
Thursday, December 10, 2015

KKK - Short Research Project

December 14, 2015

You've been learning a lot about the KKK while you're reading Witness.  We also have a book about the history of the KKK in our book club book collection.  It is titled, They Called Themselves the KKK - The Birth of an American Terrorist Group by Susan Campbell Bartoletti.   For the next two days, we are going to complete a very brief research project using a K-W-H-L chart.  You will research to find the answer to one things that you want to know about the KKK.  You should get most of the chart done on our first day of research.  You will finish it up on our second day and share what you've learned.

Share your question and what you learned about it in a comment on this post so that we can all learn new things about the KKK.

K-W-H-L Sheet


  1. Question: Why did they do this were they mad at us or was it just because they didn’t like people that were different?

    Answer:The KKK started because the African Americans had just as equal rights as the whites did.
    They didn’t like it because they thought that African Americans shouldn’t be treated the same way that whites did. They also didn’t like that immigrants were coming to America. The Civil Rights Movement also reactivated the KKK activity. All in all they really weren't mad at anyone they just didn't like people who were different so they wanted them gone.

    1. I know right Ella I wounder too.

    2. That would be interesting if they do because it would go against what they think.

  2. Question: Why did the KKK choose to wear the color white?
    Answer:I learned that they wear white robes to indicate rank and file members. I also learned that they wear different colored robes sometimes. For example green robes indicate state leaders and black robes means that you are a Knighthawk, a position in the KKK. The white robes also represent their race. So I guess you have to be white to be in the Klu Klux Klan.

    1. Wow that explains the other pics i saw thanks that helps alot.

    2. Wow I never knew that. That's really cool.

  3. Question: Where do the KKK live and how many people are active in the KKK?

    Answer: The KKK started in 1866, by former Confederate veterans. They started in Pulaski, Tennessee. Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first known leader of the KKK. The KKK is still active today, with bases in Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. There are between 5,000 and 8,000 active members in the KKK today.

  4. Question: What is going on with the KKK today?

    Answer:After watching a video on abc news, I learned that just recently at a military school there were kids dressed as "ghosts" they say, but many thought they were dressed in clothes similar to those of the kkk. They were all suspended but some don't know if it was true or not. Also their is much more discrimination coming back. On the Business insider website, it talks about the kkk coming back and they have a lot of pictures of them and people who are with the kkk.

  5. Question: How many people are in the KKK and what are they doing now?

    Answer: Currently now in America there is around 4,000 to 5,000 people apart of the KKK. They are now trying to recruit people again by putting rocks on peoples lawn but they have ton be faithful people that they know. A interview with a KKK member says that they do not discriminated other people but they still burn the cross and they still are kind of crazy. An example of their craziness is that they are now protesting for kids to have a daily prayer session in their school. So overall, they are not as crazy as they were back in the 20s and 30s but are still doing some weird stuff.

    1. Yrs, I think they are doing weird stuff still also.

    2. I bet that eventually they'll start getting so eager to get other people to join, they'll start recruiting black people.

    3. I heard that they are going door to door selling cookies and saying that they are having a club meeting but it's the KKK meeting.

  6. Question: What has the KKK done recently?

    Answer: The KKK is still around. The KKK has had picnics and gatherings. Some families that believe in the KKK have changed the name a little. The KKK have also done some not so good things. Eight students got suspended because they dressed up in the KKK robes and sang Christmas carols. Nobody knows if they were part of the KKK or not. The KKK isn't going away any time soon.

  7. Q: Who is the leader of the KKK now?
    A: There is a leader but he or she is staying anonymous. Though I have figured out the national director of the Ku Klux Klan which is Thomas Robb.

    Q: How many people today are members of the Ku Klux Klan?
    A: There are 5,000-8,000 active members in the KKK. That is about the size of Ripon Wisconsin’s population.
    A: There is about 5,000-8,000 active members in the KKK. That is about the size of Ripon Wisconsin’s population.

  8. Question : Who started the KKK and why?
    Answer : The KKK was started by Democratic Confederate Army Veterans. They started the organization to only have "Good Americans" living in America. To make their version of the "best" race of America, they targeted republicans, blacks, Jews, people who taught blacks, and very few whites. To make their "perfect" race,they had to take out anyone who got in their way.

  9. Question:What did the KKK do recently?Where did it happen?
    Answer:Some Citadel cadets were in costumes that made them look like the KKK.It was at Citadel school.They were singing Christmas carols.There was a girl that was threatened to take pictures of them, but don't post it online.

  10. Question: Who founded the KKK?

    Answer: The KKK was founded by six Confederate veterans. They had formed the secret society in Pulaski Tennessee. The members were majorly against people that supported the idea of Blacks given equal rights. A notable man that had helped shape the KKK (Only to realize that what they’re doing is wrong later) was a man named Nathan Bedford Forrest.

  11. Question: How was the KKK Started
    Answer: The KKK was started by Confederate soldiers in Pulaski Tennessee in 1865. The KKK believes only white caucasian People should be able to live in America. They were trying to eliminate all of the non-American people from America.

  12. Question:How did they start and What did they do?
    Answer: The Ku Klux Klan started by a group of retired confederate soldiers. They wanted America to be "all American" even though it already was at the time. They tried to take out African Americans, Jewish people, Republican Leaders, and Catholics.They lynched them and Burned crosses and other such things to strike fear into the people they hated.They did bad things and they tried to keep America as it is but it was already better until the KKK came along.

  13. Are the KKK still part of the U.S. and how many are there left today?

    The KKK are still around today there are a lot less then there was and that is good that there is less. But there is 5,000 to 8,000 people left in the klan.

  14. My Question: When and where did the KKK form?
    Answer: The Ku Klux Klan originated on December 24, 1865. The men who established the Ku Klux Klan where veterans from the South side in the Civil War. Following their beliefs, they formed the Ku Klux Klan. They called themselves that because the word kyklos, meaning circle in Greek. They then formed the Ku Klux Klan, KKK. They then followed their beliefs and discriminated the AA's from themselves.

  15. Question: When and who started the KKK?

    Response/Information learned:
    -The KKK was started in Tennessee.

    -The official rise of the klan was DEc. 24th, 1865.

    -The Klan's first leader was Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    -The first two words mean kyklos, which means circle in Greek.

  16. My Question: Why, When and Where was the KKK created?
    The KKK was created by 6 people. They were created on December 24, 1865, in Pulaski, Tennessee.

  17. They where the tall hats so it will cover up their face.The KKK started in 1865.KKK cam from the greek word kyklos

  18. People in the KKK burned the cross the intimidate their targets such as Catholics, Blacks, Jews, and anyone else they didn’t like.
    It also symbolizes the KKK's century long reign of terror against Black communities.The first cross burning happened at Stone Mountain, Georgia on Thanksgiving night 1915.
    There have been 17,000 acts of recorded cross burnings in the past 15 years.

  19. Emma Moll
    My question is why would they be mean to others?I found out that the kkk did it on purpose because they be would be mean to immigrants especially African Americans cause we were against them in the war.

  20. Question: Why did the kkk hate people different from them?
    Answer: they hated the African American people because of Abraham lincoln he freed the slaves which the kkk slaves could turn against them.They hated jews because the jews liked pope and not America. They Also hated Catholics because they believe that they used pope for believing what is right and what is wrong.

  21. My Question: How did the kkk start

    (Pulaski, Tennessee) six Confederate veterans form a Clan called “Ku Klux Klan.” After a while the Clan became more popluar.

  22. My Question: Who and why did the KKK form

    Answer: There were six people who formed the KKK. The founders were John B. Kennedy, John C. Lester, Calvin Jones, Frank O. McCord James R. Crowe, and Richard R. Reed were the founders of the KKK. They went from patrol to klan. At night they would ride out on horses to terrorize African-Americans. They do it because they believe that African-Americans shouldn't have any rights and the klan didn't like that so they started the group and became the KKK. They also hate Jews and anyone who wasn't completely white, so people who are tan.

  23. Question: How did the KKK become so mainstream in the 1920s, and who started it?
    Information:he KKK was started in 1866 by ex-confederate soldiers who were against reconstruction after the Civil War. It disbanded, but came back in 1915 when William Joseph Simmons decided to get the Klan back together. He sold memberships to people to make a living. His first act was climbing to the top of a mountain and lighting a cross on fire, to show everyone that the Klan was back. They did a couple of things after that including hating more people than just the African Americans. They started hating blacks, catholics, foreigners, etc. Their beliefs spreaded vastly in 1920. Halfway through the decade, there were about 3 million to 8 millions people in the KKK.

  24. The KKK started in Pulaski, TN. They were a group of people that wanted to start a post civil war re-construction. The term KKK comes from the Greek word kuklos which means circle. After the Klan started to get more active they wanted to have a president like everything else.

  25. I think that the KKK is a very bad group and that they should be taken out because they are always killing people and that they are being racist. So in my opinion they should be taken out because of all of the bad things that they have done. All in all the KKK is a bad group and should be taken out because of all of the bad things that they have done.

  26. Question: Is the KKK still active, and what are they doing now?

    Answer: The KKK is still active, and they have about 5 to 8 thousand active members. They are doing some strange things now. Like: a group of freshman college kids dressed up as ku klux klan members and sang Christmas carols. Also, after the republican presidential candidates gave some mean comments about the muslims, and after the terror attacks in Paris, the KKK started putting up fliers asking people to join.

    1. That is really interesting and sort of scary. Hope they don't take over the United States again.

  27. Question- How did the KKK all start

    Answer- The KKK all started because of the blacks the KKK did not like the blacks because of some reason so they would kill them beat them and do really mean things to them. The KKK started in tennessee in 1866 and that is when they did not like the KKK.

  28. I want to learn if the KKK is still around and what do they do?

    More than 40 different clans of the KKK group exesist. Approximately there is around 5,000 known members of the KKK. The activity of the KKK has spiked from 2006 to right now. The KKK protest for local sex offender. They also protest against illegal immigration. The klan also do cross burnings they try to threaten minority members in the community.

  29. Question: Who started the KKK, where, and when?

    Answer: The KKK was founded by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. The first branch of the KKK was created by former veterans. The first branch of the KKK started off as a social group and was made in Pulaski, Tennessee. The group was founded in the summer of 1867. Forrest tried to break up the KKK in 1969 because it was becoming too violent, but he was unsuccessful.

  30. Question - How did the KKK start?

    Answer - They started by a group of adults coming together in a social group. KKK comes from the greek work kyklos.

  31. My question was where did the group begin and where did they get their outfits? The group started in Pulski, TN. They got their robes and masks from ancient belifes. Strangely it was a Catholic religion. The orginal group started in 1886.

  32. Question:Why did the kkk start

    Answer:Some of the kkk leaders are J. Calvin Jones
    Frank O. McCordJohn B. KennedyJohn C. Lester.The klan had worn cloths made out of a sheet and would wear a pointed headgear to make them seem taller.

  33. Question:Who started the KKK and were there more men or women

    Answer:Nathan Forrest was the first grand wizard and there were more men than women.

  34. My topic is why they started the KKK.

    They did the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democrats victory's

  35. Topic: The KKK in Wisconsin
    Answer: In a 1923 UW yearbook, there was a page for the KKK. Also there have been hate groups similar to the KKK in Wisconsin, such as Neonazi hate groups.

  36. Today the KKK consists of 5,000 to 8,000 members in 14 different states.

  37. Question-What was the cross burning for?
    Answer- The KKK often burned a cross, made of wood, for inanimate the community. They would burn by the houses too, to inanimate certain people.

  38. Question - Why and when did the Ku Klux Klan start

    Answer - The KKK was formed by former confederate soldiers after they lost the civil war. The leader is called "The Grand Wizard". The original leader of the KKK was a former confederate general whose name was Nathan Bedford Forrest. Also the original name of the KKK was the "Invisible Empire Of The South"

  39. Shelbi B.

    Topic: Why did they where robes?
    Answer: They wore the robes so know one would be able to identify them. They will just say it was the KKK because they saw the robe.

    1. So, they blamed it on the KKK if they saw white robes. So, let's say kids wanted to break a window they would just wear white?

  40. Question: what's with the KKK robes and hoods?

    Answer : The second Klan basically introduced the robes and hoods. Some of the robes had colored stripes on the arms to indicate different ranks. They didn't just have white robes, either. They had multiple colored ones to also indicate different ranks in groups. Black robes usually indicates the Klan security. Some of the Klan groups don't wear robes anymore, they just wear military-like uniforms, or casual wear.

  41. Question: Why are they still in the news today?

    Answer:They are still in the news because they are being more active again. There are cadets that are wearing pillow cases over their heads and acting like the KKK. People want to remove monuments that are somehow related to the KKK. There was a man that tried to build an X-Ray weapon to kill Muslims. He has been arrested and this is seen to be an act like the KKK.

  42. Q: who was the first leader
    A: Nathan bedford Forrest in 1866
    Q:what does KKK mean
    A:the first two words in KKK were created by the Greek word kyklos meaning circle
    Q:when did they have the most people
    A: in 1920 they had the 4 million people

  43. Topic: Where there any US presidents apart of/supported the KKK?

    There where 3 out of the whole 43 presidents. They were William McKinley, Harry S. Truman, and Woodrow Wilson. Most of them just supported them and weren't actual "Wizards" or leaders.

  44. Question: How did the KKK start?

    Answer: The KKK began in Pulaski, Tennessee with several college confederate veteran convenes. This started with simple acts of galloping around at night in various disguises. Many of these people personally discriminated against certain people most of African Americans. These people started to realise that what they were doing was uneasy and scarey for many people. They immediately took advantage of this and formed the Ku Klux Klan. The name originates from the Greek word “kyklos” which means circle. They also used the Scottish-Gaelic word “clan” which was probably just used for the sake of an Alliterated name. After the KKK started to take action many people were scared and afraid of what these people would do. They thought that if they joined them they would not be hurt. The KKK grew rapidly from there and turned into one of the worst terrorist groups.

  45. Q:who started the k.k.k

    A:the k.k.k was started by confederate army veterans
    they started in 1865 in pulaski
    tenesee but the first imperial wizired was General Nathan Bedford Forrest

  46. Question: Why was the KKK originally started.

    Answer:The KKK was originally started because of six college students that used to be in the confederate army. Together, they created a social club and would go around wearing disguises, walking around town in the dark, etc. Once they found out that they were scaring the residents, especially African Americans, they started enlarging the group. They disliked the African Americans and former slaves after losing the war, so they wanted to scare them. Eventually this group kept expanding until it was officially named the KKK and targeted more than just African Americans. They would target anyone that they didn’t consider “100% American”. Overall, the KKK was formed to scare people of different races, religions, etc.

  47. Question: Who started the KKK?

    Answer: Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK's first leader. The group started in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1866.

  48. My question was "is the klan still active today" the answer I wrote was
    the kkk is still active today, they are in 41 different states and there are as many as 8000 members nationwide, they are spread out between local organizations although they went bankrupt in 1944 local supremacists still exist, reports of killings by klan members is almost non existent, but they are still active

  49. Question: Why did the KKK wear white robes?

    They wore white robes because all the color robes mean something. Also it can indicate rank. They wore the masks and robes to hide themselves. Also to hide their identity, and so people don't know who a certain person is.

  50. Q: WHy the KKK started

    A: A group of veterans formed a group called the Ku Klux Klan in secret in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1865, Dec 24. Ku Klux from Greek word kyklos, meaning circle and they used violence to push back African Americans.

  51. Q- Why did the Ku Klux Klan wear white?
    A- The KKK wore white as a signal of hate. They didn't just wear white, though. Some klansmen were allowed to wear a variety of colors: blue, purple, green, etc. The white, or colored robes/hoods, all had the klans symbol on it.

  52. Question: How and why did people join, and how many estimately joined per day.

    In 1870 the KKK really started growing as a group into the Southern areas.1870 is also when the white robes started becoming there”thing”. Another thing is the Klan had its big outburst ,when it was becoming well known, in the 1920’s.1920 there membership reached 200,000There was a membership application that you had to fill out to join.They started the applications in 1921.You could not just freely join before 1921.


  53. I learned that they attacked African Americans because they were mad with people because they were just killing them one by one so they formed The group known as KKK (Ku Klux Klan)and made people join there group. Even if the Americans were catholic and if they liked african americans they made them kill plenty of African Americans.

    1. Sorry I did not put down my question was I would also like to know why they created the KKK?

  54. How did the K.K.K start?
    Some confederate veterans wanted to make a secret social club for confederate veterans but it turned into a terrorist organization.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Question:What is the KKK doing today?

    Today, the KKK is much different than what it used to be. They still burn down crosses, but they are not as harsh and brutal as they used to be.The KKK now, has rallies for things like the confederate flag getting taken down and for things of that nature. There are actually a lot more organization affiliated with the KK than there used to be, but they are much smaller and a lot more spread out. Some of them have different names than the KKK or Ku Klux Klan. A few names would be the white knights or the confederate white knights.

  57. My question was when did the KKK really start?

    My answer is that they started in 1866 and they were founded by six college students.

  58. My question was when did the KKK really start?

    My answer is that they started in 1866 and they were founded by six college students.

  59. Q= Who is the leader of the kkk?

    A= There is a leader of the Ku Klux Klan, but whoever it is doesn’t give their identity. We wouldn’t be able to tell because of their face because they wear robes and masks. There is a director of the Ku Klux Klan, and his name is Thomas Robb, and he did give his name to the public.

  60. Q= How did the KKK begin

    A= Confederate Veterans started a social club then started branching out

  61. Question:Who started the KKK?

    A group of confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Klu Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1886. Leading Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest was chosen as the first leader or “grand wizard.”

  62. My question is Why did the kkk were robes and hats?

    My answer is they wore robes and hats because they are hiding their faces and bobys from non clan people because they do not wont to be targeted

  63. Q:How did the kkk start

    A:They were start so that African american would not be able to have political and economic equity with white people.

  64. Question: What was the difference between the color of the robes.
    Answer: Each different color robe has a different title in the klan. Green and purple were the leaders of the klan. Black protects the leader at all time and gold is the second person behind the leader. Red does all the speeches and tries to get members to join.

  65. Question: Why did the kkk begin/start
    Answer: The KKK was starred in 1865 by a couple of Confederate Veterans. They started the KKK because the African Americans got the same rights as the whites. The veterans did not like that so they started the KKK. It was started in Tennessee. By 1870 they had a branch in every southern state. They believed america should stay how america is and if and foreigner come they must accept/adapt to the ways and rules of america. So they began the KKK to make sure america would stay the way it was/how they wanted it.

  66. Question: Why did the KKK wear the white robes?

    Answer: The KKK wore the white robes because they wanted to keep their identity hidden. They don't want people to know who they are. Actually, the "original" KKK sometimes wore masks or hoods just so people wouldn't really know who they were. The "second" KKK is what started the consistent look. They wore the long robes so they could hide all of their identity. The Ku Klux Klan chose to wear the color white because they want to look super natural (they do NOT look anything close to natural) and ghostly. They want to look like this so they can intimidate the black people. They should wear black because that hides you better in the night time, but since they don't like African American people, they won't do that.

  67. Q: Why did the KKK wear white?
    A: l learned why they wore white robes and masks. They wore them to disguise their identities so their actions couldn’t be used against them. They also used them to go on horses at night and make the slaves think the fallen Confederate soldiers come back from the dead to claim their “stolen” land.

  68. Question: Why did the KKK burn crosses?
    Answer: They burnt crosses on hilltops for people to see that they are making a symbol saying that they want to declare war for all of the clansmen to gather to defend their territory.

  69. Q:why do they burn crosses?
    AIt means that they are targeting you and are now active.
    They say the displays are long over since 2002.

  70. Question: Who was the one that decided to form the KKK?
    Answer: The KKK was formed by six college students - J. Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, James R. Crowe, Frank O. McCord, John C. Lester and Richard R. Reed.

  71. Q:Why they started

    They started right after the civil war since they can't have slaves

  72. Question- Who started the kkk?
    Answer-A club first did then they voted for one person to take over which was Nathan Bedford Forrest.

  73. Question: How did they get people to join the KKK after the civil war?

    Answer: They started down south in Tennessee after the civil war because that is where the ex confederate soldiers were. They went down there because they wanted slaves. The leading confederate general was the dragon ( head of the Klan). They faded away until a book came out and they rejoined. They still continued to grow after they got disband.

  74. Question Why did the KKK hate people
    Answer: They thought that it was the right thing to do.They also said they are a loving group no a haters.They did not like the blacks because they wanted them to be slaves.they thought they were pefect but they are wrong.They wanted everyone to be like them.

  75. Alena Diehm
    Question:Why did the KKK start?
    Answer:The KKK started in the winter of 1865. The KKK is greek (kuklos)which that means circle. The klan grew fast and they became more of a tourist organization. The klan grew so big that it spread beyond Tennesee it took over almost the South area. That included majors, police, judges, etc. The Klan was originally started because it was a social former club for former confederate soldiers. The Klan said it would weaken the power of southern blacks and republicans. That is what I found out about the KKK.

  76. Question:What are the ranks in the KKK

    There are ranks in the KKK.
    The leader of the KKK is called the Grand wizard. The person in charge of the realms or states that person is called grand dragon. The next rank is called the grand titan he rules the smaller group like a city. The grand giant is the head of a county. The rest of the ranks are servants or den leaders. Dens are the places where they have their meetings.

  77. Question:Where did the idea for the robes come from and what do the colors mean?

    Answer:The robes started as a way for the members of the KKK to scare the African American people. The members would put on white sheets and then ride horses through the African American neighborhoods. It scared them very bad. The different colors of the robes indicate different positions. For example, the black represent Knighthawks, which are like the military or security officers. The green robes symbolize state leaders and the white ones are common KKK members. Different stripes or emblems may also be used to indicate levels of power. For example the stripes of a white robe would mean that you are a leader. Each small group of the Klu Klux Klan has their own system so it may vary.

  78. Question - How did the KKK start and what was the history to the KKK? (like what happened and how did they start out)
    Answer - It started in december 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee. Ex-Confederate soldiers came up with the idea of the Ku Klux Klan. In the first year or so the klans first actions of the klan were for entertainment purposes. The reason why they had white robes is because it resembled the ghosts of Confederate soldiers. That's a little of the history in the first couple years they stared out. That's what i learned abou the KKK that I didn't realize or know beforehand.

  79. Question: When and who started the KKK?

    Answer: They started the KKK on December 24, 1865. There were 6 Confederate veterans who started the KKK, they were J. Calvin Jones, John B. Kennedy, James R. Crowe, Frank O. McCord, John C. Lester, and Richard R. Reed.

  80. Question: Who is the largest Ku Klux Klan group in America? Are they active?
    Answer: The White Knights in North Carolina claim to be the largest KKK group in America. The most loyal klan members spoke in front of the North Carolina State House. They also do weekly meetings, gatherings, rallies, and other activities, which states that they are a pretty active group.

  81. Q:When did the KKK have there most active time?

    A:The highest peak of the KKK was from about 1920-1925.

  82. Q: How did the KKK get its name?
    The KKK got the name off of the greek word κύκλος (kyklos) and then for a bit of time they started as the KuKlux Klan.

  83. Q: Why did the KKK start? and what is the history behind it
    A: Ex Confederate soldiers came up with the idea of the Ku Klux Klan. It was founded in Pulaski, tennessee on December 1865. during Reconstruction time.
