
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Last Book in the Universe Play

We're writing plays based on Last Book.  Each group is writing a play of something that we didn't see in the novel.  The play has to be based in the reality of the novel, meaning it COULD have happened, we just didn't find out about it.  For example, a group could write a play about Latch West, what happened when the Great Gorm took over the Monkey Boy Latch, etc.

Your job:  One person from each group please share the basic idea for your play.  Don't give away all of the details, but share the basic idea.


  1. Our play is about when Billy was giving Spaz to Charly and Kay.

  2. Our idea is to be the scientists that fix peoples genes.

  3. Our Play will be about little face getting a name and getting improved but it's five years later.

  4. Our play will be about how Bree and Little Face came to like each other.

  5. Our idea is when Spaz left Billy Bizmo's latch, and how Billy Bizmo feels.

  6. Our play is about when Ryter was a latch runner
