
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Up the Slide by Jack London


Share your literary essay with the rest of the students that chose this short story.  Take some time to read 2 or 3 other essays.  Comment on them.  Your comment should be about something you noticed them doing well from our lessons.  For example, "You did a really good job explaining your evidence"


  1. This is a book about up the slide by jack london with a boy that is stranded in the open alone in canada by yukon. About this is that never giving up always leads to success. In this book Clay went to go get some firewood but was faced with a challenge. The challenge is where clay is on a hill filled with ice. He had three plans. 2 failed and the third one worked. He kept remembering the wood and the ax and that made him keep going.. Clay in the end sold the rest of the firewood for 50 dollars. This could be interpreted as creating a theme of hope; however it clearly created a theme of never giving up leads to success because the book was about how he never gave up while hope would just be like hoping for clay to get there and it would not be as clear as never giving up.
    “On the river side the mountain was scarred and gullied and gored and it was up one of these gores or gillies that clay had seen in the tree” This means that he was not giving up. The setting in the book up the slide is when he is by a fire for the first part then a cold snow climate then he wants to go get firewood so he is in the snow with no gear and everything is numb with ice and doesn't give up climbing Finally he gets back with the firewood and gives it to himself and sells it at the end.
    “The zigzag came to an end finally” Next he was starting to climb his journey to get the wood. He was trying to climb up with multiple plans but they failed. So he had to keep trying. His fingers were numb, he was limping and he was cold and broke something. But the ax in the wood made sure that he never gave up. He had to come up with another plan. Because his first plan had failed. It was surprising because he never gave up. Then he came up with his plan and he tried it. He was struggling because there was ice there but he kept trying.
    But before this he needed to start to take a break on a little cliff. Then that plan failed. So he had come up with a third plan and that one was difficult. At this point he was really struggling to climb and kept failing. He wanted to give up but he remembered that ax and kept going. At this point he was hurting so much but he also remembered that if he had not done it everyone would be dead. So he kept going and finally built up enough strength to climb the top with his third plan finally working. He was so proud of himself.
    The symbolism in the book was when he remembered the trees and he remembered the axe which made him not give up. Some imagery that went with this area is a boy that needs firewood and it is a snowy day with a hill that was full of ice and almost impossible to climb. The man could have easily solved this problem by investigating the hill to make sure it was safe or the surroundings. He could have also brought more people with him to help him. The reader could have done something different by making him go with other people and not solo. Although we know who was the victim in this story we don't know if the other people were scared to go climb the hill or if they were just other people around who could have helped him. But whether or not it was definitely a challenge for him.
    Clearly, the theme of “Up the slide“ is never giving up and always leads to success. The reader can prove this because in the short story the man is remembering something that made him not give up and it was the ax in the stump that he was doing and he remembered. At the end of this story he finally completed his goal and got the tree so then he had to keep some for himself and sold the rest for 50$. He was so proud of himself. This paid off because he did not give up and if he were to give up he would have not got the firewood and would maybe be dead. So overall the theme of this book is never giving up always leads to success.

    1. You did a great job with explaining your evidence.

    2. Great evidence great job

    3. I like how you explained your evidence it made it very clear for the readers.

  2. I love the imagery you show to really reveal the theme, good job 👍

  3. Up the Slide is a story by Jack London the main events in the story are Clay is searching for a tree so he can sell it for money, he climbs the mountain because he sees a slightly dead tree on a cliff so he decides to chop it down, he falls with the ax as he’s holding onto the cliff because his life depends on it, he discovers more trees and he chops some of them down and he brought them back to the village and sells the firewood for a profit.

    Up the slide takes place in Alaska during the Klondike gold rush. The two characters are Clay Dilham and Swanson. Clay is looking for firewood so he and Swanson don't die he has to scale a steep slide, or rock face, on a mountain in search of a tree to chop down for firewood to escape death.

    I think some figurative language in Up the Slide is when he found all of the trees after he almost died because the fact is that he just and to look a bit more than just going for the first thing that he finds and I think that means if the first option isn't always the best one and it is completely fine to look for more options.

  4. In up the slide, Jack London uses repetition to show that you shouldn't give up on something you started. He shows this by making the main character, Clay, go to get wood in a forest for firewood. When Clay sees one lone tree at the top of a cliff, he travels up to cut it down. However when he finally gets it cut down, he realizes that he can't get back down the way he got up.

    In order to solve this problem he's being faced with, Clay must go up the mountain more in order to slide down the mountain to the bottom. Jack London uses repetition to show the theme that you shouldn't give up on something you started, by making clay fall over and over again down the mountain, but he keeps climbing up the mountain because if he doesn't, he won't make it back down.

    Jack London also uses figurative language to show us how Clay used his hands/feet to his advantage while climbing the mountain. He does this by saying, “ He clawed desperately with his hands. “ This shows that he was trying his hardest to keep going up the mountain. This could be interpreted as creating a theme of hard work; however, it creates a theme of not giving up because, even though he kept failing, he kept climbing up the mountain.

  5. “Up the Slide” is a story by Jack London that takes place in Canada around the 1890’s. What makes the story unique is that the weather is very cold. The main character is trying to get a supply of wood to sell, but he also has to climb up a large cliff to get home. At first he is confident in getting up until he finds his first few obstacles; slipping, hands going numb, etcetera. The author uses these obstacles to teach us about things about resilience; you shouldn’t give up on things that seem impossible.

    One of the pieces of evidence in “Up the Slide” that shows resilience are the character’s actions. During the whole story, he thought everything through so he could make it to the top of the cliff safely. One of the things he did was take off his gloves so he could get a better grip on the grass. The snow and frost melted when he did so, making it harder to climb, but he still went on. His hands had also started to numb since the temperature was in the negatives so he had to,”thrash his hands against his sides until the heat came back into them.” Since it was really cold he had to do this constantly making the journey up even slower than he thought it would be. Doing this makes the journey up the cliff a lot longer so it shows that he wasn’t willing to give up.

    Another key point telling the reader to not give up is repetition. The author showed the main character struggling quite a bit. He had fallen twice but even then he didn’t stop going. For example,”and he fell on his face, sliding downward and convulsively clutching for something to stay himself. This he succeeded in doing, although he lay quiet for a couple of minutes to get back his nerve.” Jack London had shown the theme here by making the character keep going after he felt more comfortable. Although another theme can be patience in this scene, it is clearly not giving up because he kept trying to climb up the cliff even after he had fallen. This helps show his resilience because he never had given up even though he had fallen.

    A final piece of evidence from the story is figurative language. This begins when he begins to climb up the cliff. For example,“he clawed up the broken rock, hand and foot, like a cat” shows that he was really trying to get up the cliff. To some readers it can almost seem like the author was trying to maybe exaggerate it or make him seem almost desperate. Some people might possibly think of this as a cat frantically trying to climb up something. Though when a cat climbs usually they seem determined, so this is a way Jack London wanted to show the theme of resilience. Explaining how he began to climb shows the theme because the author seemed to exaggerate how he climbed.

    Clearly, the theme of “Up the Slide” is to not give up on challenging things. This is first seen when the author used character actions. Jack London stated he had studied the cliff thoroughly. Next, the theme was created when the author used repetition. The author wrote about the main character slipping twice but he still kept going. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when the main character began to climb up the cliff. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “Up the Slide” is not giving up on challenging things.

    1. You did a great job with your counter-argument.

    2. You did a really good job on your Figurative language paragraph.

  6. ´´Up the Slide´´ is a short story by Jack London that takes place in the Yukon. The store is about to men how go into the yukon to make money to on firewood and clay went of to go get one tree on the side of the mountain and has to go to the top the mountain and stumbles across a forest of perfect dry trees to cut down. Jack London wanted the reader to know that people should do anything they need in order to survive.

    Clay noticed that the only way to get up the mountain was to up and around to get to the top. He almost got to where he need to but he fell back to where he started. Clay falls making a mini avalanche as he falls, ¨The shock of this was severe in itself, and the fine snow enveloped him in a blinding, maddening cloud.¨ At this moment, it certainly could be said the author created a theme of perseverance. While this is a good point, it fails to account for that things can get too dangerous and you need to know when to stop.

    Clay and Swanson are in the Yukon. They are in a remote area during the harsh, cold winter. Both men were there to get firewood to sell for money. It is very dangerous there and Clay needs to go far away to get to the trees for firewood. ¨On the river side the mountain was scarred and gullied and gored: and it was up one of those gores or gullies that Clay had seen the tree.¨

    Jack London shows figurative language by the repetition of the word zig zag. The zig zag shows how Clay went up the hill. ¨…But he was force to exercise such care that the first zigzag consumed five minutes. Then returning across the face of the slide toward the pine.¨

    Clearly, the theme of “Up the Slide “ is people should do anything they need in order to survive. This is first seen when the author used _how he keeps getting up and trying to get up the hill (name the subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Next, the theme was created when the author used the ycon is a harsh place to live in (name the second subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he gets to the top of the hill and finds all the trees at the top of the hill As a result, it is evident that the theme of “ up the slide“ is people should do anything they need in order to survive.

  7. I like how this is formatted!!

  8. ´´Up the Slide´´ is a short story by Jack London that takes place in the Yukon. The store is about to men how go into the yukon to make money to on firewood and clay went of to go get one tree on the side of the mountain and has to go to the top the mountain and stumbles across a forest of perfect dry trees to cut down. Jack London wanted the reader to know that people should do anything they need in order to survive.

    Clay noticed that the only way to get up the mountain was to up and around to get to the top. He almost got to where he need to but he fell back to where he started. Clay falls making a mini avalanche as he falls, ¨The shock of this was severe in itself, and the fine snow enveloped him in a blinding, maddening cloud.¨ At this moment, it certainly could be said the author created a theme of perseverance. While this is a good point, it fails to account for that things can get too dangerous and you need to know when to stop.

    Clay and Swanson are in the Yukon. They are in a remote area during the harsh, cold winter. Both men were there to get firewood to sell for money. It is very dangerous there and Clay needs to go far away to get to the trees for firewood. ¨On the river side the mountain was scarred and gullied and gored: and it was up one of those gores or gullies that Clay had seen the tree.¨

    Jack London shows figurative language by the repetition of the word zig zag. The zig zag shows how Clay went up the hill. ¨…But he was force to exercise such care that the first zigzag consumed five minutes. Then returning across the face of the slide toward the pine.

    Clearly, the theme of “Up the Slide “ is people should do anything they need in order to survive. This is first seen when the author used _how he keeps getting up and trying to get up the hill (name the subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Next, the theme was created when the author used the ycon is a harsh place to live in (name the second subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he gets to the top of the hill and finds all the trees at the top of the hill As a result, it is evident that the theme of “ up the slide“ is people should do anything they need in order to survive.

  9. ´´Up the Slide´´ is a short story by Jack London that takes place in the Yukon. The store is about to men how go into the yukon to make money to on firewood and clay went of to go get one tree on the side of the mountain and has to go to the top the mountain and stumbles across a forest of perfect dry trees to cut down. Jack London wanted the reader to know that people should do anything they need in order to survive.

    Clay noticed that the only way to get up the mountain was to up and around to get to the top. He almost got to where he need to but he fell back to where he started. Clay falls making a mini avalanche as he falls, ¨The shock of this was severe in itself, and the fine snow enveloped him in a blinding, maddening cloud.¨ At this moment, it certainly could be said the author created a theme of perseverance. While this is a good point, it fails to account for that things can get too dangerous and you need to know when to stop.

    Clay and Swanson are in the Yukon. They are in a remote area during the harsh, cold winter. Both men were there to get firewood to sell for money. It is very dangerous there and Clay needs to go far away to get to the trees for firewood. ¨On the river side the mountain was scarred and gullied and gored: and it was up one of those gores or gullies that Clay had seen the tree.¨

    Jack London shows figurative language by the repetition of the word zig zag. The zig zag shows how Clay went up the hill. ¨…But he was force to exercise such care that the first zigzag consumed five minutes. Then returning across the face of the slide toward the pine.¨

    Clearly, the theme of “Up the Slide “ is people should do anything they need in order to survive. This is first seen when the author used _how he keeps getting up and trying to get up the hill (name the subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Next, the theme was created when the author used the ycon is a harsh place to live in (name the second subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he gets to the top of the hill and finds all the trees at the top of the hill As a result, it is evident that the theme of “ up the slide“ is people should do anything they need in order to survive.

  10. ´´Up the Slide´´ is a short story by Jack London that takes place in the Yukon. The store is about to men how go into the yukon to make money to on firewood and clay went of to go get one tree on the side of the mountain and has to go to the top the mountain and stumbles across a forest of perfect dry trees to cut down. Jack London wanted the reader to know that people should do anything they need in order to survive.

    Clay noticed that the only way to get up the mountain was to up and around to get to the top. He almost got to where he need to but he fell back to where he started. Clay falls making a mini avalanche as he falls, ¨The shock of this was severe in itself, and the fine snow enveloped him in a blinding, maddening cloud.¨ At this moment, it certainly could be said the author created a theme of perseverance. While this is a good point, it fails to account for that things can get too dangerous and you need to know when to stop.

    Clay and Swanson are in the Yukon. They are in a remote area during the harsh, cold winter. Both men were there to get firewood to sell for money. It is very dangerous there and Clay needs to go far away to get to the trees for firewood. ¨On the river side the mountain was scarred and gullied and gored: and it was up one of those gores or gullies that Clay had seen the tree.¨

    Jack London shows figurative language by the repetition of the word zig zag. The zig zag shows how Clay went up the hill. ¨…But he was force to exercise such care that the first zigzag consumed five minutes. Then returning across the face of the slide toward the pine.¨

    Clearly, the theme of “Up the Slide “ is people should do anything they need in order to survive. This is first seen when the author used _how he keeps getting up and trying to get up the hill (name the subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Next, the theme was created when the author used the ycon is a harsh place to live in (name the second subtopic). Write a sentence here summarizing that subtopic. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he gets to the top of the hill and finds all the trees at the top of the hill As a result, it is evident that the theme of “ up the slide“ is people should do anything they need in order to survive.

  11. “Up the Slide” is a short story by Jack London that takes place in Northwestern Canada around the 1890’s. This location makes the story unique because the Yukon is a very cold area that was filled with gold in the 1800’s. This allows for different opportunities than there would be in a different setting. The main character Clay is a gold prospector who left his campsite to go and get some firewood. On this journey he encounters very steep and dangerous terrain that makes the area almost impassable. While in search of this firewood he slips down the cliff multiple times and keeps getting back up using perseverance. In the end he slips and falls down into a huge pile of snow, he eventually makes it out of this snow using determination and is rewarded with a large valley of prime firewood trees. The author uses this to teach the reader lessons about perseverance; perseverance is key to achieving ambitious goals.
    There are a few different events to support the theme. Clay is continually slipping on the mountain edge and continues getting back up. A quote that shows this event is “And none too soon, for the next moment his feet drove into the outcropping.”. The main character Clay is using perseverance to keep on going. This ties back into the theme by showing that he used perseverance to achieve his goals. Many readers could certainly interpret that the author constructed the theme to be dreams/ goals. While this is a good point it fails to account for how little Clay is focusing on the trees. As a result, the author is clearly making the theme perseverance.
    A very important part of the theme in this short story is symbolism. There is one symbol that would stand out to readers. Towards the end of the story Clay discovers a patch of trees after his hard work of digging out of a snow hole. These trees are in the perfect condition for lumber that could be sold or used for firewood. “The trees were all dead, dry, and seasoned.” This shows they are in the perfect condition. Along with this because they were in perfect condition they were able to sell for a lot. This sentence shows that, “There were fifty cords of wood sold at $40 a cord.”, because they were able to sell for a lot as a reward of Clay’s perseverance. WIth all of this it is clear that the trees are a symbol of how perseverance is necessary to achieving ambitious goals. This also makes readers wonder, how many other pieces of symbolism that support the author's theme are there?
    The author uses a lot of figurative language throughout to show the theme. Here is the first example of figurative language, occurring towards the end of the story Clay is digging out of a snow pocket, the author writes “Step by step, foothole by foothole.” this is an example of repetition to catch the reader's attention. With the author doing this the reader can see that Clay is continuing up the snow even though it is a grueling task, which is again an example of perseverance. Another type of figurative language the author uses is a simile. After a long time of Clay digging out of the snow with his ax he eventually is almost out of the snow, when he is almost out the author writes, “A tiny speck of tolling life poised like a fly.”, this showed the reader that after a large amount of perseverance Clay was rewarded with actually being able to get out of the snow.
    The reader can clearly see that the author is trying to teach people that perseverance is key to achieving ambitious goals. Events are used to show the theme of perseverance. Events can show how Clay keeps slipping and getting back up is him using perseverance. Another large part of the theme is when the author uses symbolism to show that perseverance eventually worked out for Clay with a reward. This of course was when Clay encountered a large patch of prime firewood trees. Overall, the author uses a lot of different techniques to show the reader the outcome of reading the story, that is, perseverance is key to achieving ambitious goals.

    1. Good job explaining your evidence.

    2. Good job with your introduction paragraph!!

  12. PART 1

    Up the slide” is a short story written by Jack London. This story takes place in a small village in canada. In this story a village is out of wood and their lives were at stake if they didn’t find dry wood soon. So a brave young man went on a dangerous journey to go up the side of a mountain to find wood. He successfully made it up the mountain with ease but the way down was a lot harder than he had thought. This story mainly focuses on this part and how many struggles he faced and how he never gave up. The author uses this and teaches readers about perseverance. Which leads us to the theme; perseverance is key to achieving ambitious goals.
    Figurative Language
    An author using figurative language is a way for them to show you the theme of the story. Jack london included this a lot. The first kind of figurative language was repetition. He repeated words more than once in a key part of the story. The author threw this into the story so it would catch the attention of the reader telling them to pay attention and start looking for theme. He said, “Then he came up a step, reached forward, and repeated the maneuver and so, step by step, foothold by foothole, a tiny speck of toiling life poised like a fly on the face of moosehide mountain.” This could be interpreted as creating the theme of fears; however it clearly created the theme of perseverance because it painted the picture of him moving along the trail, rather than how he was nervous or scared to continue down the mountain. this sentence is showing readers how he didn’t do something once and get it right he had to try again and again. The simile I think was meant to mean how he couldn't give up after coming this far and working this hard. These pieces of figurative language were showing the theme of perseverance the clearest, although Jack London also included many other pieces of evidence including imagery and symbolism.
    Their were two main symbols in this story that showed the readers that the theme of the story is that perseverance is key to achieve ambitious goals. the trees he found and the word zigzag were the big symbols . The main reason that the main character went on this mission was to find dry wood for his village so they could survive. He put his life on the line for his village which shows the reader a lot about his personality. Since he did this amazing thing and went through such a hard time throughout this journey, and falling and getting hurt over and over again. He had gotten what he hoped for due to his perseverance. Which were the trees that were dry and dead, just as he wanted them. “The trees were all dead. Dry and seasoned.” He put in the effort and got trees in return.

  13. PART 2

    The next symbol is that the word zigzag. How is this a symbol? Well this word showed up over 5 times showing the reader that this word means something important. After discovering this you have to think about how this could correspond with the theme of the story. It is simple, think about a zig zag path and a straight path. They both can get you to the same place but one way will take a lot longer. Most people would take the straight away but imagine one person took the zig zag path and came out with one million dollars. Just because they put in the extra effort and tried just a bit harder than everyone else. This is similar to what happened to clay except he came out with his life and a hole ton of wood. This is exactly what the author was trying to tell the reader when using the word zig zag so many times.
    In the story the author included the events of the hike down the mountain which happened to keep on recurring many times. These event consisted of him falling down and getting piled in snow, he had to keep going back up the mountain many times, until he got it right and he continued to have to take off his gloves and freezing his hands due to the frigid weather. All of these event is the story were not easy for clay to do. This didn’t make it any easier for clay and made him want to give up. Although the key thing is that he didn’t give up; he continued to work hard for his goal. That is exactly why these events are so important to support the theme.
    Clearly, the theme of “Up the slide“ is perseverance is key to achieving ambitious goals. This is first seen when the author used Events in the story to show the reader how many times it took clay to do his task correctly and how he preserved throughout the whole process. Next, the theme was created when the author used symbolism to create different meaning out of words and objects. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he was using repetition and similes in a key point in the story. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “Up the Slide“ is that perseverance is key to achieving ambitious goals and dreams.

  14. “Up The Slide” is a short story by Jack London, the acclaimed author of many adventure books such as “White Fang” and “Call of the Wild.” The book follows the events of Clay Dilham, a Yukon miner, as he attempts to gather firewood for the camp. He picks out his target tree, perched at the top of a high cliff, and begins the climb up the steep face. Even though he falls and falls, he keeps going and finally, he reaches the top. Over the hill, he finds a grove of pine trees perfect for firewood. This proves that this story's theme is perseverance; when you persevere, you can be rewarded greatly.

    This story is set in a mid-1800s mining camp in the Canadian territory of Yukon. The reader will notice that the setting of this story brings more intensity and emphasis to the theme of perseverance that the author describes in the story. Anybody trying to survive in the cold, harsh conditions of the Yukon, needs to persevere through a lot. With temperatures reaching up to -80 degrees Fahrenheit with blinding snow and high-force winds added on top of that, the setting for this story captures the harsh realism of the Yukon.

    One main symbol readers should find in this story is the patch of dead trees, ready to be made into firewood. Those same trees can be used to show the theme of perseverance. Jack London, the author, writes about this, saying “They were only to be found as he discovered them, by climbing.” This could be used to show a variety of themes, but persevering through all the harsh conditions paid off for the main character, which just goes to show what putting in the work can do for you.

    The theme of this story could very well be interpreted as courage; however, it clearly shows that perseverance is the main theme, due to Clay falling down the mountain a multitude of times, but each time he falls, he gets back up and keeps trying to achieve his goal. Though this definitely requires courage, the sentence, “It was manifestly impossible for him to make it with a whole body, and he did not wish to arrive at the bottom shattered like the pine tree.” This shows that Clay is not as courageous as the book depicts him. And yet, he has to persevere through the conditions to make it to the top of the mountain.

    Figurative language plays a big part in this short story, and a big part that stands out to readers is the quote, “A tiny speck of toiling life poised like a fly on Moosehide Mountain.” This quote sets the tone for how dangerous and perilous the climber’s mission is. This quote also makes the reader think about how small and insignificant humans are in the world or even on the immense mountain.

    Another example of figurative language used in the story, in the form of repetition, is zigzag. Zigzag can mean a variety of things but for a more complex meaning, it could show how the main character took time to go back and forth, knowing it was safer, even though it was longer, and persevering and putting in the work to achieve his goal of getting a full sled of firewood for the camp.

    Clearly, the theme of Up The Slide by Jack London is perseverance. This is first seen when the author used the setting to intensify the story. Just think what the story be like if it was set in urban Florida instead of the Canadian wilderness. Next, the theme was further elaborated on when the author used symbolism to show how hard you have try to achieve goals, and for this book, it is how Clay persevered up the mountain and is reward with a grove of pine trees. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when the author used repetition with the word zigzag being repeated. This shows the reader that Clay, the main character, perseveres through all the time he was on the mountain just to achieve his goal. As a result, it is evident that the theme of this story is perseverance.
