
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tell-Tale Heart


Share your literary essay with the rest of the students that chose this short story.  Take some time to read 2 or 3 other essays.  Comment on them.  Your comment should be about something you noticed them doing well from our lessons.  For example, "You did a really good job explaining your evidence"


  1. Part 1.
    The Tell-Tale Heart” is a classic short story written by Edgar Allan Poe, about a servant who murders his master by going insane. The story shows how insanity can overcome someone and take over their life. Told in the first person point of view by the servant, we are able to understand the insanity and how the story plays out through the delusions of the narrator. We see his obsession and we see his insanity. Through repetition, symbolism, and inner thoughts, the author is able to effectively portray the theme of insanity throughout the story.

    The servant’s inner thoughts affect how the reader views the story. “Can you not see that I have full control of my mind? Is it not clear that I am not mad? Indeed, the illness only made my mind, my feelings, my senses stronger, more powerful.” The servant uses internal dialogue and speaks directly to the reader, to try and convince us that he is not insane. As his actions show the opposite, this shows how he uses his inner thoughts to try to show the reader that he was justified in his actions. Unintentionally, his inner thoughts also allow the reader to understand how insane he is. “It is impossible to say how the idea first entered my head.” This first shows how almost all of the underlying problem is in his head. It shows how the master has not treated him wrong, the servant was not jealous or mal-intentioned, he was simply obsessed and insane with his eye. That along with the sentence that most accurately portrays the theme, which is also spoken as internal dialogue. “For it was not the old man I felt I had to kill; it was the eye, his evil eye.” Which shows how the man thought of the two things as separate. The eye was worth killing, even if it killed the man.

    The author uses symbolism to show the theme of insanity. By taking deeper emotions and connecting them to sounds and objects, we are able to understand the narrator’s thoughts and feelings. The heart or heartbeat symbolizes guilt. We see the man only hears the heart when he’s about to kill the man and when he is trying to cover it up. “My head hurt and there was a strange sound in my ears. I talked more and faster. The sound became clearer.” Much like guilt, the narrator cannot escape the pounding guilt in his head. As guilt obviously doesn’t manifest like this in a sane human, this also shows us how the insanity of the man has led him to experience the guilt of killing the man in a disillusioned way.

    Another symbol in the story is the eye. The eye symbolizes evil. “His eye was like the eye of a vulture of one of those terrible birds that watch and wait while an animal dies, and then fall upon the dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it.” In this case, we are able to see how the narrator finds the eye to be hideous and awful. Although the man has so many other parts to him and is kind to the narrator, he still only sees the eye or only sees the evil. He isn’t able to acknowledge that by killing the man he is not only killing the evil but also a person with good in him. While this could be interpreted as a theme of good vs. evil; it better supports the theme of insanity because it’s not that the servant is evil or doesn’t want to acknowledge the man, he can’t because of his mental state. .

    1. I loved when you wrote "He was simply obsessed and insane with his eye"

    2. I like the way you seamlessly summarized the story and explained what you think the theme is in your introduction.

    3. Great summary of the story

    4. Your summary really shows the theme in the story, good job!

  2. Part 2.
    The narrator uses figurative language, through repetition to help the reader identify the theme. Several times throughout the story we see the man say how he is not mad and is very sane in the mind. Even when he was planning the murder of the man, he continued to say how this even proved that he was healthy. “So you think I am mad? A madman cannot plan.” This shows how the narrator is disillusioned into believing he’s fine and well. As he goes on through the story and kills the man, the narrator slowly becomes more cynical and slight while continuing the chant. “I am not mad.” This continues to show how throughout the story, his opinion on himself doesn’t change.The author also uses great imagery when describing the eye. As he describes it like a vulture and how even the sight of it made you disturbed. “When the old man looked at me with his vulture eye a cold feeling went up and down my back, even my blood became cold.” This shows how the author deeply describes the effect of the eye on the narrator to contribute to the reasons the man commits murder. The deep description of the eye also contributes to the theme insanity, showing how forgone he is about the eye. By repeating the appearance of the eye and the effect of the eye on the servant, in great detail, the narrator is able to portray insanity and how it overcomes him.

    The Tell Tale Heart is a story that shows a theme of insanity and how many times when you’re insane, you want to convince yourself and others of the opposite. The ending of the story when the man is so overcome by the guilt manifesting in his head as the man’s heartbeat, shows that although insanity can protect yourself for a little bit, eventually it will overcome. By using figurative language like repetition, the author is able to show the theme of insanity. By using figurative language like repetition, the author is able to show the theme of insanity. By repeating “So you think I am mad?” and “You will see how healthy in the mind I am.” We are able to understand the theme and see how it affects the characters. The author also uses symbolism to show how insanity takes objects and sounds and connects them with deeper emotions, like the heart symbolizing guilt and the eye symbolizing evil. As the story is told through the killer and servants point of view, this contributes to how we see the theme, in a way we might not have, if the story was narrated by the old man or one of the police officers. Overall, the large theme of the story is insanity and how it can take over a person.

    1. You explained your theme very well 👍👍👍

    2. I LOVE all the symbols you found for the theme of insanity and how far gone he is

  3. In the short story The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. The narrator said “So you think I am mad? A madman cannot plan.” but he planned this murder for 7 days, stalking him at night while he slept. A poor old man who had done nothing but show kindness to his murderer. Has the murderer lost his insanity?
    How can you tell without being told one is insane or has a mental disorder? Is it in the way they talk, or act? They either hurt themselves or another, and still confess they are not mad.. The narrator says “I heard sounds from heaven; and I heard sounds from hell!” People that are insane speak about God and Satan to anyone who listens or even just to themselves. This man said his “sense of hearing especially became more powerful. I could hear sounds I had never heard before.” And that we will hear how healthy his mind is.
    One who is insane, may also see things others cannot. This person sees the old man’s blue eye as a “vulture eye”. Something that makes him cold and he thinks the only way to rid him of this feeling is by killing the old man and the vulture eye will stay closed forever! No hate came from the old man, and he clearly did not kill him for money as he said. He would go into his room every morning and ask him how he slept but in those 7 nights as he watched him sleep the eye would not open and it was impossible “for me to do the work.” On the 8th night the old man actually awoke from his sleep. For an hour he stood near this man, “He did not see me there. He could not hear me there. He felt me there. Now he knew that Death was standing there.” When he shined the light on the vulture eye his rage became more known and he suffocated the old man with the bed covers, until he could not hear his heart beating anymore.
    “So I am mad, you say? You should have seen how careful I was to put the body where no one could find it.” He chopped him up and put him under the floorboards. Thankfully a neighbor heard the cry of the old man and called the police. He let them in as though nothing had happened, chatting and laughing with them. It wasn’t until he could hear the heartbeat of the old man again did he finally confess to the police.
    Would someone who lost their insanity confess to murder so quickly? Is he really insane as we thought he was? “I killed him. But why does his heart not stop beating?! Why does it not stop!?” Yes this person is insane, because he chopped up his body in pieces to hide it from other people. He keeps saying he isn’t mad or insane after he killed the old man. He saw the old man's blue eye as a “vulture eye.” and could still hear his heart beating after he was clearly dead. I feel as though to admit you're not insane after killing someone you must be insane.

    1. I like how you included questions and the layout of how you planned it.

    2. I Like how you put your own opinion on the theme of the story them backed it up with quotes from the text

  4. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a short story written by the famous poet Edgar Allan Poe. The story is about a man who kills another because of the eye he has; the feeling of judgment being too much to bear. As he stalks he believes his senses are heightened and that he can especially hear better. The narrator plans and on the eighth night kills the old man who awoke just before by suffocation. The police arrive after receiving a call about screaming and the narrator starts to hear the heartbeat he was sure he killed. He thought the police were messing with him because he believed they heard it too. Just as it becomes unbearable, the narrator admits to murdering the man and asks why the heart never stopped beating; about why he still heard it. The theme of the story is about how regret never truly goes away from an action.

    Through the thoughts of the narrator we can piece together how and why he believes himself to be not mad. He justifies that a mad person wouldn’t have planned like he did. With the feeling that his senses have sharpened, he hears the heartbeat of his victim. His thoughts describe that, “Now I could hear a quick, low, soft sound, like the sound of a clock heard through a wall. It was the beating of the old man’s heart.” He brags in his head that his hearing has grown along with his other senses because he stalked the man at night. As the police show up and sit down to talk the narrator starts getting paranoid. He can hear the thumping of the heart, but it seemed like the police were messing with him because he was sure they could hear it too. The narrator doesn’t believe himself to be mad. In this case the thoughts he has are the only way we can try to understand why. The theme hinges on what the narrator has done and the thoughts he has helps us better his motives and in turn the theme.

    The interactions between the police and narrator also relate back to the theme. The author makes a parallel from when the narrator killed to the policemen visiting. The narrator was smiling at that moment, and the police now are smiling as they talk to him about the miscommunication. In both moments the narrator seems to be more than insane. As the police smile away the man shouts out about his crimes and questions why the heart won’t stop. It’s pounding inside his head and the other men in the room don’t seem to hear it at all. Before in the story he smiled as he killed a man for no reason other than his eye giving a feeling of dread. This is creating the theme because it reminds the narrator about what he did. It’s deja vu and it affects the narrator heavily because of the heartbeat. He regrets his actions because the heartbeat is still there.

    It’s important to realize that this moment of the narrator killing can also be creating a theme that your actions have consequences. After killing the old man the narrator starts to get more and more paranoid about others. The result of this causes him to shout about the heart still pounding inside his head. His action of killing gave him the consequence of forever hearing the heart of his victim. This theme however fails to explain why he wishes he hadn’t murdered the old man. The narrator is driven mad by the end of the story, but he never wanted to kill the old man; all he wanted was the eye dead. With the theme of regret never leaving you we understand why at the end he is crazy even though he would have gotten off the hook just fine.

    1. I like how you stated your evidence and effectively explained how it supports the theme.

    2. I like how you wrote about the deja vu.

  5. (pt2)
    The old man in the book is a symbol that represents something good in the narrator’s life. The man thinks through that he even loved the old man, instead it was his eye that he hated. The eye then is everything bad about it. In total then is the good of the man, but the evil of the eye. This shows the story as a man trying to kill everything bad about something, but in the end is still with all of the bad and none of the good. The narrator regrets his actions because the bad is still with him.

    The author also draws attention to important actions by the use of repetition. An example of this is, “Slowly, little by little, I lifted the cloth, until a small, small light escaped from under it to fall upon - to fall upon that vulture eye! It was open - wide, wide open, and my anger increased as it looked straight at me.” This takes place in the story moments before the man is being suffocated. It allows the reader to pay more attention to parts of the story that matter more to both the plot and the theme. It’s important to the plot because the story is about the man being killed, but is also important because the theme is about the main message. Our theme is coming from this event and the aftermath. Therefore, the figurative language creates the theme by pulling attention to the important parts that matter.

    All in all, the theme of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is about regret never leaving an action. This was first seen when the author gave us the thoughts of the narrator. We get to understand why and how of the reasoning behind his actions. Then the theme was created when the author showed the interactions between the policemen and the narrator as a parallel of the narrator and the old man. Finally the author used figurative language to create the theme. The symbolism of the eye and man along with the repeating of words draws attention to the importance of certain actions.

    1. Your introduction was a really great hook to the story.

    2. I like the way you described your introduction

    3. Your Evidence for the theme is very good, Good Job 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

    4. I like that you have a very good hook and introduction

  6. Part 1
    “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. This story takes place in the home of an old man, told by his butler who kills him, and tries to cover it up. The reason he kills the man is not what you would think, not at all. He didn’t kill the old man because he hated him, in fact he loved the old man, but his scary vulture-like eye is what caused him to kill the man. Throughout the story he obsesses over it, and says over and over how he isn’t insane, and isn’t mad. He states that his mind is healthy when it clearly isn’t. I think the author is trying to tell us that Insanity is a disease.

    The detail the author puts into the heart of the dead man is very descriptive. The heart the butler heard wouldn’t stop beating and he didn’t know why it wouldn’t stop, the heart was like the ticking of a clock. “It was a quick, low, soft sound, like the sound of a clock heard through a wall, a sound I knew well.” This sound kept getting louder and louder, his insanity was getting the best of him, and he didn’t know why it wouldn’t go away. The sound of the heart beating kept getting louder and louder, and the cops could not hear it, how? “And still the men sat and talked, and smiled. Was it possible that they could not hear??” The cops clearly could not hear the heart beating, the insanity of the butler was so bad that he was starting to hear things.

    When hiding the body, the butler took it to the extremes. When hiding it, he dismembered the body, piece by piece, starting with the head, and then the legs and other limbs. “First I cut off the head, then the arms and the legs. I was careful not to let a single drop of blood fall on the floor. I pulled up three of the boards that formed the floor and put the pieces of the body there.” This butler hid the body very well because he didn’t want anyone to know what happened or who did it. The author might have done this to make people think that the butler would get away with it. These are the details that the author uses in the story to prove the theme of insanity.

    Firstly I think that the heart is a symbol in the story, it doesn’t come in until the end of the story, but I think it played a huge part in the story. The heart may be a symbol of how insane this butler really is. This heart makes him lose it, so badly he confessed to the murder. “Louder, louder, louder! Suddenly I could bear it no longer. I pointed at the boards and cried, ‘Yes! Yes, I killed him. Pull up the boards and you shall see! I killed him. But why does his heart not stop beating?! Why does it not stop!?’” The heart keeps on beating, and he can’t figure out why, isn’t he dead? The insanity of this man is getting the better of him and he can’t help it. His insanity is getting so bad, that his mind is starting to play tricks on him

  7. Part 2
    A second symbol may be the Boss’s vulture-like eye. The author goes into extensive detail on the eye, and the butler doesn’t stop obsessing over it. He hates like the eye, he liked the boss just fine, but the eye was the problem, not the man himself. This eye is the reason for the man to kill his boss. The eye is what he felt like had to go, not the old man at all, but his terrible eye. “For it was not the old man I felt I had to kill; it was the eye, his Evil Eye.” The boss’s evil eye is the main problem in this story, it is the reason for the murder, and the reason for this butler’s insanity. With this you can clearly see how the theme of insanity comes into play.

    There may be other possible themes for this story; fear could be another possibility for the theme. The reason for someone to think the theme is fear is because the butler obsesses over this eye, and wants it gone, and it gives him the chills, “When the old man looked at me with his vulture eye a cold feeling went up and down my back; even my blood became cold.” So you could see why someone would think that fear could be the theme. However the theme of Insanity is a much more reasonable theme for the story, one reason the theme could not be fear is because in the story it states “I had no fear,” completely putting the idea of the theme being fear off the table. Whereas there are many parts throughout the story that show the theme of insanity.

    Lastly, the author uses a lot of repetition in the story, especially when explaining that the butler is not insane. “But why do you say that I have lost control of my mind, why do you way that I am mad? Can you not see that I have full control of my mind? Is it not clear that I am not mad.” The author is using a lot of repetition saying that he is not mad, and how he has full control over his mind. He clearly doesn’t have full control over his mind if he keeps having to repeat that he does have control over it. He talks about how healthy his mind is, and tries to explain what happened, “Listen! Listen, and I will tell you how it happened. You will see, you will hear how healthy my mind is.” He keeps repeating how he isn’t mad and how healthy his mind is. This is a form of figurative language that the author uses throughout the story, to prove the point of insanity.

    The theme of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is, Insanity is a disease. This is first known when the author describes a lot of things in the story, such as the beating heart, and the way the author described the butler hiding the body. Another way the author showed the theme was through the use of symbolism, also the beating of the heart, and the eye itself. Lastly the author uses the figurative language of repetition to show the theme of insanity, by repeating that he isn’t mad and how his mind is healthy this is showing us that the butler is clearly mad, and has an unhealthy mind. From this we can clearly see that the theme of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is Insanity is a disease.

    1. You have a very clear introduction good job 👍👍👍👍👍

    2. I like the way you summarized the story, the theme, and your essay all in one paragraph without repeating too much info or drawing it.

    3. Your claim shows everything that going to hear in the story good job

  8. I liked the quotes that were used and how it all related back to the theme.

  9. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a classic story written by Edgar Allan Poe that takes place in a sitting room in a house. What makes this story interesting is that it only takes place at Midnight. The butler breaks into the old man's room for seven days straight, at the strike of midnight. The short story is based on the butler's illness and that makes him want to kill the old man because of his vulture looking eye and the sound of the old man's beating heart. The author uses this to teach us lessons about what being ill can do; If you're ill and you don’t get it treated you might do something you will regret.

    The character actions in “The Tell-Tale Heart” shows how ill the butler is. First of all the butler sneaks into the old man's room at 12 O’clock for seven days straight. The reasoning for the butler sneaking into the old man's room is just to watch him sleep. Listening to his beating heart and watching his blue vulture looking eye. On the eighth night the butler tries sneaking into the old man’s room but when he starts opening the door slowly, and softly. He had his head in, then his hand with the covered light all the sudden the old man sat straight up in his bed and cried out “WHO’S THERE??!” The butler stood there quietly for a whole hour. The old man sat and watched with fear. The old man felt him there, and that the old man knew Death was standing right in front of him.

    The butler lifted the cloth just enough to see a small light to see the Vulture eye! The butler seeing the eye caused his blood in his body to become like ice. The time has come, the butler said, and he rushed into the old man’s room. “DIE! DIE!” The old man cried in fear and the butler grabbed the bedcover and held it tightly on the old man’s face until he could not hear the old man’s heart beat. Once the breathing stopped the butler knew he was DEAD.
    Once the old man was dead the butler had said “So I am mad, you say? You should have seen how careful I was to put the body where no one could find it. First I had cut off the head, then the arms and the legs. I was very careful not to let a single drop of blood fall onto the floor.” He pulled up three boards that had formed the floor. After the body was hidden the police knocked on the door of the house. Turns out the neighbor had heard the old man's cries. The police had come in and asked a few questions on where the old man was. The butler had said “That the cry that was heard was my own in a dream, and that the old man had gone to visit a friend in the country.” After they asked him a few more questions the butler couldn't hold it in. He had said “Yes! Yes, I killed him. Pull up those boards and you shall see! I Killed Him.”

    Clearly, the theme of The Tell-Tale Heart is If you're ill and you don’t get it treated you might do something you will regret. This is first seen when the author used I when the butler just sneaks into the old man’s room in the Character actions. The butler sneaks into the old man’s for seven days straight and watches him sleep. Next, the theme was created when the author used dialogue. Throughout the story the butler talks about how he is ill. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he had killed the old man, and that he finally admitted he was mad. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “The Tell-Tale Heart“ is If you're ill and you don’t get it treated you might do something you will regret.

    1. Really good job explaining your evidence.

    2. I really liked how you interpreted the timeline in your first paragraph.

  10. Part one.
    The story Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe Is a story about feeling guilty. The man tries to get away from the guilt but fails in the end and kills the old man. He plays cool, until the end when he confesses to the cops trying to lift the guilt from his conscience. I can prove that the theme is You will always feel guilty until you are honest with the character actions, dialog, and figurative language.
    First, in the second half of the story he seems like an open book to the cops, making jokes and creating a story. “I led them finally into the old man’s bedroom. As if playing a game I asked them to sit and talk.” This shows he was overly confident, one thing someone who is insane would do is not lead them to the room where they hid the body. Someone who would plead insanity would be overly paranoid and try to avoid it at any and all costs.
    Another thing I noticed was “I pointed at the boards and cried.” This shows that like every other human, he gave in for his own advantages. It also shows he should be charged with first degree murder because of the fact he knows that someone who was going insane would not be capable of planning. He himself said he would like to plead guilty and not turn it into an insanity case when he said he was not insane. He could also plead guilty but mentally ill (GBMI) which would give him the trial of being guilty with the treatment of someone with a mental illness. Then the characters dialog proves the theme is, You will always feel guilt until you're honest; In the first half of the story he talks about how he loved the old man, “I did not hate the old man; I even loved him. He had never hurt me.”. This proves that yes, he would still feel guilty if he did hurt the old man. If he pleads GBMI it would show that he does love the old man however he might not have acted on his own intentions or by his own choice if he had a mental illness.

  11. Part two.
    Then he talks about how he couldn’t kill the old man while he was sleeping because he looked so kind and peaceful, “Always the eye was closed, so it was impossible for me to do the work. For it was not the old man I felt I had to kill; it was the eye, his Evil Eye.” his eye is what made him want to hurt the old man making him feel guilty when the cops had come. But if he was fully sane he would have felt more so to kill the old man no matter what. But if someone is losing touch with reality, their mood might not always be stable.
    After he starts to lose his mind, he confesses to the cops about how he killed the old man. He talks about where the body is, hoping that he can feel peace again. “Suddenly I could no longer bear it. I pointed at the boards and cried, Yes! Yes! I Killed him. Pull up the boards and you shall see! I killed him. But why does his heart not stop beating?! Why does it not stop!?” This shows how much his guilt makes him want peace, how much he has lost touch with reality. Although it could be argued that the theme is mental illness, in the story he repeatedly talks about the sound of the heart not stopping. But the theme is definitely you will feel guilt until you are honest because he confesses at the end for his own advantage.
    Last, I will talk about the figurative language the author uses to prove a point, the main one that sticks out to me was, “Louder, louder, louder! Suddenly I could no longer bear it. I pointed at the boards and cried, Yes! Yes, I killed him.” I think this one sticks out to me the most because he shows how much he really wants peace. It shows how he already lost his mind, feels guilty, and wishes for everything to stop. It shows he should plead GBMI because he definitely does show signs of mental illness such as schizophrenia. At this part of the story it shows the author's true intentions and how he wanted us to feel the urgency of wanting to feel peace.
    In conclusion, the character actions, dialog, and figurative language help prove the theme being You will always feel guilt until you are honest. Throughout the story the old man makes him feel guilty, dead and alive. In the beginning the old man looking peaceful with his eyes closed made him feel bad for wanting to kill him; but after the old man is dead he feels guilty that he's gone and that his heart won't stop. Just waiting for peace he was honest, hoping for the guilt to go away.

    1. This was a very good essay 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You did very good with the quotes

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. you did very good with quotes

  14. “The tell-tale heart” is a short story that take place in the past in the character house. What make this setting and story and unique is the fact that the the character end up killing his boss. The boss end up dying cause the main character is dealing with bad mental health issues. Main character end up killing the boss cause his mental health get so bad. The author uses this to teach us lesson about mental health, when it get bad you need to try to get help or try to tread it.
    First the author talk about his mental health. It ends up getting so bad he kills his boss then, He buries the body in the ground. He tries not to drop a single pieces of blood on the ground for evidence. After the cops come over and they talk to him about the boss he end up showing him where, The body is.”first i cut the head, arm and then the legs off.
    Second The author talk about his inner thoughts. The boss heartbeat was inside of his head and he keeping getting more scared and anxious. One night he went to sleep and he had a dream where he visit his friend and he played card. When he did killed the boss he was surprised he did kill the boss. “And form the sound, Louder louder louder i could not bear with it not longer”.
    Third The author talk about symbolism. He want to kill the boss cause his mental health get really bad. It is not treader or fix in the story. Few days before he kills the guy he gets creep, he watches him sleep. At this moment, it certainly could be said he author created a theme of mental health. While this is a good point, it fails to account for murder. As a result the theme is clearly it is mental health. He never say he is ill cause he is hiding it. “Yes he is dead”, that is what he said to the cops the were visiting him.
    Clearly, the theme of "The tell-tale heart". Is mental health. This is first seen when the author used he said “ It’s true yes, I have been ill very ill”. The summary of the the quote is that he has been dealing with mental health for a long time. His mental heath got so bad he end up killing someone. The summary of the sense is that he cut the body in 5 pieces. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when. He is dead as a stone As a result, it is evident that the theme of “The tell-tale heart“ is menath health.

    1. i really like the analysis on this good job.

    2. you did a great job starting and finishing your essay

    3. like how you show mental health is a big part of the short story

  15. “The Tell-Tale Heart”
    Ryan B
    The guy in ”The Tell-Tale Heart” shows how someone with a illness can affect on how you act as a person. Firstly, at the start of the story the police come to the guys front door to ask about a old man that hasn't been seen in awhile. Because he said “IT'S TRUE! YES, I HAVE BEEN ILL! VERY ILL”. after that the police ask him if he is mad and he starts to question why they call him mad, “but why do you say that i have lost my mind, why do you say that i am mad?”.
    I think that symbol in this story is about the guys eye. The main reason he says that he killed him is because of the eye on him. He said that it looks like a vultures eye, and he described it as like a bird that just waits until there prey dies. Then rip it up into pieces for it to eat. He said that it wasn't his illness but i think that his illness lead him it think that, and that's why he did it.
    Also the figurative language and the symbolism is about the guy that he killed eye. He thought of it as a vultures eye and that was what led him to feel like he had to kill him. Also i would think that he got that feeling also from his illness. The whole story just talks about his illness and at the start he was trying to explain to the police that came to his door that his illness is good. Also about how him telling them that he didn't kill him.
    This could be interpreted as creating a theme of illnesses can lead into killing people because they really don't like them; however, it clearly created a theme of how illnesses should be treated quickly because then it can have a outcome like this story.
    Lastly, at the end of the story i think that he get a little nervous because he starts hearing a heart beating sound and he figures out that the heart beating is from the guy that he killed. That is also a reason why he should go get help for his illness, and because he get nervous he starts to talk louder and start faster to the police. And the heart beating starts to get louder to him. So he tells them where he put the dead body and asks “I killed him. But why does his heart not stop beating?! Why does it not stop?!”.

  16. "The Tell Tale Heart" is a book written by Edgar Allan Poe that is a short story about a man with bad mental health and it takes over his mind.. A man with Mental illness has a problem with his boss's eye. It gives him fear and he just wants to cut it out; it reminds him of a vulture, the bird that sits and waits until an animal dies. Be sure to go to a Therapist in case your mental health gets to the point where something is bothering you that much .
    When the ill man started off he never thought his mental health was that bad. Until he heard bad sounds making him hallucinate about his boss; he heard things from his bosses eye that reminded him of a vulture and a hard blue eye. This could be argued that the theme of Tall Tale Heart could be Fear; However the eye is the one thing the ill man wanted he feared the eye made the sounds that came from the old guys room. But then one night the old man feared and feared so much that he sat up and he said ‘’Who’s there”? In a scared voice the old man heard noises and then the ill man arose from nowhere and the old guy was as dead as a stone. The ill man buried him under the floorboards so nice and precise that no one would find the body. But after the police officers came into the house he heard the sound of his heart beat getting louder and louder until he uncovered the body.
    While The ill man is going crazy over his boss's eye. He wants to cut it out so all his fear will go away, he goes in the older guys room late at night and always has a chance to cut it out.. And the ill man cant sleep cause there are sounds coming from the old guys room and the ill man believes that it is his eye.. The old guy is the ill man's boss and he would get scared from noises in his room and one night he got up fast; he was scared of the dark. And he covered up his head with the bed sheet and then the ill man came up and then he was as dead as a stone.
    Shurley the old guy's thoughts were shown with fear. The old guy was thinking of what the sounds could have been when he woke up and he knew someone else was in the room. The ill man was thinking that all he wanted was his eye. After he killed him he wanted to cover him up so that no one could find his body because he was crazy. When cops showed up he knew they were hearing the same sound as him, they even were smiling and his brain was so tormented that he had to uncover the body under the floorboards. The police officers were ok with the ill man when he offered to let them in but then he started to act weird. You can tell he was hearing things when he looked nervous.
    The author shows how the ill man was bothered by his eye; his illness got so far to the point where he wanted to cut his bosses eyes cause he feared it and there were noises that he heard from it and there would be an image of a vulture in his head when he saw his bosses eye. Secondally the author shows the fear of the characters from his illness; The police officers showed empathy to the ill man before he revealed the dead body showing the officers fear of the ill man killing the old guy. Lastly the author shows the inner thoughts of the main character; The ill man thought that cutting his eye out will change his fear.

  17. ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ written by Edgar Allan Poe has a theme, mental illness. The main character of the story suffers from an illness, and resides to violence after a period of time of the illness being untreated. All the while losing touch with reality. Never knowing what’s real or in his head.
    The article states, “The old man was dead! Dead as a stone. His eyes would trouble me no more!” The symbol is the eye. I feel like it represents the illness, and how the main character deals and lives with it. In the story the main character says, “Yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture-a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees-very gradually-I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.” This was one of the first of the characters thoughts that had started the gradual lean towards mental illness. Because he obviously isn’t sane. And this was also the first sign of him losing touch with reality.
    “The disease has sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them….I heard all things in heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How then am I mad? Hearken! And observe how healthily, how calmly I can tell you this whole story.” This made me think that he had schizophrenia.
    Schizophrenia has many symptoms including Hallucinations, delusions, and changes in body language and emotion. And the more the man tries to prove that he is sane, the more insane his actions become. Leading all the way to murder. And definitely no sane person would admit they killed someone and felt relieved about it with no sympathetic gesture but only excitement, that his bosses eye would never bother him.
    There is one quote that shows his insanity from the mental illness more than anything, “If you still think Im mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body……First of all I dismembered the corpse. I cut off the head and the arms and the legs. Then I took up three planks from the flooring of the chamber, and deposited all between the scantlings.”

    In Conclusion I believe this is why mental illness should go untreated as of the theme also being mental illness. Although I can understand why people may think the theme of the story is insanity. And back to this quote; the article states, “The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth.” He tells the reader that he has a disease and that he is not crazy. Yet the narrator repeats this until his bosses murder.

  18. Clearly the theme of “Tell Tale Heart” is Mental health. This is first seen when the author used the “hawk eye”. Basically the killer didn’t like the old man's eyeball and kept on repeating that he had a “Hawk eye” and that was the excuse of why he absolutely had to kill this dear old man that he said in the beginning that he loved the old man. Next, the theme was created when the author used the fact that only the killer could hear the heartbeat of no one else. After the killer killed the old man he made sure he was dead and even cut up his body and hid it under the floor but, yet he somehow thought that he could hear the heartbeat playing into the part where he has schizophrenia.
    In “Tell Tale Heart” written by Edgar Allan Poe I think that when someone loses their connection with reality there can be bad consequences. Some consequences that could happen is like killing somebody, specifically an old man that was your dearest friend for many years. In Tell Tale Heart after the murderer had his “disease” he said he was fine. Then, he started to lose touch with what was reality and what wasn’t. He then killed his dearest friend because he was so far gone from that “disease”. He lost touch with reality so much that he thought he heard the heartbeat of his friend he just killed and ended up confessing to the police that he killed him even though they didn’t even ask. This shows more signs in the story that may lead me and whoever else who reads this poem that the killer has schizophrenia.
    I think that the symbol of Tell Tale Heart is the “Vulture eye”. The reason why I said Vulture eye is because the killer kept on referring the old man's eye to a Vulture eye and the man would stare at him like a Vulture about to eat him so, he made this as an excuse that he must kill the old man. I think that this is the symbol because the entire story surrounds the old man's eyeball or his “Vulture Eye”. The story surrounds this symbol in various ways. Some ways it surrounds the “Vulture Eye” is in the story when the author wrote, “For it was not the old man I felt I had to kill; it was his eye, his evil eye.” This piece from the text shows that the symbol of this story was his eye because he said this phrase many times throughout the story.
    In conclusion, in the poem named Tell Tale Heart written by Edgar Allan Poe I think that when someone loses their connection with reality there can be really bad consequences. The theme of this story is Mental Health and Schizophrenia. Lastly, I think that the symbol of this story is The Old man's eye or his “Vulture Eye. I wonder what happened to the Killer after all this happened was he spared from jail because of mental illness or charged with murder?
    - Emma M.
