
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Seventh Period Times Investigates

After you share your Google Doc with Ms. DeVries, copy and paste your news article here to share with your classmates and the world.  Read over what others have written.  Write positive comments about their writing moves.


  1. Some schools in WI had to switch their start time because of snow days, BMS is included. This author interviewed students at BMS to get their take on school starting 5 minutes earlier.

    A question that was asked had been “how did you react/How did you feel about the school having to start 5 minutes earlier? One person that was interviewed responded, “it was quite a wast of 5 minutes forcing us to get up earlier for school and we should start fresh because it is a new school year than to keep school started 5 minutes earlier”. When they were asked how we could fix it they said: “We could ask the superintendent to switch it back or take some time away from homeroom to substitute it.”

    Another student that was asked said “It makes more busses extra late for school if there is snow or ice on the ground and they do a two hour delay or just simply running late.” and when the interviewer asked the second question they responded “you could shorten some of the electives or just change it back.”

    Shortening classes would be different for each grade because they all have different schedules and the classes are mixed. This would mean there would be more bells if they took time away from different times in all the grades and that would be as confusing as a kindergartener learning Shakespeare.

    1. I like how you formed your article. It was a very good way of giving information to the reader. Great Job!!

  2. Privacy invasion is what most of the clear backpack policies are called in school and in stadiums.

    Clear backpacks are being used in schools and in stadiums like a stadium which I read on, they are having people come with a clear bag or backpack if they want to bring one along. Also inside the stadium any merchandise bought in side will be provided with a clear bag.The stadium is doing this to keep all the players and the fans safe.

    Majory Stohemar douglas a high school in Parkland, Florida did the same thing for their students after according to and article on study breaks.This happened after the school shooting that happened at their school so they added the policy to the school.

    Clear backpacks are becoming mandatory in many places, including stadiums and schools to keep the people safe like wearing your seatbelt in the car. Although many people still see it as a privacy invasion.

    1. I like how there wasn't even a hint of your opinion throughout the whole thing, and you gave good examples.

  3. Clear Water bottle Problem

    At bartels Middle School the policy for water bottles is that they must be clear, so the teachers can see what you are drinking. After interviewing a few students at BMS this reporter found out that most students do usually have water bottles, but not all of them bring it to school.

    From the few students interviewed they all said that they owned a water bottle, but only a couple of them actually use a clear water bottle. Teachers may want students to bring water bottles so they don't have to ask to get a drink at the bubbler during class time. Yet students still decide not to bring a water bottle to class.

    Two of the students interviewed said that they didn't want to bring a water bottle to school because they didn't want to bring a non-clear water bottle and get in trouble. While others just decide that they can just use the bubblers.

    The one thing all the interviewed students had in common was that they didn't want to spend more money on a clear water bottle when they already have a water bottle even if it isn't clear. Spending money on a water bottle they say they already have is like spending money on air.

    While the school sells clear water bottles for the students at BMS, it still means that the students would have to spend money for a new water bottle.

    This might be a problem in Bartles Middle School, and not a lot of the students want to spend the extra money to meet the schools water bottle policy.


  4. Imagine this, your alarm is going off at 5:30 am for five days a week. Now imagine being able to concentrate until 3:15 after getting up that early. Being able to concentrate for that long after getting up that early is like being able to give a 50 page presentation after an hour of preparation.

    This author interviewed students at Bartels Middle School in Portage Wisconsin, to get a better understanding of students sleep schedules. One of the biggest problems was lack of sleep from having to get up so early to go to school.

    The students at BMS have a starting time of 7:50 and go until 3:15. Ninety five percent of students have said that they can’t concentrate that early. Eighty five percent of students get up around 5:30am to 6:30 am, and roughly getting around 6 hours of sleep.

    Out of all of these students almost every single one of them has been tired in class due to lack of sleep. So what did the students suggest? To have school start later in the day.

    The board of education says that every middle school in Wisconsin needs 1,137 hours of education each year. At BMS the students school days are roughly 7 hours and 25 minutes per day. There for if the board has school start later in the day, it will add 25 days to the school year.

    Knowing this, the students of BMS still want school to start later in the day. Almost every single student says that school should start at 9:00 am and go until 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm.

    All of this information from the students shows they will be able to concentrate in class. Although these situations are complex for the board of education to make school start later in the day; it is up to them to solve the problem.

    1. I like how you started it.

  5. Students are like small dogs, they talk a lot but don’t like when others are bigger and louder than them. I interviewed 5 students about their experience on the bus, these are the results.

    The students favorite things about being on the bus was either talking with friends or nothing. Additionally, all the students who responded with nothing, also said that they don’t have any friends riding with them. On the other hand their least favorite thing was other kids were too loud and that the bus driver was always yelling at them.

    I asked the kids what they would change about the bus ride if they could. 2 kids said that they wanted the no eating rule gone along with the rule for no looking backwards in your seat. One said that they wanted a nicer bus driver and another said nothing surprisingly. The final answer isn’t very plausible but they said to change all the buses into vans so that groups of them could sit without others interrupting them.

    The final question I asked was “What would be the ideal or perfect bus ride for you.” They either replied with being able to talk to their friends the whole time or getting to think/read the whole ride uninterrupted.

    You can form your own opinions about this if you like, but I’m just stating the info here.

  6. The jump from seventh to eight grade has a lot more research projects, some of the sites you need to use may be blocked because of the Cipafilter.

    People believe that we don’t need the Cipafilter. Most people think we don’t need it because it blocks most of the sites we need for research projects. They block sites about drugs and alcohol when you need to use them in health. Teachers give out a lot more research projects in English, that have some sites that are blocked.

    People don’t want the Cipafilter because it is their learning time and if they don’t use it wisely than that is their fault. Some people thought that we should have the Cipafilter so that we use our work time wisely but more than half of the people I interviewed said that we should be responsible enough to use our work time wisely.

    Another question I asked was “What sites were blocked because of the Cipafilter”. Most people said weebly but some people said videos on youtube. One person I interviewed said that they needed youtube a lot but they couldn’t always use it because the school blocked it.

  7. There was a recent survey at Bartels Middle School interviewing students about the Clear Water Bottle policy. Here are some questions that the survey brought to the students.

    Do you think we should have clear water bottles?
    If students can only have clear water bottles, what do you think about teachers being able to have any water bottle/drink?
    Would you like to have other water bottles or just clear?
    How do you think this policy helps Bartels Middle School, if at all?
    Is this policy reasonable?

    The first question that was asked, 5/5 people answered they wanted to have other water bottles. Some reasons for that were it doesn’t keep your water cold, you should trust kids with the beverages that they bring to school, and there’s just no particular reason to be able to only have clear water bottles.

    The second question that was asked, there were many students that answered with their own strong opinion. They think it’s unfair that the teachers are allowed to drink whatever they want and that kids can only drink water in a clear water bottle. Other students think that the teachers also have to follow the policy so it either brings happiness or frustration to everyone.

    The third question that was asked, 5/5 people responded that they wanted other water bottles other than clear. Some details were that they bought other water bottles that are not clear, and would like to be able to use them. Other students wanted other water bottles because it keeps their water cold, unlike clear ones. The last set of students said they would like other water bottles because they don’t want to spend more money on a clear water bottle when they already have other ones that they previously bought.

    The fourth question, students had mixed answers. Some students said that they were helpful because the more worried teachers could’ve been helped, and it would be less stressful for the teachers. Other students said that it’s not helpful because some students like to take risks and put different beverages in the clear water bottle.

    The fifth, last question I asked, 5/5 students interviewed answered no, it was not reasonable. The students said that it could be checked in the morning, it’s dumb, they’re making them buy their products, teachers can drink whatever they want, and it’s just unfair.

    The students that were interviewed today had a very strong opinion about the Clear Water Bottle policy. Kids thought it was unfair, didn’t make any sense, and should be able to have different water bottles other than clear.

  8. A reporter has found out many things about bullying at bms. They have asked questions to many different people. They said the older they get, that's when the bullying gets worse. They said if teachers get involved it will get worse.

    One student said that he had a bullying problem in 7th grade. This story was found on washington post. “I was getting bullied by a kid in 8th grade.” He was bigger more popular and stronger than me.” “Every day every time he saw me he called me names shoved me and even hit me.” “Honestly because of him I was depressed.” “I told him to stop and even got a teacher involved.” “But that was a bad idea because the teacher made it worse.” “He swore at me and it was horrible.” “But I told my friend Robert about what was happening.” “He went to the principle right away and told him everything.” “The principle called the bully to the office and he was expelled.”

    Robert was like a miracle to Johnathan. Students ta bms said bullying wasn't that bad at their school. Students who were a bystander of bullying said they didn't get involved. Some thought they were joking or said it wasn't serious.

    I asked kids at bms “How do you feel about the bms bullying policy.” Many students said they feel like they don't do enough. Others said, I feel like were involved with bullying because you can fill out bullying forms on the bms website. They said it sends an email to the principle right away.

    I also asked them when seeing bullying how was the victim different from the bully. Most students had different answers but some of them were the same as the victim was smaller, quiet, or was even a different sexuality.

    Also they said to bullies sometimes were in groups, was taller was stronger, and had a better relationship status than the victim. To conclude students at bms feel very differently when it comes to bullying.

  9. I like the topic you chose. It was talking about an important topic and most people have an issue with it. I also like how you worded things

  10. Bms Dress Code:

    Dress code might never be able to please everyone.However many people believe that dress codes have gotten better over time in terms of fairness.In the 1960s and 70s boys with long hair or hair over their ears had to cut their hair shorter then their ears.many people outraged over this, but what kids may believe is unfair or unreasonable just might be there for a reason. The reason this rule was placed was because the kids with long hair had a big chance of being beat up. Todays dress codes have nothing in then about boys or girls haveing to long or to short hair.
    Since that rule was never considered a dress code, dress codes officially started in the 1980s.Dress codes started because kids started wearing moe gang related things to school. Some schools had a dress code for more of a professional work environment. That statement later introduced uniforms. Uniforms were also a thing so all kids could feel equal.
    Since ms.DeVries has been working here the gang part of the dress code had always been here. However Last school year the gang rule was being more informed than usual.The reason for this was that some kids had been wearing gang related things to school. More specifically the bandana rule. Normally there would be nothing in the announcements about dress codes, but soon after what happened with the kids there was. There were things in the announcements saying no bandanas. But is it fair to say that just because you wear a bandana you are in a gang?
    The two girls I picked to interview said that if they could change one thing about Bms dress code that it would be they could wear ripped jeans without feeling bad and that they could wear tank tops with thin straps. They also said they think the dress code is unnecessary and overboard to a certain point. The Two boys I interviewed said that I interviewed said that if they could change anything they would change that boys could wear tank tops and that you could wear chains.
    An Interesting thing I found out was that both boys and girls both thought girls had it harder, And both girls had been dress coded but both boys haven't been. The two boys that I interviewed said that they thought girls had it harder because girls don't have as much freedom as boys. After the data that I collected based on the surveys I decided it would be a good idea to get a teacher's opinion.
    The teacher I interviewed said that she liked the dress code Bms. she also said that she believed it was harder for girls because there is more revealing and not school appropriate items for girls. saying that there is more revealing clothes for girls to pick is like saying just because there are more red roses than white means that more people are going to pick the red roses.Unlike the students I interviewed she would get some students to contribute into making the rules better or more fair.
    Inconclution dress codes may never be solved or please everyone. Dress codes are here to help kids, but there are things that don't always help. Some people believe that dress code is unfair and that uniforms are unfair but like uniforms how they are there to equalize everybody in a way, Dress codes are also there to help but there might always be pros and cons to dress code.
