
Monday, December 18, 2017

Inquiring Minds @ The Second Period Times Investigate

After you've revised and shared your article with me (on the grading sheet), post your article here at the Second Period Times.  Read the articles written by your classmates and comment on them.


  1. IS social media good or bad for society?
    You see a kid walk by typing on their phone, they just posted a picture, yup they use social medias.
    Social media has improved communication all over the world. The whole world is well connected to every other part of it now. People can now connect with everyone around the world.
    Social networking have given introverts their break. Everyone can now speak their mind without worrying about rude things by friends and enemies. Of course you can check on your crush’s information by just clicking the right buttons on social media. Also, sharing stuff on social media can help some people gain some needed help.
    Homeworks, assignments and research material can be easily shared between students with the help of social medias. Social media has made far classes very easy to show up to.
    Social networks have helped boost business. Where advertising on television and radio had cost thousands of bucks, advertising online can be virtually free of cost. People can just post on the Facebook and reach a hundred, sometimes a million people at the same time. For social media article writers, Bloggers and idea creators have the freedom to express their thoughts to everyone around the world much more easier. It helps people develop better way of looking and reviews about current issues. Ideas can be shared freely now.
    Social media has definitely made stronger connections, but it has also un provided us of the sense to judge which connection is worth encouraging. We are now trying to communicate to people who are continents apart and, in the process, are overlooking the people who are right next to us. Relationships are breaking and trust is disappearing.
    Cyber bullying is a major threat to young adults. Its caused by social media and can leave a sad scar on the brain of the person who has been cyberbullied.
    Social media can also be the cause for distraction of students and employees losing the physical activity they need. A notification on snapchat or a like on instagram is urgent for young adults. A few minutes of Instagram night before an important exam can be disappointing! It leads to a terrible kind of addiction that slowly eats up the person using it. Eye sight loss, migraines and increased anxiety issues are just the beginning. I’d quote Shannon L. Alder here, “An open Facebook page is simply a psychiatric dry erase board that screams, “Look at me. I am insecure. I need your reaction to what I am doing, but you’re not cool enough to be my friend. Therefore, I will just pray you see this because the approval of God is not all I need.”
    With social media comes an increased sense of courage and that is followed by us building up our lives. A simple rumor can ruin our reputation. Personal data can be accessed by hacking. A number of frauds and scams have taken place due to social media.
    Social media has also been a cause of death. Overuse is one thing, but copying stunts shared by other users takes stupidity to a whole new level- a level where someone can lose their life. It also glamorizes drugs and alcohol. Adolescents are trapped into these circles and ruin their lives.
    But it's really up to how you decide to use social media. But if it doesn’t work out it time to put the phone down and go for a walk.

  2. Pet Vaccination

    In Dallas, Texas about 2 summers ago, there was a big issue. This issuing being that an unvaccinated dog was loose in a neighbor. They didn’t know that the dog was rabid. A woman confronted the dog only to help but instead was bitten. It was a shallow bite, so she thought nothing of it. In a couple of days, the same dog that bit her was caught. She saw that the dog as caught and that it had come back positive for rabies after mandatory testing. She went to the doctor immediately to get help. She would have to go through rabies treatment. This treatment was not cheap though. In the end, it ended up costing her $1,000’s.

    First, vaccines can help animals live a healthy, long life. It has been proven that animals that are vaccinated live longer because the vaccines help them stay healthy. When the pet is vaccinated, they are injected with a small amount of the active virus. This makes the immune system fight the small amount of virus off. Thus also making the immune system able to recognize the virus as bad and to fight it off he next time it comes into the pets immune system. Then, it can fight the virus off quickly. All in all, the vaccines have a possibility of helping pets out in the long run.

    Vaccines can usually reduce the spread of diseases and infections. The core vaccines usually prevent the life-threatening diseases. This can reduce the fatal death of pets from diseases. Rabies is a mandatory vaccine in most states, but not all. This is one of the life threatening diseases. In the end, they can help reduce the spread of diseases.

    Veterinarians usually recommend for pets to be vaccinated yearly. They can even set up schedules and plan the appointments in extreme advance. They are also required to encourage non-core vaccines to prevent more diseases. These are just a few ways to help a pet.

    Some vaccines can help and prevent diseases, deaths, and short lives. They can supply help most of the time.

    1. Good points on how vaccines are good for a pet.

  3. Climate Change

    Soon enough erosion from the enormous Pacific Ocean and flooding will occur on the low coastline of San Diego. If the rising sea levels continue many people must evacuate their homes from dangerous floodings. You might wonder if others have had experiences like this- their homes in great danger from flooding and erosion from rising sea levels. Yes, in fact people who live near sea level are cautious of problems with rising sea levels all around the world. It may be surprising to find that this all has to do with a problem worldwide; climate change.
    The rising sea levels are what scientists assume is from the melting glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica. It turns out there is heating in our atmosphere causing the glaciers to melt. Question to ask is, if us human beings have something to do with the heating in our atmosphere? Scientists are convinced that the human production of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is guilty for the change in climate. The CO2 we produce is supposed to trap the sun’s heat in our atmosphere. With all of our factories, cars, and powerplants all are high contributors to CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions. The U.S. Government released a study showing that the average temperature worldwide has increased by one degree celsius over the past 115 years. Even though this isn’t a lot, scientists predict it will be twice as fast for another degree to occur. The United Nations are trying to to reduce CO2 emissions. The U.S. carbon emissions are predicted to decrease by 0.4 percent from the year before. They are setting goals to reduce the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Poor countries on the other hand have to face high costs linked to environmental and pollution controls, when they contribute very little to CO2 emissions. The biggest and most populated countries are the ones producing the most CO2 that not only affects them, but smaller countries also. Us humans all around the world contribute to CO2 emissions like when you drive our car, truck, or use a fireplace.
    Suzanne Shelton, president and CEO of Shelton Group, the nation’s leading marketing communications agency for our environment stated. “We all want the same thing, a cleaner planet- and we agree that we must do our part to make that happen.” What she means is we all need to take steps to reduce climate change to save our Earth. Another point is on a national survey of 2,000 Americans, 65 percent agreed that climate change is occurring, and it is primarily caused by human activity.
    That testimony reinforces the idea that even though we want a cleaner planet we don’t realize how our CO2 emissions affect it in the first place. We get carried away in our everyday lives it’s hard to think about our environment. We can all come together and take steps to help our planet Earth. Something we can all do to help is shorten our CO2 footprint and recycle. Problems like hurricanes, floods, and rising sea levels could possibly be prevented if we all do our part to not only save others, but our planet that is essential to human life.


  4. It all started when this little boy got epilepsy, and he kept getting seizures non-stop. The parents already knew that medical marijuana is the only thing that could help him from stop getting seizures as much.

    This story suggest that medical marijuana is helpful to many people such as people with cancer and epilepsy. Medical marijuana comes in many different forms, like you could smoke it, or you could bake it into something. Also, there are many different types of medical marijuana some get you more high to tolerate more pain, and some types have it so that you don’t even get high. Medical marijuana has shown from scientific studies that it cuts down major drug abuse. This happens, because you are already taking one drug so it satisfies you. Medical marijuana has many therapeutic uses, which means that it can be used to help a lot of different types of diseases. Studies have also shown that when medical marijuana is mixed with other medicine it can cut down drug abuse. Medical Marijuana has been tracked for medical use since 2737 B.C. An expert interview from Dr. Rachna Patel says that, “Looking at the counties that prescribe it there is a lot of potential for medical use. In a article by Christopher Ingram says that, “ More than 60% of the population supports medical marijuana legalization.”

    “Medical marijuana is very helpful for patients of mine that have disease that cause very large amounts of pain,” says Tara Halle. It's very helpful to those that have disease that inflict large amounts of pain, because it eases the pain by a large amount. “ Most surveys of mine about the use of medical marijuana has the average of 75% saying yes while the rest saying no,” says Tara Halle in her article about the use of medical marijuana for kids. As you can see she held many surveys about this topic, and most of the people said it's fine to use medical marijuana for kids.

    Now, take notice of people that have cancer, epilepsy, and many other diseases. Try to reduce the amount of use of random medication, and use medical marijuana.

  5. Animal Testing

    A dog was found wounded with a tattoo on its ear meaning she was sick and abandoned due to worms.When researchers found her they took her to a Professional Laboratory and Research Services. Where she was kicked, thrown, and dragged because of testing purposes. Despite all the dragging, throwing, and kicking she was found by a family who now takes good care of her.

    First , animal testing not only has negatives reasons like most people say, it also has positive reasons. According to studies animal testing helps find treatments and drugs to save people’s lives because they try the drug out on the animal first and if it works on the animal they will eventually try it on humans. Not only does it save people’s lives it also provides an opportunity to examine a complete life cycle because the average person only lives to the age of 70. Scientist would like to change that number so people can experience life longer than 70 years. Lastly, testing of animals helps ensure human health buy letting people have a chance to live longer.

    Secondly, animal testing has negative facts and one negative is how much it costs to test animals. The overall price of testing is $136 million a year. Americans have said the money that goes towards the testing of animals should go to something more useful. You also may be surprised to know that millions of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed each year due to testing. Do you want your animal to be taken to a lab and tested?

    Lastly, studies have shown that 93% of research is conducted on animals. Mahatma Gandhi “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” This quote shows a lot about animal testing and what some people think of it.

    All in all, animal testing helps humans live longer because of the drugs and treatments that help people live.


  6. A middle school student was sent home because he didn’t have a jacket with the school’s symbol on it. It’s in the middle of a heatwave, and they expect them to wear a jacket. It’s not unusual for a student to be sent home, or not allowed in for what they wear. School uniforms have been becoming a lot more common lately, and there’s no doubt about it.

    A 2005 study done at an Ohio high school says that school uniforms have improved their graduation and attendance rates. Others claim that their students started paying better attention once their school started with uniforms.

    School uniforms are something that every student has an opinion on. Some think that they would be terrible, and not let them showcase their personality. While others think that it would be a great addition to their school causing there to be less bullying.

    According to the US Department of Education, school uniforms can decrease the risk of violence and theft. During his presidency in 1996, Bill Clinton even had a few things to say about school uniforms. “If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.”

    If your school decides school uniforms are the right decision, just know that they aren’t hard to find.

  7. Should Sanctuary Cities Receive Federal Funding?

    Bahareh is a boy that lives in Chicago, Illinois, which is a sanctuary city. He was born in Iran, and when ehe turned 10 he and his family escaped from the multisystemic injustices nd immigrated to the U.S. in hopes of extended opportunities and freedom. Growing up in the U.S. helped him gain an appreciation for the gift of life. 30 years later most of his family members back in Iran have passed he never saw them again.
    A sanctuary city is a city that limits its cooperation with the national government to enforce immigration law. On January 25, 2017, President Donald J. Trump issued executive order enhancing public safety in the interior of the United States. The order denies federal funding to sanctuary cities who choose not to follow with federal laws regarding deportation of illegal entrants. There are currently 11 million illegal entrants residing within the United States. Nearly 300 states, counties, or cities have some form of sanctuary policy. More than 100 sanctuary cities across America received a total of $27 billion in Federal fund in 1 year. Leaders of sanctuary cities want to reduce the fear of deportation and possible family break-up among people who are in the country illegally so that such people will be more willing to report crimes.
    Adam Andrzejewski, an author of the study, said in an interview that “Our study found that the entire universe of money at stake is $27 billion. The courts will rule what types of funding can constitutionally be withheld.” That should mean that the courts should figure this out quickly before it becomes a big problem. Jeff Sessions, the attorney general of the United States said “when cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe.” The mayor of New York, Bill De Blasio said back that “We are not going to sacrifice a half-million people who live amongst us, we are not going to tear families apart.” Again people should work this out quick, we don’t want to tear this country up, again.

  8. Senator John McCain is a man who got brain cancer, some think it was from his cell phone’s radiation and others believe it was from other reasons. Is cell phone radiation a concern or did Mr. McCain get cancer from something else?
    According to Nicholas Bakalar, there are two new major ways to get cancer, diabetes and obesity. It is possible that Mr. McCain got cancer from diabetes and not cell phone radiation. If cell phone radiation was a concern don’t you think that we would have heard about it? Journalist Sara Chodosh says, “ Cell phones don’t cause cancer end of story.”. She also stated in one of her articles that brain cancer rates are decreasing but, cell phone usage is increasing. If cell phone radiation did cause cancer then the data should match.You may be surprised that Doctor John Boice Jr stated in his article that “ We found no evidence of a risk of brain tumors or any other type of cancer from cell phone radiation.”
    No one has proven that cell phone radiation causes cancer, Remember what Sara Chodosh said “ cell phones don’t cause cancer.” 95% of people aren’t worried. The NIH has said cell phones don’t give you cancer.
    All in all, cell phone radiation doesn’t give you cancer. You can talk on the phone all day, in a place with a bad connection and you won’t get cancer.

  9. Born Gay or by Choice
    “A pair of twins and both of them are gay. Many people wonder are you born gay or is it a choice?” Researchers are looking for a gay gene to prove if people are gay or if it really is just a choice.
    If you have fraternal twins there is a 20% chance that if one is gay so will the other. If they are identical twins there is a 50% chance both twins will be gay if one is. I got this information from “ The Real Story on Gay Gene,” by Michael Abrams.
    Also there are men who dress and act like girls. They do this when their little,teenagers,and when their adults.
    U.S. researchers from North Shore University have found two distinct areas of genes while doing a study. They scanned the DNA of 1,100 gay men and 1,200 straight men.
    A professor at the University of Padua is on a new study. He interviewed 98 gay men and 100 straight men. He found that the mothers of gay men had an average of 2.7 children. While the mothers of straight men average 2.3
    Some people end up getting surgery at birth. Up to 5% of adults identify as gay. Researchers now fear that parent could one day use gene testing to discover the sexuality of their unborn child. A canadian study found that more older brothers a man has,the greater chance he will be gay.

  10. Picture this Libby is a dog that loves to go to the dog park and play with her friends there. After libby goes to play at the dog park she goes home to cool down and take a nap. When libby wakes up she will have a lot of energy and will want to go on a walk to end her amazing day before she goes to sleep.

    There is medicine for humans that people feel need to be tested on animals first. Some of the medicine causes the animals pain and discomfort for the rest of their lives. At some of the animal testing labs the people who work there throw the animal into their cages and if they try to run out the door would get slammed on them. When the people at the animal testing labs are giving the animals water they just spray the water at the animals. In an article posted on Facebook 26 million animals are used every year in the US for scientific and commercial testing. This is used to help see if your medicine is safe for you or not. According to a survey “Use of Animals in scientific research” the general public is closely divided on the use of animal testing. 47% of people are in favor of animal testing, 50% are against it.

    You may be surprised to find that each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, and curiosity. If you are wondering if your products are tested on animals you can read labels, research on the internet or ask store owners. If you are opposed to animal testing you can help decrease animal testing by not buying your medicine from where they test on animals. Dr. Christopher Austin, former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Chemical Genomics Center“Traditional animal states that testing is expensive, time-consuming, uses a lot of animals and from a scientific perspective the results do not necessarily translate to humans.”

    As you can see animal testing is using animals to see if human medicine or human products work on animals. Do we need these products if they need to be tested on animals? Do you feel it is right to test on animals as innocent as your pet, like libby?

  11. Jack Phillips couldn’t bake a cake for a gay couple based on his religion.

    From 2005 marriage people from the same sex has been going up.
    A taxi driver kicked a gay couple out of his taxi because one of them kissed the other one on the head. The taxi driver said they couldn’t do that in the taxi and kicked them out. 8 years late he was fined with 500 dollars. PHS taxi drivers are educated with fair practice. Which prohibits discrimination on there bias of race, realigion, sexually oretation. “ I just remember thinking, Gee, What a nice welcome home to philadelphia” one of the gay couple said. In Indonesian gay marriage is illegal. Laws makers are making homosexality a crime in an amendment criminal code, that might be considered by parliament next year. Australian held a vote on gay marriage. So now you can marry someone from the same sex.

    In the article “I’ve had enough of politicians comparing gay men to pedophiles”, By Oklahoma Regents Kirk Humphrey says “I am sick and tired of being compared to drug dealers, murders, thieves, and other illegal activities, when people don’t understand the real meaning of gay men. Humphrey feels people shouldn't be comparing gay couples to other bad things in life when people don't know really understand on how gay people feel when when they get made fun of for being gay.

    People should stop making fun of people for being gay, because if we stop our world will be a nice living space of all sorts of people.

  12. Somewhere around the world there a dog or cat testing medicine for cancer so thousands of people won't have to suffer from cancer.
    For thousands of years animal testing has been used to make discoveries and test different chemicals and medicine for a scientific gain. Early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle, performed experiments on living animals. According to Bright, some of the advances in medicine that could not have been made without the use of animals in some way include; studies of animals in the 1600s to observe and describe the circulatory and respiratory systems, in the early 19th century sheep were used to prove infections were spread by germs (something that at the time they could not see with microscopes) and were not spontaneous, in the late 19th century scientists used a mixture of toxin and antitoxin vaccine to protect guinea pigs from diphtheria - years later this lead to a diptheria vaccine for humans, in the early 1920s dogs helped lead to the discovery of insulin-prior to this recurch diabetes was a death sentence,in the 40s and 50s rechurchers used antibiotics on guinea pigs to cure tuberculosis-this was used later on humans to halt and even reverse the spread of the disease, years of recurch using using monkeys, rats, and mice led directly to the polio vaccine, in the 1950s recurch using a cow created a vaccine to smallpox wiping almost wiping it out.
    According to the Animal Legal Defence Fund, the use of animals in laboratories often amounts to legally sanctioned animal abuse. An estimated 100 million animals are exploited for various research activities - 95% of these animals are not protected by the law. That's because the federal law excludes a lot of the animals such as rats, mice, birds, fish and reptiles and provides only minimum protection for the rest. this organization wants to make the laws better to protect all animals and find alternatives to animal testing.
    You might wonder if there are alternatives to animal testing. According to the article Facts About Animal Research, scientists start at the smallest level possible and work their way up to animals using them as a ;’last resort after they use almost every other test they can do on a celular scale.
    Is it morally and ethically right to do testing on animals.

  13. Hunger in Africa

    Imagine this, everything in your life is going well. You just got married. Your about to have twins, and the next thing you know you are on the run for your life. A mom named Nyakenna ia 25 years old just got married and is about to have twins and she is on the run for her life. Nyakenna awoke to a gun fire at 2:00 a.m. She went outside to see what was going on. Her village was in flames. War has just broke out in her village near Juba. Nyakenna ran for two hours straight alone,in the dark, with only the clothes on her back and the children she is carrying. Nyakenna arrived at a camp the next morning. The people at the camp welcomed her like family and took very good care of her. Two weeks later she had the twins. They were born very unhealthy. They were very underweight. As weeks went on Nyakenna noticed that the children were begging to get thinner and thinner. She seeked care immediately. The children were both okay at first, but then a week later one of the twins passed away. This story shows that hunger in Africa is an major issue.

    Hunger is one of the world most common problems. It kills more people in a year than tuberculosis and malaria combined. 60% of people go to bed hungry and out of that 60% barley any of them ever eat. To add to that only 37% of them drink clean water as for the others the drink dirty, harmful water. Did you know that a quarter of world hunger population is located in one part of Africa. This part is called the sub-saharan. This part is mostly made up of proverties. From the year 2015-2017 studies have shown that 47% of children make it through infancy. Children are not receiving enough nutrition to grow. On average a person receives 75 calories a day at most. This is not nearly enough to live an active healthy lifestyle. Twelve people die every minute cause of starvation.

    People are taking action. There are many things we can do to help. You can donate money or supply that we be taken and will help people. Also there is many organizations such as Helping hands, hope for hungry, The green revolution, and many more. All we have to do is take some time out of our day and donate some money to help children and adults in need. The profits made go toward nutritional fattening foods that help them gain weight to maintain an healthy lifestyle. We can also do hands on activities such as volunteering to help and go to places in need and give them food and clean water. There is many things we can do to help, we just need to take some time out of our own lives to help and save others.

    In conclusion, hunger in africa is an major issue that needs to be supported immediately. We need to realize that we are very privileged to have what we have. Its very sad that people like you and me are dying because of conflict, government and agriculture. No one should go hungry.
