
Thursday, May 2, 2019

1st and 2nd Hours - What should be done to keep schools safe?

We've been researching what we feel should be done to keep our schools safe.  We took this research and created position papers.  Share your paper here.  Then read at least 2 other papers.  Leave a positive comment about either their idea or their craft moves as an author (you can do both!).


  1. School Safety Paper
    Why is School safety so important? So we can learn to make good decisions, make our lives better. There are many ways we can update our security for the school. One of the most important ways is by updating our digital settings. This essay will show you how, and why we should update our settings. We need to update our infrastructure on digital Security in order to keep our schools safe.

    How does our school’s digital settings work? First, if you are under 13 years old you need your parent/guardian/teacher to consult with what you are doing. Next, All sensitive data on students will get destroyed by the school. Also, when you create accounts on websites they suggest a very secure password for you to use, but we wistfully delete them and use a much weaker password. Do you know how many people use 12345 or password as their password? Are you one of them?

    Next, why does updating our digital settings work and what can we use to update them. One thing to know is that we can teach students how to make their passwords stronger. We can also let their parents know how their child’s data is used. This all works because it will stop people from hacking your account and stealing your valuable information. This is why we should update our settings in this ever expanding universe known as the internet

    Lastly, why should we buy these new updates. For starters, it is not super expensive so taxes will not be super high. We can also do fundraisers to help pay for it. Lots of welcoming people like to help out young students fundraising for their school.

    Our digital infrastructure needs to be updated for us to be safe in school. Our settings work on keeping our data safe. They can be updated, they are not perfect. Lastly, we know it will not cost a fortune.

  2. School shootings are important to stop because we don’t know that the people getting killed might help change in this world. We don’t know how they could change it to make it better, they could be the next president that fixes a lot of things and helps get us out of debt. They could be the next Thomas Edison that finds a way for us to kill cancer in a faster and easier way than chemo. Possibly that was your son or daughter and they were the world to you and they just made everybody happy when they were around them and they could just never be mad, do you really want someone killing them just because they have a grudge. To help keep schools safe we need to improve background checks and the Nics act.

    First there are a lot of problems with the NICS act there are loopholes and some people just don’t get put into the database. There are a lot of people that have been labeled mentally unstable and have not been put into one of the three databases. This puts a high risk on the schools or other business that might have fired them or treated them wrongly. Because you may have left them enraged at you or there coworkers that might have gotten there job and then they might get obsessed with killing them and then be put into a mental hospital. Also some of the local law enforcement can be to exhausted so they do not have the time or people to be able to put people into one of the three databases. So to conclude I think we need to revive the NICS act to help keep schools and businesses safer because people might isolate themselves to get revenge.

    Secondly I think because once someone is put into a metal hospital and have been declared unstable they need to be put into the database. All the entering of names falls onto the cops and that can be hard because you never know how much time you have in the day you may spend half your shift working on a traffic stop because they had illegal drugs and then you have to stay late to write reports. After that the next shift might have to take care of them at the hospital and they may not have a chance to put in the mental unstable people and that can be an endless loop. So to help fix this problem I suggest we should get two or three people that work a set schedule and what there whole job is is making sure they are up to date on the mentally unstable people and they can work on putting in other things like people who got there gun license taken away or other things like that.

    Finally this database has worked in many places. It has stopped of 785,984 very bad people from getting guns to either hurt one or two people or many people in mass shootings. Also it has stopped a lot of good people from getting hurt because somebody might have made a mistake or not and fired someone and if that someone got a gun they might have it out for them and I am pretty sure that there are a few people in there that may have been trying to kill their boss and if they did we would not have a lot of good mostly honest people in this world.

    To conclude many people have been killed because of loops and carelessness and some of those people might have grown up and have been the next president or maybe would have led the next movement on something big in this country. Possibly it was your kid that was the shooter or got killed how do you think it affected the parents that there kid was the shooter have you ever thought about that. To stop those parents from having those thoughts and to stop all the young kids from getting killed this needs to stop we need to improve background checks and the databases from having loopholes.

    1. I really like your style of writing, it is very powerful and it makes complete sense.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This was very convincing that teachers should carry guns.

  4. How do you feel about school shootings and other acts of school violence? There have been 270 school shootings at any type of school since columbine. 113 students and staff were injured or killed in a school shooting in 2018 alone. These facts are alarming. In order to keep students and staff safe in schools state based grants should be offered for up to three schools and as little as two each year to help schools make safety infrastructure changes, such as controlled access to entry ways.

    This state based grant should happen so schools can save fundraising money for other things for the students. School safety infrastructure costs anywhere from $315 to $6,200 just for a one story elementary school and that’s without software licenses and maintenance which is another $50 a month. 94% of public schools have controlled access to the main entryways, less than 1% of public schools have other infrastructure safety features.

    You may be wondering how this state based grant would work. States would offer a grant for schools so that they can make infrastructure changes. Each year a three different schools would be picked by the state to be offered this grant like a lottery, so that they could decide what changes needed to made to their schools for the better.

    Finally, this would help school in two major ways. The grant work to help make schools safer learning environments. The grant would also help less fortunate schools who don’t do a lot of fundraising get some kind of money to make important infrastructure changes to their school. School safety is something every school needs.

    In order to keep students and staff safe in schools state based grants should be offered to two - three school each year so schools can make safety infrastructure changes. How many more teachers and students have to die before we do something to fix this issue?

    1. Very good choice of words. It really persuaded me to see your point of veiw

    2. I really like how powerful your writing it and your topic is so good.

  5. School Safety
    What is school safety in 2019? School safety is having a positive environment at school. It's accepting everyone and not leaving anyone out. The people that are the shooters have been neglected at school, they felt like a outsider. In order to keep schools safe we need to have a positive environment.

    The problem is some students feel uncomfortable at school. The percentage of students that feel uncomfortable is 41 %. That is just under half of the students. “I don't like the negative energy between students.” this is just one student that thinks there is moodiness between students. Middle school students get into 8% more school fight than high school students .

    Solution. What is the solution to the problem? The solution is we need to have more talks and we need to have an open mind about others that are different, most of the people that are shooters have felt lonely and violent. If we have a great student and teacher relationship, they would feel more comfortable talking about what's going on in there life. It’s also preven that it has lowered the rate of school shooting.

    Where has this worked? This has work at some schools that have had violent acts. They had the violent acts decrease, by 20% in the next year. That's not a lot but it’s something. Schools are now starting to see that everyone may not fit in. The schools with more student teacher relationships have

    When I was doing research I was thinking about arming the teacher but then I realized we need to have more of an positive environment at schools. Students don't feel comfortable at school, they don’t feel comfortable enough to talk to teacher and tell them whats wrong. If you were going to school now would you talk to teacher if there was something wrong?


  6. So far in 2019 there have been 114 people killed and 307 wounded in 38 mass shooting incidents as of February 15th according to the data of the Gun Violence Archive. There is no found evidence of any school shootings found so far in 2019. Between the 1999 Columbine High School Massacre and the 2018 Santa Fe High School in Texas, more than 214,000 students have experienced gun violence at 216 schools. So I believe to prevent that number from expanding we should pay more attention to how the students and teachers are feeling to make sure that themselves and everyone else in the school is safe and not in danger of a school shooting to happen. So, In order to keep school safe we should have more school counseling options available to student and teachers.

    First, there are a lot of problems involved, because of not having enough counseling available to some schools and their communities. There are problems between the students and their teachers, because they need help on how they should treat each other and that would also help students be less disrespectful towards adults. Another problem is that some people don’t really have anyone to talk to about their life problems. So fix this if we had more counselors then people wouldn’t have to deal with their problems alone because they would have someone to talk to about what they have to deal with on a personal level. So in conclusion I think we need to have more counseling options in schools available to everyone.

    Second, Sometimes people just need to have a sense of feeling that what they feel matters. Also if we had counseling options it would make students feel better about themselves and there would be alot less depression, because it would give them guidance on how to cope with their personal issues. I think that we also need to talk with the teachers to show them how to appropriately protect the students if something were to happen. If we have more meaningful conversations with the students individually and maybe in small groups with someone they may not get along with that if will possibly build a stronger relationship with other people in the school community. I think that once we put people in the schools lives and feelings at a top priority the students will feel more appreciative of the teachers and their peers in their lives.

    Finally, It has worked at Wake Forest University, in January of 2012 the university created the Clinical Mental Health Program to help students. It also works everyday with helping people with their personal problems. It helps give student and teachers and open mind throughout their school experiences and personal lives in and out of school. It helps with making the students feel better about themselves so they don’t put themselves down as much.

    In conclusion, we should have more school counseling to help students and teachers improve their mental health. We need this because, what if someone just has enough of constantly being bullied or something and then they start a school shooting even though they might just be mad at specific people? That could cause innocent people to get hurt or even killed. So to prevent this situation or other scenarios we should pay more attention to how the students are feeling inside and out.

    1. I really like this idea, and I would like this in our school too

  7. First, according to everytown for gun safety a gun control advocacy group 15 states allowed concealed carry of some sort in school. This year two dozen states considered similar politics. 57% of all respondents opposed allowing teachers to carry guns. In order to keep students and schools safe the teachers must have guns.

    I think we should give teachers guns because there are alot of problems in schools that are involving guns. Many schools are gun free zones. Arming staff could get expensive. We should also give the teachers a concealed carry permit so they can bring guns to school. This is how it works.

    Why it works, It works by if the person comes at any door the teachers closes to the doors will have guns. I wouldn’t want to give all the teachers guns because it can get really expensive. You won’t have to spend as much money. That is why it works.

    Why should we do it, We do it to keep people safe so there is not that much shooting. We need it because there has been 50 incidents with teachers misheld firearms. The advocacy group polled 1,233 teachers and found nearly 80% said they strongly opposed arming teachers in school. That is why we should do it.

    In order to keep students and schools safe the teacher’s must have guns. According to most schools they want the teachers to have guns. I think we the teachers should have guns. So i’m going to ask you this should teachers have guns in school?

  8. We think we should use our remaining funds to buy ourselves x-ray cameras for every entrance into the school, so that we can see if there is any weapons located on the person before they even enter the building.

    Some studies show that there is some phone cases too that can supposedly scan people to see if they have a weapon, and match their face to the criminal database. The only downside is that the students can’t have their phones in school. The app also only works within a 40 ft. radius. So, in order to have good results, you would need to get close to the person. Assuming they are already on edge, they would be a bit suspicious if you were seemingly taking a picture of them.

    The cameras would be an insured protective system, and you could have a backup generator for the cameras in case of a blackout or something among the lines of that. This can also coincide with the strengthened doors, so that as soon as we detect a weapon, we can automatically lock down the doors.

    Although I may have to write about one topic, I fully agree with most of them. Reinforced doors, bullet proof windows, one way windows, ect. If our school slowly saves up, then our children and our children’s children can be more protected. However, it needs to start with us. We need to take a stand! We can be the start of a safer generation for schools! So, I say we buy what we can afford, and keep going! Thrive for children to feel safe in school, and make a difference! Make the bad people feel powerless, and eliminate school shootings all around the globe!

  9. “The safety of children always come first.”-Andres Alonso. This quotes is very true for many parents and teachers. A lot of adults want their kids to always be safe. Some parents are scared of their children doing new things. There is a guide that teaches kids about school safety and how important it is. It really makes sense to teach kids what to think and what to do. In order to keep schools safe we should follow the NEA school safety guide.

    First, there is a website called NEA school safety guide. It teaches kids what to do before, during, and after a tragic event. In the before, (which means like your school should just go over these things so that you can remember them) your school should review procedures, and practice a routine. In the during, you should follow the plan. Stay calm and stay quiet. Also don’t let some people freak out. Make sure no one out of hand. In the after, you should talk to a lot of students to see how they are truly doing. Limit the media exposure because it might make kids feel even worse. Also, you need to have time to recover. This works because it teaches kids what to do and not to panic. It helps schools learn what to do in the case of an emergency. This makes people feel cheerful.

    Next, the reason that it works is because most students when taught this would actually pay attention because it's an important lesson. Teaching this to kids would inform kids of how important being safe is. Knowing this really helps know what to do if this happens. Students need to watch and learn about school safety because it is important to understand. Learning this really shows kids that bad things happen in life which will help kids understand how important this is.

    Lastly, here are reasons that BMS needs it. It is a good idea so that kids understand what happens in the real world. It really helps kids and adults understand. We need it because it would take up sometime in our day but it would help kids understand how meaningful this topic is. It would really help BMS by being taught multiple times, it really gets stuck in your brain if they use real life issues and events. This would make everyone hopeful.

    President Donald J. Trump said “Every child deserves to grow up in a safe community surrounded by a loving family and to have a future filled with opportunity and with hope.” This is a very powerful quote and it really speaks to me about being safe and how important it is. I really think that learning this and researching me changed my thinking of how important it is to learn about safety. The NEA safety guide really keeps us in order and makes us understand how important it is to be safe.

    1. I really like the way you wrote your essay and you chose a great quotes to add into your essay.

  10. Why is school safety important. Just last year alone there were twenty-four school shootings in which people were injured or killed, seventy-nine people were injured, twenty-eight students were killed and seven adults or employees were killed. We want to keep and safe positive environment in our schools. In order to keep schools safe, schools should have armed resource officers.

    Throughout the years school shootings have increased dramatically. In the past 19 years about 243 school shootings where 1 or more students were killed or injured. We should start making students learning environment safer. There are many possible things schools could do so the students and staff feel safer.

    For instance schools could get a school resource officer (SRO). They can provide a safe learning environment in schools. Also having a SRO can increase the students and staff feelings about their safety in their school. National association of School Resource Officers (NARSO) advises one SRO for every one-thousand students, and at least one in every school. SRO’s carry the same equipment as other officers. (NARSO) trains SROs to move to the threat as quickly as they can and neutralize the threat. Firearms should only be carried by carefully selected, trained officers. There are about fourteen-thousand to twenty-thousand SROs. School officers should be picked very carefully t make sure they’re good enough for the job, because last year during the Parkland Florida shoot the Resource officer stayed outside and did not help.

    School resource officers have worked before. In Maryland there was an armed teenager at a school who had a gun, the shooter had only shot and injured two people by the time the SRO moved to the scene and detained the teenager. Lawmakers in Maryland voted to put armed officers in schools it called “Maryland Sage to Learn act.” The act requires all public schools in Maryland to have a designated SRO. It Will create the reduction for schools to call 911. Even though our school has one resource officer for our district I think we should have one for every school in our district.

    At first I thought we should arm teachers to keep school safer although it’s a good idea
    I got to reading and hearing more ideas and I think it's better to have at least one really well trained SRO instead of teachers who aren’t able to train as much and may not feel as comfortable with firearms. In order to keeps schools safer, schools should have an armed resource officer.

    1. i like how you included the fact that there were other ideas that you had thought about, but then decided that your main idea was better.


  11. Parents and people all over the community want schools safer for the students. During 2018 and 2019 there have been a mass number of school shootings. Since the Parkland shooting there have been at least 31 incidents. That means in 2018 there was a shooting every 11.8 days. In order to keep schools safe, we should have metal detectors.

    Metal detectors are an exception not a rule. In the United States only 81 schools have metal detectors. In 1988 the first metal detectors was used in Thomas Jefferson High School in Brooklyn because of a school shooting. The school shooting left two dead. When there was a stabbing at Bronx High school parents were asking why we don’t have metal detectors. Board of education voted that all schools have metal detectors.

    Metal detectors let students know that they can’t bring weapons to school. Also metal detectors could help with the juuling.Metal detectors cost $307 to $10,000. The media and the community say that it is a step toward stopping school shootings. In the last 5 years there has been 24 mass shootings. Metal detectors let students know that they can’t bring weapons to school. Also metal detectors could help with the juuling.

    In order to keep school’s safer , we should have metal detectors. The metal detectors would be by the front doors and by the doors where bus kids walk in. Metal detectors would let students know that bringing weapons will not slide. Although metal detectors are a good idea we could also have bullet proof windows and a school resource officer. Although those are good ideas we need metal detectors.

    1. I like the topic you chose to use in your essay. Great way to persuade someone.

  12. Why is school safety important? Each year in the US more than 187,000 students have been exposed to gun violence in schools. Every parent wants their child to have a good education and feel safe. Well, in recent years, the number of school shootings have gone up dramatically. In recent events it might be hard for students to feel safe and focus knowing that we were cities or a state away from a school shooting. In order to keep schools safe, there should be metal detectors.

    Last year around 113 staff and students were killed or harmed because of school shootings. An average school year has 180 days, that's about 1 school shooting every 8 days. In 2017 in New York 2,120 weapons were found and that was just in new York. Imagine if there was metal detectors in every school, how many weapons could be found and taken.

    Installing metal detectors in schools will let students and teachers feel safer knowing that weapons can be detected. Sure, having metal detectors in schools will be expensive and time consuming, but are we really going to put a price on students and teachers safety. Having them might decrease school shootings if the shooter thinks that they will get caught. Obviously, having them won't eliminate school shootings but they can decrease.

    In order to keep schools safe, there should be metal detectors. In the past years school shooting have been increasing. As a student in the 21st. Century we might sometimes worry if there will ever be a school shooting here, in our town. Having metal detectors can help prevent school shootings. Sure, there are other great options however, metal detectors are the best option to prevent school shootings.

    1. I really liked the tone of your paper. Good job!

    2. I like how you said you knew it would be hard,but totally worth it.

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  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Every parent wants their child to feel safe and to get a good education at school, so do students themselves. Students want to have the reassurance of knowing that at least something is being done to keep them safe, which is what staff worry about. School is a place to grow both educational and as an individual that will one day reflect the person you’ll become and how one day you might just change the world, but this can’t be done if students, staff and overall the schools are being targeted and attacked. There is no permanent solution to school safety but there are ways to improve it, metal detectors might just be able to help. Why metal detectors? How will they improve our children's safety? Why does your school need it? In order to keep our school safer we should purchase metal detectors.

    To begin, metal detectors a very unique and well used form of security, they are used from international airports to average every day schools. They search students and their belongings without actually ever touching them. This would eliminate any form of sexual harassment trying to be passed as just “patting down to search if he/she had anything inappropriate on them” or simply students being uncomfortable by adults searching them. Metal detectors aren’t very expensive they range from prices of $1,000 - $30,000 but researchers recommend to purchase a metal detector that is between $4,000 - $5,000 because they tend to have features that are better for a school environment. Just like any other form of security people will have to be properly trained and of course stand around the perimeter of the metal detector. Metal detectors will obviously go off if any metals are detected such as any form of weapons (ex: guns, knives, shackles, etc.) Metal detectors are a good choice to improve school safety.

    In addition to why schools should purchase metal detector, they would improve your child's safety. They are not only at an affordable price but also do not take up to much space and work efficiently. Many metal detectors can pinpoint where the weapon/s are located, there is no need for the officer or adult there to pat down the student. Also the presence of a metal detector can simply scare off anyone who might think about coming into the school with any weapons. The metal detectors are known to give off an alarm when any type of metal is passed through it, exposing any type of weapon or form of a metal garment. When the alarm goes off the officer or teacher at the given location will be prepared and act accordingly to the situation. These alarms and prepared staff will reassure the safety of not only the students but also the staff and visitors in the area. This is how metal detectors would improve your child's, staff, and visitors safety.

    Finally, your school like many other schools should purchase a metal detector. Metal detectors aren’t a permanent solution to our problem but they are a type of solution. They will help improve school safety by exposing any weapons, the alarm would give a clear alert that something has been found. According to NCES ( National Center for Educational Security) 12% of the school in the US have random metal detectors check, that is less than the amount of school shooting there have been in last couple of years. These shooting could have been stopped or reduced in some form of way if metal detectors would have been available. Schools shouldn't wait for a shooting to happen to take action, they should already be taking precaution for the future of themselves and the students. This is why your school should purchase a metal detector.

    In conclusion as an eighth grade student in the 21th century these school shootings aren't just a maybe but rare scenario one practises for. They are becoming more real each time, the only thought that comes to mind was, what if that was me? What if that had been my SCHOOL? What would have happened? Well no one knows what the possible outcome could be but that's why we need to be prepared and metal detectors can help us.

  16. Matthew Gibbons5/02/2019 09:34:00 AM

    Throughout the years schools shootings have increased dramatically,and there have been many debates about the best way to keep schools safe. Some of these have been whether the school should have metal detectors or if schools should have a school resource person. But I think in order to keep our school safe,the best way is to add bullet proof windows.
    One reason why I think we should have bullet proof windows in our school is that it would protect students from a gun. With bullet proof windows if a school shooter did get in the school the bullet proof windows would stop the bullet from hurting anybody in classrooms. This would also help from the outside if a school shooter was trying to shoot people during passing time from the outside the bullet proof windows would stop the bullets and there would be less people hurt.
    Another reason why I think our school should have bulletproof windows is that bullet proof windows address multiple type of threats in schools, it would help both the outside and the inside. Most school shooters used guns that's why they are called school shooters, if you add bullet proof glass into the building it would be harder for the school shooter to hurt somebody because of the support of the bullet proof glass. “Bullet proof glass provides a layer protection between teacher and students and anything that might cause them harm
    The last reason why I think that we should have bullet proof glass in our school is that it would make student and teachers feel more safe at their school, knowing that bullet proof glass is there to protect them students and teachers will feel way more comfortable at school and stop worrying about school shooters and as you keep on improving security students and teachers will keep on feeling safer.
    Overall I think that bulletproof is the best way to keep school safe because they protect you from the threat itself. Students and teacher will feel safe and the likely of people getting hurt will go down.

    1. I like that you used full sentences. And you connected all the dots and tied up all the loose ends, making sure we understand what you are talking about.

  17. One way windows should be used in BMS classes, they will make our school much safer. They will help our parents, students, and staff feel much safer in their learning and teaching environment. One way windows can act as a decoy for someone trying to see into the classes. I heard that most believe you are safer in jail than you are in a public school, so why don't we make out public schools that much safer? Some kids might believe that it's not a good idea, you might say that students already give you a hard time about them thinking school is like jail, but once they see and realize that other schools are using these, and why these schools are using them, they will change their minds. Once they are explained the risks of just coming to school, or leaving your house, they will feel much safer in the place they spend most of every day.
    One way windows are the type of windows they use in interrogation room. They make it so we can see out, but anyone outside won't be able to see in. Making it harder for anyone who wants see in, but also making it much easier for us to spot people who are trying to see in, who shouldn't be. The one way windows would greatly improve our school. Parents would no longer have to worry that someone might be spying on their kids through the windows. Or having someone targeting their child through the window. One way windows would give many people a little peace at mind.

    One way windows are exactly what they sound like. They make it so that we can see out but if there is anyone outside they are not able to see in. Therefore making it much easier for us to notice when someone is poking around who shouldn't be. One way windows would be great for BMS because parents want their kids to be safe, as do teachers. And the students are the ones in the rooms with the teachers. One way windows are safe and wouldn't put anyone near in any danger.

    Many other people are using one way windows. There is a school in Oklahoma that has decided to have one way windows, considering the fact that there have been many occasions of school violence, they figured if the shooter can't see anyone inside, they probably won't shoot. There are 18 schools in the Moore district that have applied one way windows. They did this shortly after a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school.

    Just because there hasn't been a shooting her at BMS, doesn't mean there won't be. April 30th, North Carolina mass shooting, six people were shot and two people died, April 21st, Ceremony in littleton where twelve students and one teacher were left dead. A young girl shares her story of how she can still hear the cries of the wounded boy as she hid from the gunfire that killed seventeen people Stoneman Douglas High School last year. There was a colombian attack, that killed 12 colorado students and a teacher on april 20th, 1999. This shooting is what influenced the rebels project, which is a nationwide network of survivors of mass attacks.

    We can make sure this doesn't happen to us. Are we going to wait around for some deluded person to come along and just so happen to have a gun? Are we going to wait for someone to come shoot a bullet through our windows? Cause we don't have to, with one way windows we can make sure no kid or kids are targeted in class, we can make sure that no students or staff are shot during school hours. I understand this will not fix everything, and it will not stop people from trying, but one way windows can at least help us delay the person from finding a target, and probably even stop them. We don't have to stand by and wait for our school be the next in the news, we don't have to wait for our students to be the ones with the bullets in their heads, we can make a difference, by making sure we keep our student and staff safe.

  18. In school I feel like school safety is the most important thing, because if you don't feel safe in school how are you going to learn? I believe that school safety is a huge issue and is just going to get worse and worse because kids that are being raised with all of these shootings and violence are going to think it's just what happens. In our school I see this everyday kids being bullied, people making threats to shoot up our school, fights, people with guns, knifes or other weapons have been found, and even people putting lotion under desks to harm teachers. I feel comfortable in school but not necessarily safe, and I get pretty mad at some small things so immagine what is going through kids minds when they are being bullied all day everyday. I believe in order to make schools safer, the teachers should be trained, there should be a firearm in every hall or section of the school, put in a lock box that can be unlocked by the office, and there should be see through bags instead of backpacks this can also prevent vapes and other things coming into schools.

    First off how often do you thinks kids make threats to shoot up a school? Well I hear it about 2 times a day that I actually think is a threat, other than that people make comments like ¨he's gonna shoot up the school¨ or ¨he's going to be the next school shooter¨ as a joke or just saying what goes through their heads. School scares a lot of people because they know that things like a school shooting can happen at any time, because quite frankly how do you know if someone is really just joking. Now i'm not saying ban every gun in the world that is either a semi automatic or full automatic because there are more people that use those firearms for good activities than bad. I am saying that schools need to become safer.

    Now a few ideas that I have to make schools safer starts with the teachers and ends with the school. I personally think that teachers should take two minimal self defence classes and one disarming a gunman class. Also teachers should have to have a concealed carry licence so they are trained on how to shoot a gun and handle it safely. Next I believe every teacher that wants to have a firearm in their room should be able to, but it will have to be stored in a lock box that can only be unlocked by a button in the office. The school would hire a school resource officer and put security cameras that are monitored before letting someone into the building. Office windows and secondary door windows should be bulletproof along with all exterior windows in classrooms. We should also make every student have a clear bag as a backpack and a clear chrome book bag, if students need a larger bag they can store it in the office after it has been checked by the resource officer. People should have to give a reason to enter the building before being let in. We also should have a button like banks to alert the police station of an emergency.

    All In all schools should feel safe, and I believe that's the most important thing, because if you don't feel safe in school how are you going to learn? I think school safety is just starting to become a issue and is just going to get worse and worse. I think this because In our school I see this everyday kids being bullied, people making threats to shoot up our school, fights, people with guns, knifes or other weapons have been found. I dont always feel safe in school but I would like to start feeling that way. I believe what we can do to make schools safer is the teachers should be trained in self defence, there should be a firearm in every hall or section of the school, and there should be see through bags instead of backpacks this can also prevent vapes and other things coming into schools.

  19. School safety is a huge topic for both kids and adults and, we want to make sure that our schools are safe and protected but, we also don’t want to be fearful of things that could possibly happen at school. But, the big question is, how can we make schools safer for both students and teachers? In order to keep schools safe, I believe schools should have unarmed security guards to keep students and teachers safe.

    Unarmed security guards are a good choice because they help reduce bullying and incidences of violence and can handle kids that are out of control. They’re both effective and professionals at handling security equipment which can help increase vigilance and observation. Another thing is there are hundreds of people that come and go during school, having unarmed security guards could help keep an eye on them and make that none of them are doing anything suspicious or dangerous. Unarmed security guards provide protection and make sure that students and teachers are protected and safe and can do it in a way without getting anyone injured or killed.

    Unarmed security guards would do a great job at protecting our schools and the reason an unarmed security guard is better than armed security guard is because kids seeing security guards with guns makes them feel uncomfortable around them and, and some teachers feel the same way. A unarmed security guard would be a great option and could help keep students and teachers safe and protected without having to use lethal-force. Unarmed security guards are know how to handle kids and adults in serious situtations, without resorting to lethal-force and help keep the peace at school.

    Some people dislike the idea of unarmed security guard and think that an armed security guard is a better option. But, armed security guards make kids feel uncomfortable when they see their weapon, lethal-force and violence doesn’t help and it isn’t always the answer. An unarmed security guard is a better option then a armed security guard because they can help keep students and teachers safe without having to use a gun and would be good at keeping the peace in certain situations. I assure you that an unarmed security guard is a better option then an armed guard. In 2017 security guards/police officers helped increase school safety by 70.9%.

    My conclusion is that unarmed security guards are a good alternative to armed guards and will do a great job at keeping our schools safe and will make schools much more safer for both students and teachers. You’ll be relieved knowing that you and your school is safe.

  20. Bethany Krumpos - School Safety

    In 2018, more people were killed in school shootings than ever before. Schools need more safety. Let’s look at some ideas for keeping schools safer using changes in infrastructure to the entrances of the school and the doors to the classrooms.

    During the 2016 to 2017 school year, New York City schools confiscated 2,120 weapons. More than half of them were found by metal detectors. Some schools have already installed metal detectors at their main entrances. The main benefits of these are to find and confiscate weapons from people entering the building. It will reduce the risk of violence, ensure the safety of staff and students, and can develop a sense of professionalism, it can help students to feel more safe at school.

    Secured classroom doors and entrances are another idea to make our schools safer. “The Sleeve” is a device placed over the door closer arm to secure a classroom in an emergency situation. “The Rampart” is another device that’s placed under the knob or handle to secure a room from an intruder. They both are easy installation, no permanent modification and both are widely approved.

    In conclusion, schools need more safety.They need metal detectors and door locks.

  21. In order to keep schools safe we need metal Detectors and security guards to keep school safe from shootings. Because people don't even want to come to school they are so scared to be here . Because there has been so many school shooting in the past and a lot of people are getting killed from school shooting.

    Parent are losing their innocent children's lives because of school shootings. Teachers are getting killed in the meantime of trying to Save the kids from the people shooting at them. It is time to take school shootings seriously.

    Why should we have metal detector and security guards in schools. Why it works If you put all your stuff in a container and let the security guards look thru your backpack and chromebook bag and walk thru and it goes off they will have to search you for weapons . where has it worked It has worked in courthouse and in airports and jails when they go of the search you.

    Why we should buy it ensure student , staff , visitors do not bring weapons or other metal that may be used for harm to the premises. Plus if we have a metal detector in school and security guards. people will not be so scared because schools are becoming terrifying to go to because people are feeling uncomfortable and this is why we should have metal detector and security guard.

    In order to keep school safe we need metal detector and security guard do u want kids coming to school scared every day when people go somewhere that there a metal detector or security guards or both they feel safe and not afraid to go places or school

    1. I like how determined and confident you are in your decision. You make it very persuasive.


  22. School safety is something people need to worry about. Anything could happen to anyone at any time and we need to be prepared. Improving security is probably our best shot at keeping people safe. Metal detectors would prevent most serious events, like shootings, knife attacks, ect… I will be giving examples of how they have helped. I will tell why the metal detector could be a great solution, even though there are some negatives that go along with it.

    Installing metal detector in each school entry way can be difficult on the school, the staff, the students, and also the students family. One of the main reasons it's hard is because of privacy. You end up having to show people your personal belongings and sometimes remove layers of clothing. Many people can feel insecure in this process. In some cases, communities ended up getting school metal detectors banned because of how it made students feel. However having metal detectors is one of the easiest ways to solve school safety because it stops almost all weapons from getting into the building.

    Metal Detectors find steel, aluminum, iron, copper, tin, lead, gold and silver. They will find weapons that people will try to keep obscured. If people have metal things hidden in their pockets or in their backpack the metal detector will make a sound. The reason they will work is because people would walk through the scanners outside or just inside in a secure area of the building. If the detector was to find something the safety officer would have to see everything you have. If a weapon was located then security would take charge and keep the students and staff safe inside the school.

    There was a school shooting in Massachusetts at McKinley High School. This school
    did not have good enough security that someone was able to get inside the school with a gun. Shortly after in this area, eighty percent of schools had installed Metal detectors. This greatly decreased the amount of violence by more than fifty percent in these Boston schools. Certainly there were students in these schools that were not comfortable with the metal detector process but in the end they were not harmed and the inconvenience was worth their safety.

    Metal detectors have proven themselves to be one of the most effective way to keep schools safe. They may not be the most comfortable choice for all people but they have been proven to do the job they are designed for and that is keeping as many weapons out of our schools as possible.

  23. In 2018 there have been 24 mass school shooting that is almost 1 every two weeks. Also in those shootings there have been 35 people dead and most of then have been the students. There have been 79 people injured from the shooting as well. It is time to take school safety seriously in order to keep student in school safe, the teachers must carry a handgun.

    First the teachers would get guns the teachers they would have a background check to even see if they can qualify for a gun. They would also get trained by profession. The hand gun would be in a safe. You would use a code to open the safe. Also the gun would have something divergent about the gun.

    Second it would work because the teachers could slow/stop the shooting. President Trump said ‘’ That providing teachers with weapons should make schools harden targets.’’ In Ohio they have a program called FASTER(faculty/administrator or safety training and Emergency response). FASTER would grant the teachers guns to slow down the shooting or stop it.

    Third we should give teachers guns because it will slow the shooter down or stop him. If we gave them guns it would make the schools harder targets. It would make the shooter think more before shooting the school. Also 10 states allow employes carry a concealed handgun on school property.

    All in all school safety is important. We have to give teachers a handgun to help schools be more safe. In schools the teachers would get a special or different type of gun. So they would not look to be the shooter. There are program for the teachers to slow down or stop the shooting and it would make it a harder target.

  24. Wyatt Amend
    “Set, Don’t Shoot”

    This “solution” that I am going to reveal in this essay is not nearly as simplistic as the other ideas that you may have already heard before. In order to understand this “solution” to school violence you may need to take a step back. This solution is not one simple object or mindset, this would be a government run program that would provide the resources and money that multiple, specific facilities would need. These facilities/organizations would directly focus on the mindset and research of tools that could possibly stop or at the least reduce the number of school shootings. “Set, don’t Shoot” is the name of this idea to help this issue that we will have to deal with eventually.

    As I have already briefly explained this “Set, Don’t Shoot” plan to help keep schools safe which would not be more of a political issue like the gun recommendation for teachers or any controversial topics like such. This is a plan of pure execution that would require the participation and attention of those in a higher position. This would take the matter out of our not so educated minds and put this very important issue into more hands of those that expertise in these specific categories. Donating money and resources to these people would help them find more effective and useful strategies of preventing school violence. Only because after all, they ARE the experts.

    Although I may not be able to speak in specific terms of schools that this would directly benefit, it is announced that this money that these chains of organizations will directly be used for only the schools that they will assist. Every organization donated to will have to assist a specific number of schools within the closest areas of their facility. These organizations such as “NIMH”, “NAPSO”, and the most popular school safety program “AASA”. These are just the main three organizations that this plan would focus on just because they are among the best research, and developmental facility/organizations that are in this category.

    As a state for starters, and maybe later as a nation we should embrace this idea of putting these experts to use. This program would not only allow them to apply these changes onto our schools, but also provide the resources and money to make these facilities more successful than ever. This idea would more likely eliminate the political, and moral controversy out of this topic, when that would never even be an option to the public, because we are simply because we are just taking matters out of our own hands. Yes, this will come at a cost but this is most definitely a plan that will benefit the better good, and at that we can all assume that this money is a small price to pay.

    A normal question by now would be; well, what kind of price would this be??? Well, considering that this plan would be part of the every township, and city in the state of Wisconsin. It might be obvious that this may cost more than any other most other funds to other programs a state may have, but overall the plan is to put forward one to two million dollars to this sum of organizations to help the schools of Wisconsin. This is a very small price to pay for the solution. This IS the plan we need, we need the experts, we need the money, and last of all we need your support. With only those three things we will have enough to put an end to school violence.

  25. School Safety

    School Safety is a very serious topic. So many students have been injured or killed due to school shooters. I’ve been researching ways to keep schools safe and i found a way that will eliminate the amount of weapons being brought into schools and it will stop the large amount of school violence. I think metal detectors are a great way to stop school violence.

    Metal detectors should be used in Bartels Middle School because they can detect when someone is carrying a weapon into the school and we can turn it into the appropriate authorities. The Metal detectors are also a good way to see if a 6th 7th or 8th graders have a vape, e-cig or juul in their pocket or backpack. The metal detectors are a great way to stop school violence and and underage smoking. The prices are fairly high but it’s worth the $4,000 for a violence free and vape free school. Students will feel a lot safer knowing that there will be no weapons at school.Metal Detectors are beneficial to have at schools because anyone who walks through the doors at schools will be checked for weapons with a metal detectors. Metal detectors will eliminate having to touch students and guests coming in the school and they won’t feel harassed.

    When schools are safer students will start to feel more comfortable going to schools everyday. Lots of students are either deciding to be homeschooled or skip school because they are worried that someone could threaten or come into their school. Students shouldn’t have to worry about someone being shot stabbed or killed inside their school. Schools should be a safe environment for everyone it shouldn’t be a place where you should be worrying about violence. Schools have become a very violent place, so if we get metal detectors and prevent any weapons coming into the building there will be less violence and less worrying parents and students.

    All in all, Metal detectors are a great way to keep schools safe and will help students, parents and teachers worry less about someone coming into our school with weapons. The metal detectors will also eliminate underage smoking which is a very severe issue nowadays. Having Metal detector will help our district have a friendly learning environment.

  26. Paxton Laurent5/06/2019 08:06:00 PM

    Schools are safe but are they really school shooting threats and many other bad things involving schools happen a lot and everywhere in the us . in 2018 there is an average of 1 school shooting a week . So what can be done to help prevent these types of things happening .

    How it would help prevent shootings at schools
    I think that schools should carry firearms this would help prevent school shooting everywhere and it would most likely scare off any body that wanted to shoot up the school but there are some problems with this . many teachers don't like having the idea of holding a gun or even shooting one . Also a typical handgun cost $200 to $1200so arming teachers will get expensive ( schools are practically sitting ducks they have nothing to defend themselves with .

    How does it work
    The teacher would have a small safe hidden in her room with a key or pin that they must use to get in the safe with no student or anyone else would not be able to nowhere the safe is and if a school shooter dos come they could easily unarm him/her with his/her pistol .

    Why does it work
    The reason this would work is because people would not come to school where all kids of teachers are armed because they simply/probably don't want to get shot and it's just simple and there are arleady schools doing it to and you don't see people coming to shoot there school up .
