
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wonder - Auggie - Precepts

May 28-30

Pages 275-288.  At the end of this section, Mr. Browne gives his precept assignment.  You are going to have one too.  Look at the list of all of the precepts from the year.  That list is on pages 311-312.    Chose the precept that means the most to you and write a summary of what the precept means.

Auggie's sample is on page 65.  Your summary should look something like that.  Don't copy his words though.  In fact, Your Deeds are Your Monuments is not one that you can write about.

In your comment, copy the precept, and then write your summary.  When you're done, reply to others' precepts.

Your initial post is due at the beginning of the hour on Friday, May 30th.


  1. May's Precept
    “Do all the good you can,
    By all the means you can,
    In all the ways you can,
    At all the times you can,
    To all the people you can,
    As long as you ever can.”
    -John Wesley’s rule

    I think this precept is trying to say that no matter what happens just be a good person! Do what you can to be a good person. Someone may not be nice to you but, be nice to them. Just do good things! Someone may not be watching what you did but you can do something nice! Even doing something little, like holding a door for someone can do good! Helping someone pick something up in the hallway if they drop it! Things like that can do A LOT!

    1. yeah i agree that you should always be a nice & good person.

    2. I do like very like much, good job.

    3. Yah i agree people may not like you for but then that's their loss.

    4. I agree I really like this precept It means a lot to me. It gives me the message to just be nice!

  2. April- “What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful.”

    I think this means that if you say nice kind things maybe people will like you even better if you say nicer things. Also maybe you might have more friends if you become nicer. It’s not about becoming beautiful, it’s all inside.

    1. I agree that you will have more friends when your nicer

    2. No wonder i look this way.

    3. I think that it means the more pretty you are the more nicer things you do just to look pretty.

    4. Why would you try to look pretty if you are naturally???

    5. idk in case i'm ugly?

  3. March -Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
    -Blaise Pascal

    What I think this means is that if you say nice things to people it doesn't take much, you can compliment them on something or maybe just say something nice thats really easy to do but at the same when you say something like that those people feel good and thats what it means by, Yet they accomplish much because those words make a person feel good and thats an accomplishment!

    1. Very good point!! Whenever I say something nice to someone it always makes me feel good about myself!!

    2. Yeah i also think that saying nice things doesn't take much & can make people feel good.

    3. You can even open a door for someone and it can help so much. You can even help when another has been knocked down. Giive them some kind words, don't laugh at them laugh with them.

    4. Yeah your right, It feels really good to do something nice for someone, like an accomplishment.

  4. March- Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
    -Blaise Pascal

    I think this precept means always say kind things & it is not something you need experience for. It is also talking about that just saying one nice word can go a long way and accomplish more than mean words & can make make other people feel good.

    1. if you're nice to people they should be nice to you.

  5. I chose the March precept “ Kind words don’t cost much. Yet they accomplish much.”
    - Blaise Paskal
    What this precept means to me is that You can you kind words all you want and it doesn't really do anything except accomplish or get a ton of stuff done with nothing but being nice. But if you use bad words and stuff like bad attitudes you can get in a whole lot of trouble. So basically what I am saying is that nice and kind words can show you how the world pays you back for being nice people can pay you back by returning the nice and kind acts or vise versa.

  6. The precept I chose was: It is better to know the questions than know all the answers.

    The precept i chose was It is better to know all the questions than all the answers. I had picked this poem because this poem kinda really relates to me in a big way because sometimes my two brothers will be doing stupid stuff but sometimes i have wanted to ask questions but instead of knowing the answers i just say “no ,Pause, Just, Pause, no.” Because my brothers are pretty disturbing. Actually not even pretty disturbing, They are way beyond that They are EXTREMELY disturbing. But it means so much to me because without knowing the answers I could not at all make it with my brothers. So that is why i have chosen this precept.

    ~Anonymous C

    1. Nice paragraph it is funny when u talk about your brothers nice still Anonymous C(Lacey)

    2. That's a good reason :)

    3. Yes very funny because have brothers too and yes they can be Awesome but Grayson. does anybody want to trade?

  7. MAY
    Do all the good you can,
    By all the means you can,
    In all the ways you can,
    In all the places you can,
    At all the times you can,
    To all the people you can,
    As long as you ever can
    -John Wesley’s Rule

    Pretty much this poem is saying do good things 24/7. Like whenever, wherever, however, just always, always be good to people. Not everyone is going to like you, and they might be mean to you, but that doesn’t mean you have to be mean to them back. Doing good makes you feel good too. Like if you open the door for someone and they don’t say thank you, you still did something good which is GOOD!

    1. That's what I thought!! We had like the same ideas!! Smart minds think alike!!

    2. Thats the same topic as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It is prety much saying to do good things 24/7/365

    3. Wowow yay. I read yours and it's so alike wowow

    4. I thought it was great minds think alike?

    5. Eve same thing!

  8. SEPTEMBER: When given the choice between being right and being right and being kind, choose kind. ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    I think this means that you should be kind because then being right is a little rude and selfish. You want to be kind because the way you show yourself should be kind and not always right. Being right is rude because then you will be a teachers pet and a students pest. You want to show people your inner self and not your outer self.

    1. yes i agree i mean it's just not nice to think of YOURSELF THAN OTHER PEOPLE!!!!

  9. Precept:I'm choosing may.
    Do all the good you can,
    By all the means you can,
    In all the ways you can,
    In all the places you can,
    At all the times you can,
    To all the people you can,
    As long as you ever can.
    -John Wesley’s Rule

    I think this precept is trying to say that you can do anything you want to if you just put your mind to it.Even if it may be a challenge do as much as you can by just trying.In all the places if you need to do something for you or some one else you can do it!!!!!!It doesn't matter the ways you do it just do it in your own special way.It also doesn’t matter what time if it isnt at the right time just still do it.For as long as you can even if you think its the end just do it.

  10. I think that the precept no man is an island, entire of itself. I think this means them most to me because its like saying there is an I in team. But it means that you go out and be a big shot of your self.If you want to be a big shot you need friends that are there to beat them then you can be good and a big shot.

    1. if there was an i in team it would be teiam

  11. Charlotte's precept-"it's not enough tobe friendly. You have to be a friend."
    I think this precept means you have to put more effort into being a friend. Being a friend and being friendly are two different things. To be friendly, you say hi sometimes and smile. You should be friendly to everyone, but being a friend is to actually hang out with and talk to a lot.You can’t just be friendly and say hi and then expect that person to be your bestie. You have to be a friend to them and actually do things with them.That’s what I think this precept means.

  12. Do all the good you can
    By all the means you can
    In all the ways you can
    In all the places you can
    At all the times you can
    To all the people you can
    As long as you ever can

    what i think it means is to do the things you can do
    no matter what. Like just because you're afraid does not
    mean you can't do it . You can… you can do anything
    if you just try! For example of afraid of roller coasters
    and SOMEDAY i will ride one… maybe not… but i still
    need to try...

  13. MARCH- I think that march is a good one because it says kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much. It means that if someone is sad and you said something nice i would cheer them up and it only takes words and words are easy to say. But if you say something mean it can put someone in a bad mood and then they could put someone in a bad mood and it could go on.

  14. March- "Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much." - Blaise Pascal

    I think this means that you should always use kind words. Even if you don't like the person. You should do this because kind words do not cost money or much effort but, they can mean a lot to a person. They may not mean a lot to you but, to them they could lift there whole day.

  15. March: kind words do not cost much.

    I think that it means that if you say kind words to people it is a good thing to do and I think that if you say bad words that it means that it is a bad thing. Also i think it means is that if you say a good word it does not cost money and if you do say bad words it does cost money. Like if you say to someone that they are stupid like that word that should cost money and if you say to someone that they are nice and they help you that is a some words that should not cost money because you are saying something nice to another person.This is what i think Kind words do not cost much.

  16. June: Just follow the day and reach for the sun!- The Polyphonic Spree, “Light and
    Day” This predep means that when you follow the what you want to do during the day you will get a lot farther in the future.
