
Monday, February 29, 2016

Book Clubs - Steve Jobs

Now's your chance to communicate with other groups that are also reading your book.  What do you want to discuss?  What do you want to hear their thoughts about?

Begin by describing the part of the book that you want to discuss - 2-3 Sentences
Then tell your thoughts about that part - 2-3 Sentences
Finish by asking a question

Then Reply to others' questions about your book.


  1. Part of Book: When Steve Jobs' biological mother put him up for adoption.
    My Thoughts: Why would she do that? Did she not think that her and her husband could raise a child? And why was she so picky about where Steve goes, she's the one who didn't want him in the first place so who is she to pick where Steve goes?
    My Question: Why do you think that Steve's biological parents put him up for adoption?

    1. Because, A. His biological father hadn't married his mother and so, he was conceived from unmarried couple not a good thing in that time.

    2. Maybe they had they already had like thousands of kids.

    3. I think they maybe thought that they couldn't take care of him because they may not be ready to take care of a child.

  2. Part of Book: Steve's Birth and Adoption
    Now, you may have forgotten the first chapter, so I'll summarize it. A going to be single mother Joanne, her father disapproved of her relationship with a Sybrian man, and the society in the 1950's disapproved of an unwed mother. So, she gave birth and soon after put uo for adoption. A lawyer and his wife were originally going to adopt "the child", but they changed their mind. A couple asked Joanne to adopted the baby, but Joanne didn't like the fact they were not college graduate. Eventually, Joanne let the couple adopt who is now famously known as Steve Jobs.

    My Thoughts:
    I think that Joanne knowing that being unwed and bearing a child isn't "normal", would go have a child. Also, Joanne should not have been so stingy about who adopted him, who cares if they have a college degree or not.

    Question: If you knew that Jobs would be a billionaire, but you had to live with him wasting money, because he wants to go to college then drops out, would you adopt him? Why?

    1. I would definitely adopt with the exception of him sharing his profits with me. When you think of it, it would definitely be worth it.

    2. I would adopt Steve Because if you know that he makes a lot of money he would probably give some money to his parents who took care of him.

    3. Um... I guess I wouldn't adopt him. I would still send him to school anyway. And if he refused to, I would literally drag him out of bed, and drag him out to the car and then drag him into the school and leave him there.

  3. Part of Book: The part of the book that I want to do is when his 4th grade teacher makes him an offer that if he completes a big math packet and gets at least 80% right, then she would give him 5 dollars and a giant lollipop. He looked at her like are you crazy lady. But, he agreed and he got it all done and got at least 80% right.
    My Thoughts: I think that that would be really cool if that was our math teacher. I would definitely take it. And I would do my very best on it.
    My Question: What would happen to my teacher if my teacher did that to me? I wonder if she would give me 5 dollars and a giant lollipop.

    1. Um... I guess that would never happen to me.

    2. I highly doubt any teacher would do that now.

    3. I think that a teacher would do that because schools get more rules over time and other kids would get left out.

  4. Part of book: Chapter 4 College. In this chapter Steve jobs goes to college at reed college and drop out of his first semester. He did eventually go to the college for $3,950 (which is about 21,400 today). Not a lot of people got into that college because they didn't get accepted but Steve made it into the college.

    My thoughts: I thought that it was insane that he went to a very expensive college in Portland Oregon and only spent a semester in the college. If i wanted to go to a expensive college like that that I would probably stay longer than just a semester. And i thought it was good that he didn't do silly things to the college teacher.

    My Question: What if he went to a different college than the very expensive one because if you only stay a semester that is a lot of money you waste during the time at the college.

    1. I guess you could just ask them how much money it would cost for a quarter at a time. Or ask them for their money back for however much it costs for one whole semester.

    2. Well, he still learned a lot even in a semester, and he might not have known enough to make Apple, if he went to less expensive.

    3. If he went to a different college then that would screw everything up and apple may never have been made.
