
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Nonfiction Article Summary

Today, we're going to take a little time to practice our nonfiction reading skills, summarizing skills, and blogging skills.  We need a little time before we start the book club groups (mostly because not everyone had a chance to fill out the form).  While we wait, we're going to practice some of the skills that we will be using during the book club project.

What you will do:  Read at least one article.  This can be a magazine article or another article that you read online.  Write a 3 sentence summary of what you read as a comment on this blog entry.  Then reply to other students' comments.

What should it look like?
Article Title: Put the article title here
Source:  Give the name and month of the magazine - or - the Website your online article came from.
Summary:  Write your three sentence summary here.

How will it be graded?  Blog Rubric


  1. Article: Dejected QB Cam Newton Has Little to Say to Media After Super Bowl Loss — Then He’s ‘Done’
    Magazine: The Blaze
    Summary: The article is about how Cam Newton was in the super bowl 50 with a 15-1 record. Also it talked about how he acted like a child in a press conference after some questons on how he felt about lossing the super bowl he said "I'm done man" and left. It talked about how the panthers were garented to win and they lost to the Broncos 24-10.

    1. Did he have anything else to say about the loss

    2. I honestly thought that the panthers would have beaten the broncos due to there stats of wins:14 Losses:2 to the broncos stats of wins:12 Losses:4. also afetr the super bowl I think it must have been embarassing to have had a meltdown in front of thousands of people who were watching the super bowl.

    3. Why did he be so immature about it. He got into the super bowl, isn't that enough.

    4. He did not have any thing else to say he just said that and left.

    5. I think that if you want to be successful the NFL you need to have good conduct and a no quit attitude, saying "i'm done man" is not going to get you anywhere

    6. That was probably really imbarressing.

    7. I agree with "HunterD" and I think that he should be grateful to even get to the Super Bowl when tons of other teams don't make it. It's supposed to be an honor to play in the best game of the season and I think that this player shouldn't have been, so immature over the situation.

    8. Cam Newton is a sore loser. He is lucky enough to even be in the Super Bowl.

  2. Article Title : Jigging up March Pike
    Wisconisin Sportsman - March 1 , 2015
    Summary - when jigging for big northern pike you want to fish slowly and with caution. This allows you to use a five second rule that allows the pike to swim five seconds before turning around and swallowing the bait. In conclusion when you use mixtures of different baits and different lures and jigs you will be giving the pike what they want allowing you to catch them easier.

    1. That sounds like an intresting article.

    2. cool i did not know that

  3. Article Title: sold out, no sell out.
    Magazine: Road and track June 2015
    Summary: The article was about a new porsche the cayman gt4. They compared it to the old gt3 that was a 911 model. It also said that it had flaws but was still very good.

  4. Storms on Other Worlds
    In this article, Shannon Palus, the author, talked about lightning. She wrote about the creation, how it happens, and when lightning strikes. She included many real facts, some said by a German physicist teaching at a university. All in all, the article was about lightning and it's ways.

    1. What were some of the real facts, and why wouldn't it be real. This article sounds very interesting!

    2. Doest lightnig turn to glass when it srikes sand?

  5. Obama To Request $1.8 Billion To Fight The Zika Virus
    The Obama administration has said it will ask US Congress for 1.8 billion to fight the Zika virus immediately. The virus is usually transmitted through mosquitos and is linked to the condition Microcephaly, which is where babies are born with underdeveloped brains. So, the money will go towards vaccine research programs and Mosquito control efforts, they also say that some of that money will go towards other Zika affected countries to better fight the mosquitoes.

    1. I can't believe Obama wants to give that much money for research! Even though it is becoming a big deal.

    2. He wants to donate this much money for research on the zika virus where as he is not helping with the ebola virus at all.

    3. I have read so much about the Zika virus, and it does sound bad, but you have to consider it's new, and not everything cheap, but that is a ton of money for something we know quite a bit about.

    4. Finally thats great because misqetos cause a lot of problems but the can help the inviroment.

    5. That's nice that we are caring about other countries with deadly diseases. Though it is a lot of money to give away.

    6. that virus is bad i like that he is giveing all that money to them but that is a lot of money to give to them.

  6. Zika virus:5 things you need to know about Zika
    Article online: Online CNN
    Summary: Zika comes from misquotes. Zika is a virus common to yellow fever. There are no cures for Zika, which makes it so deadly. Already, 15 babies have died from the virus. It makes their heads very small when they are born which causes in their deaths. The Zika virus is mostly in South America, but many concerns are for America coming apart of the virus.

    1. I really enjoyed your summary, and you explain very simply, so it is very easy to read (:

    2. i saw that vidieo to

    3. Has anyone tried to create a cure for it?

    4. Yeah we don't want another disease like the ebola outbreak.

    5. I read an article about the Zika virus too.

  7. Article Title: Get That Song Outta My Head!
    Magazine: Discover/March 2016
    Summary: The article was about a song that's stuck in your head, they call it a earworm. There is a group working on the subject and has done research and done surveys for the topic. In the article, they talking about how to get the "earworm" out, for example listen to the entire song or sing it out loud.

  8. Article Title:The ebola explosion
    summery:ebola started in southern Guiea africa a boy got the viris from a fruit bat.
    first he had the flu then he started vometing and then on dec 6,2013 the boy died the reast of his familley died by new year and every one around them got it and the people around those people got it and so on

  9. Article Title: To win progressives, Hillary has to dump Bill.
    Website: USA today

    this article was about how Hillary Clinton cannot do well in the progressives if she has Bill following her around everywhere.The article describes how Clinton's view is anything but consistent at some times she has distanced herself from her husband and others she has used him for support. In conclusion Bill is losing this race for Hillary and he needs to stay out of it

    1. How come Bill keeps interfering with Hillarys campaing.

  10. Article Title: A Sleeve to Save Pitchers' Arms
    Magazine: Popular Science/ April
    Summary: There has been a frequent problem in the MLB, about the pitcher's arms hurting after they throw a ball. To solve this problem there has been a device that pitchers wear, to keep track of the health in their arm. The data in the device helps the coach make a decision if the pitcher should go out and pitch or if it needs rest.

    1. I wonder, how much does the device cost!

    2. This seems like it would be a good idea. Is it expensive to make?

  11. Article Title: Let's Go Bananas! It's the Year of the Fire Monkey!
    Magazine: Dogo News February
    Summary: It is the year of the Fire Monkey. Each year is represented by an animal of the Chinese Zodiacs as well as one of the five elements. People are celebrating in the Lantern Festival and spring cleaning. They also have food to represent good health, prosperity, and wealth

    1. Monkeys are amazing!! GO MONKEYS!!!! What are the 5 elements though?

  12. Article Title: Peeling Back a City's Layers
    Magazine: Discover
    Summary:Ufuk Kocabas is an Archaeologist that is particularly interested in ships, and has been studying them since he was 14. He and his team found an ancient harbor with the remains of 37 shipwrecks. He and his team have had trouble with the digs because instead of working 2 months out of the summer, they work from 8 in the morning to midnight all year long. They had to pump out the water, and sometimes the plumbing overflowed and the had to clean that up. The wood had so much water damage, it would break if touched.

  13. Article Name:Destination Pluto page 117.
    This has some big info on Pluto, like discovered in 1930, and etc.This even has what their doing like going 8,000 miles near the dwarf planet. So this is really,really interesting.

  14. Article Title: Carolina Panthers star calls timeout on all the black quarterback talk.
    Website: Newsela
    Summary: Panthers Quarterback Newton talks in an interview and talks about how players shouldn't be labeled by their race. It shouldn't be a news report that an African American is a starting quarterback is what he believes, race shouldn't matter at all. He talked about being a role model to many and that playing football has been his dream, and this people see him African American or not and see him as someone to relate to.

    1. i agree and ps broncos rock

  15. Article Title: Giant Royal Caribbean Ship damaged in 'extreme' storm. February 7 2016
    Summary:In the article, I read that a ship was damaged in a severe storm at sea. The captain ordered all of the passengers to their cabins. No passengers were hurt. They were expecting a storm, but not this bad. The buoy 260 feet away reported wave heights of 30 feet and wind gusts of 74 mph.

  16. Article Title: 2 N.C. middle schoolers are classical music pioneers
    Magazine: Newsela
    Summary: This Article was about two young middle school boys that go to a music school in New York, the school was mean't to give underprivileged children opportunities in the Arts and to help them with a future in music to keep them better focused throughout life. One of the boys takes music as a joy and kind of something to occasionally do, the other wants music to be a career in the future and plans to audition for Junior Western Region Orchestra (of the N.C. Music Educators Association). Overall, this article described how music is important in our lives and that these two boys show how you can be successful in music as long as you try to succeed.

  17. Article Title: Carolina Panthers star calls timeout on all the black quarterback talk.
    Website: Newsela
    Summary: Panthers Quarterback Newton talks in an interview and talks about how players shouldn't be labeled by their race. It shouldn't be a news report that an African American is a starting quarterback is what he believes, race shouldn't matter at all. He talked about being a role model to many and that playing football has been his dream, and this people see him African American or not and see him as someone to relate to.

  18. Article Title: Pit Bulls Become Shelter Stars
    Source: National Geographic-September 2015
    Summary: When I was reading this, I learned that pit bulls are known as a tough and strong dog. But they can be nice and gentle as well, like all dogs can be. In Nebraska humane Society they used to ban pit bulls. But now they made " Breed Specific Ordinance in 2009, and found out that these dogs can be as gentle as others can. And some dogs are know as a Breed Ambassador, and where a vest and get to go out without a muzzle .

    1. Pitbulls seem like they can be so many different ways by how they're raised! If they're raised to fight what do you think they will do! Raise them the right way, and they are really no problem!

  19. Article Title: Rooted in Truth
    Magazine: Discover - November 2015
    Summary: This article is about doing more research in tales to see if they are true. It has been proven that there people have found some truth in some tales. One myth is part of Homer's the Odyssey where some people are wandering around lost and starving and they come to a house where a woman welcomes them in to have a feast and all but one of the men go in. He watches the men eat and then turn into pigs, he runs and tells somebody and they tell him to use a potion to protect him while he goes to destroy the woman. Researchers found out that the "potion" that turned the men into hogs was something that you can find on the Earth, this plant causes hallucinations. The "potion" that turns them back is also a plant that people can find on Earth.

  20. Article Title: Zika Virus: Why We Shouldn't Panic
    Magazine: CNN
    Summary: The Zika virus is just another ebola problem with being brought by foreigners, but this time it is curable. Zika is a disease that is in certain mosquitoes that causes birth defects and can be passed on by genetics. Although it is deadly, it isn't even on the top 10 deadly viruses. The threat is people overthinking it as an outbreak when really it is an inconvenience

    1. That actually really helps me because it used to always scare me the new virus and now that I saw you're summary it made me not be as scared.

    2. I also read an article about the Zika virus.

  21. Article Title:Friend For Life
    Magazine:Popular Science
    Summary: A robot that could change the world is finally created. The robot can do many things like learn,make food,build stuff and can hear what your saying.They said they should let the robot learn by itself because personal robots are going to be out in human environments and its going to be really hard for engineers to think of all the things there going to do with the robot.

    1. Sounds like a very interesting article, and great summery. But what kind of things can the robot build?

  22. Article Title: Destination Pluto: First look at the dwarf planet
    Magazine: National Geographic
    Summary: In 2005 they launched a spacecraft to reach pluto at about July 14,2015. In 2006 a spacecraft was launched it will try to go past pluto and continue into the farthest reaches of the solar system. NASA could never really get information on Pluto since even with the best telescope it was always blurry but now a rocket will fly within 6,000 feet from it.

  23. Article Title-How the Media Missed Bernie Sanders
    Magazine- January 19th CNN website
    Summary- The presidential debate between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is giving Hillary a run for her money in Iowa. Also Sanders has a heads up in media because of Trump's way of acting, and no one can take him seriously. When Sanders gave more of an idea to the people of his thoughts he immediately started bringing in the many supporters.

    1. What happened to Hillary Clinton?

  24. Article title: Outside The Lanes
    Magazine:Super Bowl inside 50 years
    Summary: Abbi and her family love pets so they wanted another animal so they went to the animal shelter and wanted a cat but Abbi didn't like what she saw.Abbi and her family already have chickens,dogs ,guinea pigs,and a rabbit.Abbi is also only nine years old and Abbi thought that the pets deserved a better place because the animal shelter smelled so Abbi raised more than $30,000 dollars over the last 3 years.

  25. Article Title: 3 mauled as leopard wreaks havoc at Indian school.
    Summary: Late in the afternoon at an indian school men found a leopard walking around the school on security footage. Lots of men fled, or hid in high places but unfortunately two men were attacked while trying to escape and the other by the pool. But, in the end nobody including the leopard was hurt and all of the men made it to safety.

  26. Article Title: Inside the new Stealth Arsenal
    Magazine: Popular Science
    Summary: There was a UAV stealth fighter that helped track down Osama Bin Laden. After that success, the US has created a classified project to make more of them but better. They developed two of them but have more plans to make more.

  27. Article title:March Crappies
    magazine title:Wisconsin Sportsman March 2015
    Summary: The article was about south wisconsin Chippewa Flowage crappies.You need a lot of leg power to get to Dean Elmer's favorite spot. You can also get pike from there.

  28. Article Title: The Revolution Will Be Green
    Magazine: Popular Science
    Summary: The green revolution helps make all the plants better. They started this in late 1940's to the early 1970's. The farmers have started it up again and they now have drones going around all the crops and plants.

    1. What does it do to the plants to make them better?

  29. Article Title:Ncaa Championship
    Magazine:Sports Illustrated
    Summary:When Duke and Wisconsin went head to head in the final four and it is talking about how Duke was the greatest team but Wisconsin said they put up a fight which they did and the final score came to to 68-63. Bo Ryan said this is rent the player and be done with it. But if renting the player was simple they wouldn't have eight scholarship players this season.

  30. Article Title:Woman dies in ski accident at Cascade Mountain
    Website:News 27 WKOW
    Summary:This article was about the terrible accident that happened at cascade mountain. A 24 year old women went skiing and ran into a tree. When she got to the hospital she was pronounced dead.

    1. I heard about that. Thats terrible that it happened bu.t I wonder if the girl lost control or something like that

    2. Was she a recent skier or was this her first time?!

  31. Article Title: Zika: Why we shouldn't panic
    Magazine: CNN
    Summary: This is talking about how the Zika virus does not have any effects on certain people. But then sometimes on others it can possibly have an effect. This can happen to mainly pregnant ladies but not all. Also do not travel to the 20 Sates that were listed that have also been having this virus. So everyone stay away from the 20 states. Some people are panicking but that is what we do not want to happen. We want for everyone to stay calm and believe that this virus can go away.

    1. that crazy that it infects certain people.

  32. Article Title: A Robot for Disaster Response
    Magazine: Popular Science
    Summary: Three years ago they started a three year long competition about self-controlled robots. This month they will traverse rubble, saw through walls, and drive a vehicle through a simulated disaster zone. It is called the DARPA Robotics Challenge, and there is a $2 million dollar prize.

  33. Article Title:Peyton Manning:Is it the end for a Super Bowl Legend?

    The article talked about if Peyton Manning would be returning to the NFL next year. Peyton was the first quarterback with 200 wins, with Superbowl 50 taking the lead against Brett Farve. Peytons parents said that it was up to him to make the desision, and they would be happy with wahtever one he choose.

    1. I new the Broncos would win the Superbowl. I wonder what Manning will chose to do next year.

    2. I knew they would win.

  34. Article Title: This talking bird is disappearing from the wild
    Website:National Geographic
    Summary:The African Grey Parrot is disappearing quickly and is close to extinction. The reason for it is because many people are capturing them and shipping them to other countries or continents. The birds then either die on the trip to other countries to be sold or they die because they are "heartbroken" and have no other bird to talk to or they don't have the freedom to fly and be free.

    1. Are they expensive?

    2. Wouldn't people get the idea before they shipped them that the bird was going to die? Like it is kind of common sense, wouldn't you think??

    3. It's kinda sad that the people who would own them wouldn't get another bird for them to talk to...

  35. Forward
    summary The article i just read was about peyton manning and how he is moving forward in his NFL career with the Denver Broncos.He is having his worst season since his rookie career but it is only week 2 but yet his team is still winning.It takes him 25 minutes to get ready for the showers and he is 39 years old.

    1. He is pretty old do you think he will retire, and didnt he have a bad foot injury?

    2. He is pretty old to be still playing football i think he will retire this year.

  36. Article Title: When players and fans are mean to referees, nobody wants the job.
    Website: Newsela
    Summary: This article talked about how there are not as many referees anymore because players, fans, and coaches have treated them poorly. Two players from Texas ran into a ref on purpose, and referee's from Utah and Michigan have been killed. Luckily two years ago there was this group that helped referees out and made it easier for them to keep reffing, otherwise sports could be reffed by amateurs who might be fans of a certain team, which wouldn't be fair.

  37. Google Smart Car
    Discovery top 100 stories of 2014
    The google smart car is a car that does not need anyone to drive it. The car runs off a app that you put the place that you want to go and it will drive you there. It will be about 30 years before it's realised to the public.

    1. The Google Smart Car sounds awesome. Maybe they will have internet access and plugs to charge your phones and handhelds. Hopefully, it would be big enough for a TV to be in it, including a game system like a Wii U.

  38. Article: Broncos Mock Panthers for flashy ways after Super Bowl win
    Website: USA Today
    Summary: The Denver Broncos tried their hardest to not trash talk the Carolina Panthers, but on Sunday night after the Super Bowl they didn't stop themselves from doing it. They chose to be respectful to the Panthers instead of being like they did to the New England Patriots, but this doesn't mean that they wouldn't boast about the win; they wanted to wait until the confetti dropped. When the Broncos got the lead they knew that the Panthers wouldn't be able to get back at them.

  39. Article title: Fight to survive Mauled.
    Summary: A man was in the woods with his buddy.He got attacked by a bear and his buddy climbed a tree to save himself. The man killed the bear with a knife,and walk for 700 yards it took him nearly 2 hours to get to the four wheeler that took him to in ambulance then the ambulance took him to a chopper, Then he got to the hospital.

  40. Article Title: Backs are the new way forward
    Magizine: Sports Illustrated
    Summary: THe article talks a lot about how all the old sports illustrated were all about the quarter backs. Then it starts to talk about Russel Wilson and how he was on the news and made a lot of money. It also talks about how much he made and why the seattle seahawks pay so much.

  41. Article Title: Micheal Phelps' coach discusses plans for Rio Olympics
    Website: USA TODAY
    Micheal Phelps and his coach have decided that Micheal is going to be participating in the 2016 Rio Olympics. They are currently deciding what events they want him to swim in. They are both looking forward to this big event!

    1. I am super exited I cant wait to watch this he is awesome!!!

  42. Article Title: Stefon Diggs
    Summary: This wide receiver (they catch the ball) of the Minnesota Vikings in the NFL is very clean. He is clean at home and in the NFL, because he cleanly runs for good receiving yards. He had a good start in the Vikings team, then got injured in the second and third season that he played in. He had a broken leg and kidney problems. Even though he was injured, he still played well in the games that he was in and got 1,379 total yards in that time.

  43. Article Title-Snake Slayer
    Summary- The article cartridges known as rat shot. They are used in venomous snake territory. The cartridges are filled with tiny shot and are either crimped at the end or have a plastic cap. These loads are available from .22 to .45. And they are extremely deadly at close range.

  44. Article Title: Thinking Like a Dolphin; understanding one of the most smartest creatures on Earth...
    Magazine/Website: National Geographic
    Summary: The dolphin is a very talented creature, they can tell the material of an object from 100 feet away or interpret different vocalizations from other dolphins. They can do various tricks on command, depending on what their trainer teaches them and what they specifically are capable of. The dolphin also can literally have conversations with each other, by whistling beneath the surface of the water.

    1. That's incredible that dolphins are that intelligent! i wonder how they can think like that. I wonder how they developed thsat trait, like how they can talk to each other like that underwater.

  45. Article Title: Neighbor: Slain Virginia Girl Talked of Online 'Boyfriend'
    Website: ABC news.
    Summary: This article talked about 13 year old Nicole Madison Lovell was killed Wednesday, the same day she vanished by two College students; David, an 18-year-old she met online through the Kik messaging app. And his female friend who helped him hide the body. Madison was found Wednesday the same day she was found missing.

    1. I like it but you should've put more facts

    2. That is honestly very scary. It just goes to show that you can't trust everyone you meet online. I wonder how the family of Nicole feels?

  46. Article Title: May your days be Airy
    Magazine: Road Track, October
    Summary: The Airy Fan is made by Haiku, Haiku holds the top ENERGY STAR. The Airy fan has 16 unique brightness choices for dark to super super bright the bulb for this ceiling fan is a led light. This ceiling fan is silent has no clicking sounds of the two strings hitting each to her because the fan is on high because it was hot out and all you wanted to do is take a nap with the fan on and also the Airy fan has 25 international design awards.

  47. Article Title: Feeding Frenzy - Orcas show thier smarts by working together to whip up a meal.
    Magizine: National Gepgraphic
    Summary: The alpha male orca is leading the school of herring to the pod so they can feast. The orcas wait until the school settles down so the alpha male can slam the edge of the school - serving up dinner. Usually the orcas would eat the other whales that were just swimming around, they would work together with the whales that were eating the herring as well.

    1. That's so interesting.

    2. That's so interesting.

  48. Article title: Understanding dolphins
    Magazine: Nazional geographic
    My article is about understanding dolphins like how do they know what to do and how there so smart and the tricks they can understand.Also what makes them so unique

  49. Article Title: Print your candy and eat it too
    Magazine: Popular Science January 2015
    Summary: This article was about how you can now 3-D candy and eat it. A 13 year old company found out how to print out candy easy to chew for seniors! Now all they have to figure out is how to make it taste better.

    1. This is so cool! I would SO want one of these in my house. Then I can just eat candy whenever I want! Now they just need to make candy healthier, but still taste good!

    2. That's really cool! I wonder if it would really taste that good? The company must of spent a lot of money on the printer. But, I also was wondering how came up with the idea (besides the company)

  50. Article Title:U.S. WNT Continues Olympic Prep in Frisco
    Summary:The USA WNT only has three more days until they start the first of the olympic Qualifying in Frisco, Texas.Then the team will be playing against Costa Rica on Feb.13th at Toyota Stadium, home of MLS's FC Dallas.The team is super excited and is ready to win this tournament.

  51. Article Title: A Drone That Flies and Films for You
    Magazine: Popular Science
    Summary: The 3DR Solo Drone can let you monitor live feed from the camera that's is filming from. The drone can fly up to 400 ft, while also getting a great view. This drone doesn't only go up to 400ft, it also has a great focus.

    1. That sounds very interesting what that drone can do for someone out there.

    summary: This heart felt game has gone through the internet like crazy! It's a nice friendly game. It helps you get a understanding of someone who's bad and good.

  53. Article Title: Back to spool
    Magazine: Road & Track
    Summary: This article talks about how the new Ferrari 488 is a N/A (Naturally Aspirated) car and the first turbo car the 288 was better the the new one but they where wrong the 488 has a lot more improvements than the 288 and talk how the 288 was under powered than the 488.

  54. Article Title: Undertale Review - IGN
    Summary: Undertale is an extremely complex RPG (Role-Play-Game) that focuses on choices and consequences. You can either choose to do something good, or bad and every decision you make affects your gameplay. The storyline is in-depth, while the fun illustrations/music in the game throw back to a retro style and leaves me recommending Undertale to anyone who enjoys video-games.

    1. I own the game on my computer and I played it recently. It was very entertaining and I really enjoyed what it offered.

  55. Article title: Now that's using your head. Summary: David Tyree a wide receiver for the giants, caught a football with his helmet. His mother passed away 2 months before the game. He loved football since college.

  56. Article Title:The likely reason Cam Newton walked out of his postgame news conference. Source:
    Summary: Cam Newton after Super Bowl 50 walked out of his post-game press conference. He walked out after being asked the following question stating it was his teammates faults. But what you can slightly hear in his press conference that made Cam leave is Chris Harris Jr. (a Broncos cornerback) said there plan was to overwhelm him and then force him to throw the ball and possibly get a pick. After that Cam walked out.

  57. Article Title: Presidents' Day Dilemma
    Magazine: Time for kids
    Summary: The government cannot decide how to celebrate Presidents' Day. Some citizens want the date to only celebrate George Washington, while some others want the date to celebrate Abraham Lincoln. However, most people believe that the day should celebrate all past presidents.

  58. 13 Yaer Old Designer Fahion Line Displayed in New York


    Summary: Isabella Taylor has been painting since she was three and started her carrer at the age of 8. She graduated high school at 11 and is now attending Austin Community Collage at the age of 13, she has her own line of cloths and desins out now. Isaballa says she wont let here age stop her and she wants to be sucsessful, whitch she already is and will continue doing what she loves.

    1. That is super cool. I can't believe an 13 year old is going to college. How old were they when they finished 8th grade?

    2. The artical didnt say but i think it is cool that she is desinging selling close this young

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Article Title:Let's Go Bananas!It's the Year of the Fire Monkey
    Summary:Every new year there is a celebration of one of the twelve animals picked out and also one of the five elements.Whole families come together and celebrate.Everything the people use represent something like different kinds of food and the color red keeps away bad spirits.

  61. Title:Super Bowl 50: Denver Broncos Take Home The NFL Title
    Summary: In Super Bowl 50 the Broncos beat the Panthers 24-10. Denver's defense really helped them get their win. With this possibly being Peyton Manning's last game,he brought home his second Super Bowl win.

    1. ya it was a good game I think

  62. Article Title: It's Time For a Conversation
    Magazine: National Geographic
    Summary: There are two dolphins,Hector and Han, they are trained to take many commands. When they are told to do something they do it and they usually do it in perfect unison. They have to study every move they make so then they can see if they are in unison or one is just mimicking the other so very quickly.

    1. That's so cool! Will studies like this help us to understand a dolphins language?

  63. Article Title:X-Treme!
    Magazine:Sports Illustrated Kids, January/February
    Summary:Winter sports around twenty years ago were known as the sport that is just like skateboarding just with a coat and gloves, people didn't like much. But through time that has change, to now winter sports being known as one of the most exciting events in the Olympics. Even the sport itself has evolved in so many ways, I mean now they are trying stuff like duel snowboarding and a whole bunch of stuff and changing the way people think about winter sports.

    1. What things do you think people already think about winter sports? Do you think that most people don't like them or are they just to scared to try them out?

  64. Article title: A Ninth Planet?
    Source: Science world
    Summary: Scientists believe they have found the ninth planet in our solar system. This planet isn't a dwarf planet only because its mass is ten times larger than earth's... so we don't need to go through the pain we did with pluto. Astronomers want to locate it within the next five years or so.

    1. Woah, that's so cool. What if instead of having 8 planets, we would have 9. That's crazy!

    2. I know. Isn't that cool. I wonder what the ninth planet could be. I hope it is something really cool.

  65. Article Title: Cam Newton, Sacked Six Times, Brings Himself Down
    Magazine: New York Times, Feb.8
    Summary: The Broncos won the super bowl leaving Cam Newton upset about his performance. Cam Newton was sacked six times and that's what the Broncos wanted. The Broncos wanted to leave the game with the sad and upset body language from the other team.

    1. So the Broncos did that just so the Panthers would have a bad attitude?

  66. Article Title: Cam Newton, Sacked Six Times, Brings Himself Down- The New York Times
    Summary: After losing the Super Bowl, Cam Newton was depressed and acting like humiliated child. He wasn't happy or energetic during or after the game. Cam is great player, but his actions and the way he played, don't show that.

    1. OMG! I saw thta he started freaking out and crying :(

    2. Megan, you are very right about the way Cam Newton acted after the Super Bowl, and even during the game. He shouldn't of acted like that and probably acted more grown up like.

    3. Megan, I totally agree with everything you said. Cam was acting like a child!

    4. I totally agree! Cam should've been more mature!

  67. Article Title: Broncos Win Super Bowl 50 as Defense Swarms Panthers
    Summary: It was a compelling yet depressing game against the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers on Sunday, February 7th. The win degenerated in poor throws, dropped passes and horrible pass protection, with a combined 6 turnovers and 18 penalties.This might prove the last of Manning's career, but certainly not be his best remembered, with 13 out of 23 passes for only 141 yards,no touchdowns, and interception and a lost fumble.

    1. Do you think that Manning will announce his retirement anytime soon?

  68. Field & Stream Fight to Survive

    Brandon Johnson 44 was helping a friend find a black bear that was recently shot. Johnson went on trial and was attacked by a bear, stabbing the bear in the neck many times. Johnson had broken both arms, left arm 2 times and the right arm once, having six operations to fix his arms with more to come.

    1. Did they survive this fight?

  69. Article Title:Researchers Believe That The Real-Life King Kong Perished Because Of Its Inability To Adapt.
    Source:DOGO News
    Summary:Many people are pleased to hear that the King Kong kind of ape may have actually roamed the Earth not that long ago. The gigantopithecus was a ape that was king size and fed on bamboo as a forest dweller just like the giant panda. Southern China and Thailand where the fossils were found researchers have found that 100,000 years ago the gigantopithecus disappeared. Which is the same time period when the forests had changed to savanahs, you never know a king kong size creature could still be climbing skyscrapers in your own backyard.

  70. Article Title: Anne Frank
    Summary: Anne Frank was a Jewish teenage girl living in Germany during WWII. Her family went into hiding but was later discovered by Nazi troops and taken to Auschwitz, a concentration camp for Jewish prisoners. She was spared immediate death in the "showers", but later died 3 days after her sister of typhus.

  71. Article Title : The Real Star of the James Bond Movie
    Magazine : Popular Science (October 2015)
    Summary : The star of the James Bond movie is really the Aston Martin DB10. It is a custom built car designed by Mark Reichman. It doesn't only go past 190 mph, it is also energy efficient with LED lights.

  72. Article Title: Dejected QB Cam Newton Has Little to Say to Media After Super Bowl Loss — Then He’s ‘Done’
    Magazine:The Blaze
    Summary:Cam Newton was supposed to won super bowl 50 because of the great streak they had a 15-1. After the game against seattle he took a seattle flag and through it on the ground. He said to the media that they lost and that I'm done that is all he said.

  73. Article:head on train crash
    summary:A german trsin crashed head on with another train on Tuseday 5th ten people dead and 17 critically injured. One person was reported missing after the crash from Germany's southern state of Bavaria. They said there were about 150 passengers on board the two trains 63 people on board suffered less serious injuries

    1. Wow, that's awful.

    2. trsin? I saw that when browsing, that is seriosly sad, that is horrible did the two trains crash together, how they monitor the tracks don't they?

  74. Article: How to protect yourself against the Zika virus
    Summary: Mosquitoes are spreading a disease called the Zika virus. It's most common in Latin America and the Caribbean. The mosquitoes will eventually make their way to the Western Hemisphere and keep spreading.

    1. Your comment was very good. I did not know that.

  75. Article Title:Thinking Like a Dolphin
    Magazine:National Geographic Date for this magazine is May 2015
    Summary:The bottlenose dolphins are among on being biggest in the animal kingdom. There is a dolphin trainer who is teaching these two males who are dolphins,are now wanting on command when the dolphins see the trainer. Dophins are communicating with there bodies in the water like: a dolphin tring to protect the rest by an coming boat with nets.

  76. Article Title:Teal Terroir
    Magazine:Outdoor Life-September 2015
    Summary:Early Teal season is dreaded. The humidity and mosquitoes are always working against you. Yet it is all worth it in the end when you reach your limit of Teal.

    1. I'm not the only one doing a summary on parasites.

  77. Article:Why Von Miller Deserves Biggest Contract for A Defender in NFL History
    Summary:The Super Bowl was exciting for Denver Broncos fans as they as they walked away with a Super Bowl win.The Super Bowl MVP had five tackles 2.5 sacks and two forced fumbles in Super Bowl 50.He should get it because he is a unrestricted free agent this year.

    1. Von was a beast! He totally deserved that Super Bowl MVP.

  78. Article Title: Nosler M48 Patriot
    Magazine: OutdoorLife/ August 2O15
    Summary: This kind of gun is the best kind of gun ever, but also really expensive. It costs $1,795, and weighs 7 pounds 15 ounces. The accuracy of the gun is 2.018 inches.

  79. Title: Cam Newton, Sacked Six Times, Brings Himself Down.
    After Super Bowl 50, Star Quarterback Cam Newton was in a press conference. The had just lost the superbowl 24-10 and so called "Super Cam" wasn't so super anymore. In the press conference he never made eye contact with anyone and never answered to anyone's question and made a fool of himself looking like a sore looser and leaving the press conference acting like a baby, no ring for Cam this year.

    1. Yup he sure did not pull a superman on Denver

    2. Yeah Cam didn't play very well in that game

  80. Article: The Snails spreading fever across Africa
    Summary: There are these snails in Africa that get infested by these worms called Schistomosa worms. These worms burrow into human skin and flesh travel through your blood vessels, trying to get to your digestive organs, to be deficated out. This worms and snails live in fresh water mostly in Africa, they are attracted to the smell of feces, in Africa they are in Lake Victorian.

  81. Article Title: Beyonce, Coldplay and Bruno Mars' 2016 Super Bowl halftime show
    Summary: The first and second quarter of Super Bowl 50 was exciting enough, but the halftime show was a show stopper. Beyonce, Coldplay and Bruno Mars brought out all the stops and put on a spectacular show. Coldplay singing Viva La Vida and Yellow, Bruno Mars started off with a Uptown Funk remix,and Beyonce sang her new hit Formation, they finally ended with a matchup of their songs, before Coldplay was left alone to sing his final song

  82. Articles Title: Kevin Durant's Biggest Free-Agent Suitors
    Website: Bleacher Report
    Summary: Since Kevin Durant will be a free-agent, this offseason, many teams have shown interest in him but, some teams surprisingly have shown no interest. With most teams, they don't have enough cap space for them to pick up this All-Star player. Kevin does see that the bigger and better teams are wanting him, and OKC may not be as good as those bigger and better teams, but, they still compete with those teams, so he most likely will stay with OKC.

    1. I never thought OKC would send out there best player. Heś totally going to the Rockets.

    2. Thank you hayes I didn't know that.

  83. Article Title: Teachers focus avalanche safety lessons on young people.
    Summary: This article is all about how skiing is becoming a popular activity for young people. Therefore, the people who teach skiing, think that as the sport becomes more popular there needs to be education on avalanche safety to the young people. Overall this will help the people skiing to have fun and be safe.

    1. This is really interesting. I think that teaching avalanche safety would be a good idea and would eventually help prevent accidents.

    2. I agree that people should have education on avalanche safety before they go skiing. Although, they should only have to be informed if they are planning to go "big ski" skiing. Especially because over the past ten years, an average of 28 people died per year from avalanches in the US alone.

  84. Super Bowl 2016: Broncos' defense dominates as Peyton Manning wins his second title
    February 8,2016

    The Denver Broncos won 24-10 against the Carolina Panthers in the Super Bowl on Sunday February 7. Manning was the first quarterback to win the Super Bowl with two different teams and 200 career wins. This might have been the last year and game that he plays and it was a good game for him.

  85. Super Bowl 2016: Broncos' defense dominates as Peyton Manning wins second title

    This was Peyton Manning's last game, and he won the Superbowl for the second time in his career. He was on two teams and he won the Superbowl on each one of them. Manning is the oldest player on the team, and he confirmed that Superbowl 50 was going to be his last game. The great weather may have helped out with this amazing win, but Peyton Manning said it was a 'very unique season". Overall he was one of the greatest football players on the Broncos team.

    1. I must have missed that he confirmed it because I had the same article.

    2. Yeah, that's what they said.

    3. Article Title: Who is Aaron Rodgers?
      In this article i have learned quite a bit.
      So Aaron Rodgers twin brother is an astronaut and from outer space so he called a guy named mark and scott said" Aaron Rodgers did better on his SATS then you did". So this article was about aarons twin brother saying to scott that aaron did better on his SATS then mark did.

  86. Katelyn W.
    Article: The Bug That's Eating The Woods
    Summary: Even though you can't see it, pine beetles are eating away at trees. You can't see it at first, but when you peel back the bark on some trees, you can see small black bugs. These bugs make it difficult to get lumbar and can even cause forest fires and other problems because infected trees can fall on to power lines.

    1. Do you know how it might cause forest fires?

    2. How much of the tree would the beetles have to eat to cause a fire?

  87. Article: How to catch big fish.
    Magazine:Wisconsin Sportsman.
    Summary: It is about a fisher man when he went out fishing and cought a 2 and a half pound bluegil. Then his freind got on facebook and found the picture then they both went out again. The biggest bluegil they cought when both of them went out was 2.4 puond they were using a road runner lure.

    1. That is cool they got one that heavy.

  88. Article Title:The Walt Disney Studios
    Summary: The company we all love today, Disney, started in the year 1923 in a small office, and has soared through the movie business creating it's first movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, what soon became a worldwide success. Walt began by buying a studio, and worked his way up from there making the movies we all love today even if they are fantasy and usually kid movies. All in all Disney is a very successful company, and has changed how the world has looked at entertainment in many ways.

  89. Article Title- The best Scent strategies for the rut
    Summary- People who want to know more about deer and when they are on there rut read this. This article talk about what deer do when they are going in the rut, they do weird things like make holes in the ground then pee in it then does go and pee in it to so then the buck knows that he has a doe looking for him. When deer are in there rut is when hunting season is going on it is good when they are because they are crazy they come out in the morning and stay out later.

  90. Articale: National Geographic Thinking Like A Dolphin
    Magazine: May 2015
    Summary: Bottlenose dolphins learn amazing tricks at a place called Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS). Scientits are getting more interested in how dolphins work, like how they think and what their abilities are. Hector and Han disappear to try to discover more about the dolphin life.

  91. Article Title: Adorable 'Star Wars' BB-8 Droid Brought to Life with a 3D Printing

    Magazine: LiveScience

    Date: 12-17-15

    Summary: A person in Canada named Badard made a BB-8 droid on wheels half the size as the real one. He said because they were one wheels he could add a lot more detail to his creation. Later on he is planning on making one that does not need wheels to move around and that the head would stay on by magnets like the real BB-8.

  92. Article Title: The Joy of Cam Newton
    Magazine: Super Bowl 50 ESPN Feb. 8, 2016
    The article is about Cam Newton and his life. It tells about some games and about his first two seasons. It tells what other people thought and stuff like that.

  93. Article Title: How virtual reality could change moviegoing.
    Summary: Virtual reality headsets are a movie or video game that you really think that you are doing something that you are not doing. You could be sitting in your living room but when you wear the head set it will feel like you're really aren't there, the logical side of you is thinking that this isn't real I'm not really doing this i'm sitting in a room, but your emotional side of you takes over. So you really do think that your are doing something but you are truly not doing it.

    1. This summary sounds interesting. I would like to read that article sometime in the future. I wish I could have a headset like this.

  94. Article Title: Professor Lowe’s adventure
    Magazine: Cobblestone- discover American history: Civil war stories you should know
    Summary: A man named Thaddeus S.C. Lowe wanted to be the first person to fly across the Atlantic ocean in an air balloon, but he wanted to make sure the wind currents were correct for the flight, so he, and the people of his home town of Cincinnati helped him get his air balloon in the sky. However, the wind currents took him into the (at the time) Confederate state of South Carolina, where they took him prisoner because they thought he was a spy for the Union. After talking to the city leaders, he was soon released, and went back home, never making his voyage across the Atlantic, but as soon as he arrived home, he was able to convince Abraham Lincoln to make him a spy for the Union, and used the air balloon to do so, so they couldn’t shoot him down.

  95. Article Title: 9 year-old drove intoxicated parents home.
    Summary- The parents were highly toxicated and made their 9-year old drive home. The parents were not found guilty. But they still press charges for chold endangerment.

    April 13 Deal with the Devils

    This book is about when the badgers played Duke in the national championship game. The badgers did lose that game but they played very good. Duke had foul trouble with two of there best players so they had to put to Freshmen to replace them and they played very well

  97. Article Title: "3 Arrested in Murder of Baby and His Parents"
    Website: www.cnn.Com
    Summary: 2 parents and 1 seven month old kid were shot in killed in a store in Mexico. They were killed, because the parents were drug dealers. Three were arrested and in trial to see if they were the killers or not.

  98. Article Title: Block Party
    Magazine: Sports Illustrated September Edition
    Summary: Dikembe Mutombo makes the Hall of Fame with 10 other members. In 18 seasons he played with 6 teams, made the all star team 8 times, and had 3,289 blocks (Second in league history). He truly was a great player and deserved this accomplishment.

  99. Super Bowl
    Sports Illustrated
    It was about how Broncols won Panthers 10 to 24. Quarterback Cam Newton was being really rude to the press and didnt want to answer the questions about the loss aganist Broncols.Even Cam left the press because of the loss in the Super Bowl 50.

  100. Article title: NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The 'Habitable Zone' of Another Star
    Summary: In this article, it talks about how in 2014, they found an Earth-like planet in the Habitable Zone of another star. Another thing it talks about how the star is an 'M dwarf' or 'red dwarf' which is a class of stars that make up 70% of the stars in the Milky Way. Finally, scientists at NASA say that the planet is more like Earth's cousin than Earth's twin because of the similarities between the planets.

  101. Article: Giant Return Nov. 16, 2015
    Magazine: Sports Illustrated
    Summary: Imagine being injured and not being able to do what you love, well that's what happened to Jason Pierre Paul. Jason got injured on a 4th of July accident and he had to have his index finger on his right hand amputated. Jason did make a recovery however, after his workouts, he meets with an occupational therapist to make sure he had the right strength in his right hand, he took the time to fix what happened so he could something he loves.

  102. This was a huge upset. The Broncos defense was to much for the panthers

  103. Artical:Whatch the throne
    Magazine:Supber bowl 50 feb8,2016
    Summary:That stephen curry wants to take the league to himself.Lebron james whent to revsit snadiego bay were the warriors were.Stephen curry has also not been in the nba for that long less than a year.

  104. Title - Astronomers says size like neptune planet lurks behind pluto
    Magazing Jan 20 2016 science
    summary -They say they is a ninth planet It lurks behind pluto they did not actullay see it through they say it is the size as neptune.They call it planet X.It orbits the sun it takes 15,000 years to orbit the sun Two people discover the planet X.

  105. Why So Serious
    sports illustrted november 30th 2015
    the artical is talking about cam newton and how he has got a record for the most runnig yards as a quarter back and it said that he was acting like not a normall quater back like danceing so pepole didnt like him and thought it was weird but know he is know for it.

  106. Title:Three arrested in murder of baby and parents
    Month:february 2016 on
    Summary:it's about a child and his parents that get murdered in a raid in mexico.The baby was found shot in the back laying next to his father.The raid was caused by drugs and the parents were also selling drugs

  107. Watson is skin Skin is a living organ that is alive. It fences textures and temperatures also pain. It is very vehicle and strong
