
Sunday, March 30, 2014

New York Herald - 1865

March 31, 2014

For this assignment, you read an article that interested you most, or parts of each article that interested you most.  After you finish the article, share the most important or interesting thing you learned from your reading.  Then reply to others' comments.

Hand in your annotated article(s).

Links to the New York Herald
After the Assassination
During the Trial


  1. The most interesting thing about that article to me was that, Mary Surratt was hung. It was very strange that a woman had been hung. I think being hung would be a painful way to die.

    1. I know like she was the first girle in america to be hung but why would they do that

    2. I thought so too, since in an article it said that a girl was the most respected gender. or something like that.

    3. They hung Mary Surratt because she was also in the plot of killing Lincoln.

  2. In about ever artical it said that they were going to die and that in serten periods of time no one was able to see liconls.

  3. I thought it was kinda cool that at the Penitentiary building was like a prision for the no longer living. I also thought it sounded like the hard core version of a funeral home.

    1. Wow, I didn't read about that. That sounds interesting, and depressing... who did they send there?

    2. I thought that was cool and kind of weird. Imagine the suspense when you walk in there with all the dead bodies. Were they on racks or just laying around? Was there a lot or just a few?? So many questions...!!

  4. The most interesting thing i lend was:They too there time finding booth.If i was
    the head of war i would of sent my gards to go after booth right there and then .

    1. I know they said it a few times.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sitll they should have sent the gards out ealyer

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think it was interesting that many of the really important people at the time loved Lincoln so much that they were crying very hard when he was trying to recover. That is how much people loved him.

  7. I think it was weird that no-one protected Lincoln's box at the time, and basically let Booth in. It was also weird that the people let Herold in and he then attacked Seward.

  8. One of the most interesting things was that Mary was hung. But then again, gender shouldn't matter. If you did the crime, you deserve it.
    The other thing is that they had certain cloths for their burial. Do they go out and but certain cloths, or do they just dig something out of their closet?

    1. Yeah.. Exactly...If you do the crime you kinda need to get that punishment..

    2. That's right, your gender shouldn't matter if you did it you are responsible for whatever you did no backsies!

    3. Exactly Divya!! I totally agree with that.

    4. yuppers, i agree like it shouldn't matter on what the gender is. How come we don't do that anymore????

    5. Yeah, why would it matter what they are wearing? They aren't going on display. Also, don't you think doing that would be considered respecting them? Who wants to make a bad person look good?

  9. The part in this article that caught my attention the most was when the article said that after the president was shot,Lieutenant Rathbun, caught the assassin by the arm, who immediately struck him with a knife, and jumped from the box, as before started. I didn't know that!

    1. neither did I! I did not know that like at all though that would surprise me. Because i don't think that the author said that in the book.

    2. Oh, that's interesting! I think I remember learning that.

    3. when i saw that it sounded like leutentant got shot.....

  10. Since Mary Surratt was hung it was strange because she was a woman and not many women were hung... They also had their coffins and burial clothes picked out even before they were hung.. But I wonder where they were buried...

    1. Yeah, I think it was smart that they didn't tell people where they were buried. If people knew, they would visit them and it might have been considered respecting them. They wanted Booth to have as little of fans as possible.

    2. We had like the same thing! Great minds think alike c;
      But gender shouldn't matter!! And I wonder where they buried them too.. But they didn't tell where Booth was buried so they probably didnt tell where anyone the others were buried.

    3. OK the fact that the town had already picked out the clothes and the coffins even before they die. When I die i want to be buried in a beautiful blue sapphire dress, with sapphire diamonds all over it. And when i am wed i want a white and neon orange dress. I saw it at the mall in the west side of madison and it was beautiful. I want a neon wedding too, near hollow-ween.

    4. yah, but i think it was fair because she deserved it it also DOESN'T MATTER ON HER GENDER. Is what i believe, if you can't tell.......

  11. The thing that really got me excited was when they Dr.Mudd only got a life sentence instead of a death he deserves to be punished worse. Like Dr.Mudd was gonna help Booth kidnap Mr.Lincoln so he should get like one of the MOST HORRIBLE PUNISHMENTS!!!!!

    1. Yeah, I agree. He knew who it was that he was helping, he knew what Booth did, yet he lied about it. He should have gotten a worse punishment.

    2. Rachel good idea... He was on the run for like 12 days should have gotten a worse punishment.

  12. it would be sooooo weird if you lke found like a sacred burial ground.....

  13. The weird thing I learned was that the letter that was written by General Dix, it mentioned somethings that the next page said. Like in Dix's letter it said the secretary had 2 stabs in the face & also that a nurse was killed instantly. THe other one just said that he disabled them all.

  14. The part that caught my attention was when they said his brain was starting to ooze out. That was really gross I think.
