
Monday, March 4, 2019

Charles by Shirley Jackson

Share your literary essay with the rest of the students that chose this short story.  Take some time to read 2 or 3 other essays.  Comment on them.  Your comment should be about something you noticed them doing well from our lessons.  For example, "You did a really good job explaining your evidence."


  1. “Charles” is a short story by Shirley Jackson that takes place in England. What makes this story unique is that there is a kid that lies to his parents about what he does each day at kindergarten. Charles is this made up kid created by Laurie the main character and Charles is a very bad kid. Shirley uses this to teach us that you will always get caught in a lie.

    When Laurie went for his first day he changed ‘he renounced corduroy overalls with bibs and began wearing blue jeans with a belt. This describes him as he starts to change from a little/nice kid into the bully that he is in the story. This also shows how his mom wished he would not have changed. Because this whole story is like a flashback. The change worsens as we go through the story Charles/Laurie acts even worse then gets a little better but not all the way.

    At the end of the story, the mom and teacher slowly work up to each other. After that instead of coming right out and saying it, the author has it said in a different way”Charles we don’t have a Charles in Kindergarten says the teacher

    Another part that proves the theme is dialogue. This part would be when Laurie's mom is talking with the teacher “you must have your hands full in that kindergarten with Charles”. “Charles,” she said, “we don’t have any Charles in the kindergarten”. This is at the end of the story and when we find out Charles is Laurie. This shows theme in that in the middle of the story Laurie parent-teacher conferences because if she did he would get caught so Laurie started to get better because of that.

    Another part is when the mom and dad were talking “do you think kindergarten is too unsettling, and this Charles boy sounds like a bad kid”. “Bound to run into people like Charles sometimes in life what better time than now”. This shows the theme of how the other has the parents carrying for the kid and worrying about what is wrong. It explains them thinking they might need to help and find out who Charles is. It also shows that they love him no matter what even if he is having a bad day or is being bullied or is the bully.

    The next part that proves theme is figurative language. One part is when Laurie say’s “Pop y’old dust mop” the author is using this as a metaphor and rhyme. Metaphor because she compares his dad to a dust mop and it shows theme because he is starting to live the lie at home too.

    Another part was when Laurie bounced a see-saw off a girls head. When he told this to his parents he said it very chipper. LIke he was claiming the act of means as his own. This could be interpreted as just having fun but clearly, it means he did it on purpose because he told his parents it was someone else if he did it hem self he would have told them he did it.

    At the end when the teacher and mom talk the author does not fully state that the mom finds out Charles is Laurie. Because of this I really believe that the theme is you will always be caught in a lie. After this part in the story if it was continued I am sure Laurie would have even caught and he would have changed or the parents would have more control over him.

  2. Charles is a short story by Shirley Jackson that takes place in England. In the story, a boy named Laurie lies to his parents about what he does at school and makes up this kid at school named Charles who is really him doing a whole bunch of bad things. His parents have no idea it’s him until his mom goes to a parent meeting. This shows you will always be caught in a lie.

    At the beginning of the story, Laurie’s mom talks about how Laurie changes since starting school and these changes are made for the worst. This is shown when she talks about how he doesn’t wave bye anymore and he won’t wear his coveralls anymore.

    Laurie’s first lie was making up Charles to tell his parents about “being fresh” with the teacher and getting spanked. Laurie is the one who was “being fresh” with the teacher and got spanked.

    Laurie’s parents didn’t put themselves into Charles’s parent's shoes and understand that it may be hard to control Charles and that they are trying. This is proven when Laurie tells his mom about Charles hitting the teacher and his mom responds with “Good heavens”. This could be interpreted as Laurie’s parents judging Charles’s parents but this clearly shows that Laurie’s mom just didn’t understand Charles's mom's position until she was the parents with the miss behaved child.

    When Laurie talks about Charles “bouncing a see-saw onto the head of a little girl and made her bleed” this created a really vivid picture for me on how Laurie behaves at school without his parents knowing.

    “We maneuvered up to one another cautiously and smiled” this sentence shows that Laurie’s mom and the teacher have never met before and that Laurie’s mom had no idea how to approach the teacher.

    “Laurie usually adjusts very quickly” “I suppose this time it’s Charles’s influence.” “Charles?” “yes,” I said, laughing “ You must have your hands full in the kindergarden with Charles.” “Charles?” she said, “We don’t have any Charles in the kinergarden.” This conversation clarifies that Laurie’s mom had no idea was Laurie did and school let alone that he was lying to her about it until that moment. This also shows that you will always be caught in a lie.

  3. "Charles" is a short story by shirley Jackson that takes place in england. What makes this plot of the story unique is that every night charles comes home and lies to his parents and it is not him that is bad. The short story focuses on a boy named charles who is bad. Charles is different from the others because he tells his parents about everything. The author uses this to teach us about judging. Judge yourself before you judge others.

    At the end of the story charles parents were ready to meet laurie. So she said “were all interested to meet laurie”. By the end they meet her.

    In other words laurie is trying to teach us not to lie to our parents or you will get caught if you do and especially to not lie at all. They are judging her by how she acts. For one thing they were ready to meet her at the PTA meeting and they meet her and it was her not charles

    Also at the end of the story charles parents are so happy to meet laurie's parents. Then she says to her parents “I've been so anxious to meet you”. That is how they are judging her.
    The plot event in this story is when charles was coming home lying every night to his parents about how bad people were in school. Then by the end it was not him who was the bad kid.

    By the middle of the story laurie had to tell her dad something, so he bent down and she said joyfully. Then he asked if charles told the little girl that. Then I found some repetition in the middle. It says “she said it twice” laurie said.”charles told her to say it twice. I think the author put this in to know that that was like a bad word. This could be interpreted as of judging but clearly it means don't lie because you will always get caught if you do.

    At the end of the story the parents thought that charles was the one who did all these things. But when they were in the PTA meeting they said where's charles it was actually laurie who was doing everything. Remember to judge yourself before you judge others.

  4. Mitchell Fimreite3/04/2019 09:52:00 AM

    In the short story “Charles” by Shirley Jackson, it is about a kindergartener named Laurie who has a very naughty boy in his class named Charles. He comes home every night and him and his family always want to know about what Charles did at school that day, he almost becomes a part of their family because of how much they talk about him. The characters in the story learned that we always need to accept people even if they aren’t always perfect.

    The dialogue in “Charles” was very repetitive throughout the story, every night during supper they would ask about Charles and how Lauries day was. This really made him apart of their supper conversation EVERY night. The dialogue proves the lesson because they were judging Charles without even knowing him. Some references from the short story are “Well, Charles was bad again today.” “With the third week of kindergarten Charles was an institution in our family”

    There are two main elements of figurative language in the story, which are repetition and imagery. The first one is repetition. Every night at supper his parents would ask if Charles was bad today and criticized his parents for raising his so bad.
    The next example is Imagery. In the story the author Shirley Jackson did an amazing job at writing detail in the story so we could picture what Charles was doing or how Laurie’s parents reacted to hearing about him.

    The plot of the story was also very repetitive. Laurie comes home from school with a lot of things to tell his parents about what Charles did, said, or how his teacher reacted. His parents were surprised by Charles’ behavior at such a young age. They talked about him almost every night if not all nights.
    It came to a point where it was a event everyone in the family would look forward to called “what did Charles do today” and how bad his parents were at raising their child which is pretty ironic at the end of the story.
    At a PTA meeting Laurie’s parents were dying to meet Charles’ parents or just him at least. They were surprised to find nobody that was related in any way to Charles. They went up to the teacher, introduced themselves and asked about the famous Charles. The teacher informed them that Laurie was the on who was misbehaving the whole time and his parents were shocked. The theme right here could be interpreted as telling the truth, but accepting people that aren’t always perfect fits in because of how his parents were basically judging their own kid the whole time and they didn’t realize it.

    All in all, the main lesson that we learned in “Charles” by Shirley Jackson was that we all need to accept people that aren’t always perfect. Laurie’s parent were judging who they thought was a classmate of their kid but it was really their own kid who was causing all the trouble. Some examples from the story of his parents judging him are “Do you think kindergarten is too unsettling for Laurie? All this toughness, bad grammar, and this Charles boy sounds like such a bad influence.”

    1. Nice job! It’s one of my favorite short stories!!

  5. Charles is a short story by the author Shirley Jackson. Within it is a young boy named Laurie. He talks about a fellow classmate who has behavioral issues, the disobedient child’s name is Charles. He has become the talk about the family. Everyday Laurie comes home to discuss with his family about the activity that Charles decided to mess up that day. Not long after, the parents grow interest in Charles and want to desperately meet the parents of the troubled kindergartener. They judge Charles parents by the information given to them by Laurie.
    This is where people could point out that the theme is actually about Laurie lying to his parents, but the fault in that idea is that the story seems to centralize on Laurie's mom wanting to talk to the charles mother.
    By judging the family of Charles, they should at least see if they are making the same flaws, or in this case, see if they are the same people. Because there is no kid in kindergarten with the name Charles. Just a boy who made himself a character so he could get the attention of his parents.
    By judging others before you take a look in the mirror, you falsely judge them because you are not able to see your own flaws.
    Authors use the words spoken by the characters to give you an idea about the theme they want you to get out of their book. In this instance, the characters are a important part of this. The mother of Laurie states that she ‘wants passionately to meet Charles mother’ this shows the emotion the mother feels towards another mother. She wanted to meet Charles mother because she couldn't understand how a child could be brought up so bad, she was judging the mom and in return herself.
    “At the meeting i sat restless, scanning each matronly face, trying to determine which one held the secret of charles, none of them looked haggard enough-” this proves that she was indeed judging the mother of charles. By saying that ‘none of them looked haggard enough’, she has already painted a picture of how horrible the mother must be. “-No one stood up and apologized for the way her son had been acting.” this confirms that she wanted something out of Charles mother, that if they talked one on one like Laurie's mother would have liked, that she would have wanted to know how a kid can be so fresh.
    Authors also use the amount of times they have their characters say words to mean that the repeated word has importance. This is seen with the words fresh to describe Charles. “He was fresh, the teacher spanked him and made him stand in the corner. He was awfully fresh.” the context clues show that the word means inappropriate. The author may have used this to show how bad Charles really was.
    At the end of the story the mother is told by the kindergarten teacher that there is no one in her class with the name Charles. she finds out that she is Charles mother, that Laurie is Charles, then it ends, leaving what happened up for interpretation. That means that the statements she said about Charles mother are really about herself. The bad things that Charles did were real things that Laurie did. That this horrible mother of Charles was in fact herself but because she wasn't able to realize her own flaws, she falsely judged others.

  6. Part 1 :
    “Charles” is a short story by Shirley Jackson that tells a story about a young boy that is in Kindergarten; that acts in a very bad way to his teacher and classmates. The short story “Charles” has a main character named Laurie. A boy that behaves so horribly at school that his parents have to listen to the unbearable stories that they have to hear everyday after school. When the parents went to a school meeting, they found out that their son is the one being bad in class. The author uses this story to teach the readers a lesson; don’t judge people before knowing the whole story.
    The parents of Laurie didn't know that they are being lied to, by their own son. Laurie comes home everyday telling his parents about how Charles was doing bad stuff at school. For example, Charles slapped a teacher because he did not want to do his work. Laurie ever told them that he was indeed Charles though. When they found out that Carles did not go to school, they were wondering how all of these stories came to be if there was not Charles in Kindergarten. In this case, Laurie’s parent did one thing when they heard about Charles; all they did was balm everything that he did at school was bad even though they have never met Charles before.
    When the teacher told Laurie’s parents that there was not a student named Charles at school, it all came together. Laurie’s parents never saw that it was their own son who slapped the teacher and who was also rude to the students. The parents of Laurie didn't know why they are being lied to, but they knew that they weren’t told the whole truth on what was happening at school.
    When listening what Laurie’s mom was saying really show what she thinks about Charles and what is happening at school. Then again she was not told the whole story. With how she was talking to her husband and son, “ do you think Charles is a good influence on Laurie”, says his mom. When reading the story, sentences really explained what was going on. A sentence that Laurie’s mom that showed that she is questioning on what was happening at school was, “ Charles was bad again “. She was starting to really pay attention to the stories that Laurie was saying when they started to get more serious.

  7. Part 2 :
    To put it another way that showed how Laurie’s mom felt was, “ I’ve been so anxious to meet you “. Laurie’s mom was already thinking that Charles was going to be, “ thrown out of school “, as she said to her husband. She still wanted to come to the meeting to find out who Charles was in person and why was he so bad; that has been causing home to do this ? Certainly it could be said that Charles is a bed kid by slapping teacher and tricking students into saying bad words; but Charles is not all that bad. While this is a good point, it fails to account for the act that made his teacher forgive him.
    When Laurie was sitting at the school meeting, he was wondering if anyone was going to tell his secret. He was surprised that no one did, for all the things that he did to them. When Laurie comes home to talk about how rude or “ fresh “ Charles was; Laurie was creating a pretend student in the story that was doing stuff that caused him to be called “ fresh “. When Laurie was talking about Charles be felt really proud, like he was a follower of Charles by saying how cool he was. Shirley Jackson ended the story where Laurie’s mom is finding out the truth, but does not say how that affected her or what roles she took in her next part of the scene. It shows that his mom did not know who Charles really was.
    With Charles being so cool and doing whatever he wants, shows that Charles is brave. When Laurie comes home and talks about how Charles was os fresh, that he did not have to do any exercises. That also showed that he was brave and had additude. After Laurie’s parents found that Charles is doing whatever he wanted, that really out a target on his head. Showed the parents that hi is not a good influence on Laurie. What Laurie’s mom didn’t know was that Charles is not like that at all. One day Charles brought an apple his teacher. For that reason, that explained that Charles is not all that bad.
    In the end of Charles, Laurie’s mom find out that there is no Charles. We don’t know how she reacts or what she does, but it’s clear that she learns that she was being lied to by her son even though she never met Charles. With me as a reader I found out that when Laurie’s mom was hearing all these bad things about Charles; all she did was jump to conclusions about who and how Charles acts. I learned from the story is that you can not judge someone until you know the whole story, and in Laurie’s mom position she did not.

  8. “Charles” is a short story by Shirley Jackson that’s about a young boy names Laurie who is super naughty. Everyday he comes home and tells his parents what he did at school but says it’s another boy names Charles. Laurie comes home everyday and tells his parents what Charles did. Laurie’s mom really wants to meet Charles parents. So when the school is having a PTA meeting Laurie’s family is searching all over for them but can’t find them. His mom starts talking to a teacher and figures out her perfect little boy Laurie is the horrible Charles. That’s why I think that the author is trying to tell you to think about what you may have done before you judge others.

    Laurie’s parents were thinking that Charles may be a bad influence on Laurie since they are so young. For example the evidence supports the claim because the mom isn’t even giving Charles a chance to be good. Also that he is a bad influence. Particularly she really wants to meet Charles parents to know what is wrong with him. Even though its her own child. At the PTA meeting when Laurie’s mom was talking to his teacher she said Laurie had been acting up. His mom blamed Charles for making him act up even though he doesn’t exist.

    Mrs. Jackson uses imagery to help show what Laurie’s parents might have felt when they realize Charles, that they mean stuff about is sweet Laurie. In fact the evidence supports the claim because the mom is blaming Charles for Laurie not adjusting well to kindergarten. For example when the teacher say “Laurie is struggling to adjust” and the mom said “is it Charles influence”.The teacher was confused and said” we don’t have a Charles in Kindergarten”

    In fact another good use of figurative language is repetition. Frequently or daily Laurie comes home and says Charles did something really bad. Surely the evidence supports the claim because daily the mom says something mean about Charles. This happens for a long time so Laurie’s parents think he is just a horrible kid. The repetition shows that something is really bad about Charles.

    Although it could be argued that the theme of Charles is don’t judge others if you may be guilty of the same problem. The text actually says Laurie’s mom isn’t making fun of Charles but instead his parents. So I think you should treat others the way you wanna be treated. You may or may not being rude to yourself or others.

    Through all of Laurie’s stories that he tells his mom she continued to say mean things without knowing him. She continued on by saying that al Laurie’s bad behavior is caused by Charles. Like saying” You must have your hands full in Kindergarten with Charles.

    At the end everything that mom thought about Charles was her own child. She really said mean and rude things to her own child. At the end the author wants you to realize that before you start judging others think about what you may have done yourself.

  9. Charles

    Charles is a short story written by Shirley Jackson saying about a naughty kid named Charles. Laurie (the little boy) goes to school everyday and when he gets home he tells his parents stories about a naughty child named Charles. The turn of the story was that Lauries was actually Charles and Laurie was telling stories that he did saying it was a different person. His parents judged the other family. Before judging others, make sure you are not guilty of the same problem.

    In the story, Laurie came home and told his daily story about Charles. Today, it was about how charles was spanked by the teacher for misbehaving. His parents started judging Charles parents saying they want to meet them at the PTA meeting and how Charles was a bad influence on Laurie. Although, it could be argued Charles and his parents were being judged the text says “ That Charles is a bad influence.”

    Their family went to the PTA meeting and starting talking to the kindergarten teacher. Laurie’s mom said “You must have your hands full in that kindergarten, with Charles.” The teacher said back, “Charles? We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten.”

    Laurie’s parents were talking one night. They both thought that kindergarten was too unsettling for Laurie. Then they said “This boy Charles sounds like such a bad influence.” Later on, Laurie’s dad said “ There are bound to be people like Charles in the world.” This section of the book supports my claim because it shows how Charles and his family are being judged not knowing it’s actually them.

    The author uses repetition in this short story. Laurie will come home and just say “Charles, Charles, Charles” Like the whole story is about Charles. Another piece of repetition that is used is what his parents say to him after like “Good heavens.” Or “Who is this Charles.”

    This story is mainly about Laurie and Charles. Laurie tells his parents how Charles got spanked in class today or how he got in trouble because he hit the teacher. It shows imagery by the words he uses like his specific RED crayon Charles wanted.

    In Conclusion, Laurie was Charles and his parents judged Charles family now knowing it was them. Don’t go judging others if you are guilty of the same thing.

    By, Laci Wilcox

  10. Charles

    Charles is an article by shirley jackson telling a story of a boys first time in school.what makes this article unique is the parents judging themselves and don't know. Laurie uses false names to describe his day to his parents and they judge charles parents by the way he acts. This article focuses on not judging others not knowing all the facts because it can turn back on you.

    Some of the events in the article was that laurie's mom wanted to go to the pta meeting after missing the parent teacher conferences to meet charles mom. In this case laurie's mom expected charles parents to act or look a certain way because the way charles acted. Another event was laurie's mom judged charles mom till she found out charles was not a real student at lauries school.consequently finding out laurie was lying the whole time she judges charles parents.that is to say laurie's mom had expectations for charles mom not even knowing her.

    The facts are laurie's parents think he is a good student not knowing he is lying and using charles to tell his parents about his day.laurie's parents judge charles parents not knowing they are judging themselves. Laurie's parents worried about what charles did at school but not what laurie was doing at school.

    Although the article is not positive it gives good imagery on what happens throughout the get an image of the classroom when laurie tells the story about charles when he is sitting by his parents eating lunch and telling the story.

  11. Charles by Shirley Jackson is a short story about a kindergartener named Laurie andhisparents. Every day Laurie cames home and tells his parents about a naughty boy named Charles. Laurie's parents judge Charles and his parents before they meet them. When Laurie's mom goes to the PTA mtg she tries to talk to Lauries teacher about Charles but finds out that all the bad things Laurie said charles did Laurie actually did. In the end Laurie's parents are just judging themselves, that is why I believe that the theme is don’t judge others before you know them.

    The first thing in the story that led me to believe this are the events. At the beginning of the story charles comes home and his parents ask him how school was, he tells them that a boy was being fresh. When they ask who the boy is he hesitates and says that it is charles. THis could be interpreted as don’t lie to your parents, but it is what starts the judgment. The second place I see this is in the end when Laurie's mom is at the PTA mtg. She is looking around the room to see if she can find Charles’s mom as if she should stand out. When the mtg. Is over Laurie's mom finds finds his teacher and she says that Laurie had a hard time adjusting, Laurie's mom said that it must be because of Charles. That is when Lauries teacher says that there is no Charles, then Laurie's mom realizes that she has been judging herself.

    Figurative language is also shows the theme in the story with imagery and metaphor. There is imagery when Laurie's dad knocks over a potted plant, he looks at it for a while and even though he has never seen him he says that it looks like Charles. The story uses metaphors when stories about Charles become daily life, when the baby is crying it is being a Charles.

    The last piece of evidence is dialogue. At the beginning of the story Laurie tells his parents about charles and then says to his dad “look up, look down, look at my thumb, gee your dumb” no one cares because everyone is too focused on Charles. The last piece of dialogue is before Laurie's mom goes to the PTA mtg. And his dad says “Invite her far tea, I want to get a look at her.” as if she would look different than other people.

    In the end I believe that the theme of Charles is don’t judge others before you know them because Laurie's parents judged Charles and his parents even though they never met them.

  12. Charles is a short story by Shirley Jackson. The main character is a girl named Laurie and she is in kindergarten and there is a very bad student in her kindergarten class named charles. Laurie alway comes home and tells her parents about what charles has done at school that day and there always criticizing charles and talking about how his parents must be so bad until one day they hope to meet this charles kid. This is trying to tell us that you will always get caught in lie.

    Laurie used to wear nice overalls and now she wears jeans and a belt and that is a sigh of her turning into a bully. The whole story is like a flashback and her mom would not want laurie to change from the nice little girl she was.

    Another theme is dialogue because when laurie’s parents meet the teacher they say ‘ you must have your hands full with that charles kid in your class’ and the teacher says we do not have a charles in our class. That's when the parents find out that charles is actually there kid.

    Another theme is figurative language and he starts to lie and home and lead them down the path that charles is not her. She starts to say stuff like ‘ pop y’old dust mop’ and that is her saying that her dad is an old dust mop and she is being rude at school and at home.

    At the end her parents say that laurie adjusts very nice and that the influence on charles must be affecting her and the teacher says there is so charles then the story ends. But if the story keeps going it would be that you always get caught in a lie eventually.

  13. "Charles”is a short story by Shirley Jackson,that is about a little boy named Laurie.It mostly takes place in his school,and his house.At his school he calls himself Charles as his fake name.He is a very bad,misbehaving,and mischievous kid at his school.On the other side he is a very good,well behaved kid,and kind at his house since his parents are at his house all the time.His parents don't know he misbehaves at school and is very bad,and that he also uses a fake name.He goes around causing trouble at school carelessly,since he is not known for who he really is as Laurie.

    Many events go on in the short story of him be bad.Until it all come to an end.Which I choose as my plot,the event occurs in his school at a PTA meeting.The PTA meeting is basically a parent teacher conference meeting.The teacher of Laurie or Charles asks his parents hows charles at home,and they ask who's Charles.The parents then remember that there kid is Charles.Before this event occurred the parents had been talking bad about the parents that were Charles,because every day Laurie would go home,and tell his parents how bad Charles was at school.Although it can be argued that dont judge others is the overall theme of this short story.The text actually says that it is not the overall theme of this story.

    The next subtopic I choose supporting my theme is figurative language.On of my figurative languages I choose was repetition.The example I choose is “the teacher spanked him,and made him stand in the corner”.The him in the example is referring to Charles getting hit which is a lie.That figurtage language is helping by showing the theme,by showing what the kid is lying about to his parents.Another example I choose is "she said it twice Laurie said charles told her to say it twice".It helps show the theme by helping show what he is lying about to his parents as well.

    The final subtopic I choose is Dialogue which is when a sentence in the story is actually showing what the theme is.The Sentence I choose that showed the theme is when Laurie finally gets caught at the pta meeting.It helps show that the theme is never lie,because you are going to get caught.By showing that Laurie finally gets caught by his parents at the end of the short story Charles.

    My conclusion after is that my look on the theme is never lie,because you will get caught.I have all of my information to back my theme that I choose for this short story.There are many themes in every book or short story that you can choose,but usually the authors try to make a central theme that everyone can figure out.There could have been another theme I could have choose for this short story that is don't judge others.When Laurie's parents were always judging Charles parents for bad parenting but it was actually them.Overall I think the theme of this book is don't lie,because you will get caught.

  14. “Charles” is a short story by Sherly Jackson that us based on a bad kid named “Charles”. What makes this story interesting is how Laurie’s parents believe everything he says about the little boy at school. The characters in the story are judging another family but soon figue out that family is theirs. The story focuses on a little boy named Laurie who is in KIndergarten. The little boy named “Charles” is having a hard time in school. Because Laurie is so young I don’t think he understands how badly his parents think of Charles who is actually him. The author uses this to teach us a lesson about judging others.

    When Laurie come home from his first day of school he talks about how it was good. However, all he really wants to talk about is that naughty boy Charles. Everyday after school Lauries parents ask “how was school todat?” and everyday they get the same answer “ Charles was being fresh.”

    After a few days of hearing how naughty Charkes was being Lauries parents didn’t didnt know if kindergarten was right for Laurie. “ Do you think kindergarten was right for Laurie? All this toughness, bad grammar, and this Charles boy sounds like such a bad influence,” said Lauries mother to her father.

    Lauries parents became really judgy about Charles and his parents and say some mean things. Lauries parents were talking really bad about the other parents, not even considering that those parents could be them. Although it coulkd be argued that the theme of Charles is never to judge other because that person could be you, the text gives off something like never to lie to your parents because they will figure out.

    A few days later there was a PTA meeting and that was a great oppurtunity for Laurie’s parents to meet Charles and his parents. When she got to the meeting she looked for Charles but had no luck. Lauries mother goes up to the teacher and the teacher talks about how Lauries been having a hard time adjusting. When Lauries parents ask about Charles the teacher says there is no boy named Charles.

    Maybe it will come to the parents minds that their child is the bad kid in class.
