
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Create Your Own Ecosystem...

We're going to work with an ecosystem simulator in class today.  The simulator has producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers.  You can make connections between the trophic levels and then see what will happen to the population of the ecosystem.  We will begin by following the directions in the Food Web portion of the simulator.

When we're done with that, I want you to explore connections.  On the blog, I want you to choose one of the more interesting connections you made and describe it. When you share, tell:

1.  What you were curious about
2.  What you tried
3.  What happened/results
4.  What you think it means

I have a sample done for you as the first comment.

 Ecosystem Simulator


  1. What I was curious about…. I know that producers are very important in an ecosystem. So I wondered what would happen if an ecosystem only had one producer and all the consumers had to eat it.

    What I tried….. So I turned on the tree producer. Then I linked all of the primary and secondary consumers to it. I didn’t use the tertiary consumer because it needed to eat a consumer.

    What happened….. Well, by the end of the process, the secondary consumers disappeared. The deer population went up – it almost doubled. In fact, all three of the primary consumers almost doubled and then stayed stable. The tree population cut in half, but then it stayed stable for the rest of the time.

    What I think it means…. Secondary consumers didn’t do well, so I think they need to eat primary consumers and/or many types of producers. It looked like the primary consumers and the plants were able to stay stable in this type of ecosystem.

    1. I was curious about if a plant would live if everything eats it. I turned on plant C, and had all the primary consumers and secondary consumers eat only that. At first omivore a and b died because they didn't get to eat the primary consumers to get enough energy. While that happened, the plant C's population went down then evened out to 3333. All the primary consumers populations went up then evened out at a population of 2959

    2. So, yours ended up about the same as me.... I do think that sometimes they end up being a little different, but that is really cool to see that it happens consistently in the ecosystem. Do you think Mason will notice the "Cool" comment?

  2. I was curious about if you could kill that wolf.
    I tried the wolf ate the snail and the snail ate all of the plants.
    At the end, there was little plants,a lot of snails, and one wolf.
    The wolf didn't do that good the snails did really good, and the plant made a good amount of food.

  3. What I was curious about I wondered what would or if it would work to run a perfect ecosystem. What I did I attached everything to something to eat. What happened. My top predator ended up dying right away and everything else was fine so I don't really know happened.

  4. I was Curious about what types of things could make a wolf die, since it's the top preditor normally doesn't die
    What i tried was if the bunny and the deer ate plant A and the wolf ate the bunny.
    What happened was the wolf eventually did die after a little while but the bunny and deers went up but then went down because of the wolf, the plants went down too and went back up.
    I think it means that if you have to many things eating the same plants it'll short out and because the food was helping the deer and the bunny they reproduced and because there was more of them it was harder foer the wolf die.

  5. I was curious about... I was curios what would happen if I turned on certain plants and only one section of animals

    I tried... I turned on plants A and C and attached omnivore A to plant A and omnivore C to plant C.

    What happened... Well all of plant C run out, and all of omnivore C ran out, too. Leaving all squirrels.

    What I think it means... It means that if all of one plant goes out, all of the animals that eat that plant will die.

  6. What I am curious about... if i won't let anything eat Plant A what would happen

    what i tried..... i tried to connect the plant eaters to eat Plant b and everything else eat Plant C but not PLant A

    what happened.... Everything died and plant A took over.

    i think without plant eater eating Plant A the food chain will be uneven

  7. I was curious about what would happen if i mixed just raccoons, ferns, and grass.Then I tried it and found that the raccoons started at a population of 127 and then it spiked up to 5,000. The ferns population went from 3,421 to completely extinct. But the grass started at 6,084 and tied with the raccoons

  8. I was curious how to kill the wolf. I tried the the omnivores to kill the wolf and Herbivores. Then the wolf ate everything . I think it means. The herbivore eats all the plants the wolf eats omnivores.

  9. What I am curious about.... How to make the wolf die. What I tried......I made every thing eat every thing eat all three and made the wolf eat one thing. What happened...... The wolf died. What I think it means....if not enough food things will die.

  10. I'm curious about If you can kill the wolf
    What i tried: I put all on
    What happend: It doesn't die
    I think it means that I did something wrong

    1. Or it could mean that the ecosystem doesn't act the same way every single time, right? Sometimes there is a flood, a drought, etc. I think the program varies from time to time to account for that.

  11. I was curious about what would happen if we did not have producers in the world.

    what i tried was all the plants and all omnivores eat all the plants and the wolf eat all the omnivores.

    I think it means we need producers in thew world.

  12. When you kill the wolf you put all on and the wolf dies

  13. I was curries If I put a squierl,rabbit,snalil,and plant a and b.

    I tried and the animals went down.

    The plants went up.

    What I think it means is that if all the animals eat plants and each other I will start to lower the animal then the plants will grow over all the other populations.

  14. So if you put all the animals on a then it will kill the fox.Then it will the squirrel.Then the beaver and than it will just keep going but not killing anything.Then after a while it will stop.

  15. Jesse L.

    What I was curious about: I was curious what it would be like without the top predator(wolf).
    What I tried: I hit all on but turned off the top predator(wolf).
    What happened: Plant A started at about 3000 and went down to 0. Plant B doubled. Herbivore C(deer) went from about 1500 to 0. Plant C(tree) went from about 1000 to 0. Herbivore A(bunny) went from about 1500 to 0. Herbivore B(snail) went from about 1500 to 0. Omnivore A(squirrel) went from about 200 to 7500. Omnivore B(raccoon) went from about 200 to 7500 also.
    What I think it means: We need less consumers if we have lot of producers.

  16. Im curious to find out what will make plant A go crazy.

    I tried the squirrel eating the snail and the snail eating plant A,and the rabbit eating pant C.

    What happend was plant A did go crazy. It went from 5000 to 4000 to 6000 and back again. But for sonme reson the rabbit just died but plant C was fine. The squirrel and the snail kept an even pace.

    I think it means that the rabit didn't have enough food so it died. And plant A, the squarl, and the snail had a perfict mix.

  17. I was curious about what would happen If all the consumers ate one producer.So I took all of the consumers (except for the top predator) and only chose one producer. Omnivore B died because it did not get enough food. All of the herbivores lived because they got to eat the plant they needed.Also the plant survived because not all the animals ate it because some of the animals died, because they needed something else.

  18. I was curious:How to kill the wolf.
    I tried:All On.
    What happened: The wolf died.
    I think it means it did not get enough food.

  19. I was curios how to kill a wolf. I tried everything on plant a. What happened The wolf died. I think it means that the wolf did not have enough food to live

  20. I was Curious about..........

    I was curious about what would happen when the rabbit and the deer both ate plant B and the deer mostly stayed neutral.Right in the middle the rabbit went WAY up and then it died in a snap so the deer was the winner.

  21. i am curious how to make the wolf eat the snails
    i tried wolf snails and plant B
    what happened if the wolf eats the snails
    the trees will over grow

  22. I'm curious how to kill plant a. I tried the rabbit,snail and the deer and plant a will not die. That means we need to tack out plant a if we can

  23. I was curious about: Killing a squirrel
    I tried: Wolf eats squirrel, squirrel eats plant A, also raccoon eats plant A.
    What happened: The wolf ate the squirrel so the squirrel died.
    What I think it means: The squirrel was the only thing the wolf would eat so it had to eat it and then there were no more squirrels.

  24. What I was curios about: How do you make the trees go crazy?
    What I tried: Plant A and C on. Herbivore B eating Plant A and Herbivore C eating Plant C. I had Omnivore A and B on. Omnivore A eating Plant A and Omnivore B eating Plant C.
    What happened: Herbivore C, Omnivore A, and Omnivore B all died. Herbivore B, Plant C, and Plant A went crazy. So the trees did go crazy.
    What I think it means: Some of the animals didn't have enough food.

  25. I wanted to see what might happen if everything only ate pant A. Accept the wolf, the wolf ate every animal. Plant A went way down then way up and started swerving around the 5000 zone. It started to keep stable then. The animals changed a lot though. The squrrels vanished, but the rest stayed. The wolf population had grown. I think this happened because the wolves had more than enough to eat and the other animals not so much.

  26. I was curious about... Making everything have its own thing to eat.
    I tried... I made herbivore A eat plant A, made omnivore A eat plant C, and made omnivore B eat plant B. I didn't want anything getting eaten so I didn't do the wolf.
    What happened... Plant C went down, herbivore A went up and then down, plant A went up then down by a lot, and then plant B went up after being down.
    What it meant... It meant that everything ate what it was supposed to but they ate it all and they starved to death.

  27. I was curious about what would happen if I put plant c with deer and the bunny together and I put the wolf in to eat all of the animals so the bunny got all eating and the trees were all dead.

  28. I was curious about... Making everything have its own thing to eat.
    I tried... I made herbivore A eat plant A, made omnivore A eat plant C, and made omnivore B eat plant B. I didn't want anything getting eaten so I didn't do the wolf.
    What happened... Plant C went down, herbivore A went up and then down, plant A went up then down by a lot, and then plant B went up after being down.
    What it meant... It meant that everything ate what it was supposed to but they ate it all and they starved to death.

  29. Im curious about if bunnies,deers,and slugs are the only animals eating plant A and if the slug eats all the plants and the the wolf eats the the deer and the squirrel eats the slugs
    What happened was the slugs went up and so did plant B and kindve plant A but plant A and B kept criss crossing, also the wolf died at the beginning and the herbivores kept going up and down,
    I think its means if the wolf only eats 1 animal it dies soon, and squirrels can't always eat slugs.

  30. I was curious about what happened if I connected everything to plant B but that was crazy so I just did something simple.

    What I tried.... I put on Plant B then I connected the deer to that then I attached the wolf to the deer and I connected the raccoon to plant B and here are the results.

    What happened.... The raccoon population was down but then it shot up. The wolf population was low. Plant B was at 5,071. The deer population was up but then went down.

  31. What i'm curious about how to kill plant a. What i tried was plant a all of them all of them eat plant a . My results are plant a have 3,334 left, herbivore a and b have 741 left, herbivore c have 0 left, omnivore a and b have 0 left. What i think it means we need lot of producers

  32. I'm curious about the deer and if the population will be different eating plant A instead of plant C! I tried using plant A to see if the deer population would change! What happened is the population dropped in deers! In the beginning of the run there were more deers. What this means is the deer population dropped because he omivores and top predator were eating all of them.

  33. I wanted to see if the deer would die. So i put every thing on and made everything eat plant B. The deer didnt have enough food because everything else was eating its food. So it died.

  34. What I was curious about...
    If there were no decomposers how would that ecosystem work?
    What I tried...
    I turned plant C.Then I linked Omnivore B to that!After that I finally put the top predator to eat Omnivore B and Omnivore B eats Plant C.
    What happened.....
    Well,in the end everything stayed steady Plant C had 9997.Omnivore B had 161.Finally,The top predator was 10!!!!
    What I think it means....
    I think that ecosystems don't always need

    1. Did you mean Carnivores instead of decomposers?

  35. I was curious about what will happen if everyone ate everyone.
    I turned everything on.
    Mostly everything down right away then up and down a little bit then evened out. Plant A was very high, and went even higher, then went down to a little up than the starting point and then evened out.

  36. it was fun and cool on Lucidpress

  37. I was trying to make the wolf die. So I had rabbit go on the plants A & B and the deer go for plant B. I finally put the wolf on on plant C and since the wolf had nothing to snack on it had died and I think it means that the wolf didn't have any meat to eat.

  38. I wondered how to keep all the plants and animals that I selected alive. So I put rabbet in plant A,B,C, the snail on plant A,B,C, and the deer on plant A,B,C. Then I put the squirrel on plant A,B,C and to eat herbivore A and B, then the wolf to eat only deer.

    Before I put in the wolf I tried it and the deer over populated that's why I put in the wolf to only eat the deer. The next time I did it every thing stayed alive.

    I think it means if you don't have enough of everything in an ecosystem everything could die or get over populated.

  39. If you put on Plant A, Herbivore A, and Omnivore A. Then click RUN as soon as all of them are on and your should get 4964 for Plant A, 1663 for Herbivore A, and the population of Omnivore A should be 159.

  40. I turned on everything and it zig zagged a little but then all evened out

  41. what I was curius about I put some animal at alot of plants.
    what I tried I put the deer at the plants and all the ether animal and i made thev wolf eat the squril
    what happend al the plants die

  42. When I took out the wolves, the rabbit snail and deer increased. The squirrel and the racoon didn't get enough food and they died out of the population.

  43. What I was curious about was how to make the wolf Die. I tried puting the wolf on the DEER. What happend was the wolf DIED. I think it means that the wolf did not have any meat to eat

  44. plant a lived and herbivore a lived and omnivore a died

  45. I was wandering about squirrel and the tree of the poplashon day two the tree poplashon want up on day 20 rising for a long time eventnlly it evened out.

  46. When you open eco simulator you click on "All On" and after that click on the Top predator and make it only eat Herbivore A. Then hit Go and the results should be... Top predator: 0, Plant A: 0, Plant B: 5,000, Omnivore A: 7,500, Omnivore B: 7,500, Plant C: 0, Herbivore B: 0.
