
Thursday, November 21, 2019

First Period Gazette Investigates

After you share your Google Doc with Ms. DeVries, copy and paste your news article here to share with your classmates and the world.  Read over what others have written.  Write positive comments about the writing moves the journalists have made.  Think about what we've been learning and compliment based on their use of those lessons.


  1. Many 8th grade students are upset about the BMS phone policy. The BMS phone policy is that phones are exposed to be in your lockers from the start of the school day to the end. Phones can only be used with permission from the office. Some students don’t obey the policy and bring their phones to class anyway, because they are starving for their phones, like someone that hasn’t eaten in days.

    Some students were interviewed about the phone policy at school. Most students have their own phone, and they mostly used social media apps. One student said that if they were able to use their phone, they would use educational apps.

    When it comes to these students opinions on the phone policy, it varies. Some kids don’t like it because if someone needs to be contacted for an emergency, having a phone on the kids would be alot easier.

    Some students disagree with that and think that it’s a good policy, because kids then won’t get distracted and there is a less chance of students getting cyber bullied on social media.

    Yet there are some students that are neutral. They think that it's a good idea for phones not to be out during class, but they feel they should let students have their phones out during lunch or in the hallway.

    Using phones at school is allowed in some schools, but not at Bartels Middle School. Many students at BMS want to change that, but will the school Board allow it?

  2. Bartels Middle School is a big school with a lot of problems. Students at BMS say that one main problem is drama. Drama is started by gossiping and then leads to arguments, which in many cases lead to bullying. Anybody can get put in drama no matter if u did anything or not.

    With there being so much drama at Bartels Middle school sometimes it can get out of hand, and teachers don’t always catch it in time. Most students at BMS believe that 7th graders have the worse problem with drama. Mostly because they are the middle grade so people think they do it for attention.

    One student at Bartels Middle School stated that last year being in drama made her grades drop a lot and made her get into so much trouble she couldn’t play sports. She said that she had to move schools because she was always in trouble because of drama. Drama affects people in many ways most might not see it but it does.

    Another student at Bartels Middle School said that drama had gotten worse for her as she moved up by grade. She said that kids in her grade love to start drama and see people getting into arguments. She also stated that she already has 2 write ups already for drama and issues for things she didn’t start.

    With that being said, Drama at Bartels MIddle School is too much to handle and Students at BMS want it to stop.

  3. At bartels middle school in portage WI parents and students complain that homework is a major issue. An 8th grader said she gets around 3-4 homework assignments a night. One way that the school provides time for homework is study halls. Where students get about 45 minutes to complete work, many students say that they only have a study hall every other day only allowing them to complete work on certain days. Multiple students say that they feel like they’re buried in homework and the clock moves at 100 mph allowing them to get no work done at all.

    Students say that the lack of work time doesn’t allow them to get any work done leaving no time for sports or any extra curricular events. Some students say that they have the perfect amount of homework and the perfect amount of time to complete it, these students have at least one study hall leaving the perfect amount of work time for them to participate in sports/extra curricular events or even just to relax.

    1. I like how you pointed out everything very specific, short and easy to read

    2. I like your figurative language, its really good.

  4. Every night there are 8th grade students at BMS that are staying up too late. They aren’t getting enough sleep because of homework. There is a major difference between how much homework you get in seventh grade and the amount you get in eighth grade. “There is significantly more homework in eighth grade,” one student said.

    Three out of the four students I interviewed were stressed from homework. Two of those students don’t have study halls. Stress can be caused by lack of sleep and too much work to do. They’re as stressed as a deer looking for food during the winter. Most students that have study halls get almost all of their homework done. On average an eighth grade student is given three assignments a day. In seventh grade there was usually one or two.

    1. Good Job on being a good writer

  5. This Reporter interviewed 5 kids at BMS middle school, and they said many things and gave all great opinions but one thing they all agreed on was teachers don’t use detentions fairly. The kids also said that they have been threatened by teachers many times.

    There were two kids that the reporter interviewed who said that they had both gotten detentions this year, they both said “All the detentions that I’ve gotten this year were 15 minutes long.” Another student said, “I don’t understand why teachers even give out detentions, they don’t teach student’s anything.”

    That was one of the opinions that was given, this shows how the student doesn’t like what teachers do when it comes to Detention. The Reporter also interviewed two teachers who gave their opinions, one of the teachers said, “Students who rarely get detentions, usually feel like they are serving a two year prison sentence.” “I know students who get detentions almost everyday, and I just don’t know why.”

    The other teacher said, “ I only give out detentions about twice a month, I do this because I don’t like wasting my lunch, I only give them out when students are on my last nerve.” “But other than that I have a lot of patience, but there are a few kids who just get under my skin, and I give them three warnings, but if they don’t listen, I give them a detention.”

    “I have three rules, my three rules are, 1.Teachers don’t enjoy giving out detentions. 2. When their running out of patience don’t poke them. 3. Teachers will give you a warning, follow them. “ These are my three rules.” The students at BMS would like it if the teachers were to use them more fairly, then maybe the students will be more respectful to the teachers, and less detentions will be handed out.

  6. Many students ask why they have to keep their phones in their locker instead of on them in class. That is since they are not allowed in class. The BMS phone policy states that all students that have and bring phones to school should leave them in their lockers when class starts until the end of the day but why is that? A reporter interviewed staff and students about the phone policy and their thoughts about even including the principal. According to the staff and the principal the phone policy is there to not have students distracted and let them concentrate in class without having to worry about their phones.

    Students say they feel like they aren’t as social as they could be without their phones and that they feel like a part of them is missing. Students also believe that Phones should replace the need of chromebooks.

    The principal said that it is not fair for the use of phones to replace the use of chromebooks since not everyone has a phone and chromebooks are better at doing school work in programs like Google Classroom and Google Drive.

    Even with this reasoning on why phones are not allowed many students the reporter interviewed said that they do not care about the phone policy and keep their phones on them at all times. They said that the phone policy is “stupid” and “unnecessary” for them. This behavior only reinforces the phone policy for the rest of the school.

  7. Most kids get hungry during the school day. They usually get hungry between first and third hour. One reason is many don't eat breakfast. “I'm always rushing out the house because I will be late”, said Taimone. “I don't usually eat breakfast because I am not hungry”, said Antonio. Kids that don't eat food are like books with no pages. They are just a cover.

    Many students wish the school provided food for them to eat in class. Small snacks like a granola bar, yogurt and chips were suggested by students at Bartels Middle school. Some people bring snacks to school. Other suggestions were if you do not bring something to school you could ask a teacher for a snack. “Students could do a fundraiser for money so they could buy snacks for kids that are hungry”, said one eighth grade student.

    When kids are hungry they get angry, do not want to work, and their focus goes down. They are like plants with no water. They will not grow.

  8. “Polar bears are at risk because of their long generation time and small population” Stated the National Wildlife Federation. “The amount of Arctic sea ice in 2012 was 49% less then from 1980 to then. Polar bears need thick near shore ice on which to hunt seals, but with the ice dwindling so rapidly, polar bears must now swim. Sometimes as much as 12 days to reach offshore ice and they often drown from this. This is why about two-thirds of the world’s polar bears are expected to be gone by 2050 if we don’t start acting now.”

    Coals, gases and natural gases, all very easy to get resources that are used almost everyday by everyone. But do we actually know how much they really hurt our wildlife and earth. RIght now humans on planet earth are in a biodiversity crisis which is a period of time with a major loss of wildlife, ecosystems and species. This crisis potentially threaten all of humanity if it does keep up. NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has claimed these theories for over 60 year since their ship The Explorer 1 in 1958. Other ways that they had tested that climate change is actually happening is by examining the oceans coral reefs. They say that reefs are spreading less than before and being destroyed. They also have been analyzing and testing the growth now and in the present times of trees and there rings.

    Will McCallum and English Author and Writer had also stated “The arctic does not need an addition strain from humans taking fish and other food from animals that actually do need it.” He stated this because of the growing fish and krill reduction. From the 1970s the krill population in the arctic has gone down by about 80%. This is such a big deal because krill feed most animals in the North and South Pole. One author from the associated press also stated in an article “The planet can do with us but we can’t do without it.”

    Along with the biodiversity crisis comes the problems with food chains and lifecycles. A problem with climate change and these is that if one small organism and all of its same species go extinct entire food chains will be destroyed. This happens because of animals feeding and relying on other animals in order to survive. This just shows how much Earth really does depend on each other in order to survive.

    The secretary general from the National Climate Change this year had also stated “We have delivered many boosts in momentum, cooperation and ambition. But we still have a long way to go to stop this problem.” With this statement also does come with the problem of extinction and animal populations dropping. In the arctic Krill populations dropping can lead to seal, penguin and fish disappearing. Penguins, seals and fish dying can lead to polar bears dying. Then after this it becomes one big process of animals dying.

    This is why humans need to help and start taking action. Burning wood for heat and energy can help. Planting trees after cutting them down or just going out and doing it for fun. The National Resource Defense Council stated in one of their articles that “One of the top was that humans can and will stop climate change is just by speaking up! Talk to the people and take action against this to make earth a better place.”

    You can do many things and spread the word about climate change but at the end we just don’t know how and when it will stop if it ever does. But if earth does turn to a lifeless, ashy desert we still have Mars.


  9. In the last few years the plastic Pollution in rivers and oceans have grown so rapidly that by 2050 Plastic Pollution is estimated to weigh more than all the fish in rivers and oceans.DJ woodbury is a 12 year old boy who wanted to make a change.One day his school assigned him to pick up garbage from the Petaluma River. He picked up a certain amount and realized he likes helping make a dent in the garbage mound we have created.Him and his dad eventually moved around to different rivers and collected around 2,215 pounds of trash. DJ said that he picked up more plastic than anything else.

    Most companies mix Polymer substances into their plastic containers and or products or they just coat the products in polymer.Polymer is a chemical that has large molecules in long chains like dna chains, making hard to break down or wear out as other things.Most people don't know that Coca Cola is the number one contributor to plastic pollution.coca cola also mixes ̈polyethylene ̈ This is a polymer that is used to make things more durable.Some companies claim to take action while some don't say anything about taking action.

    Starbucks is a company that goes through about 175 million straw everyday! But luckily they are going more eco friendly very soon. By 2020 they plan to eliminate plastic straws from all 28,000 of their restaurants. Instead they will be switching to 100% recyclable strawless lids, and for the drinks that require a straw they will be using either paper or 100% recyclable straws.

    Plastic is causing this world some trouble but there are some people out there who are trying to make a change. Slyvia Earie is an ocean agrapher who is known for her research and marine Algae, she also made documentaries designed to spread awareness about plastic pollution. She once said “To be so ignorant and neglectful of our oceans is deeply troubling… there are limits to how much abuse we can inflict.. ¨

    Slyvia spent most of her time devoted to science in oceans. This quote points to the fact that our earth can only take so many destructive hits before it crumbles. There are practices that humans can do to stop plastic from destroying are earth. Many people believe that polymer should stop being a thing on plastic.There are moments specifically designed to stop polymer, and if all else fails were just gonna have to expect to fish plastic out from oceans and seas instead of fish.

  10. Everyone in life has free access to knowledge imagine if that was to be taken away from us? In “ Words on Fire” by Jennifer Nielsen, the characters are risking their lives by smuggling books. The officers are trying to stop them, and will do any extent of punishment they want. Each day's a fight to get free knowledge. In “ Words on Fire '' Jennifer uses Dialogue and 1st person Narrative to show the free access of knowledge.

    One of the author’s craft techniques in the book was dialogue. The author of “ Words on Fire '' used dialogue to show how the good characters are risking their lives for their books and the bad character trying to get them to stop by threatening them with the consequences. One character that showed this was Rusakou. He is not a good man in this book and wants to stop all smuggling. He found Audra and this is what he said “ In hopes of reminding you of how much you have lost, if you truly miss them then I will send you to Siberia to join them. Yes it's true that you may not survive the trip, just as your parents may not have survived it. I’d hate for you to go all that way and find yourself alone there, with nothing but ice and chains and convicted criminals for company. You will be assigned the same work as the adults. If you think carrying a sack full of books is heavy, wait until you are given a railroad tie to drag by yourself for a kilometer though knee deep snow”. This is showing how Rusakou is threatening Audra to scare her to stop smuggling books and him telling her the consequence she would get if she doesn't stop. Another example is when Rusakou found her again and said “ You are a smuggler child, so surely you know how expensive the crime is. A few of you carry the illegal books over the borders, others hide them, others teach from them. One crime is the same as the other, you probably think that this has been a bad night, but that once morning comes things will look brighter and then your smuggling can continue as before. If so, then you are wrong Miss Zikaris. Before we leave this town, we will have destroyed every illegal word and action here, and then we

    will move to the next town and the next. Everywhere you smugglers go, I will follow and I will bring fire and punishment with me”. This shows that books are illegal and Rusakou will do anything to punish the book smugglers. He will destroy their village as a punishment for having books.

    The second character that showed this was Ben. When the soldiers were gonna break into the church and burn it down Ben said “ You’ve gotten out everything that you can, now please for the last time listen to me and get as far from this place as possible. They will win no matter how many of you are here it won't matter, they will win. What orders do you think those soldiers have to arrive and then one side or the other will start a fight that will only end one way and that is with dead Lithuanians in the street and a church burned to its foundation. Your work is to deliver books”. This is showing that the soldiers would kill these innocent people just because they want to learn from their books, as a consequence,they would go to the extent of burning down buildings just to prove a point just over books.
