
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A cell is like.......

Science Class
March 27, 2014

To review what each part of a cell does, we're going to make a metaphor for a cell.  In class together, we'll watch a prezi that compares the parts of a cell to a middle school.  Then, you will work with your face partner to create your own metaphor.

Prezi Link

Write your metaphor as a blog comment.  Make sure you tell what each part does, not just "A cell is like a car".  Also, be sure to write both partner's names on the entry.

When you're done, you can explore the parts of a cell.

Cell animation


  1. A cell is like a town. A City Hall is like the Nucleus, It controls everything and keeps everything in line. A Highway is like the Endo. Retic. because people and things pass through on the highway. The people in the town are like the Cytoplasm, we fill the town. The police are like the the Cell Membrane because the police keep us protected. See? Just like a town!


    1. Ya that is just like a town

    2. Yup just like a town.

  2. A cell is like a car. The motor is like the nucleus because it keeps everything running. The golgi is like the gas tank because it carries the gas to the motor. The body of the car is like the cell membrane because it keeps everything together. The vesicle is like the gas line because it transports the gas to where it’s needed to when it’s needed.

    By: Alicia and Cole

  3. A cell is like The human body.
    The nucleus is like the brain.
    The cytoplasm is the blood that will one day run dry and go away. The vacuole is our intestines. And the Endoplasmic Reticulum is the veins that run all the way throughout our body.


    1. well i think that the heart was like the nucleus but the brain will work too good work :)

    2. yah, i agree with Gisselle because the heart controls everything....

  4. A house
    Cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum. cell membrane is the wall the cell wall would be the fence around the house. nucleus is the living room. endoplasmic would be the family. Gavin and Mya


  5. A cell is like a Family because every family member has a part to do sometimes
    the nucleus is the mother because she tells everybody what to do. The father is like the endoplasmic reticulum because the mom send out what the family has to do and the dad send it out to everybody in the family. The daughter is like the Lysosomes because sometimes the daughter will clean up the bad stuff in the house. The son is like Mitochondrion because he makes the energy for the family when they're down.

    Giselle and ashley

  6. A cell is like a car. A nucleus is like the driver of a car because it controls the whole car. A cell membrane is like the wind shield because it protects the cell from bad things. The vacuoles are like the trunk of the car because it stores stuff. The cytoplasm is like the seats of the car because it fills in the extra places.

    By: Emily Ramirez & Eve $chilling

  7. A cell is like New York City. Endoplasmic Reticulum is like roads because they can lead you to different places. lysosomes are like the garbage truck because it cleans the city. The cell membrane are like the police because they protect people, and prevent some people from getting into some places. Restaurants are like the mitochondria because, they give us power to live.

    By~ McKena Y. and Zach R.

  8. A cell is like a car. The nucleus is like an engine because, the engine is the main control center. The cell membrane is like the body of the car because it protects the car. MItochondria is like the gas because, it fuels the car. Cytoplasm is like the oil because it contain nutrients for the car
    By: Jenna and Ruth

    1. Whoa i will never thought of that if i was doing a cell was like car :)
      good job! :)

  9. A cell is like a town because...

    The nucleus would be the Town hall because it makes all the decisions for the town.
    The Endoplasmic Reticulum is like the roads of the town because they transport things.
    The Lysosomes are like the the street cleaners/garbage men because they keep the town clean.
    The Mitochondria is like the powerplant of the town, because it creates the energy used by the town.

    By: Divya and McKenzie

  10. A cell is like a bus. The bus driver is like the nucleus because he/she controls the bus and where it will go.The bus is like the cell wall because it protects the cell from harm. The seats is like the cytoplasms. The gas is like the mitochondria which gives the cell energy. The little garbage can is like the lysosomes.
    Elisa, Colleen and Kyla

  11. A cell is like a store. A store has the manager would be the nucleus it runs the store it is like the cell membrane because it would run the cell . the door that the manager is behind is like the nucleus because it protects the manager. the person that works at the store is like the mitochondrion because it help the customer. the customer is like the cytoplasm because it does barely nothing. by Andrew and Sarah.

  12. A cell is like a city the police is the nucleus. It is a police because it controls every one. The roads are the Endoplasmic Reticulum. Because It is like the Endoplasmic Reticulum. The chloroplast is like the people. The fence is like Cell Membrane because it is a wll.

    By Tim and Riley

  13. A cell is like a family, mom is the nucleus because she is the center of control the dad is the golgi apparatus because he protects the family the closet is like the lisosom the cytoplasm is like siblings.

    And Kayle

  14. Cell store

    A cell is like Walle World “Walmart”. The Nucleus is like the Manager of the store because the nucleus controls everything in a cell. . The cell wall is like the store because everything is inside of it... The mitochondria is the heating room, because it controls the heat and cooling system. The Golgi Apparatus is like the people who drop off the food and drinks.

    By Cynthia, Coltan And Ashley

    1. That's actually pretty cool.

  15. A cell is like the Solar System,The Sun is like the Nucleus because it is the center of our solar system and the nucleus is the center of the cell.The Golgi Apparatus is like Mercury because it is close to the sun(Nucleus) an it collects sunlight from the sun and proceesing it like the Golgi Apparatus.The Endoplasmic reticulum is like the Orbit of the planets because they surround the Nucleus(Sun) and help all the planets inner and outer collect sunlight.Finally the cell membrane is like the milky way because they structure the outer layer of the solar system(Cell Membrane).
    (This is the animal cell parts)
    -Jacob Walsh

    1. Oh yess!! That's true, it's just like the Solar System!! I never would have thought of that!!

    2. that is a cool idea jacob

  16. A cell is like a plane.
    The nucleus is like a pilot.
    Mitochondria is like the engine
    Vacuoles are like the luggage compartment


  17. A cell is like a town: The town hall is the nucleolus that controls the city, the brick walls on the town hall is the nucleus that protect the town hall, the dump truck is the lysosomes that clean up, the roads are the endoplasmic reticulum that things travel on, the grass is the cytoplasm that just kinda sits there, the post office is golgi apparatus that sends stuff to the right place, and the power plant is the mitochondria that makes the energy.

    Logan B~~Logan H

  18. A computer is like a cell. The hard drive is the nucleus because it saves things in your drive, the membrane is like the anti-virus on a computer, the screen is like the cell wall because it protects the inside parts, and the mitochondria is like plugging in your computer for energy.
    Hannah,and Brooks

    1. You are sooo right I dont even know some parts of the computer and you explaned them really good I hadnt thought of a cell that way :^)

  19. A cell is like a car.
    The nucleus is the engine of the car because one fueled it runs everything in the car.
    The mitochondria is the fuel because it powers the engine which runs/controls everything.
    The cell membrane is the car body because they protect the car.
    The ribosomes are like the gas pumps.
    ~Nelson, & Rachel

    1. That's neat, I would have never thought of something like that.

  20. A cell is like the world.

    Cytoplasm is like the atmosphere, because all the living things on Earth are in it.

    Lysosomes are like street cleaners, because Lysosomes clean up things just like street cleaners.

    Endoplasmic Reticulums are like streets, because you can travel on them.

    Ribosomes are like factories. Factories change primary sources into other things so we can use them.

    Alyssa F and Jacob A

  21. A cell is like a family.Nucleus is like the adults in the family because the adults support us. The cell wall is like the grand parents in the family because they always support you. Chloroplasts is like the sugar in the family because it turns into sugar.The mitochondria is like the kids in the family because they don’t support anyone.

  22. cell is like a family working together.The mother is like the nucleus because she tells everyone what to do.The father protects his/the family from enemies just like the Golgi apparatus in the body.Finally the siblings{brother and sister}sometimes clean up the bad things up and give energy to their parents when they are feeling done exactly like the Lysosomes and Mitochondria.
    By.Laura G.

  23. A cell is like a dump truck. The moater is like the nucleus because it runs the dump truck to make is move. The metal the is ont the truck to make it cool is mint the Golgi apparatus. Finally the gas gives power to the dump truck like the Lysosomes and the Mitochondria.

  24. A cell is like a family cause cells make other cells
