolf Hitler, but i'm pretty sure Eichmann was just following orders.

    2. I think that he sort of enjoys what he does but he does it because that is what he has been told to do

    3. I think Adolf Eichmann did it for both reasons because he wanted to prove his loyalty to the Reich but he kind of enjoys it.

    4. I think that Hitler didnt want to do it so he order Eichmann to do it for him.

    5. because he enjoys it.

  54. I believe they should just assasinate Eichmann instead of putting him on trial. What do you believe they should do?

    1. I believe that he should be sent to jail for the rest of his life so then he would wish that he had never had done what he did to the jews

    2. I believe that he should be given a life in prison plus 40 years so he can think about what he had done.

  55. I think it was more just watching them in pain, but the Nazi's would feel powerful because the are making other people suffer.

  56. I think it was both because they wanted to know that they were scared of them and they must have enjoyed it because they did it for a long period of time.

  57. What did the Natzis have against the Jews in the first place??

    1. The germans believed that the only pure race had blue eyes blond hair and was 6ft tall or something like that ( i'm pretty sure that was most germans) and they wanted all of germany to be like that so they started killing any one not german.

  58. I think that Eichmann should be sufferd like the jews had to.
    What to you think?

    1. I think that he should too since he made the Jews suffer for absolutely nothing.

  59. One thing I question is how does Eichmann have so many allies in the book. Like are thy all from the war or are they all scared he will kill them since he I guess has the authority.

  60. Round Two. Comment about something that shocked or surprised you in the second half of the book. Write it in a way that will allow others to discuss this idea/event with you. Reply to at least 3 other comments (if possible). All must be done by Jan 23rd. There will be no lates with this blog.

  61. Aharoni got the truck stuck in the ditch, but was able to get help and get it out quickly without any suspicion. Do think anyone thought of it suspiciously when they came to check it out? If so, what do think they were thinking?

    1. I think they were proabaly thinking that its just a random neighbor.

    2. They were probably thinking that they were just checking if any damage was done or they were thinking that they were watching someone but don't know who.

    3. I was surprised that it didn't raise any suspicion whatsoever. If anybody did get suspicious they would probably think that somebody just lost control because, people get into accident all of the time.

  62. I was shocked when Adolf said that he loved the Jews in a way because he ordered people to torture them and then kill them. And it was not a few that he did that to and he says that he loves them in a way. What do you think ?

    1. He was just trying to bring down his punishment, and yes I agree that he is just wrong to even think or say that he loved them after what he did to them.

    2. I would say that he just did that to make him not get punished as bad as he knew he was going to get punished.

    3. I think he sayed he loved them to get out of some of the trouble he would of if he didn't.

  63. I was shocked when Eichmann said he loves jews. He said that the nazis were only tring to relocate them to a different location but no natioin was willing to accept them. That was still still no reason to kill them and he said he was just following orders but he had option to not do them so why did he, what was he thinking when they were killed?

  64. Just like Cora I was shocked when Adolf said he loved the Jews when he got them killed.

    1. Yes, he clearly didn't love them and if he did he wouldn't have done this to them.

    2. So was I you think he would protect them instead of murder the Jews.

    3. Wait if he was a Jew too wouldn't he have gotten murdered?

  65. I was surprised that it only took Malkin 25 seconds to take Eichmann down. How do you think he knew what to do even though he didn't prepare to attack Eichmann with a gun.

    1. As they said earlier they trained for 12 to 14 hours. That and Eichmann was pretty old.

    2. Even if they did train that much and he was old that is really surprising and impressive.

    3. Malkin is trained so he knows how to attack when he is chasing someone.

    4. True, but just because he didn't train for it doesn't mean he was unprepared for some sort of attack or self defense.

    5. he did train for like 12 to 14 hours so that might have helped

  66. The thing that shocked me was when Adolf Hitler said that he actually loved the jews when he got them killed.

    1. Yes, I was also shocked and it was clearly not true. If he really cared about the Jews, he wouldn't have even done the job in the first place.

    2. That shocked me too. You would think if he loved them he would keep them safe instead of killing them.

    3. That shocked me too because no one proabaly beileved him.

    4. It socked me just as much as anyone else. It's pretty clear that he incorrectly used love because no one that loves someone or something is just randomly going to decide they are going to mass murder and attempt to wipe out the whole of that something or in this case the whole of that race.

  67. The thing that shocked me and caught me off guard is that he said that he loved the Jews be if he truly loved them wouldn't he protect them instead of murder the Jews?!

    1. I really do agree with you that is another thing that really shocked me a lot. Because he killed them and did not care about them. And then he said that he loved them!!! What a lie.

    2. He said that he was "forced to", but I believed that be truly was against the Jews. I mean why would somebody kill someone they "loved", I mean it doesn't make any sense.

    3. I agree and it is soooo weird that he said it I don't think he meant it

  68. What shocked me is that the jews had to walk for two days straight no stop or bathroom breaks and if you stopped you would get shot. I probably would have got shot the first day we started walking. What do you think about this? How long do you think that you could have walked?

    1. I think its shocking too. I mean what if you mean you have a difficulty breathing and u can't help it and you have to stop. It really wouldn't be their fault they were born like that.

  69. I got really suprised and confused when Aldof Eichmann sayed that he loved the jews, even though he helped kill all the jews. Clearly that is not true

  70. Just like Cora and Rubal I was shocked that Adolf Eichmann said he loved the Jews when he killed them.

  71. I was REALLY shocked when Adolf Eichmann said that he loves jews when he had killed thousands. It makes no sense.

    1. He was probably lying so he would get a shorter trial put against him.

  72. That is soooo true it makes no sense to me at all I was so confused.

  73. At the end of the book when they said no Isreali court had ever given the death sentence and they were the first ones to give the death sentence, it shocked me. I think that they'll give another death sentence. What do you think?
