
Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Eighth Period Journal Investigates

Share your final investigative piece here.  Then take some time to read through your classmates' articles.  Comment on 2 or 3.  Read as many as you can during class.


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  2. Breaking Bod

    Models seem to be everywhere. Their on shows and magazines,billboards and the store. People seem to have to see them everywhere like Iphones. So this reporter interviewed six different 8th graders.

    They were first asked do you think you meet modern day beauty standards? 50 percent said possibly but probably not. 17 percent said yes. It took most of them a lot of time to answer.

    Next this reporter asked more of a tricky question. It was if you could change one thing about you, what would it be? It can be anything. 33 percent said they would change their grades, 17 percent said less body fat, 33 percent wanted to be super heros. The last 17 percent wanted to be a better singer. There was a lot of scattered answers.

    Thirdly this reporter asked, do you consider yourself healthy? 66 percent said yes, 17 percent said no and 17 percent said sometimes.

    Their last question was do you think makeup and teeth whitener is advertised too much? The results were unanimous, they all said “yes”.

    After all of this data, do you think there are unrealistic body standards or do you think the 8th graders were being a bit over the top?

    1. I really like the way you told people about the data you collected. Also I really like your last sentence it really makes you think.

  3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

    Lots of girls have an image in their mind about what the ideal body looks like. It turns out almost half of the girls in our nation want to change the way they look. (Our nation as the U.S.) This is a little bit like the “normal” girls in Scott Westerfeld's Pretties, before they get surgery to become a “pretty”.
    According to an article on CNN, there are positive role models for girls to look up to. those role models could be on social media, TV, or in a magazine, etc.
    “There are women who have changed beauty standards over the course of many years.”-Journalist of a CNN article about body image for girls.
    One journalist wrote this “Take some time and show girls the impact women have had on the world. Some women have even changed beauty standards for the better.”
    I looked online and found that some girls take breaks from social media until they think they can use it again, and think more positively about themselves. Some girls find it helpful to find a role model they can look up to and admire.
    There are role models out there for girls to look up to. They try to show girls, that they don’t need to look like everyone else.
    Ashley Graham is a model that has been trying for some time to change the way that girls are “expected” to look. She believes “Not all women are meant to be skinny, or toned, or even have perfect features.” She even thinks our imperfections make us who we are, and different from everyone around us.

  4. On December 8, 1989 an man was put to death on the charge of murder. Carlos Deluna Was with an acquaintance Carlos hernandez. Deluna and Hernandez went to the gas station to get gas. Hernandez said he need to get something and Deluna remained pumping gas. Deluna was wondering what was taking Hernandez to long so he went in to find hernandez westling the store clerk. Deluna had a record so he ran and hid under a truck a few blocks down . He thought that the police would find Hernandez and arrest him. Eventually he was found by the police. He told the police that Hernandez was the murder. But the police thought he was lying because there was nobody they could find named Carlos Hernandez. Four years after the execution a columbia law school professor Hired a private investigator to find hernandez and within one day they found that he did indeed exist and was guilty of the murder.

    This is one common possibility with the death penalty. is this case of eye for an eye when it comes to the death penalty, or is this a case of turn the other cheek.

    1. I really like how you opened it with an example of how it has happened. It gives your reader interested in what you are saying.

  5. Police Are Not Invincible

    With all the laws in our modern and sometimes crazy society, which it is ruled by our Government. In which, the police enforcing it. As the police being the constable of the law. Some people thinking that the police could do everything, but that it is very different from what those people think or how much people think.
    Most people, like how it is. But even as a police officer they have to answer to a new set of laws some new and so stay the same. As being a constable they have some of the laws off their backs so they can do there work but other codes that constable's work with that come into play when they're dealing with, a maybe a simple speeding ticket. With these new laws, some people think they can just sit in a high seat and not be get touched from the different laws for doing wrong that might be in the normal laws, but as you might have seen the Police are not Invincible as themselves or other think they are, abl from all sorts of laws or registrations.
    So, with all the laws in place. Some of them shine if different parts from a patrol officer job from A traffic stop to a homicide there are different this an officer can do in or what a detective might do at any situation. With all the ways they have to deal with these thing, there is also a lot of paperwork which, most people don't think they would have to deal with to do when they decide to work as a police officer or trying to go into something like that in any Law department where they have to deal with the law, work with the law, or being apart of it..

  6. Behind LGBTQ

    The trme LGBTQ has been uesd sence the 1990s. The name replaced the name gay community which was a reference to gay people in the 1980s.
    A reporter went out and talked with some middle school students. A 6th grade boy when asked ‘What do you think of LGBTQ?” he said “What is that?” which brings up the question, What does LGBTQ mean?
    L ( Lesbian which is a homoseual woman.) G ( Gay a homosexual man.) B ( Bisexual, sexualy atracted to man and woman.) T ( Transgender when your fisical sexualty does not respond with your mental sexuality.) Q ( A person in the LGBTQ community.)
    The LGBTQ movemint started in 1969 in New York,and from there it spread.
    The reporter talked with an 8th grade girl. When asked “Do you know your sexuality?” the girl said “I hope so.”
    Ones LGBTQ became well known people started quaschning there sexuality. And it is not that uncommon for a person to like the same gender.
    Same sex marriage, however is legal in the U.S. Even if some people are unhappy with it, almost as unhappy as when a 8th grader gets homework. Same sex marriage became legal in the U.S in 2015 after years of quaschning if it should.
    Now it is and a lot of people have an opinion on it, people in the LGBTQ commuity get juded all the time evin by their families.It can get to the point where the families make them live there home. And they are not allowed back to the come back. Which is why a lot of people are too afraid to come out to their families.
    But after the reporter came back he had a view on how a middle school kids see it, and every kid that was talked to said that “Everyone is equal and it is no different then if it was a boy and a girl.”
    So there you have it right from the middle school kids mouth.

  7. My body, I hate my body, I wish I were thinner. All of my friends are skinnier, why am I the only fat one? These are very common thought for all women, young and old.
    Karen Krejchik says “To have a perfect body is impossible, because everyone has a different shaped body structure. To say you have a perfect body is just stating that you think you have a perfect body. A more correct phrase would be, I am comfortable in my body.”
    Could it then be possible to say you have the “perfect body” even though you are not physically fit? No, because even for a man or woman who is physically fit it would be an incorrect statement. As Karen said above “everyone has a different shaped body structure”. So there is no “perfect body” to compare yourself to.
    A highschool student, Sarah Krejchik says “ I think the most important thing is to be comfortable inside your body. So if you don’t like the way you look or feel, change it so you can feel confident and comfortable with yourself. By starting to exercise and eat more healthy you can lose weight and feel more like the way you want to feel. You can change how you look as much as you want, by using things such as make-up and face lifts, but you will only truly reach a comfortable state when you start to accept how you look.”
    Then if you are still unsatisfied with your appearance start training really hard like you are Louis Zamperini getting ready for the olympics. Once you are done training maybe then you will be more confident with your appearance.
