
Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe


Share your literary essay with the rest of the students that chose this short story.  Take some time to read 2 or 3 other essays.  Comment on them.  Your comment should be about something you noticed them doing well from our lessons.  For example, "You did a really good job explaining your evidence"


  1. The character actions in “The cask of Amontillado” rote by Edgar allan poe shows the theme of Montresor letting revenge take over.
    The actions of Montresor shows the theme be him saying he wants his revenge and that he needs to pay and all of this is ni the first paragraph of the story. He next is lowering him in to the wine celery by using a fine wine that is called Amontillado to get his revenge.

    The acts of Fortunato helps prove the theme in this story, he has made fun of Montresor and Montresor has suffered quietly but, when he left at his family's name Montresor is ready to get his revenge

    This could be interpreted as creating a theme of treat other how you want to be treated however, it clearly a theme of letting revenge take over because there is figurative language in the story to prove the theme, Montresor is repeating what Fortunato is saying when montresor is doing the crime, when the crime was committed montresor sad that he had a weird feeling in his stomach.

    Edgar allan poe youses character achsins and figurative language to prove the theme letting revenge take over by thar rivalry of the both of them and haw Montresor doesn't feel one hundred percent ok with killing him.

    1. you did very good I like how you really took the story to heart

    2. Good length and even better grammar

  2. “The Cask of Amontillado” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe that takes place in Europe in the 1800s. The story is a lesson because if you hurt someone you never know if they are going to get revenge or not.

    The plot events help with the theme because in every plot event it really helps bring out the theme. The first is when Montresor talks to Fortunato about the Amontillado that he has in his vaults and wants Fortunato to taste.
    Second, Montresor leads Fortunato to the Amontillado that he supposedly has in the vaults for him to taste but really it’s something different. Montresor has Fortunato go into a hallway in the vaults that “has” the Amontillado, and Montresor tells Fortunato to put his hands on the wall to feel the running water and the is when Montresor chains him against the wall and covers the wall back up.
    In the beginning of the poem Montresor states that Fortunato had hurt a thousand times, which made Montresor promise himself that he would get revenge and make Fortunato pay. Montresor states in the story that Fortunato did not understand that Montresor was now smiling at the thought of his plan for his revenge. Montresor also states that he shouldn’t have to suffer from Fortunato anymore. In the third paragraph of the poem Montresor had told Fortunato that he had been thinking about him because Montresor had supposedly bought a full cask of Amontillado and wanted Fortunato to taste it.
    The figurative language also helps with the theme because it brings out an expression and thoughts of revenge. The sentence states that Fortunato had hurt Montresor a thousand times and that he had to suffer quietly.
    In the first paragraph of the poem it states that he will make Fortunato pay for this and that he will have his revenge on Fortunato. The second time Montresor said that he would make Fortunato pay is when he was planning how he would get his revenge by saying that he will only act with the greatest care. In the last paragraph when Montresor was putting the last stone up Fortunato had yelled out, “Montresor! For the love of God.” and Montresor said back, “Yes. For the love of God.” while walking away.
    Clearly, the theme of “The Cask of Amontillado” is revenge. This is seen when the author used the Plot Events. The author shows this when Montresor had told Fortunato to put his hands against the wall to feel the running water then he chains Fortunato against the wall. Next, the theme was created when the author used dialogue. The author shows the theme when Montresor states that he was smiling at the thought of his plan of revenge for Fortunato. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when the story states that Montresor says, “Yes, for the love of God” to Fortunato. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “The Cask of Amontillado“ is revenge.
    This could be interpreted as creating a theme of revenge; however, it clearly created a theme of seeing what your friends are like on the inside rather than the outside, because in the poem Montresor figures out that Fortunato is not a great friend. Fortunato had shown his true self to Montresor.

  3. I like how your sentences are set up and I like the words you used

  4. In the short story, ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ by Edgar Allan Poe the story takes place in London in the 18oo’s.The story talks about two acquaintances one of whom accused them because of their family name. Montresor lead Fortunato into a tunnel for some fine wine. In the end, Fortunato gets killed by Montresor.The author uses this to teach us lessons about revenge. Revenge makes you do things you might not want to do.

    In the story ‘The Cask of Amontillado’ the character actions show how Montresor seeks revenge. First Montresor was planning his revenge on Fortunato because he had disrespected Montresor's family name. When Montresor found Fortunato alone that's when he knew that there was his opportunity to get his revenge on Fortunato.

    The events of the story “The Cask of Amontillado”, shows how Montresor planned for revenge first he insisted Fortunato a fine wine. Montresors have been planning this for awhile, “I would make him pay yes; but I would act only with the greatest care.” The plan was to take Fortunato down to the tunnel to get some “fine wine” because he knew if he would give him a drink each time. So he can get more drunk, and so he could get him down to the tunnel to murder him. Montresor killed him by telling Fortunato to put his head on the wall and from there he had started building a wall.

    The figurative language in the story shows how revenge is shown in different ways first Repetition. Edgar Allen Poe's characters say a lot “wine” , “revenge” , “I would “Make him pay” and “To Amontillado.” The reader may think he did it for a good reason, the author is trying to tell us to never trust someone you have talked smack about. Although it could be argued that the theme is about trust, the text actually says, revenge is the cause of Montresor's plan. So the theme of this short story is most definitely about revenge.

    Clearly, the theme of “The Cask of Amontillado“ is first seen when the author used character actions. Montresor was seeking revenge. Next, the theme was created when the author used events in the story. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when in the story Montresor tricks him for a fine wine and takes him to a tunnel to kill him. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “ The Cask of Amontillado“ is revenge can make you do bad things.

  5. “The Trip” is a short story by Sona Charaipotra that takes place in an airport terminal check in. What makes this setting and story unique is the fact that the security thinks she is a terrorist. The people that work at the terminal check peoples luggage and body for nothing bad but they don't see anything bad so they take her to a room. The short story focuses on a group of teenagers going on a field trip while going through security. One person is different from the others because she was born in a different country than the others. Because she was not used to this happening she was very scared and wanted to call her mom because she has done this before. The author uses this to teach us lessons about discrimination; when you are unable to fit in.

    The character actions in “The Trip” show how the security people are assuming where she was born and her race. First of all, when the class went through the security just fine but she didn't. Secondly the security took her to a room and asked her questions about her race and where she's actually from. Finally after ten minutes of waiting in the room someone came up to the door and opened, it was the security guard with her friends behind him. She busts out in joy and cries and cries until they eventually get on the plane. Cleary the actions by the characters throughout the short story they discriminated her for being a different person.

    Character actions are mostly in the terminal by the security guards because when they go through the security but she was the only one that got stopped. Then she had to get scanned more than once and then a pat down by security. The security guards then start shuffling through her bags. She starts to panik. Then they ask for her passport and she reaches into her pocket and its not there. So then she gets taken to an interrogation room and then gets questioned by multiple people and has to wait 10 minutes. She then tries to sneak over to her luggage shoved into the corner to look for her phone.

    The security guards suspected she was a terrorist because they didn't think she was an American citizen. So the security guards question her about her race, where she lives, where she was born, and who her mom is. So she thinks this is just another case of discrimination.

    Clearly, the theme of “The Trip“ is Discrimination. This is first seen when the author used a security terminal to check luggage and passports. When they go through security they all get checked but she gets stopped because she doesn't look like an american citizen. They then ask for her passport but she doesn't have it. Next, the theme was created when the author used a room for questioning where she lived and what her moms name was. She gets questioned about her life and when they start asking her they ask where do you live, what's your moms name, are you a US citizen. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when her friends came back for her because they were worried. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “The Trip“ is discrimination.

  6. Part 1

    “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe takes place In 1800s Europe, where Montresor and Fortunato are underground in Montresor's wine vaults. Montresor has this elaborate plan that he will chain Fortunato up, and then brick him into a wall alive. His plan is caused by how Fortunato talked wrongly about his family. The story is focused primarily on Montresor, as he is the narrator and main character who has taken revenge. The story also focuses on Fortunato, the man Montresor has taken revenge on. Poe used this to give a lesson about revenge; If someone has hurt you in any way, you should take revenge.

    In the “Cask of Amontillado”, there are two characters with different power dynamics. Montresor; a smaller powerful guy who owns huge wine vaults underground. Montresor has this power because of how he can successfully manipulate Fortunato. Poe used this to create the thought of how someone can have more power regardless of size. Another way Poe showed this was when Fortunato kept falling for Montresors tricks. Fortunato may be bigger, but he is still following Montresor, trying wine, trying to find Amontillado, and convinced to keep going. This clearly shows that Fortunato and Montresor have different power dynamics.

    When Montresor meets Fortunato, Fortunato is intoxicated and Montresor takes advantage of this to take revenge. This can be shown when Montresor sees he is drunk, and brings up his wine. For example, Fortunato lies and says he has Amontillado (a fancy and rare wine). This clearly shows that Montresor takes advantage of Fortunato to take revenge. Another way Montresor takes advantage of Fortunato in the story is when he has him taste his wine in the wine vaults, and convinces him the “Amontillado” is deeper. Because Fortunato was drunk, and wanting more wine, he believed the lie and continued deeper into the vaults. You can see this when he says, “But…But the Amontillado?” As they continue deeper into the vaults, Montresor is lying again telling Fortunato the Amontillado is in a teeny little room. This is shown when Montresor says, “Go on” and “Go in; the Amontillado is in there.” After Fortunato has taken the chance to get the mentioned “Amontillado”, he is caught trapped in chains, mounted to the wall. Montresor then bricks up the room, leaving Fortunato to die alone. Clearly, Poe used these plot events to show Montresor took advantage and took revenge.

    In the short story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, Poe uses figurative language to tell the readers what was going to happen, and give suspense. The first point of figurative language he used was Amontillado. He used amontillado to show that Montresor was lying and using that to manipulate Fortunato. Secondly, he kept using bones. As Montresor was describing the piles of bones, it was building up suspense to tell the readers that bones were a part of the theme of revenge. In other words, Montresor used bones to cover up the crime. Lastly, is the repeated usage of “I”. When Montresor was describing his elaborate plan, he kept repeating I, and I would. This shows that he was going to take revenge somehow. “I would make him pay, yes; but I would act only with the greatest care.”

  7. Part 2

    Throughout “The Cask of Amontillado”, Poe adds wine as the symbol. The symbol in this story means manipulation. As they are going deeper, Montresor allows Fortunato to drink more wine. “Here, Fortunato. Drink some of this fine Medoc. It will help to keep us warm. Drink!” Although it could be argued that the symbol means friendship, the text actually says that Montresor was using wine as a bribe to get Fortunato to go into the wine vaults. So the symbol of this short story is manipulation, because bribes are clearly manipulation.

    Clearly, the theme of “The Cask of Amontillado“ is revenge. This is first seen when the author uses the characters. Because Montresor has more power, he was able to take revenge. Next, the theme was created when the author used plot events. Montresor leads Fortunato down into the vaults and to the room and takes revenge on him. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when bones, I, and amontillado were repeated. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “The Cask of Amontillado“ is revenge.

  8. “The cask of amontillado” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe and takes place in the 18th century in Italy. In the short story Fortunato in some way talks bad about montresor's family name. This caused Montresor to get revengeful. So to get his revenge he makes an elaborate plan to trap Fortunato in the catacombs beneath his family's home.

    The events in the cask of Amontillado shows how Montresor thinks revenge is the only plan.

    First the events show how Fortunato talks bad about Montresor's name which makes Montresor mad and that causes him to want revenge. For his revenge Montresor planned to trap him and he planned to laurier him in with wine because Fortunato loves wine and knows all about it.

    Clearly the events throughout the short story showed that Montresor without a doubt wanted revenge and without even really thinking he thinks the best/only plan is to kill Fortunato.

    The characters actions in the cask of Amontillado Shows how Montresor thinks revenge is the best/only plan.

    The characters show this by Montresor planning his revenge by saying (i would) over and over explaining the things he is going to do. To set up his revenge plan. Secondly, wine was his greatest weakness, as stated in the short story.

    Although it could be argued that the theme is anger, the text actually says “I promised myself that I would make him pay for this that I would have revenge”. So the theme of this short story is most definitely revenge is the best/only plan, because without even thinking he wanted revenge badly.

    Clearly the character's actions throughout the short story showed that Montresor wanted revenge for his family name, no matter the outcome.

    Clearly, the theme of “the cask of Amontillado“ is the best/only plan is revenge. This is first seen when the author used the phrase “I would”. He uses this phrase to explain how he will get his revenge. Next, the theme was created when the author used the wine as a trap. He uses the wine to his advantage, because he knows it is Fortunato’s greatest weakness. Finally, the author used figurative language to create the theme. Readers saw this when he uses repetition, and imagery. As a result, it is evident that the theme of “the cask of amontillado“ is the best/only plan is revenge.
