
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Author's Craft Literary Essay - 1st Period


 Author's Craft Essay

Post your essay here.  Then take some time to read at least two other essays.  Comment on something positive that you see the author using from the lessons we had in class.


  1. Why is this essay relevant? It is relevant because everyone needs to know that minding their business is sometimes the best thing for them. The story is about how Lara’s little sister overhears her talking about the box with letters about the boys then her sister sends the cards out to the boys that lara wrote them for. In to all the boys I loved before, Jenny Hann uses multiple perspectives to show the reader that minding your own business is sometimes the best thing you can do.

    Lara wrote these letters about these boys in school and she kept them in a box so that no one can read them. She wrote them so that she could always remember the boys that she “loved”. She was very detailed with how she wrote about these boys she was very particular about why she liked them and how they looked. When she was reading one of the letters she was so discriptive that you could see in your mind what they looked like. She had about eight or nine letters and she was very weird about where she put the box of letters.the author uses Lara’s perspective to tell the reader that there is going to be a problem within the story.

    Margaret was a very sneaky little kid. She loved to listen in to people conversations. She overheard Lara talking about the box of letters. She read the letters and then she decided that the boys should know what lara thought of them and then she gave them to the boys. The author uses Margaret’s perspective to make the problem and to hint to the reader that sometimes minding your own business is the best thing to do.

    In to all the boys I loved before, Jenny Hann uses multiple perspectives to show the reader that minding your own business is sometimes the best thing you can do. Lara’s perspective is very important because if there wasn't her perspective we would have no idea what is going on. Margret’s perspective is also very important because without her perspective we would have no idea who passed out those notes. Without either perspective there isn’t a story to read. It is important for you to mind your own business sometimes because if you dont mind your own business you could get in alot of trouble. Have you ever gotten in trouble for to minding your own business? That could mean maybe looking through someone's phone, or looking through your siblings things.

    1. I like how you explained your paragraphs and all the information going with it

  2. Would you rather have someone to help you or go through things by yourself? In this book the two characters live in different countries and communicate with each other by letters. These two characters don’t like each other at first. They eventually learn to like each other, these hard times are world war 2. Yes, there are definitely hard times in people's everyday life and maybe you can relate to these characters.

    Have you ever been in a rough time and didn’t have people to help you? Have you ever been in a rough time where you had people to help you through it? If you have you should probably know that having someone there for you helps. Say right now with the covid-19 if you had to sit in a room by yourself and have no contact with anyone wouldn’t you get bored or have nothing to do? All though we have limited our physical contact to others you can still call, text, facetime, etc.

    Even though the story has kindness in it, it shows a little bit of war and fighting. When Alex first got his pen pal he really didn’t want anything to do with it. Now they are friends and tell each other how they are doing and help each other through this hard time. There are many cases like this in real life with school or other social media or contact. Sometimes with a new kid in the school if you take the first look at them you may not like them, but you may like them if you get to know more about them.

    Another thing is that war is fatal and many deaths and injuries. So even if your country isn't in the war you can still feel the pain. Hopefully you can relate to this even if you haven’t been in a war. That is the same with these two characters, first it was just hitler and the nazis. Next after Alex helps the europe girl from her problems Japan starts war with america. Since Alex was nice to the girl from Europe she was nice back and helped him through it too.
    The author shows that kindness is a key way to helping others. Everyday people face a new challenge or learn something new, but it's not every day something tragic and bad happens. It is important to be happy but you won’t be all the time. Hopefully you can relate in some possible way to the characters in this book.

  3. This shows that you shouldn't lie because it's not going to get you anywhere in life especially at school. In the book One of us is lying By Karen M. McManus is about these 5 students that walk in to detancion but only 4 walk out. they are all not telling the truth. Each person is totally different Bronwyn the brain, Addy the beauty, nate the criminal, cooper the athlete, and simon the out cast. Although they are all strangers to each other something happens in the detention room and no one is telling the truth.

    One author's craft they used in the book one of us is lying is they used the different perspective on each character. Also they gave a background on each character to help the reader get to understand each of the characters. Bronwyn is going to yale and never breaks the rules, and always does what he is told to do. Addy is the picture perfect homecoming princess, and everyone likes her. Nate is already on probation for dealing, and gets in trouble. Cooper is a all star baseball pitcher. And simon is the creator of bayview high notorious gossip app. The gossip app has taken a big part in the story because that's where all the rumors are about people and that's why those four are suspects for simon's death. This shows the reader about who they are to get to know them and understand them.

    In the book they talk about the website that people post things about other people on it. this can take part in the book and the kids life and how one of them did not make it out of detention. Rumors can make someone not feel comfortable or even abrassed. so that website is not a good one for the school or the kids but. that why you can not lie. that's what the author is teaching us in the book it is not nice to lie and say aluse things about people.

    the over all thing in the book the author is trying to is teaching us that we should not lie and not talk about people. And also not get pressured in to anything if it's wrong. Also shows you have to just be nice to everyone. and maybe the book ended different if they told the truth in the being and maybe did not get in as much trouble as they did.

  4. In Above, by Roland Smith uses inner thinking to show the reader the overall effect of the book. A little group of kids and they are trying to get out of a big situation, It revolves around having to run away a lot and they think about their future but then they meet someone new and that is a person called Kate but she was born under the streets of new york city but also is living a life like Pat and Coop.
    In this part of the story these characters need to care about each other because they need each other, When the kids went out to grab some food they didn’t have any money so they needed to steal from the store, But they lived in the bottom of the city so they were fine but if someone ever actually went to check there they would get caught and taken away.
    All three of them have a big play in the book because they all have something that makes them a good character, One thing but then when Alex came a lot changed because there was a lot of problems to deal with and not everyone liked to have way too many problems because they already had too much to deal with in the end.
    This makes the characters feel different and sometimes they don’t ;agree on things but they end up fixing it every time, Even if they have something that they don’t agree on they fight about it but then they remember that they have worst problems to fix and they will decide if they want to stay on the run for the rest of their lives or if they want to turn themselves in and start a new life and have each other split ways and most likely never talk to each other again.
    If so will they make a jump and see if they can end up running away or will they find what they need and escape. Because if they keep running they will never be found. Or they can be found and helped out but this shows if you should trust other and maybe find a new way of living.

  5. Part 1
    Everyone in life has their own identity. Everyone also has their own strengths and weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses help in producing your identity. When it comes to having your own identities and family, in the book “Twins”, Francine is having issues with her own identity. In the book “Twins” By Varian Johnson and Shannon Wright, Francine and Maureen are twin sisters and best friends. But Francine would like some separation from her sister. She would like to do things by herself. The twins' parents decide to have the twins take some separate classes away from each other to help with Francine’s identity issues. But the parents don’t tell Maureen they are doing this.The author uses several craft moves in order to prove the point that having your own identity is important in your life.

    In Twins, Varian Johnson and Shannon Wright use multiple perspectives to show the reader that the twin sisters have their own personalities and identities. The author is trying to prove a point that one person should not be like another. They need to do their own things to help find their own identity.

    One craft move the author uses is to put the twins in different classes such as the cadet class and choir. Maureen gets put into a cadet class and doesn’t like marching, yet she doesn’t like the idea of failing a class. The teacher gives her extra credit to help with her grade. The extra credit is to run for a position on the class council. Maureen runs for class president and so does Francine, too. But Maureen feels guilty not telling Francine right away that she has also decided to run for class president of the student council. This is proving that Maureen is looking to have a leadership position that she hasn’t done in the past.

    On another perspective, Francine decides she doesn’t like people calling her by “Francine” and shortens it up to Fran. Maureen doesn’t like this because she has always known her sister by her given name. Fran is doing this so she can show that this is her name being attached to who she is.

    Another perspective the author uses is when Maureen is running for class president, none of her friends she had with her sister are helping her with her campaign. Maureen made some new friends and they are helping her with her campaign for president. This shows Maureen is stepping out and making new friends.

  6. Part 2
    At one point, Maureen goes to the mall with friends but wishes Francine would come along. Unable to find Francine, Maureen’s brother drives her to the mall to meet up with friends. Come to find out, Francine is having trouble with understanding Math and History and has been staying after school. Francine is getting help from her teacher instead of her family.

    Another scene uses the example that Francine can give speeches but Maureen does not like too. When they were younger, Maureen was to give a speech and ended up throwing up. People not being able to tell the difference between them, Maureen and Francine switched places. Francine gave the speech.

    On the other hand, one could argue that the author’s point could be that family is important and you should try to always get along. Francine is very tired of her twin sister getting in her business. During the run for presidency, their parents decide they need to have privacy and give them separate rooms. Maureen does not like this because they have been together in the same room since they were born. Siblings can even be a huge part of your life even if you don’t always get along. You can still be friends with them but try to work out any issues you may have with them. You should always try to get through it and everything should go better.

    Maureen and Francine are both running for president of the student council. In this case, Maureen posts up flyers everywhere that say ‘’Vote For Maureen.’’ And on the other hand Fran also has posters up that say ‘’Vote For Fran/Francine.’’ This is getting to be a competition between these two but who really knows if they are going to start fighting or not. In this case Maureen and Fran are going against each other and are still family but are trying to find the class president and both Fran and Maureen are trying to find a way to get the most votes. They are the only two running for class president. This really tells me or the author is saying that they still like each other but yet they still need their own identity.

  7. Ghost was written by Jason Reynolds, and the main character is Castle, a young boy who struggles with school. Castle doesn't have many friends but finds something he might like. Castle finds the sport track where he begins to rebuild his confidence. This can make The reader remember how tough it is to make new friends and try new things. My claim is that friendship is strong, because of the connections Castle has with his new friends from track.Jason Reynolds like’s using inner thinking in this series and we can see the thoughts of Castle and his friends.

    In this story Jason Reynolds, inner thinking to help show and understanding of castles life. Castle lives with his mom and he joined the track team, his new friends and his mom show a good connection to castle since he is a fast runner and a good son.The reader might see that there are lots of self narration in the book ghost because we are seeing the story through Castle eyes he thinks to himself. Inner thinking is helpful because we can see and read what castle thinks of his friends and mom.

    There might be another claim that trying new things is hard but it is not.Castle throughout the story meets more people to talk to and become friends with. Jason Reynolds maybe wanted to show in his story that meeting new people isn't so hard. This is why Castle has more confidence to meet new people. He thought it was hard and could go bad . But there is another instance where Castle stole shoes from a sporting store and the coach found out and wasn’t mad at Castle but instead bought the shoes for him.
    Jason Reynolds uses inner thinking in the book Ghost and this helps the reader understand what Castle the main character is thinking of.Castle joined a track team and made new friends and he formed great connections with them.This supports friendship is strong because castle didn’t have any friends before starting track after he tried more and new things he was begging to get popular.His mom is proud of his accomplishments in the new things he has been doing.

  8. If you play a sport then you need a coach to tell you what you’re doing wrong. If you play sports then you know what I’m talking about. But these high school boys are so determined to get to the state championship that they would do everything and anything to get there. They do have some things get in their way but in the end it all paid off.

    In the first chapter Coach Lou watched his school team play in the championship game. Ever since that day he has wanted to play basketball. He started working out to be on the team. He was 5’4 and skinny but then when he was determined to make the team he grew to 5’10 and strong. Once he saw how far you could go he ended making the team and going to the championship game. He ended up making the game winning shot for his team.

    Ivan and Paris are the two seniors on the team and basically run the team. They have always been on the same team since they were in middle school. Then in high school there coaches said “ They are inseparable.’’ or like “ Batman and Superman”. Then they got to the championship game and did not win. Ivan was matched up against Stanley Johnson, someone who was bigger, stronger, and faster than Ivan.

    Austin twisted his ankle in a game against the Sacramento Dragons and was out for most of the season. But, when he came back he trained harder than he used to. “Austin has fallen throughout the season but he’s gotten back up every time,” says Gene Yang.

    Now it comes down to the championship game. Mater Dei Monarchs against the Bishop O’dowd Dragons. After the second quarter they are losing 26-21 but they still have so much confidence. 58-58 at the end of the 4th quarter. Now they are going into overtime, Ivan has a chance to win it all right here. He misses his first but then makes the second they win the game 65-64.

    Now with their confidence do you think that they will win it next year. With Paris and Ivan leaving. Or do you think that Austin can lead the team to another state championship.

  9. Some people need motivation to do things that are not easy. Two friends have been friends forever but they are starting to drift apart. In the process one of them decides he needs to change his lifestyle because over the past year he has started not caring about a lot of things and he is starting to realize. In the Trick of the light, Lois Metzger uses inner thinking, multiple perspectives, and good description to show that motivation can help you to be a better person.

    Lois Metzger uses inner thinking in “A Trick of The Light” a lot to show what Mike is thinking. For example she uses it while he is on his runs, when he is talking or being around Amber, when he is around his mom, when he is talking to Tamio, and when his mom makes him food he doesn’t want to eat because he knows it’s not good for his body. In the end most of the inner thinking is about being more healthy and being a better person.

    The author also uses multiple perspectives a lot in “A Trick of The Light”. In the book there is a lot of going back and forth between Mike and this voice that's in his head which the voice is also trying to help him become the person he wants to be. Between Ambers help and this voice Mike would easily be able to accomplish his goal. Most of the time Mike is telling the story but, whenever there is a decision of what to do the voice steps in and makes suggestions of what Mike should do. Mike doesn’t listen until he realizes that the voice is right and that he should start listening to it. When he does start listening it helps him tremendously.

    The author also uses good description a lot to show many things throughout the book. Some specific examples are when Mike is looking at Amber’s eyes, when he is running, and when he’s talking to or sees Tamio. The author is very good at using description to put the picture in the reader's head that she wants to.

    In conclusion, Mike has the drive to be a better person and is sticking with it because he also has the motivation to. Lois Metzger shows this very well by using good description, inner thinking, and multiple perspectives.

  10. ¨Orbiting Jupiter¨ is a book about a kid who makes mistakes. His name is joseph, he also helps out on a farm with animals. The author of this book talked about joseph’s way back when he was thirteen. Joseph went to school with this girl and he really liked her so joseph would walk seven miles to go see her. The girl name was madeleine. Joseph parents were cool with him and happy until they found out that he got a girl pregnant.
    Orbiting jupiter the author shows the readers how mistakes can always be fixed when you learn from them. In the book there's a kid named joseph he’s a nice kid and never did anything wrong and there was nothing wrong with him before, After a kid took him to a small room something happened and it happened in a small room. Joseph never trusted anyone after what happened, joseph never let anyone stand behind him or next to him. Joseph’s english teacher came and he got scared and almost tried to kill his english teacher, but it was an accident he was afraid to talk to anyone. When joseph tried to kill his teacher he was taken out of that school. Joseph was sent to a different school that he didn’t want go to. The book has multiple plot lines with drama and problems and mistakes. Joseph found the girl he got pregnant and everyone knew and he was taken by the police into a group home, he stayed there one night then left. The police were searching for him and they saw him on the pennsylvania turnpike, going west, they picked him up and took him to lake adams.
    The book has a excellent description because when joseph works on a farm it makes the reader image how it be like if you were on a farm, helping and feeding animals. Joseph milks the cow rosie, joseph would always milk her and he got kicked because rosie was frightened of something, and joseph, her father told him to stand back but joseph didn’t and he ended up getting kicked hard. The author made great description by explaining every character, and when they mentioned madeleine the readers didn’t know who she was until they described her. Madeleine was only thirteen and the author made the readers understand how good description is in a book.
    The book showed a lot of dialogue and actions. Joseph and madeleine started hanging out alot, they would always hangout on week day just not the weekends. Her parents were lawyers, she lived in a house with pillars. Madeleine and joseph would do everything together and siting and talk alot about stuff. They would swim together, and tennis and many more things. After summer winter came and all they would do is still hang out for a long time and they've been so close for a while they were like dating. Although winter came and madeleine and joseph wanted to play in the snow and had a snowball fight. The author made great dialogue and actions and when he got taken by the cops like that's easy to image that in your head. Joseph was a nice growing up but as he got older things didn’t go as planned and as the days go on joseph wonders if he is ever gonna see his daughter again, his father won’t let him because he’s only fourteen.
    Gary D. Schmidt wrote a book that explains making mistakes can be fixed until you learn from them. Joseph always prayed at night wondering the day he meet his little girl and years later joseph was ready for that moment to happen and he was happy as ever to see his daughter.
