
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Inquiring Minds @ The Third Period Post

It's time to share all of the hard work you've done investigating and writing about your issue.  Copy and paste your article as a comment in this post after you have shared it with me.  Reply to at least 3 students.  Find a positive craft move that they made and compliment them on it.


  1. One women named Navyn Salem is saving thousands of lives by packing and sending one million packets of Plumpy ‘ Nuts each day, how did that happen ?
    One day Salem was visiting Tanzania, where her family is from. She is on a personal research mission. While she was there she wanted to know how she can help. When she entered into the hospital she heard noises and sounds of mothers families were crying, because they lost their children to hunger. That’s when Salem knew that she should do something.
    According to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, 155 million children under five years old are chronically malnourished worldwide. Salem, 12 years later is becoming one of the people helping to fight against childhood malnutrition. She is helping two million children that are being treated for malnutrition this year alone. Even though Salem is trying her hardest to close World Hunger, there is a 7.6 % death rate out of 1,000 population. In a interview with Patricia Andrew, Kamara said, “ Navyn is a saint “, “ she alone has done so much “.
    In a article about Navyn Salem, edible Rhody talked about how she’s doing with the project, “ Her love for children combined with a desire to end World Hunger by solving problems through business also prompted her to start Edesia.” From her friends that Salem works with they say,” It’s also remarkable that Salem doesn’t seem overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the problem, which I liken to emptying the ocean a teaspoon at a time”. People that have worked and reported about Salem, have really known her and how she truly is trying to help the kids who are struggling with World Hunger.
    You may be surprised to find out that most of the children that are hungry, are hungry because of; poverty, conflict, natural disaster, climate change, lack of access and lack of education. All of these problems can lead to hunger. Then hunger can lead to, weakened immune system, physical and mental stunning and increased risk of disease.
    It might be confusing, but having a lack of education can really affect you. When you don’t know how your body works and how you can help yourself it gets harder and harder for you to understand when your hungry and the effect what might happen to you in the later future.
    Statistics say’s from United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization ( F . A . O ) that hunger has increased. This year there are 820.8 million people around the world that are in need of food.
    In 2015 the global community adopted the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development to improve people’s lives by 2030. The World Food Program has made lots of predictions on to what might happen in the future.
    There are also some problems with people in poverty getting money for there families and themselves. In Mali, over half of the population is living on less than $ 1.25 a day.
    Even though world hunger is a problem in our world, there are so many people trying to solve it.

    1. I liked how good you anecdote was good job!

    2. Your anecdote helped me understand the article a lot better.

    3. I liked how you had alot of quotes from exports.

    4. Your anecdote was great and I also liked your background information.

  2. An article from interviewed multiple people after a concussion and they have after effect one person said they have brain fatigue and they need a lot more rest than they used to. So after a concussion there could be multiple bad things.

    A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. According to CDC, in 2012 an estimated 329,290 children age 19 and younger were treated in the U.S. emergency rooms for sports-and recreation-related injuries that included a diagnosis of TBI. In 1976 the National Collegiate Athletic Association made use of the head tackling in football illegal, after this the annual number of head and neck injuries decreased by 50%. Statistics collected by UPMC Sports Medical Concussion Program found that between 1.7 million to 3 million sport-and recreation-related concussions happen each year. A concussion is the number 1 cause of death in children and young adults.

    Most often in football, hockey, and soccer concussions happen Concussions in these sports can lead to forgetfulness, headache, fatigue, and dizziness. In 2017 Annual meeting of AAOS found that in high school students, female soccer players had the highest rate of concussions. With all of the information anybody can get a concussion even if a person isn’t in sports.

    Ashley Welch and Kimberly Harmon say that concussions happen to everyone and they all give information on this topic to help you.

    What is a Concussion? (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Harmon, K. G. (2018, August 28). Concussion and Sports. Retrieved from

    Welch, A. (2018, March 22). Everything You Need to Know About Concussions in Sports | Everyday Health. Retrieved from

    1. I liked how you had lots of organizations, that are involved in the topic. It really made the article interesting with all of the facts.

    2. I like your article

    3. I liked how you added real life examples on getting concussions.

    4. I like how you had lots of examples of how it shows how much kids were in the emergency rooms.

    5. Your anecdote is great.

  3. Doug Flutie, a quarterback from Boston College won the heisman in 1984. The college admissions rose significantly in subsequent years-though the extent of flutie’s impact has been largely reputed by BC officials since then. Still colleges use their athletic success to promote their school.

    Athletic scholarships are the most universal and legal form of payment for athletes today. Fewer than 2% college athletes end up going pro. In a interview with TYLT, NCAA said “paying college students could hurt their education”. In the same interview, Mark Emmert, the president of NCAA, said”Athletes are students above all.” “Paying students would effectively make them employees and subject athletes restrictions and regulations that could hurt their education,” according to Emmert. “Student-athletes are already compensated with tuition,Training and the opportunity to go professional if they want to.”

    Getting paid draws the line between work and a education for a student-athletes. One argument that has been made to justify student-athletes is not being paid that they aren’t professionals and, therefore shouldn’t receive income.
    In a interview with Ryan Aber, Kyler Murray, The Oklahoma Quarterback said,”We put in a lot of work. Some guys don’t have enough money to bring their families to the games… so i feel like athletes should be compensated.” Murray also said” i feel like we bring in alot of money to the university.
    In an interview with Nicole manall, Roy Kane Jr, a forward from New Heaven's men’s basketball team said,”You are getting free school so I don’t think paying athletes would be a good idea.”
    Paying college athletes would likely make the tuition of players rate go higher. Giving athletes a salary naturally changes the overall nature of the sport. This debate has been growing a lot in the recent years.
    Plenty of college students would be happy to play sports if it didn’t menat they have to take on the financial hardship. If high schools don’t pay their athletes, colleges shouldn’t pay either. If players get paid, it would transform college basketball into the NBA amateurs. “Student” in Student-athletes goes first.
    In a interview with TYLT, NCAA said”It’s a non profit, dedicated to student-athletes with an emphasis on the student part”
    College is about preparing oneself for real life. Students work hard for little to no money, so why should college student athletes be any different. Earning big money can be harmful to college student-athletes.
    In a interview with Jeff cockrell,Ncaa said”Maintaining amateurism is crucial to preserving an academic environment in which acquiring education is the first priority.”
    The debate still goes on over if college athletes should get paid.

    Aber, R. (2018, December 09). Heisman notebook: Kyler Murray says college athletes should get paid. Retrieved from
    Cockrell, J. (n.d.). Should college athletes be paid? Retrieved April O4, 2018, from
    Ma, J. (n.d.). College Athletes Shouldn't get Paid. Retrieved from
    Manall, N. (2018, December 05). Should College Athletes Get Paid? Retrieved from
    Martinez, M. (n.d.). Should College Student-Athletes Be Paid? Both Sides of the Debate. Retrieved from
    Robuck, I. (2018, October 20). Should College Athletes be Paid? Retrieved from
    Tylt, T. (n.d.). Should college athletes be paid? Retrieved from
    Why College Athletes Shouldn't Be Paid. (2017, November 06). Retrieved from

    1. Hey mason I like how you had alot of quotes and you got opinions from profesinal sports players.

    2. I liked how you brought up how it would hurt their education, if they got paid they would just focus 99% on sports and 1% on school work.

    3. I like how you put in a lot quotes and facts about what professionals said on the topic that you picked.

    4. I like how you used lots of information and facts.

  4. Legalizing Medical Marijuana in the USA

    It all started back in 2012 when Colorado legalized Medical Marijuana back in 2012, they were the first state to do this in the United States. A woman native to Chicago who has chronic pain her whole life has finally found an alternative to her 12 pills a night and a morphine pump.In 2014, she moved to Sacramento California and shortly after tried Medical Marijuana.She said “It helped me relax.” She soon after that she dropped the 12 pills every night and got the morphine pump removed. Medical Marijuana has helped this lady.

    32 states in the US have legalized Medical or recreational use for Marijuana in the past 6 years. 18 states mostly in the Midwest have yet to hop on the trend. Medical Marijuana can help with headaches. Glaucoma, and many more things. Doctors prescribe Medical Marijuana to patients with muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, nausea, poor appetite, weight loss, chronic pain, and seizure disorders.

    The FDA has just approved a law to use THC (A key ingredient in Marijuana) to help treat nausea and to improve appetite. Without a doubt, legalizing Marijuana in the United States has been a hot topic in the past couple of years.

    18 states have yet to legalize Medical Marijuana. Picture this, by 2020, possibly all 50 states will have legalized Medical Marijuana. When Colorado first legalized Marijuana, there were mixed reactions. In an interview with Jann Wenner President Barack Obama said “It is untenable over the long term for the Justice Department or the DEA to be enforcing a patchwork of laws, where something that’s legal in one state could get you a 20 year prison sentence in another”

    The Jail time in Wisconsin, for your first offence it is a misdemeanor, next time you could get a $1,000 fine and 6 months in jail. If you have between 200 and 1,000 grams you could face up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine.Selling Marijuana can get you fined $500 and 30 days in prison. More severe penalties can get you 90 days in prison.

    The opiod death rate has gone up very high setting new records every year in the United States. In 2017, 72,000 people died because of opioid overdose. That’s 200 deaths per day. People that are addicted they can’t help it. Medical Marijuana could be an alternative to people struggling with drug addictions.
    The CBD Oils have been found to have the same use case Medical Marijuana. Will the United States legalize all of the CBD oils or not?

    Picture this, by 2020 possibly all of the United States could have Medical Marijuana legalized. More than 50% of the States have it legalized, will the other 50% ever finish the job?

    []. (n.d.). State Marijuana Laws in 2018 Map. Retrieved from
    Berke, J. (2016, November 30). OBAMA: It's 'untenable' for government to enforce 'a patchwork of laws' on marijuana. Retrieved from
    Coghlan, E. (2018, April 12). A Story of How Medical Cannabis Transformed One Patient's Life. Retrieved from
    Harding, A. (n.d.). Medical Marijuana Treatment Uses and How It Works. Retrieved from
    Roberts, M. (2018, April 20). Medical Marijuana in Colorado Ten Years After the First Big Boom. Retrieved from
    Singer, R. (n.d.). The Basics of Wisconsin Marijuana Laws. Retrieved from

    1. I like your aecotode.

    2. I think that this topic is a good choice and it has good information to everyone even if they are not users.

  5. On february, 2018, Roger Borges got a terrifying phone call from his son Anthony Borges saying “dad i got shot”. A devastating shooting at Parkland high in Parkland, FL, leaves some people thinking gun control needs to be enforced, roughly 371 million firearms were owned by U.S citizens, and about 146 million (39%) were handguns, that leaves 61% to be assault rifles, shotguns, and bolt action rifles.

    At that rate 42% of U.S citizens will be the victim of a violent crime with a firearm involved. From 1987 to today, murder rates with guns involved have skyrocketed, with all the new guns, such as automatic rifles. 3 out of 5 households have a gun out of those 3, 1 has a unsecured weapon in their home. Many experts argue that the age of which you are able to buy a gun should be raised.

    Over 500 students since 2000 have commited suicide with a gun, half of them were because of ptsd from trauma from school shootings and bullying and threats. Experts say that a way to minimize that rate is to not have a gun in the house at all, but scientists say that if you do have a gun in the house, to make sure it is locked up and secure with ammo in a different secured location, and When the kids get older that they know to always treat a gun with respect and that it is not a toy.

    Donald J Trump says” we should arm the teachers” however many people oppose that, saying it puts too much of a burden on teachers. If all else fails, well be forced to fight fire with fire.

    1. I like how you said how many people have died due to bullying or ptsd from school shootings and it really got my attention.

    2. I liked your anecodte.

    3. u did rlly good at showing all the statistics and info

  6. Should drinking age be raised
    Picture this…. Your best friend went to a party, drank under the age of 21, then was forced to drive themselves home drunk. That day that they went to that party, they got into a car accident and was put into a hospital where they later died from serious injuries.
    Roughly 28 people die each day from drinking and driving, and on average two in three people will be involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime. In 2012, over 29.1 million people admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol.
    More teens are getting people of age to buy alcohol. So what's making the teens feel the need to drink? If 28 people die every day from drunk driving, then that's one person dying every 50 minutes, which makes it about 10,000 lives lost from drinking, and over 345,000 people are injured from it. Not only is alcohol bad for you physically but it is actually bad for you mentally as well. Most people that get drunk are either wanting to forget things that are stressing them out, or they doing it just to do it or because their friend are going out for drinks to have a good time.
    ¨ John Toumbourou of deakin university's school of psychology, Ian Hickie of the brain and mind research institute at the university of newcastle , and Sandra Jones from the centre for health initiatives at the university of wollongong, said there was increasing evidence that the accessibility of alcohol from the age of 18 was causing great harm to young people.¨
    This problem is not fully progressed all the way through just yet but it definitely should be thought about because of all the bad things happening to these good people.

  7. Unhealthy Snacks into Healthy Snacks
    Snacks that are non healthy can cause heart problems, and high blood pressure to your body. There are some tips to change unhealthy snacks into healthy snacks. It would be for people who want to be healthy. Try some of these tips

    Cut downs some proportions of sweets like use less frosting on mini cupcakes. Sometimes all people need can satisfy people in just one bite. If you just have one jumbo cupcake, then you could do to make it healthier is that you could cut the jumbo cupcake into eighths.

    Swap out unhealthy fats, you could swap vegetable oil or canola oil with coconut oil, olive oil or purred fruit. Puree is a cooked vegetable or fruit. You could try adding applesauce or pureed pumpkins to reduce calories.

    Replace sour cream with Greek yogurt. Many cakes or bread recipes would call for sour cream because it results as moist and flavorful product. Greek yogurt delivers almost the same result, while adding protein and also cutting fat,

    Use healthier flour, bleached white flour is full of chemicals and very less nutrients. You could use half white flour and half wheat into your recipes. Since you will taste the difference. With coconut flour, swap out ¼ cup of your regular flour.

    For the nutritional boost, add flaxseed into your recipes. It could taste like a nutty flavor. So make sure you add it slowly and taste it before it is completely done.

    Swap sprinkles and artificial dyes for anything like a chocolate drizzle, crushed nuts or a dust of cocoa powder. Replace chocolate chips or white chips with dried fruit. The treats will still look beautiful and they would be healthier.

    Eggs are healthy, but you could swap the eggs to have a finished bake goods with lower calorie count. Try swapping and egg with ¼ cups of unsweetened applesauce. Try whipped coconut cream instead of frosting or traditional whipped cream. It tastes almost the same in just in three ingredients.

    The tips are healthy for people that do eat healthy food. It would be important to your health and your body.

  8. Transgender bathroom rights
    By: Ray McDaniels
    Part 1

    James Parker Sheffield, a binary transgender man who publicly presents as such is required by law to share a bathroom with his wife even though he has a full beard and a receding hairline.

    The first sex-segregated toilets were introduced in Paris in the 1700s, but the laws requiring separate bathrooms only start in 1887. These laws came about because politicians agreed that women were weaker and needed more protection in every public space.

    In the 60’s african americans had to fight for their right to use the same bathroom as everyone else. In the 80’s gay men were harrassed because it was thought that you could caught AIDs off of the toilet seats. Now people are fighting each other on whether transgender individuals should use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex on their birth certificate or the gender they feel that they are and pass as.

    The main topic with bathroom rights are about passing, passing means the way that they present themselves by how they act or dress.
    A transgender woman will have harder time passing due to the age she started hormones (if at all) and because of height and facial structure. The UK government's official statistics state that 54 percent of trans women from 2013 to 2014 have faced harassment and violence.

    "It's clearly not safe to require somebody who presents as a woman to go into a men's toilet. The evidence is, from the cases that have happened, is that real assault takes place, real people get hurt." says Christine Burns representing trans people.

    A trans man will have it easier because male hormones (testosterone) tend to show effects earlier than the female hormones (estrogen). Lee Hurley said this: "The effects it has when it comes to masculinizing are phenomenal. By six to eight months, you look just like any other guy on the street—for me, just any other short guy on the street."

    Studies have been done to show how the brain works, more and more studies are beginning to focus on how the brain of a transgender person works. The brain of a transgender woman will match the brain of a cis woman. The brain of a trans male will match that of a cis male.

    In a medical sense, to be transgender you need to have some level of dysphoria. That is the disconnect between how your body developed and how your brain developed. If you are trans it means that the sex of your body and the gender you are in your mind is different. Example : female body and male brain also known as ftm: female to male, means that you will transition ( by changing your body to match your brain) into a male body. If the case is switched, male body and female brain mtf: male to female, you take the opposite hormones and possibly surgery to become your true gender.

  9. Transgender bathroom rights
    By: Ray McDaniels
    Part 2

    Some debate whether or not transgender rights are included in title IX. That is Title IX of the education Amendments of 1972. “Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective protection against those practices. Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions, to all aspects of federally funded education programs or activities. “ The quote was from the U.S. Department of Justice.

    Judge Wright Allen was the judge for Mr Grimm’s case, a transgender male who sued the school saying they violated Title IX. Wright disagreed with the school, writing that Mr. Grimm’s transgender status constituted a claim of sex discrimination and that the bathroom policy had “subjected him to sex stereotyping,” violations of the law.

    “There were many other ways to protect privacy interests in a nondiscriminatory and more effective manner than barring Mr. Grimm from using the boys’ restrooms,” she continued. “The Board’s argument that the policy did not discriminate against any one class of students is resoundingly unpersuasive.”

    On October 21, 2018, The Trump administration states this: “Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth,” “The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.”

    The new definition would erase the estimated 1.4 million Americans who recognize themselves — surgically or not— as a gender that they were not born into.

    That wasn't the quote that messed with Mr Grimm’s court case. It was that In February 2017, Trump called back the rules set by the Obama Administration that said he could use the bathroom of their gender identity. Leaving Grimm’s case on hold.

    Society has begun to accept the identities of lgbt individuals, with the amount of scientific studies regarding transgender subjects rising, more and more people might come to the conclusion that maybe at one time sex separated bathrooms were necessary, but it isn't the victorian age anymore.

  10. Should The Drinking Age Be lowered In Wisconsin
    A family in Wisconsin just lost their daughter to over drinking on alcohol. She died of alcohol poisoning too. The parents don’t want anyone else to suffer alcohol poisoning like their daughter did.
    In the 1970’s the drinking age changed the age to 18. But after the National Minimum Drinking age act they changed it to 21 again in Wisconsin. Many people want the drinking age to be 18 and just enforce the laws.
    A Madison Professor Jason Fletcher, at UW did a survey that showed if kids at the age of 13 start drinking they will be 48% dependent on alcohol at the age of 21. Also it shows when a group of men and women consumed alcohol, alcohol had a bigger effect on en then it did on women. But if Wisconsin changes the drinking age to 19 Wisconsin could lose 8% of highway budget. Jason Fletcher also says if Wisconsin Would ever change the drinking age to 19 it would give them a good transition into alcohol use under parental supervision.
    Teens not just adults are getting pushed into consuming alcohol. The CDCP surveyed 12-16 year old teens.. They got asked if they have consumed alcohol before. All of the teens said that they have consumed alcohol in the past 30 days.
    This Reporter thinks the drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18 because once your a adult you should be able to decide to drink or not. The Wisconsin Lawmakers Bill said that it’s also a good idea for them to make their own decision.
    The reporter also thinks that if it was lowered teens would be more careful driving. The Council of State Governments conducted a study showing that people the age of 19-25 had never been involved in alcohol related accidents. So does that mean that they are being more responsible. The reporter wants to know how come teen can own a shotgun but can’t have alcohol. The State Journal agree too.
    In Conclusion, will you be able to legally drink without an adult at the age of 18?

    Ansari, H. (2018, October 09). Research on alcohol access finds no substantial support for arguments to lower legal drinking age. Retrieved from
    Engs, R. (n.d.). Why the drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research. Retrieved from
    Griggs, B. (2015, January 04). Should the U.S. lower its drinking age? Retrieved from
    Hanson, D. J. (2017, June 22). Drinking Age Should Be Lowered Says International Expert. Retrieved from
    Rasmussen_Poll. (2011, May 5). 35% Want Drinking Age Lowered to 18. Retrieved from
    Republican lawmakers' bill would lower drinking age to 19 in Wisconsin. (2017, November 08). Retrieved from

    1. I ilked how you use stats on your topic.

  11. In this article, you will be learning about vaping among youth rases issue. Five Columbus high schoolers on an average are caught smoking either in the bathroom or in the locker rooms. John Frey said “ Every school is dealing with this right now” . The survey says that teen vaping has increased but 78 percent of high school students since 2018 and 49 percent among middle schoolers. Information from 2018 national youth. Teen vaping is pretty common to have a 13-year-old addicted to nicotine.

    Juuling is very popular in high schools and middle schools because that's how many people juul under the age… Megan said “the states need to art cracking down and believing teens are being fooled into vaping” . Justin Zamora aid “ they don’t think it is far becauses this is helping more than hurting”an invasatageinger worte on a blonde and said “ It’s becoming huge national roblen and it’s even bigger locally” some people believe that right now one in four teeagers are vaping. Hopefully there getting there hands on it sooner than they did with cigarettes. A person “ i hate it because its like their synchronizing our industry under age drinkers, under age weed smokers , under age tabacco” A cording to ther survay only 71%. Of high schoolers currently. Smoking cigarettes while 27% say they vape nicotine. “The cigarette smoking is risky. But only 50 % believe those risk apply to vape to.”when someone lights up a cigarette. It shows up very quickly. Then they came out with vaping ols retailing in a big variety of flavors like Fruit, candy,dessert. They are making sure the parents and the kids know the risk . students were also reined of school policy restricting the use of vape,tobacco marijuana.

    Do you think they should start cracking down on the under age vping?

    Beckham, A. (2018, December 18). Teen vaping increasing. Retrieved from
    Rv shows *7% of colorado high schools Hoffman, J. (2018, December 18). How to Help Teenagers Quit Vaping. Retrieved from
    Howard, J. (2018, December 17). Teen vaping continues to rise, survey finds. Retrieved from
    Kovaleski, J. L. (2018, December 06). Is teen vaping really an epidemic in Colorado? Retrieved from
    Powell, A. (2018, December 19). Teen vaping rising fast, and Harvard official is concerned. Retrieved from
    Telegram, C. (2018, December 07). Vaping among youth raises issues. Retrieved from

  12. A couple weeks ago scientists made an electric brain implant to enable a monkey to use its paralyzed limbs. This might or should help disabled people regain movement. This seems like animal testing is a good thing however, animal testing can be harmful and helpful at the same time.

    Animal testing can be good because it helps animals as well. If vaccines were not tested on animals then they could die from rabies, distemper, tetanus, leukemia, and parro. Antibiotics, insulin, vaccines for polio and cervical cancer, organ transplant, HIV treatments, and heart-bypass surgery were all tested on animals and helped cure a lot of diseases.

    Animal testing helps make antibiotics better, more advanced, and safer. Some drugs can be potentially harmful to humans but by testing them on animals who have the same or almost the same DNA as humans, the drugs can be safer for both humans and animals. Colin Blakemore said “I was involved in the original declaration 15 years ago. It is important now as it was then to show that scientists and doctors are fully aware of the importance of animal research to science and medicine”

    On the other hand, animal testing can be very cruel. Some of the tests involve food and water deprivation, infliction of pain, forced chemical exposure, prolonged periods of physical restraint, exposure to drugs, genetic manipulation, infliction of wounds, ear notching, killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation (harmful chemical), neck breaking, and decapitation.

    It also costs a lot of money because the procedures last months at a time and they buy all of the animals their doing tests on. Some of the tests are unnecessary because sometimes the tests don't result in new products. Dr. Christopher Austin said “Traditional animal testing is expensive, time consuming, uses a lot of animals and from a scientific perspective the results do not necessarily translate to humans”

    Scientists are working on AI’s which could work way better than actual live animals. They are also working on a tissue lab where they can use that human tissue instead of animals. If scientists do transition to live animals to AI’s or human tissue labs then we would be saving millions of animals each year.

    12 Advantages and Disadvantages of Animal Testing On Cosmetics. (n.d.). Retrieved from
    About Animal Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved from
    Ainsworth, C. (2006, December 13). Scientists share thoughts on animal research. Retrieved from
    Blakemore, C. (2008, October 28). Should we experiment on animals? Yes. Retrieved from
    The Truth about Animals Used for Experimentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
    What is animal testing? (n.d.). Retrieved from

    1. I like your Anecdote it is very interesting

  13. To a mom in Japan, her daughter’s school uniform rules are too much. In an article on “Lifestyle,” Casey Baseel presented a Twitter user, ‘hanacoppy’s’ story. ‘Hanacoppy’ posted “My daughter said her legs were cold, so I let her wear a pair of tights under her skirt. But when she got to school, they told her, ‘Tights aren’t allowed because if your legs are warm, you won’t be able to concentrate.’ Can’t help but think they’re the kind of perverts who get off on seeing young girls’ bare legs.”

    “School uniforms are enforced in about 20 percent of public schools according to ‘National Center for Education Statistics’” says Gabrielle Applebury in her article “Lovetoknow.’

    A lot of students don't like uniforms. In an article by Emily Brindle, she presented survey results provided by ‘Illing Middle School’ and ‘Bennet Academy’s’ Board of Education. 250 pre-kindergarten through eighth-grade students, and 1,106 parents and guardians were surveyed. More than 76 percent of teachers who responded believed that the uniforms reduce peer pressure to dress a certain way. However, more than 53 percent of students who responded disagreed. Around 70 percent of students who responded indicated that they didn’t agree with having school uniforms.

    A study was done at the schools by one of the board members, Deborah Hagenow. Her study concluded that no improvement in the student learning experience had been seen by the board when school uniforms are in place.

    According to Marian Wilde, Virginia Draa, assistant professor at Youngstown State University, reviewed attendance, graduation, and suspension rates at 64 public schools in Ohio that have uniforms. Draa’s study concluded those schools improved in all the things she reviewed. However, she wasn’t able to connect the improvements with the uniforms. The same thing happened to David Brunsma, assistant professor at University of Missouri. He reviewed past studies on the effect of uniforms on academic performance. He also conducted his own analysis of 2 enormous databases, the 1988 National Education Longitudinal Study and the 1998 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. He concluded that there is not any correlation between uniforms and school safety or academic achievement.

    So are school uniforms too much or just enough?

    Applebury, G. (n.d.). Statistics on School Uniforms. Retrieved from
    Baseel, C. (2018, December 10). Japanese school explains why it won't let cold schoolgirl wear tights under her skirt. Retrieved from't-let-cold-schoolgirl-wear-tights-under-her-skirt
    Brindley, E. (2018, May 14). Parents, students at odds over uniforms, survey finds. Retrieved from
    Helm, T. (2011, September 03). School uniform costs 'break the bank' for poorer families. Retrieved from
    School uniforms, dress codes, and free expression: What's the balance? (2018, February 28). Retrieved from
    Wilde, M. (2018, June 11). School uniform debate: Pros & cons with the latest findings. Retrieved from

  14. Alcocer, P., & NEA. (n.d.). History of Standardized Testing in the United States. Retrieved from

    Does Standardized Testing Help Students? (2018, May 25). Retrieved from

    Panel, E. (2018, December 11). What Standardized Testing Can Teach Us About Problem Solving In Business And Life. Retrieved from

    Salaky, K. (2018, September 05). What standardized tests look like in 10 places around the world. Retrieved from

    Standardized Tests - (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Strauss, V. (2012, November 09). One teen's standardized testing horror story (and where it will lead). Retrieved from

    Strauss, V. (2017, April 19). 34 problems with standardized tests. Retrieved from
    The story by Ankur Singh She is a freshman in college who is very passionate about school but more specifically english. She enjoyed it very much. Until she wasn't really learning anymore all she was doing was preparing for what would be on tests. This wasn't only in english. This was in all of her AP classes. Senses she wanted to learn new things that's what she was doing instead of preparing herself for the upcoming tests her grades were dropping drastically.
    Lindsay Tanne said ¨ standardized testing teaches us to problem solve¨. ¨It teaches you to pace yourself¨. IT can be hard for kids to do good and try and prepare for these upcoming tests. 93% of studies on student testing, have shown lots of student achievement. Studies have also provent that ¨standardized tests are an unreliable measure of student performance.
    ¨Prepare for upcoming tests and anything you would like to learn more about research on your own¨. Try to make good studying habits so you can succeed more while taking tests. Relax and remain positive while taking tests. Ask lots of questions about what´s on those standardized tests so you will be successful. Try your absolute best while taking tests, they are a huge part of your grade.
    Do you think standardized tests have a positive or negative effect on student ?

  15. Judith Grisel is a neuroscientist who would have been on the side of legalizing marijuana and would have been over the moon to see it being legalized, she said it would have saved her a lot of effort just to hide a joint, during her teen years and early 20s she smoked. Now that she is a neuroscientist she can see how the whole story is being oversimplified and how much it will affect communities, individuals, and particually tennagers, now that there are studies on how pot affects the adolescent brain.

    Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, mostly for medical conditions. It was one of five herbs taken to help relieve anxiety.

    For the majority of human history marijuana was legal. Between 1916 and 1931 29 US states banned the use of marijuana. California is the largest marijuana market in the world, marijuana became legal there on January 1st 2018.

    Emory university did a study which showed that in states that marijuana was legal there was a rise in binge drinking in adults over the age 21, they find that very concerning because marijuana carries very few health issues and social risks, while alcohol causes many serious health and safety issues such as liver damage, fatal car crashes, and violent behaviors.

    Another study from RAND Cooperation shows that laws that legalize marijuana correlates with an increase in overall pot use and dependence for adults over the age 21 but it also shows a major increase in the use in tenatgers.

    About 6 in 10 (62%) americans say marijuana should be legalized. A steady increase over the past decade according to the Pew Research Center's Survey. It has doubled since 2001, because in 2001 only 31% of americans voted that it should be legal.

    Indica and Sativa are both types of marijuana, experts say that none of it is 100% true anymore, that they are all hybrids because the past 40 years people have been mixing it.

    Some things that to help solve this debate would be for people to stop mixing the marijuana with other things which would cause people to not get other side effects because you would only be ingesting marijuana and nothing else. But experts say that states with legalized marijuana increases the kids using so we should do something to stop the kids from using. So far 10 states and the District of Columbia ( Washington D.C.) have legalized recreational marijuana.

    Geiger, A. (2018, October 08). 62% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana. Retrieved from
    Mooney, T. (2018, December 04). Legislators to look closer at legalizing marijuana. Retrieved from
    POT HOLES. (2018, May 25). Retrieved from
    Researchers seek to create a pot plant that produces a consistent high. (n.d.). Retrieved from
    Speights, K. (2018, December 07). Where Is Marijuana Legal? Retrieved from
    Williams, S. (2018, August 25). A Record Number of Americans Support Legalizing Marijuana, New Survey Shows. Retrieved from

  16. 19 year old Jewel Walker works two jobs, seven days a week, 52 hours. She wakes at 8 to get to her second job, riding two buses and a train 30 miles to Atlanta’s northern suburbs. Jewel can barely scrape together enough money to buy a car or move out of her father's place in a poor west neighborhood, living paycheck to paycheck off of two minimum wage jobs, by Jenny Jarvie.
    Minimum wage is the, “lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement.” The federal minimum wage is $7.25. According to NCSL’s table of state minimum wage legislation, only 14 states have the exact federal minimum wage, some lower and some higher. One reason for the varying wages is due to costs of living.
    Data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and other sources say they found that the average cost of living in the U.S. is more than 65,000 a year for a family of two adults and two children. They say it is about 50,000 more than what a minimum wage worker earns. Although in other states living alone can have drastic price differences. In Memphis the annual cost of living alone is $27,000, but according to EPI a full time minimum wage worker only earns about $15,080 a year. Compared to New York, living alone costs more than $43,000 annually yet a full time minimum wage worker only earns about $18,200 a year.
    Congress has not passed a law since 2007-2009 to raise the minimum wage, meaning it has been around a decade. Marty Boughton, a spokeswoman for committee Republicans, said in an email, “over the past 8 years, this committee has held countless hearings about improving economic conditions for Americans.” Bernie Sanders also speaking on this topic said, “If somebody works 40 hours a week in the United States of America, that person should not be living in poverty.”
    Poverty is, “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.” As of 2017 about 39.7 million people lived in poverty in the United States. Minimum wage being one of the reasons why so many families and people live in poverty.
    For small businesses raising the minimum wage has its pros and cons. Raising it can reduce employee hours and or benefits, and it forces these small businesses and companies to move operating money away from expansion and inventory. Another con is that if they are raising the minimum wage for minimum wage workers, then it will or most likely will rise for everyone else working there who have more experience or more time working. The clear pro to raising the minimum wage is workers getting paid more. Some states also worry about raising the minimum wage because they are afraid of the effects that it will have on businesses.
    An online loan and personal finance company called Credit Loan surveyed 2,669 Americans to find their standpoint, opinion and understanding on the minimum wage. The survey revealed that citizens in each state said that the minimum wage should be raised in the state they currently live in. The survey also revealed that the average price of everyone’s input was $11.56 per hour. That is $4.31 more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25.
