
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Genetic Abnormalities - When there is a problem with genes

May 6, 2014

Why do some people get a genetic disease and others don't?  Today we're going to research this.  You're going to use all of those good reading techniques we practiced with the human genome project. You're going to start by reading some general information about genetic abnormalities to get a feel for how they happen in general.  It's under the link called General Info.   Then you are going to pick a specific abnormality and do more research.  The articles for those are linked separately.

When you are done reading, you need to share what you've learned.  For the abnormality you read,  make a comment on this post that tells us:
1.  What is it?
2.  What are the symptoms?
3.  How does a person get it?
4.  How is it treated?
5.  Can it be cured?

Read this first:
General Info
3 Possible topics - choose one:
Cystic Fibrosis
Sickle Cell Anemia


  1. Sickle cell anemia
    1. What is it?
    A blood disease
    2. What are the symptoms?
    Chest pain, Stomach pain, or Bone pain when blood vessels get clogged with the sickels.
    3. How does a person get it?
    It’s an inherited disease people are born with it when the gene is passed down from parents to child.
    4. How is it treated?
    Doctors can prescribe penicillin and/or folic acid
    5. Can it be cured?
    Sometimes by getting a bone marrow transplant but it has to be a close enough match.

  2. That researchers are trying to find a cure for cystic fibrosis so the kids kids don't have to deal with it anymore and do what other kids do like go to school and play and hang out with their friends.

  3. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that makes the mucus thick and sticky. Two Problems are the lungs and the digestive system.
    Some symptoms are that your lungs can get clogged up.
    People get it when it is passed down from parent to child.
    It is treated by keeping the lungs clear of mucus.
    I don't think it can be cured

  4. cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes the body to make thick, sticky mucus This causes problems in two major areas the lungs and the digestive system
    the symptoms are the air hole is clogged up and it hard to breath and its hard for them to gain weight you get cystic fibrosis from your parent's genes its treated by keeping the lungs clear of mucus and free of infection no it can't be cured yet they are hoping there is a cure

  5. I researched Cystic Fibrosis.It is a disease that causes your body to produce thick mucus which messes with the digestive system and lungs.It is hard to breath sometimes.You can inherit it from your parent{s}.If you have C.F. then you were born with it.Dr.'s treat it by keeping the lungs clear of mucus.The person with this disease should eat well.Cystic Fibrosis does not have a cure yet but, Dr.'s are hoping to find a cure someday soon!

  6. Sickle Cell Anemia is a disease in which some of your blood cells are shaped like crescent moons, or sickles. Some symptoms include being 2 or younger and your hands and feet may swell, and become painful. When being older, infections occur sometimes. Also pain in the chest or stomach may occur. The disease is an inherited trait, or passed on from birth. The infections can be treated with penicillin(from certain molds, kinda disturbing thought). The pain can be treated with pain medicine. Sickle cell anemia can’t be cured, but can be helped with different things.

  7. Sickle cell anemia
    1. What is it?
    A bad blood disease
    2. What are the symptoms?
    Stomach pain,Bone pain when blood vessels get clogged with the sickels or Chest pain
    3. How does a person get it?
    It’s an inherited disease people are born with it when the gene is passed down from parents to child.
    4. How is it treated?
    Doctors can prescribe penicillin and folic acid
    5. Can it be cured?
    Sometimes by getting a bone marrow transplant but it has to be a close enough to match.

  8. The article I am reading is Do You Know About Sickle Cell Anemia? They will feel pain in their chest, stomach, or bones when blood vessels get clogged with sickle cells. It is inherited from other family members. Younger kids with sickle cell anemia take penicillin. Some can be cured and others can not.

  9. 1 What is it: Hemophilia
    2 What are the symptoms: swelling and pain full joints.
    3 How does a person get it: By being cut or hurt and bleeding.
    4 How is it treated: By getting clogged.
    5 Can it be cured: Yes

  10. I researched Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis is when your body produces sticky mucus that blocks the lungs and makes it hard to breath. The symptoms of CF are trouble breathing, trouble digesting food, lung infections and loss of energy quicker. I both of their parents carry at least one gene for it and the kid gets 2 CF genes, then the child will get CF. Their parents don't have to have CF for them to get it, but if the kid's parents each carry a gene for it, then they have a chance of getting it. To try and break up the mucus in their lungs, people learn breathing exercises. Kids with CF often take anti-biotics to kill off any bacteria in their lungs. Kids sometimes take medicine that helps them digest their food, too. There isn't a cure for CF yet, but scientists are working on it.

  11. I chose the topic cystic fibrosis. The symptoms are coughing a lot, getting lots of lung infections, and not gaining weight as expected. A person gets cystic fibrosis from both parents genes. Because you need two CF genes one from mom and one from dad. What you try to do is clear the lungs of thick mucus, wich would free it from infection. Anyone with cystic fibrosis will see doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and such. But a respritory theropist will help someone with CF. By doing special breathing excersises with them. But most of the time someone with CF will have do things on thier own such as eating right and doing special breathing excersises daily. And there is no cure yet but reseachers hope to find a cure one day

  12. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that causes the body to make sticky, thick, gross mucus, and it makes it really hard to breathe. It can clog up the lungs, and grow bacteria which causes infections.
    When you have CF, it is really hard to breathe, you cough a lot, and it can cause infections.
    To get CF, you have to be born with it. It's passed down from a parent to a child, and it's in your genes.
    To treat it, you just have to keep your lungs clean and mucus free. You have to clap your chest and back when you wake up, which breaks up all the mucus that got in your lungs overnight. You have to eat well, and take a lot of medicine.
    There isn't a cure yet, but doctors are trying to find one. Hopefully, there will someday be a cure.

  13. It is a disease that causes the body to make thick, stinky mucus.Your lungs get thick and sticky and can clog up the lungs. CF is an inherited disease its passed down from your parent. Someone who has CF was born with it. You have to make sure that your lungs are clear.You will cough a lot to get the mucus out. You will get lung infections if you don't clear out your lungs. No there isn't a cure for CF but they still can be like other kids playing on the playground. But researchers are looking for a way to cure this.

  14. 1. What is it? Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that makes your body make thick and sticky mucus which makes problems for the digestive system and your lungs.
    2. What are the symptoms? Symptoms are being hard to breathe, can’t digest food right, getting tired in sports easily, and lots of coughing.
    3. How does a person get it? You can’t catch it like a cold. It has to be passed down from a parent or be in your genes.
    4. How is it treated? You have to clap your back to break up the mucus and then cough it out. You also have to and take pills for your digestive system.
    5. Can it be cured? Yes it can be cured, but it may take a while to cure.

  15. Cystic Fibrosis
    What is CF?
    Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that causes the body to make, think sticky mucus
    What causes CF?
    CF is an inherited disease which means it is passed down parent to child.

    How is CF diagnosed? To make sure you have it, they do a test that involves just using your sweat.

    How is CF treated? The aim of CF treatment is to keep the lungs clear of mucus and free of infection. It's also important for someone with CF to eat well.

    Living with CF- Kids who have CF have to take care of themselves, but thanks to a better understanding of what causes CF and improved treatment, they can go to school and do regular stuff, just like other kids.

  16. It is a disease that causes the body to make thick, stinky mucus.Your lungs get thick and sticky and can clog up the lungs. CF is an inherited disease its passed down from your parent. Someone who has CF was born with it. You have to make sure that your lungs are clear.You will cough a lot to get the mucus out. You will get lung infections if you don't clear out your lungs. No there isn't a cure for CF but they still can be like other kids playing on the playground. But researchers are looking for a way to cure this.

  17. I researched Do You Know About Sickle cells.

  18. Hemophilia

    1. What is it?
    It is a genetic disorder that happens when a person's blood does not clot properly.
    2. What are the symptoms?
    Swelling, A lot of bruising and a lot of bleeding after a cut.

    3. How does a person get it?
    They are born with it. Like if their mom has it it's called a carrier but then she can carry it to one of her children and then one of them can get and then they have Hemophilia.

    4. How is it treated?

    5. Can it be cured?
    Yes it can be cured with Gene Therapy.

  19. What is it?
    It is a disease that mostly affects boys.
    It is a genetic disorder that happens when the blood in your body does not clot the right way.
    A person who has Hemophilia has a likelihood of bleeding excessively
    What are its symptoms?
    Doctors can tell if a kid has this symptom by seeing if they bruise easily or if they can bleed really easily when they had gotten cut.
    Another is swelling in a babies joints
    They can also ask the parents questions and take blood tests on the babies too
    There is also a test for the mother to see if she is a carrier.
    How does a person get it?
    It mostly affects boys.
    Boys get An X chromosome and a Y chromosome from the dad
    If the mother carries the gene for Hemophilia it will get passed along to her song also.

    How is it treated?
    When you have internal bleeding, like joints muscles and organs, you have to get treatment.
    They can also get regular shots.
    Sometimes kids don’t need these shots but if it gets too serious they have to get surgery

    Can it be cured?
    I don’t think it can be cured but you can take regular shots to help with the bleeding, or if the bleeding get’s to bad the you have to get surgery.

  20. cells are the small units that make up all living things. diseases that causes the body to make thick sticky mucus.

  21. Cystic Fibrosis
    1.) what is it?
    is a daises that causes the body to make thick mucus.
    2.) what are the symptoms
    digests problems, intestines problems, liver problems, having trouble breathing and bad coughing problems.
    3.) how does the person get it?
    its passes down from each parent when born.
    4.) how is it treated?
    the aim of cystic fibrosis (CF) is to clear the lungs from mucus and free off infection.
    5.) can it cured?
    many scientist are still working on the cure but someday they will find a cure as soon as possible

    1. I did the same thing. Cystic Fibrosis must be a harsh thing to deal with. Like every morning having to do 20 minute exercises just to get rid of it (not completly of course). It sounds ruff.

  22. I am researching Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis(also known as CF) is a disease that causes the body to make thick, sticky mucus. This causes coughing, wheezing, & people with Cystic Fibrosis have more salt in their sweat than someone that doesn't have CF. You are born with Cystic Fibrosis even though it might not be obvious right away because it may take a while for the symptoms to develop. Cystic Fibrosis can be treated by the child working with a medical team to help them eat well & get all the nutrients they need. A child with Cystic Fibrosis need to work harder to breath and that burns more calories so they need to eat healthier, though even if they eat more a kid with Cystic Fibrosis can have trouble gaining weight or growing. Cystic Fibrosis can not be cured right at the moment with current technology. With all hopes technology will get better and someday it can & will be cured.

  23. Cytistic Fybrsis
    1.) It is a desies that makes your mucas sticky and thick.
    2.) It can clog up your lungs.
    3.) Non-healthy lungs.
    4.) By taking a pill and getting protien in your body
    5.) Yes.

  24. 1. What is it? Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in which a person's blood does not clot properly.

    2. What are the symptoms? When the bleeding stops on its own, you're seeing clotting in action.

    3. How does a person get it? Hemophilia almost always affects boys. Why? Because the disease is an X-linked genetic disorder, passed from mother to son.

    4. How is it treated? It is treated with shots.

    5. Can it be cured? No but scientists are working on it

  25. Hemophilia

    What is it? Hemophilia is when a person's blood does not clot wright.

    What are the symptoms? a baby can bruise really fast and if a joint is swelling from a bruise.

    How does a person get it? it is a disease that passes from mother to boy and is genetic disorder

    How is it treated? you can have surgery and shots

    Can it be cured? yes

  26. What is it? it is a disease in are blood.

    What are the symptoms? bruises easily or bleeds a lot.

    How does a person get it? because it is x linked.

    How is it treated? they get shots.

    How is it treated? yes.

  27. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that causes the body to make thick,sticky,mucus. It is causes two major areas the lungs and the digestive system. CF is an inherited disease which is passed down from the mom and dad (you need it from both parents). It causes
    -coughing a lot
    -lung infections
    -large bulky bowel movements
    -not gaining weight
    How it is treated, people that have it have to eat good food, when you wake up have someone pat your back in the morning,to make it easier to breath and to break some of it up, and to get some of it out.

  28. I'm doing Cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a illness that kids can inherit. People that have it have trouble breathing because their bodies make too much mucus and it gets stuck in their lungs. If you have it it can cause you to wheeze and cough a lot more than usual. when they treat you for Cystic fibrosis you will be on a medical team, and those people on their will help you eat better and get the proteins you need to stay healthy. Even thpo you won't be cured right away its good to know that in the future there's going to be a cure!

  29. Cystic Fibrosis
    What is it? A disease that causes the body to make sticky mucus. It causes problems in 2 places in the lungs and the digestive system.

    What are the symptoms? If he or she coughs a lot, gets a lot of lung infections, the baby may also not gain much weight as expected. Then to find out for sure if they have it they do some tests.

    How does a person get it? It is a inherited gene.

    How is it treated? To keep the lungs clear of mucus, also people with CF eating well is a good thing. They also have special doctors come in and work with them. On different exercises for it.

    Can it be cured? No. Not yet! Researchers are working on better treatments. Hoping that one day there will be a cure!!

  30. Hemopholia
    1 it is a thing when you fall and you get hert your blood does not clot propley.

    2 a lot of bleeding or brusuing.

    3 when you get a bad cut or a big bump.

    4 they will haft to give you treatment when you start to bleed in the joints,mucles,or in the internal body organs.

    5 once the docters treat it with treatment it should not come back

  31. Cystic Fibrosis
    What is it?
    - Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that cause the body to make thick sticky mucus. This causes problems in two major areas: the lungs and the digestive system.
    What are the symptoms?
    - A baby that is born with it may cough a lot, or might not gain as much weight as they were expected to.
    How does a person get it?
    - You are born with it. It is in your own blueprint for your body and it makes up your own individual self.
    How is it treated?
    - Try to keep the lungs as clear as possible and try to eat well.
    Can it be cured?
    - They are trying to make a newer medicine to be more effective for the disease. Otherwise there are breathing exercises.


  32. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease where thick mucus builds up in your lungs. This disease is also known as CF. The symptoms of this disease are, coughing a lot, troubles gain weight, Continuous lung infections and having to use the restroom a lot. Cystic Fibrosis is passed down the mother or father. It Is hard to tell if your child has this disease at birth. But, if the doctor expects him/her to have Cystic Fibrosis then it is easy to see. People with Cystic Fibrosis have more salt in there sweat, therefore they just take a sample of sweat and bingo. Treatments for this is to pat the back it helps loosen the mucus built up in the lungs. There is no permanent treatment for this only temporary ones. Which includes, patting the back and coughing.

  33. what is it cf is a disease the body makes thick mucus
    what are the syptoms lots of coughing
    how does a person get it is an inherited disease that was passed down from parents
    how is it treated to treat cf is to keep the lungs clear of mucus
    can it be cured they are trying to find a better treatment for it

  34. Reacherching; Cystic Fibrosis
    1. What is it?
    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a disease that causes the body to make thick sticky mucus ,that make it hard to breath.
    2. Symptoms?
    Some symptoms are coughing a lot, you can get lung infections, and babies might also have unusual large bowl movements or might not gain weight.
    3. How do you get it?
    It is passed down from parent to child. If you have CF you are born with it.
    4. How do you treat it?
    To treat it you can do special breathing exercises that help get rid of mucus, Breathing treatments also help by adding moisture and delivering medicine to the lungs.
    5.Can it be cured?
    There is not a cure for it yet, but doctors are trying to find cures and treatments for CF.

  35. I did Cystic Fibrosis, also called CF. Cystic Fibrosis, is a disease that
    makes sticky mucus, it causes problems in your lungs and digestive
    system. Symptoms are, when a baby coughs a lot, and gets a lot of lung
    infections.Its is inherited from parents, or you are born with it. It is treated
    by keeping the lungs clean and free of infections, and eat well. Not yet
    scientists are researching to find a cure.

  36. Im researching about Cystic Fibrosis.CF(also known as Cystic Fibrosis) Is a disease that causes the body to make thick, and sticky muscles.The symptoms of this are not easy to see when your born.The doctors will know if you have it if 1 you cough alot more than ordanary babies.2 you dont gain as much weight as a ordinary baby.How can you get it?When you are in your mom and dad have you you have to have 2 CF genes not one.How is it treated?It is treated to or by keeping clear of mucus and free of infection also claping on your back can help keep clear of the mucus.Finally is how it can be cured.It cannot be cured right now.But some treatment can help like what I said eariler is that you can pat on his of her back to keep away from mucus.But they still can go to school and do regular kid stuff.But you have to have the miterails to help at school.You need a clenex box or packet by you to cough or spit your mucus out.@ lunch you can take medicine.And in gym you can take a pill or ask your teacher to pat your back to clear the mucus.

  37. Sickle cell anemia.
    What is it? Disease of the blood.
    What are the symptoms? Chest pain, stomach pain, bone pain, when blood vessels get clogged.
    How does a person get it? Both their parents pass it to the child.
    How is it treated? Taking penicillin or folic acid.
    Can it be cured? Bone Marrow transplants from a donor. Bone Marrow must be a complete match

  38. Cystic Fibrosis
    What is it?
    - Its a disease that causes the body to make thick, Sticky mucus. That causes problems in two major areas: the lungs and the digestive system.
    What are the Symptoms?
    CF is an inherited disease, what means that its passed down from parent to child. Someone who has CF was born with it. Maybe you have heard someone say, its in your jeans, not in your blue jeans. Genes make up the blueprint each of your cells follows to make you a unique individual.
    How does a person get it?
    You are born with it. It is in your own blueprint for your body and it makes up your own individual person.
    How is it treated?
    Well you can try to keep your lungs clear as possible and eat well.
    Can it be cured?
    They are trying to make a new medication to cure it better. Otherwise there are breathing machines.

  39. Sickle cell anemia
    What is it? Disease of the blood
    What are the symptoms? Chest pain, bone pain, stomach pain,when blood vessels get clogged.
    How does a person get it? Both of the parents pass it to their child.
    How is it treated? Taking things like penicillin or folic acid.
    Can it be cured? Sometimes a bone marrow transplant but it has to be a close match.

  40. Sickle cell anemia. What is it, it is a blood disease. What are the symptoms? feel pain in their chest, stomach, or bones when blood vessels get clogged with sickle cells. How does a person get it? means you can't catch it from other people like you can catch a cold or the flu. How is it treated? Young kids take penicillin to prevent infection. Some people might also take a vitamin to help their body produce red blood cells. The person who is being treated might be needing blood transfusions. There is no cure for this disease.

  41. i am researching about Cystic Fibrosis it is also called CF it is cause when the body make thick sticky mucus it causes problems in the lungs the symptoms are when you get a lot of lung infections and coughs a lots how a person gets it is pasted down from parent to child how do you treated it you have to keep your lungs clear of mucus and free of's also impotant for someone with CF to eat well. researchers are working on even better treatments and hoping that one day their will be cure

  42. Hemophilia is when your blood does not work properly. It can cause babies joints to swell up really bad and can make you bleed for long periods of time.
    Even though boys can get sick from the Genotype, girls get an extra genotype. If you are bleeding really bad you would need surgery. Scientists have not completely found a cure yet, but are trying to do things to help make their life better.

  43. 1) what is it
    Is a disease that causes the body to make thick, sticky mucus.
    2) what are the symptoms
    Doctors may suoect that a boby has CF if he or she caughs a lot and gets a lung inftection.
    3) how does a person get it
    It's aninnerited disease people are born with it when the gene is passed down from perents to child.
    4) how is it treated
    Doctors can prescribe penicillin and or foie acid
    5) can it be cured
    sometimes by getting a bode marron transplant but it has to be close enough match.

  44. What Is It?
    It's a disease that makes the body produce mucus.
    What's the symptoms?
    Mucus gets clogged in lungs and could cause lung infections.
    How does A Person get it?
    From an inherited gene passed down from parent to child
    How is it treated? .
    Can it be cured?
    Take antibiotics, and breathing exercises to clear out bacteria.
    Pat back every morning, do breathing exercises, antibiotics

  45. Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes someones body to produce a thick sticky mucas. This makes it hard to breathe. Some of the symptoms are coughing a lot, not gaining weight as expected, and lung infections. There is a special way it can be treated though. Other people can clap on your back to unclog your lungs. Some people can also do breathing exercises and they must eat right. Although there is no cure hopefully there will be one someday.

  46. Cystic Fibrosis is a very bad disease that you can die from. It affects more than 30,000 people in the US and there is no cure for it. It affects your lungs and is passed by a parent. People who have this disease have difficulty breathing and getting rid of mucous.

  47. The gene from this disease is passed from a parent. When kids get CF, it is hard for them to breath and they cough a lot. That's because their lungs fill with mucous and it is hard to cough it up. You can die from it. So far, there is no cure.
