
Friday, May 13, 2016

May Book Clubs - Unbroken

Now's your chance to communicate with other groups that are also reading your book.  What do you want to discuss?  What do you want to hear their thoughts about?

Begin by describing the part of the book that you want to discuss - 2-3 Sentences
Then tell your thoughts about that part - 2-3 Sentences
Finish by asking a question

Then Reply to others' questions about your book.
Blogs will be corrected May 20th.  Remember - No late work on Blog Entries


  1. Part of Book: When the Japenize saved them from their boat. Louis,Phil where in their boat and they got caught then they treated them really nicely and they got food and water. Then they got treated really bad when they got onto the island.
    My thoughts: I thought that this was really crazy because you do not go and rescue them and give them food and treat them all nice then treat then like dogs.
    Question: What do you guys think about this topic? Do you think they did right?

    1. No. They should treat these people a little better than they did.

    2. The Japanese totally played them! They were all nice until they got all of the information out of them. Then they were gonna kill them.

    3. Well, in a War situation, I think they played it right. It was a good tactic of the Japanese to use during that time, so they went with it.


    4. Well, they were almost trying to play them to make them believe that they weren't really bad but then they prove they they are more then people think they are.

  2. Part of Book: Louis, Phil, and Mac are stranded and a shark was jumping over the raft and trying to attack them. Mac unfortunately died in that experience.
    My Thoughts: I think it's really cool that Phil and Louis fought off the sharks and stayed alive for a while. But, I also think that it's sad that Mac died because Mac was a really important character in the book.
    Question: What would you do if you were stranded in the raft and were attacked by sharks?

    1. I don't think I could even make it 47 days. I'd be done after about a week probably.

    2. I would probably try to fight them off with what I had with me but I don't think I would make it

    3. I think that I would just try to fight them off with oars or paddles or I would just try to stay low in the raft.

    4. I would try to fight them, but mostly panic and in the end, probably die. I would not do well in life or death situation.

    5. I would let the raft drift and try to stay low.I would only attack a shark If it was about to eat me.

    6. In the case of a life, or death situation like fighting off sharks then I probably wouldn't make it. I would try to fight back, but only out of adrenaline. Ultimately I would die. At least Louie survived!

  3. Part of Book: When they try to flag down the planes but it turns out to be a Japanese plane.
    My thoughts: I think it's crazy how Louie has enough strength to jump out of the raft, fight off sharks, and then get back in like six times. The first time he pulled Mac and Phil back in!
    Question: How were none of them hit by a bullet? It's impossible!

    1. Well considering that they were trained professionals in this field I'm not very surprised that none of them were struck by a bullet. In the adult version of Unbroken it is mentioned that Louie and his companions were taught how to fend off sharks. Louie is also proven to be very strong and agile throughout the book. He did run several races after all! He was mostly likely filled with adrenaline to survive, so that would give him that extra boost. With all of this is mind, I think it is possible (and very fortunate) that none of them were shot.

    2. I think that they didn't get hit because WWII weaponry was not as precise as the weapons of today and the raft was a pretty small target.

    3. I agree with Levi that the guns would've had extra recoil and the raft would've been pretty small if you were looking down at it from an airplane. And Louie probably didn't get hit because he was in the water and they could basically only hit his head.

    4. I think that they didn't get hit because they were in the air and the aim could have been bad and they could have just been trying to get them to drown or something like that.

    5. I believe they did not hit them because the plane itself couldn't get close to the water, or they would suffer a malfunction of some sort. Therefore, being further away, they would have a hard time seeing the target.

    6. I agree with Coy. You would think that the Japanese would hit them at some point, especially because the Japanese fighters tried to shoot them multiple times.

  4. Part of the book:When the louis touched the sharks fin.The sharks that were follwing them when they were stuck on the raft.
    My Thoughts:why would he touch a shark curiosity killed the cat.It could have bit his hand.
    Question:Who would touch a sharks fin?

    1. I would definitely not touch a sharks fin. That's crazy. And, it's a really bad idea too.

    2. The sharks were not be vissious and the knew that they could but they dicided not to. I would want to touch a shark fin/ Back

  5. Part of Book: When the new engineer was in charge of feathering an engine, he messes up the process, and pressed the wrong button, and caused both left engines to fail.
    My Thoughts: This kind of makes me mad. I understand that he would have been a very serious situation, but he even made it worse. If he were an engineer, wouldn't he know what to do in these situations? He trained for that spot!
    Question: How would you have handled the situation? Would you have asked someone else to do it? Or would you just do it?

    1. It's his fault that they crashed. He was doing something he shouldn't have. It's just dumb. I would have had someone else do it.

    2. If I didn't know what I was doing I would have said something and see if anyone else knew what to do. I think that the engineer should not have tried to do something about it.

    3. I would ask for help. That's just stupid that their lives are at danger just for pressing the wrong button. It would've made me so mad if that happened.

  6. Part of Book: When Mack ate all of the chocolate bars.
    My Thought: I thought that wasn't a very smart idea on his part but I'm guessing he was in shock from the crash and just went crazy on food.
    Question: What do you think about this.

    1. I think it was a bad idea also, they should have concentrated on rationing the food because they had no idea of how long they would be out there.

    2. I think that this was a bad idea but also that he was just panicking and freaking out so his calming thing to do was to eat.

    3. Terrible idea. If he wants to survive then why would he eat all of the chocolate right away.

    4. I think that it wasn't a good idea either. If he was thinking he wouldn't have done it.

    5. I think it was a bad idea. He was probably really, really, hungry. But, still. Restrain yourself man! There's other people.

    6. I think he was just nervous and acted quickly thinking it would save him from the trouble he was in.

  7. Part of book:Louie shaves off a ton of time off of his race.
    My thought:I think that it is astonishing that he was able to remove time the way he did and I wonder how he got the motivation to drive so hard at his goal
    Question: Where do you think he got his motivation

    1. I think he got his motivation from his brother, also because he was the fastest youngest guy out there so I think that helped him keep going.

    2. I also think that he got his motivation from his brother because of all the things he said to him.

  8. why hello strangers i would like to thank levie for makeing sidewalks to keep me off the streets and i would like to talk about when they are in the raft with the sharks and i kind of think that it could be fake what do you think

  9. Part Of Book: When the Japanese were shooting at them and then saved them.
    My Thoughts: Why would they just start shooting at them and then all of the sudden they just take them and save them.
    Question: Why would they do this to them?

    1. I think they would do that to them to confuse them. I also think they did that because the Japanese wanted prisoners to put in their camps.

  10. Part of Book:When the the Japanese caught them when they were at sea and they treated them very well.
    My Thoughts:It was weird how they just treated them very well and gave them food and stuff but later they treated them very poorly.
    My Question:I was wondering why they were paying all good guys and then went straight to playing bad guys.

    1. I think they were doing this to scare them. If they did what they were supposed to, they would be treated "nicely", but if they didn't do what was asked of them, they would be treated so bad that eventually they would break.

  11. Part of Book: Louie Catches Fish
    Louie was sleeping with a hat on his head and a bird landed on his head. He grabbed it quickly and snapped its neck and killed it. He tried to eat it but then gagged and used it as bait. He caught a fish and they all ate it raw. Do you think you could've caught a fish if you were Louie?

    1. No I could not catch a fish if I was louie.

  12. Part of Book : Louie, Mac, and Phil are on a raft at sea. They are struggling to stay alive and Mac already lost that fight. Louie and Mac fought off sharks and had a hard time finding food or water.
    My thoughts : Oh my goodness. I would not be able to do this! I would probably die right away and not be able to avoid being shot by that plane and definitely not be able to defend off sharks.
    Question : Would you be able to fight off sharks for 34 days?

    1. No I could not fight them off for 34 day I would be too tired.

    2. I probably wouldn't be able to fight off the sharks for that long. I would probably die from a panic attack.

  13. Part of Book: When they were waiting in the cell and the lice and everything was crawling on them.
    My Thoughts: Well, it is really disgusting that they won't clean everything but they do want them to suffer and at least they gave them some food but it still is not enough.
    Question: What do you think about this?

  14. Part of the Book: When the raft was attacked and Louie punched a shark in the nose/jaw.
    My thoughts: I was curious to what a shark's weak spot actually is, so I did more research. Instead of punching a shark's nose it is more affective to go for the gills/eyes. They're more sensitive here, so it does more damage and allows you to escape for a short time period.
    Question: Knowing this what would you do if you had to fend off a shark? Would you punch them in the gills, eyes, nose, or do something different?
