
Monday, February 29, 2016

Book Clubs - Bomb

Now's your chance to communicate with other groups that are also reading your book.  What do you want to discuss?  What do you want to hear their thoughts about?

Begin by describing the part of the book that you want to discuss - 2-3 Sentences
Then tell your thoughts about that part - 2-3 Sentences
Finish by asking a question

Then Reply to others' questions about your book.


  1. I want to discuss about the meetings between Klaus Fuchs and Gold, they meet up around New York City and Fuchs passes information to gold and then proceeds to send it to Moscow, which in turn helps the soviet nuclear program. I am wondering why he got in on the project and is able to keep it so nobody knows, aren't these scientists supposed to have guards all of the time?

    1. I think he got in the project because he was smart and people thought they could trust him. People probably don't know that he is giving out information because he had a good reputation.

    2. I'm with Kelsey, they let him in because he is like a top scientist and they needed help.

  2. Part of book: The part of the book that I want to talk about is when Fuchs suddenly disappears. Fuchs is helping the Soviet Union and giving them information on the how the atomic bomb is going in the United States then he stops meeting with Gold. I wondered what had happened to him.

    My thoughts: I think that the United States found out he was giving information to the Soviet Union and they kicked him out of the project and maybe he was sent somewhere where he couldn't reach Gold to tell him information.

    Question for you: What do you think happened to Fuchs?

    1. I agree how your saying that they might have found out. Maybe he finally relized how bad it was for him to do that.

    2. I think they would have kept him in prison or killed him because they can't trust people with that information.

    3. I think that they would probably have killed him
      because who knows what he would've happened with all that information.

    4. I think that they caught him and kept him somewhere where he could not share information with anyone. I think that they should have talked more about that because they just left it and never came back to it.

    5. I think think they kept him in a prison so he would never be able to talk to gold.

  3. I think the scientists found out about it and told the guards and then they took him and locked him up somewhere

  4. The part of the book is Final Assembly.
    I would like to know on pg 151 Berg was sent to kill Heisenburg if the germans where close to making a atomic bomb if you killed one of there heads there would be more people who know about the atomic bomb even if you did kill him the germans would then keep the people who know alot of the atomic bomb hidden in a highly protected area.

    Now if you where Berg what would you do kill Heisen berg or keep him alive?

    1. I think that I would have kept him alive because like you said, there are still other people who know about it. Plus if you didn't kill him, then what did you hurt or lose.

  5. In the part finding Einstein it talks about 2 jewish physicists are running away from germany. They were wondering who told hitler about fission. I think they will try and contact the president of the U.S. and tell him. If that does not work i think they will try and get einstein to do it. I was wondering if hitler forced the person that told him about it to do it.

    1. Well knowing Hitler he probably told them to tell him what that person knows or they would do something really bad to them

    2. hunter b.
      i think that he was tortured to tell hitler about fission because they knew that he knew somethings about fission

    3. Hitler probably threatened him so he got scared and told him all about fission.

  6. I would like to talk about how Oppenheimer is recruiting people and some of the people are communist. Those people are getting information and going to other people and other plants that are competing against the US to build the atomic bomb and sharing information. I am wondering if Oppenheimer knows that this is going on or no?

    1. I don't think he knows because wouldn't he have stopped this?

  7. Part of book: When they are destroying the vemork plant.
    My thoughts: I don't really get what the heavy water is doing to help. Plus when they destroyed this plant, they didn't even really do anything because the Germans will probably find another way to make the bomb.
    Question: Do you think that the Germans will find another way to build the bomb?

    1. No, I think they were depending on the heavy water method, and I think the war will be over before they design a new way

    2. hunter b.
      i think they will but it will delay them and i think that is why they did that

    3. No I think that they only had one way and that was the heavy water.

    4. No, I don't think that they will find a new way because they were traveling all over the place to protect the heavy water like they didn't have any other method.

  8. Part of Book. The part of the book that I want to talk about is the heavy water raid/bombing. I thought it was cool because they had to go in super sneak style and when they got caught the security guard was on there side and thought that they were just trying to hide weapons and stuff then kaboom the bomb went off end of story.

    1. I can agree with you on most thing but i was wondering what would have happened if the guard were to attack them.

    2. I think it should have been more guarded because Hitler really needed it.

    3. It was probably better for him to be on their side because they might have killed him.

  9. Part of the book: Heidelberg was saying how they lost the war.
    My thoughts: If Heidelberg is saying they lost the war then that must mean the germans have not found another way to build the bomb.
    My Question: Do you think he is just saying that or that he actully thinks that.

    1. Well he could be saying that because he said that he did not support Hitler.

    2. He could be saying that because he still has faith.

  10. Hunter B.
    Part of book:when they miss landed and landed 65 miles away from the target.
    My thoughts: i think it happened because of the wind and having the wrong jump time
    Question: What do you think happened to the people to make them miss 65 miles

    1. I thought the book said they missed the landing spot because they did not see the lighting clearly.

  11. Part of Book: When FDR and Winston Churchill where driving around.
    My Thoughts: Why would two of the biggest leaders fighting against hitler and the nazies. Anyone against them could take them out. I find this strain.
    My Question: Did FDR have any protect when he was getting Winston Churchill from the airport.

    1. hunter b.
      probably not because he didn't want to make a scene

    2. I think that he probably did but that wasn't very important because back then it was way different then it is like like today.

  12. hunter b.
    I think they were already soldiers and scientists when they came over here and that they just wanted to leave germany

  13. Part of Book: When the scientists were discussing how to build the atomic bomb, using a center of uranium and tamper.
    My Thoughts: When building the bomb, there should be a tamper (50 cm lead) that should be able to resist radiation so the uranium atoms can split, then the atoms would need much more space, causing a massive chain reaction explosion with violent speed, and all of the process happening in a split second, so the Japanese wouldn't be able to defend themselves.
    Question: How do you think that the atomic bomb would be built?

    1. I think that they have to use a very strong explosive like anfo or something. Then they have to put this by a piece of uranium. The Uranium would be fired into a piece of Plutonium causing a critical mass and of course a massive chain reaction. They could put this in a bomb with a ignition device which would be set of by an impact like into the ground.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The Jews probably became soldiers and scientists because they wanted to get away from Hitler's command economy because he would of made them help him make the atomic bomb, and it would be very hard to get out of.
