
Monday, February 29, 2016

Book Clubs - Malala

Now's your chance to communicate with other groups that are also reading your book.  What do you want to discuss?  What do you want to hear their thoughts about?

Begin by describing the part of the book that you want to discuss - 2-3 Sentences
Then tell your thoughts about that part - 2-3 Sentences
Finish by asking a question

Then Reply to others' questions about your book.


  1. Part of Book: When Malala found out that there was a death threat against her made by the Taliban.

    My thoughts: I think she acted very mature and took it well. Malala didn't seem to have any reaction. For example she didn't freak out like her dad. That kind of surprised me. In my opinion I think many kids who are in our grade would not have been able to handle it like she did. I liked that she almost took it as motivation to stand up against the Taliban.

    Question for you: What do you think of this situation? Or what do you think you would've done in her place?

    1. I totally agree. She acted very calm unlike many others, and almost like she became stronger and more motivated after the threat. Unlike her I would be very scared for my family's and my own safety, unlike her level headedness.

    2. I would not want to go outside because I would be scared if the taliban was going to hurt me. You never know they could have been standing right next to her door that leads outside. The taliban could also follow her and then do something bad to her. They could pop out of nowhere and pop right in the head. You don't know what all the things they are capable of.

    3. If i was malala and found out that someone had a death threat against me i would have been scared for my life and i don't see how she can her calm i would have passed out. I mean i know she wonders how death would feel everyone does but i wouldn't want to find out by some of taliban men's to stop the bus on my way home and shoot me in the head, I would rather find out by dying of oldness.

    4. I agree, I think Malala was very mature about the whole situation. I also thought that knowing that the Taliban could hurt Malala, she was very brave and decided to stand up, and speak out anyways. If I was in Malala's position, I would probably be freaking out and be too scared to leave the covers of my bed.

  2. Part of the Book:
    In chapter 26, A Hundred Questions, Malala describes what is happening to her while she is in the hospital. She was shot in the head and has several problems ranging from hearing to moving due to the injury. I was interested in what lobe of the brain she injured in this process because Malala was confused how she had been injured.

    My Thoughts:
    Malala says she can't hear properly and doesn't understand the difference between dreams and memories. The temperable lobe controls hearing and memories, both of which she is having problems with. The frontal lobe must have also been damaged because she can't speak, or move her left arm. The Frontal Lobe does controls body movement, speech, language, and emotion after all. The Frontal Lobe and the temporal lobe are right next to each other, so if she was shot on the left side of her head it would damage the two lobes. This would cause the dramatic changes that Malala is facing at the moment.

    Question for You: How do you think Malala was injured? Do you think it was because of a brain injury, or was it something else?

    1. I love the way that you wanted to investigate more of the science behind her injuries. But I totally agree with your data that you presented, it makes perfect sense that the bullets must have damaged those parts of her brain in order to have effect on her in those ways.

    2. The bullet must have went really close to her brain and hit a nerve that damaged a part of her brain and that nerve was probably a face nerve and it probably stopped one side of her face to stop working.

  3. Part of the book:
    When the part of the mullah radio was introduced I think it was stupid because all they did was spread rumors of things and then it went to far because they started killing people and i thought that was wrong because they didn't do anything bad to the Mullah then they started bombing schools for girls because they were against girls going to school.

    My thoughts: I had a big reaction about when the government came and through candy to everyone and it basically changed everything because there was bombing s and then they had a curfu for staying home and stuff

    questions for you: were you surprised about these events to if so how surprised?

    1. I wasn't really surprised except for the fact that when the radio Mullah came and started barking out orders that they followed what he was saying.

    2. Yes i was because i thought that none of the people would do what he says i thought they would testify.

    3. Yes I didn't really think they would follow his orders

  4. Part of the Book: When the Taliban broke the peace treaty, and started fighting on the streets of Malala's town.

    My thoughts:
    This part of the book was filled with many hard choices, heroism, and sadness. But through all of that I love how Malala put some little bursts of normal things that happened to her and her family through this time in the book. Like she would put in how her family overslept to a banquet or meeting they had to go to. Those little things make the book more relatable and a little more pleasant than just reading about death, sorrow, and war the whole time. Did you notice this too? Or what are your thoughts about this?

    1. I did notice this too and I definitely agree. There are so many serious topics in the book that it was nice to hear about all of the normal, relatable things that happened. I remember reading the book at the part when she was in the hospital and forgetting how true this all was until she added in real famous people that are still popular today. I also liked how in the beginning she was talking about how she had stayed up late to cram for exams and then woke up late. How her room was a mess and the bed unmade. These are things that me, and many others can relate to. It just reminds us that even though Malala was an extraordinary girl she still went through a lot of the same teenager problems we have.

    2. I agree! Instead of making herself seem perfect she actually shares her faults as well as things in her daily life. One of my group members mentioned how the opening of the book was very relatable. Malala sleeps in, gets in fights with her siblings, and worries a lot too! Emma M also wrote about how Malala stays up late working on homework and studying. Malala is just reminding the readers that she's just like us despite the situations she faces.

    3. I found this very fun to read to! I wouldn't really care for the book as much. All though I did enjoy reading about other things besides just the war and the bombings. It was fun and entertaing to see what she had said about other things that was going on in her family.

  5. Part of the Book: When Malala's dad told her that the Taliban wanted her dead. Malala's dad and the journalist searched up Malala's name and when her name came up so did a comment from the Taliban saying that she was a disgrace to the islamic muslim culture and should be dead. But shockingly Malala didn't freak out.

    My Thoughts: I personally would freak out if I saw that the Taliban wanted me dead. With everything that has happened in Swat because of the Taliban I definitely wouldn't want to be on there hit list. I think that it was amazing how calm she was when she heard that the Taliban wanted her dead, she didn't even seem surprised. Just by that part of the book, that made me realize how much of a heroine Malala really is.

    Question for you:If you were Malala how would you react to the Taliban's comment?

    1. I would be very scared and nervous. The reason why is because you don't really know what give or take moment that the taliban would be there. If I was in her shoes I probably would have just not went outside or have someone to protect me at all times.

    2. I would be scared but I wouldn't show it. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people show too much weakness, and I understand that getting a death threat is terrifying, but when it comes down to it I'd want to stay strong and put up a fight. The last thing I'd want them to know is how scared I really was.

    3. It would have made me very scared

    4. I felt bad for her. She is only a young women and a lot of the men in her country want her dead. Thats scary, I would definitely be scared.

    5. Inside I would be scared not knowing when they would come for you. ON the outside though, I would try to keep a straight face and not show how terrified I really was on the inside.

    6. I would be extremely scared. I know that I would not be able to keep cool about it like Malala did.I would probably change my identity!

    7. I would be really scared not knowing they are coming for me.

    8. I would be terrified. If I found out that a huge group of people who were armed wanted me dead, I would be freaking out and hiding away so no one would hurt me. I would not be as calm as Malala was, I would be the complete opposite.

  6. Part of book:
    When Malala was in the hospital and she finally woke up, one of the first things she tried to ask was, where was her father? Each time they asked though they said he was safe and not to worry about him. She asked numerous times but each time came the same answer. Finally, Doctor Javid Kayani came in with his phone for Malala to call her dad. Before she was able to call him though, the Doctor told her not to cry.
    My thoughts: Malala is really tough and brave. It would take a lot for her to cry. Even though if the doctors hadn't told her to cry she still might have because it had been so long since she had seen any one from her family.
    Question for you: Why did you think both Malala and her father were not aloud to cry during the conversation?

    1. I think they weren't allowed to cry because maybe they thought that if Malala heard her father cry she would start crying and the doctors didn't want that. Maybe they wanted Malala's father to think she was well and healed so if she cried he might think she wasn't alright.

    2. I think the doctor told Malala not to cry because they want her and her father, her whole family, to be strong. Also maybe if she starts crying then it could trigger something in her head. But for the most part I think it was so Malala could stay strong.

    3. I think they weren't allowed to cry because it showed a sign of weakness, and they knew that that wasn't what she and her father were fond of.

    4. I think that both Malala and her father were not aloud to cry during the conversation because they both need to be strong. If Malala cried, her family would be worried for her. If Malala's dad cried, that would show that he wasn't be strong. It would make the whole family worry and right now they need to stay strong.

  7. Part of Book: When Malala received the death threat. Her dad was told that his daughter was given a death threat. They both looked up her name and found that it was true. Surprisingly, Malala wasn't making a big deal about it. She kept a few questions to herself and went to comfort her father because he wasn't handling it very well.

    My Thoughts: I don't see how Malala is harming other people. After all, she is just speaking her opinion on situations that concern her. I think it would be different if she wasn't minding her own business, but she is.

    My Question: Who is the "exact" person that had the idea to send out her death threat?

    1. I was wondering thats also. Why wouldn't she of been worrying about the whole family? Was she more bias to her father than her mother?

    2. It could be the person who leads the Taliban.

    3. I love your thoughts Madi! I also have thought about who the people exactly were who tried to harm Malala. But I think it was just someone in the Taliban whose job is to target people who are threats to them. Plus I don't think they ever caught the people who did threaten her or shoot her, so that also may be why we don't know exactly who did it.

    4. It could have been the leader of the taliban

  8. Part of book: When Malala sees her school covered in damage from the Taliban.

    My thoughts: I believe Malala took it very maturely. If I was in her position, I probably wouldn't be able to function. She cared about her education a lot, and it must've been hard to see it all broken. I also feel that she shouldn't have had to grow up so early. I mean, come on! She was thrown into a life of publicity, interviews, and danger just at the age of eleven!

    Question for you: How would you react to having to grow up so early? Wouldn't you want your childhood back?

    1. I think that I wouldn't have been able to handle it. Even now it feels like some things go by too fast and I didn't even realize it happened. I believe that I wouldn't be able to mature or understand everything as fast as it was all going by. I think that I would DEFINITELY want my childhood back so I could cherish it. In my opinion your childhood is the most special and fun time of a life. You shouldn't have too many responsibilities and should be able to fool around without it affecting your future. Malala never really had that, she was just forced to grow up and mature right away.

    2. Yes, I would definitely want my childhood back,so i could cherish all the good things that happened. I feel bad for malala, she didn't mean any harm she was just speaking for the people with all her hopes.

    3. I agree completely, Malala is very mature for her age. She's already campaigning for education, talking about politics, and writing diaries for the BBC! I feel like Malala had a lot of pressure put on her to succeed. I also think that she should've had more time to be a normal kid just like everyone else. Her childhood was stolen away from her when she got serious about her education. Sometimes I wonder what her life would've been if she didn't have to grow up, so fast. Maybe she would still be in Pakistan living a normal life like all of us.

    4. I don't think Malala's childhood was taken away from her. She still played outside with other kids, I mean she liked having such a good education, she enjoyed it. Personally I think that I wouldn't be so into my education at such a young age, but Malala enjoyed talking to people she offered to.

    5. I would like to stay young and not grow up fast but as you grow up you can get more mature. Her childhood wasn't really taken away from her she still plays with her friends.

    6. Yes! I would definitely want my childhood back. I feel like Malala has to grow up a little too fast too because she is already giving speeches and standing up to big crowds. I wish I could have my childhood back and I haven't done half of the things she has done in her life time!

  9. Part of Book: I want to talk about the part where Malala got shot. I want to know what the kids reactions were. Did some of the children on her bus tell the Taliban who Malala was?
    My Thoughts: I thought that if the children told the Taliban where Malala was that they aren't her real friends even if they were scared. I was thinking about how her brother felt if he was still on the bus.
    My Question: What would you have done if you were one of the kids on the bus?

    1. I would have been scared if I was one of the kids on the bus. Also I would not have told where Malala was even if I wasn't her friend. I would be really scared though.

    2. I would be scared that they would hurt me. In the book the doctor said that two other kids were hurt, and I would be scared that I would be like one of them.

    3. I would have tryed to stop them from sooting her or asked them to not shoot her.

    4. We don't know what the other kids did that got themselves wounded but it was most likely because they tried to stand up to the taliban. I would have done the same thing because Malala is a great friend

    5. If I was on Malala's bus at the time, I would be too scared to even talk. I obviously wouldn't want to get hurt by the men, but I wouldn't point Malala out so she could get hurt. I would probably keep my mouth shut and wait to see what would happen.

    6. I would have been scared to be one of those kids on the bus. I probably would have ran and done anything I could to get away. Although, I would probably be too scared to even move. I wish I would be able to stand up to the Taliban, but in reality I would be too scared!

  10. Part of book: When she got shoot at. And did not know where her parents were.
    My thoughs: I think here parents should have been with her when she was going to the hostpital. Her parent should have been there so they could tell her where she was and try to keep her calm.
    My Question: Why were her parents not with her and why did a lot of different doctors keep comeing in there to see her.

    1. I thought that her parents weren't allowed to go and also I want to know how she got help right away and taken to Birmingham?

    2. I think that her parents weren't with her to make the taliban think she's dead. But when it was safe her parents would be able to see her.

    3. Her parents weren't allowed there I thought.
      Who took her and how did she get there so fast.

  11. Part of Book- When Malala was in the hospital

    My Thoughts-I thought it was sweet of her to be worried about her father but if she was worrying wouldn't that hurt her injury? I mean it must be a severe wound and when you worry a lot your head hurts so I imagine she was in some pain. So, that's what I was wondering about in the portion of the book we have read so far.

    My Question- Why did't the nurses and doctors tell Malala were her father was right away

    1. I thought that same thing like why didn't they tell her right away and why did she ask about her father first instead of her whole family?

    2. She is probably more bias to her father since they have a stronger bond than her and her other family members.

    3. I think the nurses and doctors didn't tell her where her father was because they didn't want her to worry about it. Although, I don't think that helped the case because Malala was worrying way more!

  12. Part of book:When the guy went over the radio.When He said nasty mean stuff on the radio.
    My Thoughts:I think the guy shouldn't have pretended to be someone else.If i were the with the government i would shut the radio off then get it to only be able to work when its hooked up to the governments place.
    Question:Do you think that he should have done that?
    If you were Him would you do the same thing?

    1. I wouldn't even want to pretend to be him. I would never want to do that because it's just really mean. I just don't get why the people did what he told them.

    2. When I was reading that I was wondering if he was working for the taliban. Later in the book we find that out but I knew it all along. I was also wondering if the government was worried that this would happen and the taliban would take over persuade the people to think that way.

  13. Part of book:When malala tried to ignore the bombing and tried to calm down her brother's.
    My thought: I think that malala did a good job by keeping her brother's calm and by keeping herself calm, If i were her i would be worried about my friends, Mostly my family.
    Questions for you:Why would mullah want the girls to stop getting educations?

    1. Maybe they do not like girls and they think it would be a wast of time for them.

    2. I think it could be because how they think that girls should be house wives and how it was like it used to be here when girls had to stay home cleaning and cooking.

  14. Part Of the Book:I want to talk about when Malala got shot. I want to know more of the reactions of the people around her.

    My Thoughts: I think Malala was very brave, also I don;t think the people around Malala had very much emotion. Or atleast if they did I think the author could have included what other people's feelings where.

    My Question: Do you think the author could have included more thoughts, comments, or concerns about other people when the happened.

    1. I think that Malala could have told more about the comments around her. I also think that there should be another two parts of the book for what happened to Malala's two friends that got hurt.

    2. I Think you are right abby she could have told more of the coments around here.

  15. Part of Book: i want to talk about is when she gets shot. I think I want to know more of how the people felt when that happend to malala.

    My Thoughts: I think Malala was so brave to have to go throug waht she did it was amazing. I just think the people that saw should have shown more emotians.

    My Question: Do you ever wonder why she did not stop the talaban from girls getting eduacation?

  16. Part of Book: When the Taliban were on the outskirts of Swat, trying to get in so they could take over Swat.

    My thoughts: I think that the Taliban wanted to take control of Swat so they could have power and so they can get their hands on Malala.

    My Question: Do you think that part of the reason the Taliban wanted to take over Swat was to capture Malala?
