
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Booth's capture and death

Reading Class
March 11, 2014

During chapter 11, we learned about the events that led up to Booth's capture and eventual death.  For our assignment, we traced the events.  For our discussion, I want to open it up to your thoughts.  What do you want to discuss?

Describe the topic or event with some details (like enough for someone who hadn't read the book to understand).  Then tell us your thoughts about the topic or event.

Reply to others' comments when you are done.


  1. I thought it was interesting that Booth was shot instead of just burned.

    I thought it was weird that the shed was already on fire yet they shot him too. Couldn't they have just waited till the fire burned him? I guess they probably wanted him alive to make him pay for what he has done. But, wouldn't burning him be more painful?

    1. i think that he would burn but not die if they didn't shooot him

    2. or run around and roll and get the fire off him and start running so they shot him

    3. I think the guy Corbett or whoever shot Booth just wanted to shoot Booth to take the reward & credit for himself.

    4. I think booth was shot insted of burned because he wanted to show him what it was like to kill somebody.

    5. well what would be the point of that? They wanted the body as a reward.

  2. My topic: When Booth tried to be innocent when the soldiers came and he was in the barn... Like he said "Who do you want?" "What do you want?"

    My thoughts: Dude, come on!! You know what you did! It was a bad thing to do! You don't want to be caught but its going to happen!! Like don't try and act like you never did anything and you're all innocent!

    1. Right did he think he was gonna get away with it.

    2. Yes, I agree. Why did he think he was going to get away? Did he actually think he might have had a chance to escape? Did he completely forget about his broken leg?

    3. OK I get that and I can see like serusle they just killed licone you are domed.

    4. Right. Like obviously he knew he couldn't get away with it. But it was worth a try, I guess. If he would've gotten away with lying then okay. But I wouldn't have lied and said ''Who you here for?''

    5. Yeah i would get that because if i shot the president, i wouldn't act like nothing ever happened, i would eventually brake and tell everyone from the quilt. Of course i'm a girl so girls normally brake a lot more easily than guys do but still.

    6. But why would he think he has a chance? Like and saying "Who are you here for?" Thats not playing dumb at all!

    7. I agree too He knows what he did what is the point of hiding it I mean everybody knows about it.

    8. He was just trying to cover up his act........

  3. After Corbett shot Booth, Booth was feeling so much pain he wanted to die. He begged the Union soldiers to finish him off, but one of them said, "We don't want to kill you, we want you to get well". Then they let him sit there bleeding and inviting death to come to him. Booth then died.

    My thoughts: Why didn't the soldiers bandage up his wound if they actually wanted him to get better. They let him there to die. Why would they say that? Were they being greedy and wanted to watch him suffer?

    1. I would hate to suffer like that. I would rather die quickly. And i'm sure Booth would have too.

    2. I think they let him suffer because he had to make Lincoln suffer

    3. maybe they wanted him to "be well" because they wanted to put him out of his misery because he was already wounded

    4. Yes I believe that he'd rather just die quickly so he is not in pain.

    5. Maybe they didn't have the medical tools to do that kind of stuff, or they didn't care because he was dead meat anyways.

    6. I think I would die real fast than suffring to death because that would take for ever and that would hurt.

    7. I dont think bandaging up the wound would do anything because the bullet hit one of his nerves or lungs. And they did call the doctor

  4. I want to wright about how booth got shot in the barn when it was on fire he got shot in the neck which plrlised him the tryed to drip water down his throt but he cumpletle prlised.My thoughts are that if he wasent shot and herlod didn't become a prisoner then they might have survied and got away to a nother place and they might of not of found them again.

    1. I am suddenly not hunger anymore. That was really graphic.

    2. that's very interesting but anyways when people knew he killed Lincoln they wanted kill him so he wont kill any other president (plus hang him).

    3. They could have done numeros thing to ffinaly show that they had killed booth but they burned the farm so there was no way out (Becides the fact he was paralyzed)

  5. When Sergt.Boston Corbett shot John Wilkes Booth. Booth fell to the ground and they went and picked him up and brought him under a tree and laid him on the grass and swished water in his mouth he spit it out. And Booth was completely paralyzed. He couldn't swallow. His throat was swollen.

    1. My thought was why didn't they keep him there and then just burn him.

    2. I thought that was a really interesting topic too!!!!!!!I think after that he just still tried killing booth.

    3. How would that surprise you? I was happy he shot booth.

    4. Burn him?!! Well he is paralyzed and can't do any thing so he is useless. And if he's paralyzed wouldn't he be dead?

  6. What I Wonder: I wonder why the soldiers put a civilian in the barn instead of themselves. The civilian was UNARMED, so Booth could have easily killed him. But, they could have went in there instead of the civilian. This could have caused a small war: If Booth killed the man, Booth himself could have been shot, therefore causing Herold to shoot the soldiers.

    My Thoughts: Maybe the soldiers thought the civilian had something to do with helping kill Lincoln. Maybe since they may have thought that he helped Booth, he made him go to maybe pay the price.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. True, but they wouldn't kill him because they wanted the reward money for bringing Booth in alive.

  8. when booth had a chance to leave he did not

    My thought- if i was booth i would of left and went to the south

    1. He had a broken leg, it would have taken him a while to get away...

    2. He tried that's why he was on the river in the previous chapter but went in the wrong direction.

    3. I would left to like serules you could got out of their and get away.

    4. He could but he needed rest & heal his leg. If he doesn't rest & wait for leg to heal at least a little, it'll slow him down even more than taking a day to rest and let his leg heal. That is considering the Union Cavalry didn't catch him.

    5. It would have been hard because of his broken leg and that they would easily find cuz they would follow him.

    6. Yeah his leg would have really effected him. Ashley think about your arm trying to do all this. That would have been really hard. Right Crip?

    7. yeah but they could of had a distraction

  9. My Topic: was that Booth had planned everything..even his death..and Conger was furious that Corbett had shot booth..without Conger knowing..and i wonder why booth would actually let Corbett shoot him..well, i guess he would rather be shot there than go to prison and die there and decay..

    1. OK i really don't get that because not even i would want to plan my own death. If i am ever to plan my own death it's going be when i want to die. Not because it was part of a plan.

    2. Well, i think he said because like u said he didn't want to be miserable........

  10. Booth looked at his hands and said ''Useless, useless.." Before he died. Why?

    My thoughts: Right before he died, he looked at his hands, the hands that had killed Lincoln. And then he said ''Useless, useless.." Why? Why did he say useless? And why did he look at them? Does he mean it was useless to kill Lincoln because of all the pain and hiding he went through?
    Did he look at his hands to say ''Good job, Lincoln's dead!''
    Or why? I don't understand why he would do that..

    1. that's kind of weird... when i read the page (sentence) that really surprised me good thought :)

    2. I know right. It was like ok maybe they were useless because he stayed in the barn but, dude you killed lincoln how are they useless?

    3. i agree those are the hands of lincoln that killld LINCOLN!!!!!!

    4. Maybe he thought that since nobody really knew why he killed Lincoln doing that was useless.

  11. Confused about: Corbett is one of the men from the cavalry and he is the person who shot Booth, but without command. Then the leader, Conger, decided to ask who did it. Because Booth was worth money if was he alive. Corbett shot him in the neck so he died.

    My thoughts: Why did he do it with out instruction from Conger? Sure Conger never gave them the order to hold their fire but still why did he do that? Maybe he didn't know about the reward for capturing Booth alive, but yet maybe he did. It's confusing please reply what you think i could use the help.

  12. What really surprised me is when Herold surrendered. Why would he surrender he could of be killed with Booth but instead he surrender.When i was reading the part of the book i had a very interesting mind a very curious thought.
    My thought is because that he thought it was going to all over and he can go home and forget this all ever happen when he surrender but he thought wrong.

    1. I think he was being dump because what if booth shot him on the way out.

    2. Well he didn't do much, he didn't kill anyone he just was along for the ride. He still should've gotten SOME even a small punishment, but he really didn't do anything..

    3. yeah..or he didn't want to deal with it anymore..he already had killing someone on his mind...and he would have to deal with that for the rest of his life.

    4. if i were herold i would've surrendered too because he might live longer than being burned down. And what a terrible way to die, I wanna die right next to the people i love. Or at least be in the hospital with my two beautiful daughters and possibly a son, it depends on how that goes but right next to my friends and family.

  13. The Topic: What i thought was intersting was when the the farmer and the fisherman went to take the fugitives across the Potomac river and the fugitives and the farmer and the fisherman got caught by soldiers.

    My Thoughts: I would think the farmer and the fisherman would know who they are and if they did why would they help them??? I don't get it. I f I met a fugitiive I would run and the cops......

    1. i don't get it why!!!!!! but maybe they didn't know......

  14. Topic: Lafayette Baker~a detective & a War Department agent~ tries to steal other peoples leads. He even tried to make the other manhunters go the wrong way.

    Thought: Why would he steal other detectives/manhunters lead then lead them the wrong way? I get that he might want to catch Lincoln's assassin for the reward so he might try to steal some leads but what I don't get is that why is that lazy to not get his own clues. And then after he steals the clues he leads the other manhunters & detectives the wrong lead.

  15. The thing that bugged me the most was when Garrett locked Booth in the barn.
    I mean they were outlaws or outcasts but that was mean. He did do the right thing in the end by putting them in there, But was he supposed to sleep in the barn, or just be captured in it. Then the soldiers came and and they lit the barn on fire, well why wouldn't they just get Booth out of the barn and then capture him. To me that seems kinda extreme to light a whole barn in fire rather than just go in, get booth, and bring him out, problem solved. But ok that's cool.

    1. All the armed soldiers were scared, because Booth had a weapon. They even tried having regular un-armed people get the weapon from him. How mean is that? Not to mention, they are all chickens. Booth was up against many Soldiers, he seemed fearless.

    2. Right!! Like why would you light the whole barn on fire that's so dumb.. Just break down the door and get him if he refuses to come out, don't burn down the whole thing!!

    3. I think he locked booth in the burn to kill him for starters even though its not the right thing to do.

      I also think they burned the farm to get the smell away from a dead man.

  16. in the book I wanted to talk about the man who shot Booth. He was the Sargent of the soldiers.

    My thoughts: Why would he kill him? Did he mean to kill him or just wound him? Don't you think that he's the one that wanted him alive. He gives the orders he should follow them. Besides when you kill him it doesn't madder any more, well I mean it does but then he can't go to court and serve for what he has done instead he really just got what he wanted he didn't want to pay for what he had done.

  17. That was actually a good thing to do because he was the one who stopped Booth and Lincoln.

    1. This was actually a reply, not a comment. I said it was smart that Garrett locked Booth and Herold in a barn

  18. What I was wondering:Why did the fishermen let Booth and David ferry to Virginia.
    My thoughts.I think science he was a fishermen he did not hear what happend so I think he was confused.Or I know this might be weird but he might have part of the killing.

  19. Topic: Something that interested me in this chapter was when he came to Dr. Stuart's, and Stuart was very stern and suspicious didn't trust them. But then he agreed to feed them and let them stay.But Stuart's still didn't trust them. And he didn't treat them very well.

    My thoughts: Why didn't Stuart just say no to Booth, he knew that something about him was fishy. And no wonder he wasn't very nice because he knew that they were dirty desperate and on the run.

    1. I agree with that. He probably didn't say anything because he might have thought Booth might do them

    2. Dr. Stuart was reluctant. to feed him. I think maybe something happened that the author didn't write. Like maybe Booth threatened him like he did to some other peoples

  20. I still think they should of hung him mean, they did it to Powell Mary and.i don't remember there names but still...they could have captured him..put him in jail and hung him with the rest..
