
Monday, December 18, 2017

Inquiring Minds @ The Third Period Post Investigate

After you've revised and shared your article with me (on the grading sheet), post your article here at the Third Period Post.  Read the articles written by your classmates and comment on them.


  1. It all started when technology started getting big. Children at younger ages started getting more phones, tablets, computers, etc, but what about education? Can technology replace original school items? Can it affect students education? This reporter was very curious and interested in how technology is affecting students education. Mainly by textbooks getting replaced by tablets.
    According to research, this topic has been touched on before. Many think that tablets aren’t good and should stay out of the classroom because as quoted “Tablets might have too much information for students to handle” but some counter reacted and explained that “tablets have a faster and more quality research other than textbooks” also as explained that they are a better use for students. Although tablets are a good source of information, “there are many websites that can’t be trusted because of either untrustworthiness and credibility.” Also “even if it was a good idea, how can we trust most students with such delicate technology?” As a counter react, “Obviously younger students aren’t going to handle it but even if they did they have to pay for the damage.” After all of this, we came to a conclusion ending with “Tablets have text features that you can’t do in textbooks such as, highlighter, edit text, writing notes. Even though the money is an issue, if the student brakes it, they pay for it. Also lastly, it reduces time it takes to teach students by 30 - 80%.”
    Although, textbooks last longer and more difficult to actually break, it has a risk of not having the information the student may need. Also, you can’t write notes or highlight in a borrowed textbook from school. Even in your own books if you want it to stay in tact.

  2. Kids worry about how they look in school. Overtime education has often slipped away as the main focus at school. University of Notre Dam wears uniforms and it seems it doesn't have any effect. However it affects some schools. Bullying, gangs and even clothing is a danger to schools. In the Columbine High School there has been numerous thefts and murders over designer shoes. Students were also singled out by teachers because the types of clothes kids wear. By analyzing and reading/comparing, I have been able to find out more about the school uniform policy. School community’s can be so much better as I explained earlier.
    There are many good and bad things about the school uniform policy. School uniforms can prevent many things. Bullying is a big thing in many school’s. It also causes many kids to not want to go to school or sometimes not even want to be in this world. Kids are bullied because of their clothes and how they dress. That could all be stopped by having school uniforms. There are many many murder cases or breakout of fights due to gang related conflicts. Many kids are influenced to be in gangs or to support a gang by wearing it’s colors. “Gang related fight’s break out almost every week” coming from Turner Bartels Junior High principal in florida. School uniforms can help a lot of things. Do you ever wonder about the bad things of school uniforms? Many kids like expressing their feelings. Some kids do that by wearing different types of clothing. This then comes into violating kids freedom of what they want to wear. That is one set back of school uniforms. Many parents are questioning the cost of school uniforms and how expensive they will be. This brings us to Scott Sinnott. Scott Sinnott, general secretary of the national union of teachers says “We have created a deal that I think is a good idea that will allow parents to buy school uniforms for a cheap price.” This is kinda like the reduced lunches.

  3. Global Warming

    According to Nasa, Global Warming is a man-made issue. It all started to be a noticeable problem in the 1990s. Since then, and now in 2017, our earth's temperatures all across the world have already raised about 1.7 Degrees Fahrenheit or in some cases more. It is a man made issue all because of what we use in our everyday lives, also because of us burning fossil fuels, which cause what we know as the greenhouse effect.
    You may be surprised to find that over 90% of all climate experts say that this is a man-made problem that we need to do something about. 1.7 degrees so far may not seem like a lot, but in the next years studies of NASA have shown that Global Warming is going to be increasing upwards of about 5% each five years. Our earth's O-zone is usually what protects us from the sun's rays. But with what we use in our everyday lives like hair spray, cars, etc. pollute the air and tear apart our O-zone. Also with the greenhouse effect from us burning fossil fuels, the sun's rays get trapped in the air because of the greenhouse effect making the earth contain more heat, which makes the earth hotter because of the polluted air. This 1.7 degrees is no joke, it is melting our glaciers, which is causing the ocean levels to rise. In the next couple centuries, New York and Boston could possibly be completely under water.
    It all started when people where getting cars, then the pollution started happening. This is killing many animals for example, polar bears, because of the glaciers melting. Global Warming is occurring because of what we use in our everyday lives.

  4. Children's Healthcare

    When the Gorry family got pregnant with their second child, they could only afford healthcare for the unborn child, and not their two year old daughter, Simone. All was well until Simone was later diagnosed with a bone disease. Very worried, they signed her up for CHIP, a low-cost health insurance program for children. Fortunately, they were successful with helping Simone. Mrs. Gorry later said, “my family may have not survived without it.”
    This story reveals how important CHIP Health Insurance was to this family. This reporter found that this is one of many successful stories about this program. CHIP stands for Children’s Health Insurance Program. It has helped nine million children, with anything from checkups to deadly diseases.
    You may be surprised to find that now, CHIP could be eliminated. Congress recently decided that they weren’t planning on renewing the funds for it. There were some some funds leftover, but they are bound to run out. Many people are worried about what it could do to the kids.
    Dr. Todd Wolynn had something to say about this.“It crushes me to think we’re in an environment where kids’ health is up for debate- that this somehow got tossed in the wrangling.” Being a pediatrician in Pittsburgh, he works with children everyday.“There are kids on protocols and regimens and treatment plans, and their families have got to try to figure out, what are we going to do?”
    To find out more, this reporter found another story. Ms. Garner, a single mom, works at a local clinic where she lives. She was glad when she got raise. Yet, she soon realized that it disqualified her kids from their free healthcare program. Luckily, just like the Gorry family, they could sign up for CHIP.
    Lately, governors are trying to save this healthcare program. They are doing what they can to help it stay alive. However, until it’s certain, it was suggested by the Colorado governor that families to look into private healthcare programs just in case.
    Think back to the Gorry family. The Garner family. Having reliable healthcare is very important to them. We can’t let this go.

  5. A skinny polar bear that has barely any energy to walk has to rummage through trash to find food and chews on a snowmobile seat to not die from starvation. The ice is lives on has melted early and their source of food has left because the ice has melted. Why has the ice melted, global warming.
    This reporter searched the internet read articles and found that people do and don’t believe global warming is true. The land ice throughout the world has gone down 286 gigatons per year. The sea level has risen 3.4 millimeters per year. CO2 in the atmosphere of the total atmosphere is 82% 6,587 metric tons in 2015 if the amount of rising water keeps rising the sea level could rise 26-82 cm of the end of the 21st century. There are steps you could take to lower the CO2 levels in the atmosphere like plant trees or lower the amount of energy you will use and lower fossil fuels. The opposition think humans don’t contribute to the CO2 in the atmosphere. Trees use sunlight to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere when they grow. Growing trees absorb more CO2 that old trees so cutting down old trees and planting more with really help, but when you cut down trees and you don’t replace them that hurts the most. What to do to reduce your carbon footprint, plant trees, use less energy, share facts about global warming, and make people aware of what could happen. Humanity needs to take action or we could just eat snowmobile seats.

  6. It’s a big debate, school uniforms. Should all schools have them? Should our school have them? It’s been an argument across the nation. Some people think we should and some think we shouldn’t have school uniforms. Both sides seem to agree that uniforms seem to help stop bullying. But, both sides also agree school uniforms limit self expression.
    I looked into the facts surrounding the issue of school uniforms. The first fact I found is that more schools are putting school uniforms into place. According to The New York Times, 25% of all the schools in New York have school uniforms. In some of these schools it is mandatory and some have voluntary uniforms. The first school to have mandatory uniforms district wide, according to The French Toast, is Long Beach Unified District in California. The French Toast said within one year of mandatory school uniforms, vandalism, suspensions, incidents of weapons, and fights dropped drastically. Students in districts with mandatory school uniforms say they get treated with more respect from kids at their school when they are wearing uniforms. But, these students also said it makes them bigger bully targets for bullies from other schools. It makes things better in their own school but doesn’t help outside of the school. Schools also use the argument, uniforms stop students from wearing gang colors making schools safer. But students at these schools say it’s hard to express yourself well wearing school uniforms. Students use their clothes to express their style and personality, which you can’t do in a uniform. The last argument I found was, some schools say it’s hard to enforce voluntary, much less mandatory, uniforms in public schools.
    In summary, with school uniforms many topics come up. People that are for school uniforms their main focus is bullying. For people that don’t agree with school uniforms, the main topic is students expressing themselves and the idea of “being you.” Which side do you agree with?

  7. Tablets vs. Textbooks
    The young student glares at his bland textbook, struggling to concentrate on his work. Across the room another student rubs her eyes after staring at the classe’s chromebook screen. Yes, this is the debate that’s been disturbing both students and teachers for years now- Tablets vs. Textbooks.
    Both textbooks and tablets come with benefits along with a few cons. Picture this, the bell rings for 4th hour and countless tiny 6th graders sluggishly hold their massive textbook going to the next class. Electronic devices are very lightweight and easy to store. With a proper case the device would last forever and be easy to transport throughout classes during the day. These devices can be quite expensive bought individually but when the items are bought in bulk the price can easily go down from $250 to $150 dollars a tablet. When publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt tested the Algebra 1 textbook digitally on tablets and chromebooks the students scored 20% higher on standardized tests then the students without using electronic devices. Our country is ready for the new- in 2012, Barack Obama pushed all states to put digital learning devices into all of the students hands by 2017. Instead of the students bringing 2-3 textbooks home a night the content can be downloaded onto the device for easy access. Yes, digital learning devices have a few cons, but in the end children can improve in their learning with electronic devices.
    Now you may be wondering, “Is there a solution to these cons with electronics?” Or “Why should my child be using this technology if it could seriously damage my child’s eyes or neck?” The answer is simple according to the Vision Council’s medical advisory board, “Simply taking a 20 second break after every 20 minutes staring at an object far away can take away the problems of the eyes being strained, even other easy practices like straight posture, adjusting the screen and lowering the brightness could make the technology much safer for the student.” Joel Klein the former New York City School Chief mentioned that “It’s a must that we use technology to empower our teachers and to improve the way that students learn. At its best the technology will change the face of our next generation’s education. Our planet is changing drastically with technology advancing by the weeks. As CBS says “Technology is well suited for today’s fast pace , modern learning environment.”
    However the situation is up to you, whether paper and pen or technology is better for the student’s education. But remember not to forget to purchase a cart for the old heavy textbooks.

  8. Picture this, in both the fall and spring every year, we fall behind or fall forward a hour. This is called Daylight Savings Time. It’s been around since the 1800’s, but now there is a big confusion and argument on if we should keep the time change or not.
    This all started when Benjamin Franklin came up with an idea to save candle wax for people over in Europe. He said by adding an hour of daylight in the afternoon, people won’t use as much wax because it will be lighter out longer. It worked out great because it really did cut down on wax. The US didn’t adopt the idea until March 13, 1918. Most people believe that it benefited farmers and that’s the reason it is still around. Well, that’s actually not true, it actually doesn’t help farmers at all because when it turns darker faster, they cannot do their work in the fields because they can’t see. But, DST does benefit gas companies a lot, profits go up about 10%. Because of the fact that if it is brighter out longer, the more Americans will want to be out driving around, shopping, etc. the more money they will spend. So gas companies profit a lot when clocks are pushed forward an hour. It also saves energy, the country saves about 180 million dollars in energy A downfall of everyone being in their cars longer, is that there is a higher accident rate or possibility rate. Police departments from all around said that during DST there is a 10% increase in traffic accidents. Studies show that 33% of the American population see no problem with the time change. But, 48% disagree and think the entire situation should be repealed and 19% aren’t sure what they think about it. In the states, Hawaii and Arizona are the only ones that do not participate in the event. States like California and Massachusetts are deciding to keep it or not. Alaska on the other hand is getting rid of it completely. In an article, it was mentioned that this year will be Alaska’s last year participating in this practice.
    Although, Daylight Savings helps the economy a lot, 48% of this country’s population doesn’t agree with it. It’s dangerous to drive in the winter, but on top of that when people are off work they drive home in the dark. It messes with everyone's sleep schedule and they don’t get the right amount of sleep they are supposed to.
