
Sunday, November 11, 2018

Steve Jobs - The Man Who Thought Different

We've been discussing the book with our table groups.  Now it's time to branch out and find out what others that are reading this book think.  Take some time to think about a part of the book that would make for a good discussion.  It can be any part from the beginning to the part you read for today.

Tell about the part you read, give your thoughts about it, and invite others to share their thoughts too.

Here are some discussion stems.  Choose one of the following or make a similar type of post.

I want to talk about the part where __________________.  I thought _____________________.  What did you think?

The part that I thought was most interesting so far was _____________________________.  I think _________________________________________.  What did you think?


  1. I want talk about the part where they made the first computer where they make it for the people. I thought that they were a little over their head in building the macintosh, because they didn't put enough memory in it and Jobs kept making the Apple team redo the project several times. What do you think?
    The part I thought was most interesting so far was the name Jobs gave to the fist computer he build which was the Soda machine. I think that is a really funny name for a computer even though they called it that because they drank so many sodas while building it. What do thick about this.

    1. I think that this would be more convincing if I added proper punctuation.

    2. I thought Soda Machine is a werid name for a computer.

  2. I want to talk about the part when Steve does LSD and I thought it was werid that they said it made him think differnt. I found the first computer part was really interesting because I didn't know Steve made the first computer.

    1. Steve didn't really make the first computer. His friend did in his garage and it was called the Soda machine.

    2. Really I thought they worked on it together.

    3. They did but his friend did most of it. Job's mostly did marketing.

    4. Yeah so his friend took most of the credit but Jobs did most of the marketing I would think marketing is harder.
