
Friday, May 13, 2016

May Book Clubs - Steve Jobs

Now's your chance to communicate with other groups that are also reading your book.  What do you want to discuss?  What do you want to hear their thoughts about?

Begin by describing the part of the book that you want to discuss - 2-3 Sentences
Then tell your thoughts about that part - 2-3 Sentences
Finish by asking a question

Then Reply to others' questions about your book.
Blogs will be corrected May 20th.  Remember - No late work on Blog Entries


  1. Part of Book:The part of the book is when Steve Jobs get fired from Scott and start next.
    My thoughts: I think that it was a good thing that Steve Jobs was fired. I think this because he needed to cool down and take start something new. If he didn't get fired he wouldn't have started Pixar.
    Question: I wonder where Apple would be if he stayed with them and he kept working on the Mac?

  2. Part of the Book- When Steve Jobs starts NeXT and Pixar.
    My Thoughts- I think it is crazy that he then decided to start two new businesses and after a couple of years the company NeXT falls apart.
    Question- Do you think Steve really was a big part of the company Apple?

    1. I think that Steve was a big part of the Apple because he created it (with his friends). Steve also had many ideas for the company.

    2. I thought that Steve was a big part of Apple, but he took a lot of control over his friends who were trying to help him.

  3. The part I want to talk about is when Steve Jobs was micromanaging everything in the Macintosh project. I think that his attitude towards the people in the project caused him to get fired. On the other hand I think that his decision to have a special team along with picking out every detail helped with the success of apple. Do you think that the decisions he was making was actually helping the project succeed?

    1. I think that it did for the most part. It kept the group on task and on their toes. I also think that his feedback and reaction when something didn't go right could be a distraction.

    2. I think that he thought he was. He probably thought that he was the only one working on it. What he didn't understand was that everyone was getting really annoyed because of him.

  4. Part of the Book: When Steve Jobs starts Pixar.
    My Thoughts:Steve Jobs made Pixar and he got fired from his own company and later his company would make big movies such as Toy Story and a Bug's life.
    Question: Why is he such a jerk to everybody.

    1. I think that since he dropped out of college he hasn't learned how to act professional, so he is still acting childish.

    2. Since he was babied as a child, I think he thinks he's entitled to everything, so he acts like a diva and is rude to everyone.

    3. I think that he acted this way because of his past. He was just bitter and wanted to show that he was better than everyone else no matter what he had went through. I think he wanted respect, but just went about it getting it the wrong way.

    4. I think the reason Steve is such a jerk is because he needs everything to be perfect. I think maybe Steve gets worked up when something is wrong and not what he wanted.

    5. I think that he acted somewhat like a jerk because I think he had a lot of pressure on him. I also think that he was a jerk because he thought he was better than everyone else.

  5. Part of the book: When Steve Jobs Sort of Abandoned his daughter
    My thoughts: I thought that was really insensitive for a while he even refused to pay child support. But I also thought that he was starting to realize what he did wrong when he named the computer after his daughter Lisa.
    Question: What did you think when he named the computer after her?

    1. I think Steve named the computer Lisa because maybe he wanted to show Lisa that he really does love her. Even though he basically abandoned her, so Steve's plan might have been to name a computer after Lisa so maybe she would be happy.

    2. I think that he named the computer after her because he obviously knew that she was his daughter but didn't want to let the public know, so this was one way for him to have some part of her with him without the public making a big deal because of it.

    3. When he named the computer after his daughter he just found out about, I thought that was his way of trying to come into her life. I also think that he felt bad about his reaction and he wanted her to know he thinks and cares about her.

    4. I thought it was to show his daughter that he loves her, but he did try to make a new name out of Lisa and made it stand for something instead of having it named after her daughter.

  6. Part of the Book: When Steve Abandoned His Daughter Lisa and Denied That he was Related to Her
    My thoughts: I didn't like how he kept on denying that Lisa was his daughter and he was just saying "She can't be related to me!" All he did was went to visit her three days after she was born and name her then he left again. I did like though how he regretted it though because he wished that he was there for her, but wasn't so he helped her out by paying for school.
    Question: Even after he figured out that Lisa was his child why didn't he pitch in to help take care of her? (Instead he waited until she was older when he wished that he was there he helped a little)

    1. That is a good question. I think he just wasn't ready to be a father. Or maybe he just couldn't believe all the responsibility it would come with. Denying it was easier than facing the truth. And helping out would mean he was acknowledging that he had a kid. Which was too much for him.

  7. Part of book: When Steve Jobs found out he had a daughter.
    My thoughts: I can't believe that he denied that his own daughter was his. Even when they took a test to see, and there was only a 4% chance that it was someone else's child, he still said that the child wasn't his. He did eventually say that he regretted his decision of not being in his daughter's life, but it's still a pretty bad thing to do to your child.
    Question: Why do you think he did this to his own family?

    1. I think Steve really just wanted to focus on his job and not family. Just think about it he was making millions of dollars he didn't want a family to get in his way of work. Though I think his idea changed when he got married I think he realized having a family is worth it and that it is good to be cared for and loved.

  8. Part of book: How Steve Jobs reacted to having a daughter.
    My thoughts: He was being irresponsible and childish. Steve most likely knew it was his child, but didn't want to be part of her life.
    Question: Do you think he should've handled the situation differently?

    1. I thought that he should've handled the situation differently because later he regretted it and wanted to help her and be there for her and he should've done it sooner instead of waiting until after she was a teenager.
