
Monday, February 29, 2016

Book Clubs - The President Has been Shot

Now's your chance to communicate with other groups that are also reading your book.  What do you want to discuss?  What do you want to hear their thoughts about?

Begin by describing the part of the book that you want to discuss - 2-3 Sentences
Then tell your thoughts about that part - 2-3 Sentences
Finish by asking a question

Then Reply to others' questions about your book.


  1. I remember the part when Kennedy got shot. It was very emotional and stressful for everyone there. It was not the agent's fault it happened. That must have been weird to be Jackie Kennedy, you know with all the brains and blood on her. I think it was stupid that the police officer did not suspect that Oswald could be the killer. Anyone could be the killer. My question is exactly why did Oswald assassinate President Kennedy? We may never know.

    1. It says in the book that he wanted to apart of histiory and the only way(in his mind) is to kill a president and that is exactly what he did and this time he succeded

    2. I think it was because he is from the south and JFK wanted to stop racism and segregation. I am not quite sure though.

    3. I think it was because he wanted to become persisted so he was just mad at him

    4. Noah I think that he didn't have any reason to live because his wife isn't with him anymore. So he would try to change history by assassinating the president.

  2. Part of book: I would like to talk about when Mrs.Kenneddy didn't change her clothes after she had the president's blood and brains all over her. You would think that she would change her clothes, but she didn't.SHe gave the brain to the doctors as well but she knew that he was already dead.

    My thoughts: I think that she shouldn't have changed out of her clothes. Like she said everyone needed to see what they did. I totally agree with her idea and then she should have kept the blood on her face so then it would make them see what they really did.\

    My Question: What do you guys think do you agree with her or disagree and why?

    1. I disagree because there need stuff to show to the doctor so they now what really happened

    2. I think that she should have changed her clothes because if you're full of your husband's blood you wouldn't want to stay in bloody clothes.

    3. Mason she wanted them to see what they did to the president but yes it would be very weird to sit in blood all day.

    4. Honestly, it sounds kind of messed up but I agree with her actions because that is like keeping a token of remembrance because she will never get to see him again. I think she kept that also because she was so sad to see him go and always wanted like I said before to celebrate and remember his life.

    5. Sierra Krocker3/07/2016 02:10:00 PM

      I agree because she was probably hoping people can remember that sad day in History. Also because so people will remember everything that happened.

  3. Part of the book: Same as Noah, I remember when the President got shot the most. There was so much detail in the part of the book. When Jackie had blood and brains on her dress and then she wears it to the next time someone became president. My thoughts: I think that made a real statement to everyone who remembers that sad day in history. My Question: I wonder why people didn't excuse Lee. If I was there and I was secret service or something I would excuse everyone even Jackie.

    1. I totally agree with you Sierra, When the president was shot it was very horrifying and tragic it all just happened so fast.

  4. Part of book: I remember when the President got shot,a lot. There was a lot of info and information. When his wife seen that she was so sad. Jackie was probably thinking what just happened i have my humans brains on me.
    My Thoughts: I thought this was a really cool unit to talk about because it is the main part of this book. when i seen the book i wanted to read it so bad then i got to and i am so into this book. I wish i could read the hole thing but i can't:(. This part was very interesting to me that is why i think it was good.
    My question: what was the most interesting part for you?

    1. The most interesting part for me was all the planning and also the shooting.

    2. The shooting part was the most interesting part for me because it was in a lot of detail and there were so many facts in that part I did not know.

    3. Yea those were one's that i9s liked to

    4. I agree with Sierra, when the president was shot that was like the main point. They explained it very well and put every last detail in it.

  5. Part of book: I remember when they were telling about where Lee Harvey Oswald was going to shoot the JFK. I also like how Lee planned it so well, like the escape route and him planning on how he will get out and how much time he has.
    My Thoughts: All the planning intrigued me because it is really cool how he could do this and plan so well that he could kill JFK and at least escape. I really loved all the planning and explaining of how much time he had to shoot him, and how he could escape undetected.
    My question: I wonder if Lee did something different if he wouldn't have escaped.

    1. I think that if he wouldn't have gone on the bus then he would have escaped. And got away with murdering the president.

    2. I think he planed everything well but the after the shooting part if he would have done something different I think he could have got away if he planed the after shooting.

    3. I also agree with Hailey about staying on the bus when he had a head start and he could have avoided attention. Why did he stay when he could have made a break for it. Oswald is smart but is also unintelligent at the same time.

    4. Yeah I agree with you Noah and Hailey I think that would have happened also.

    5. I kind of agree with you mason. Yes he did plan his escape route well but then towards the end he was kind a regretting some of the parts of his escape plan.

  6. Part of book: I remember when lee shot the one police officer. I have no clue why he did it. All he had to do play cool then he would of made it. I think he felt offended and scared so he just shot him. He should have just talked to him and then it would be done and over with

    1. Yeah, but he matched the description of the assassin and he was acting very suspicious.

    2. I totally agree with you logan I think that if he would have just kept going and left him alone then he would have gotten away with the assassination
