
Monday, November 20, 2023

Investigative Journalism - Issue at BMS


Important Local Issues

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  1. Bullying is charactrized by repeated actions or behavors that include making threats, spreading rumers, or even fighting and physical contact. Some ways we can stop this horde of horror are… So at the middle school we think we are this golden star with perfect school with nothing wrong but in reality we are hurt on the inside. There are some good ways to prevent this and make the bully have a happy life and not feel misrable on the inside of their darkness feelings.

    How you can do that is introduce some of the fun things that they did or want when they were in middle shool or still are. Some fun and enjoyable things could be, such as hobbies, friends, or board games, or even video games. The victim could talk to the bully of why they are doing this?

    The whole reason why bullies hurt people and make them feel like nothing inside like a black hole sucking your entire insides out is because they have been bullied before and they thought if they bullied they would finally have friends and feel accepted like they are controlling the black hole. When they were in middle school they thought that they were nothing and wanted to feel popular so thats why the bully wants to make a person feel bad about themselves. They might also do it to become and feel like a leader in the classroom like a leader of a pack. Did you know from out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. Allso from the website A higher percentage of male than female students report being physically bullied 6% vs 4%. 41% of students have reported being bullied and it happening over again.

    Bullies when they bully at the moment they feel some feelings like almost bad for them but when they keep doing it they feel strong and think its funny and want to keep doing it over and over again. Later do they know that it will make a big impact on them.

    Teachers can help this by helping the victim and the bully himself because once they get in trouble one time it starts to think that this is bad and change of heart. You can also talk to the bully himself or to a teacher to maybe help the both of you and maybe the bully will express his or her feelings more and better.

    The conclusion of this story is that bullying is not cool or fun. It makes the bully on the inside happy but in the older life it does not work so well. For example at the age of 20 or 30 you start to relize that you feel bad for the pain you put the victim in. When you do not feel approved all you can do is just be yourself. Because as you grow older you will soon be cooler. Also it just makes the persons life that much worse if you bully people. It can stick with that person multiple years and make their life just a living nightmare for them. So please if you can just do not bully people. It does not make you cool. It only makes things worse for you.

    1. i think you did good on the conclusion

    2. you did a good job with active voice and not sounding like a teenager on a ramp

    3. Nice job talking about how to fix the problem!!

    4. I like all of the statistics you included

  2. All over the world kids vape. Vaping affects you in many ways that you may not know. It not only can make your mental health bad, but causes things in your brain to grow wrong. With all that it also affects you physical health also.
    Mental health
    Nicotine is in vapes. Nicotine has many effects on your body. It can cause your anxiety and depression to get worse.

    It also affects your memory,concentration, self control and more. It can increase your odds of getting diagnosed with depression. It may cause you to get diagnosed for depression because of the nicotine in them.

    According to Truth initiative, ¨you are three times more likely to get diagnosed for depression.¨ When vaping your anxiety can be increased because of stress that can be caused by vapes.

    Cognitive health
    Vapes affect your cognitive health. It does that by affecting your brain. Vapes affect your brian by changing areas in your brian that control functions of your body. found that your mood, attention, your learning, and impulse control get affected by vaping Many vaping products include lead can cause you to have brain damage.

    The nicotine in vapes can cause you to have an addiction and mood disorder. This is because of the nicotine The University of Birmingham found when you inhale the vapor it affects your ¨frontline immune cells from working.¨

    The nicotine can also affect how your synapses are formed. This affects your body by affecting your synapses because it affects your information transformer.

    Physical health
    The chemical that gets put in vape products affects you in horrible ways. found that they put acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde, in vapes, all of those chemicals can cause you to have lung disease as well as cardiovascular disease. It can also cause you to have lung cancer. found Vaping also affects your skin. It affects your skin by making your skin wrinkly and very dry.

    Not only does it have chemicals that can cause you to have lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and lung cancer but also a heart attack, stroke, angina.. found that ¨E-cigarettes use acrolein, a herbicide primarily used to kill weeds. It can cause lung injury and COPD and may cause asthma lung cancer.¨

    In conclusion vaping is like drinking from a seth's pool. Although lots of people vape most of them don't know what it really does to their body. Vaping harms your body in so many different ways. It causes things to happen to your body that can't be undone. Like making things form wrong. It also has chemicals in it that could end your life.

    1. I think you did a good job with the introduction and with the different sources that you listed for the information.

  3. introduction
    In the last decade vaping has increased amongst teenagers causing an increase in health concerns, both mentally and physically. The fact that vapes come in fruity flavors and are easily charged with their USB ports, makes it hard to resist especially once you’ve tried it. Kids are also made to believe that vaping is more child friendly and less harmful.

    Studies show that kids are more likely to start vaping because they think it could relieve stress, because they are peer pressured or think it looks cool or it can make them popular. Instead vaping can be fatal for many, vaping is a cause for coughing and wheezing along with an increase of asthma exacerbations. The vapes contain an assortment of different chemicals and when you are to vape the vape will emit a lot of toxic substances. Vaping can also lead to be fatal or getting heart disease.

    Studies show that vaping can lead to a lot of different mental health problems like addiction. Vaping can also lead to worsening symptoms of depression and anxiety. People who vape have a 1.67% chance compared to a 1.52% chance of people who don't vape have poor mental health. The material in vapes are usually nicotine which is addictive and can harm the brain.

    Using this information that i have provided i hope if you vape you stop and if you haven't then try not to even if peer pressured or forced.

    1. Good by dividing into broader catigories

    2. good job on geting to the pont and stating what you need to staet

  4. Introduction states that around 3.3%, or 380,000 teens in America use e-cigarettes. Vaping in teens has increased in popularity, with teen e-cigarette consumption skyrocketing by 1,800% in the last year. Vaping and e-cigarette use has been growing exponentially across the last couple months. This means it must be perfectly fine for your health, right?
    Mental Effects
    Studies, such as the Truth Initiative, a non-profit organization to stop tobacco use and addiction, have found that vaping has lots of effects on your mental health. “peer-reviewed studies reveal troubling links between vaping, nicotine, and worsening symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as higher odds of having a depression diagnosis.” Mental health plays a big role on teens in school. Many kids have to juggle school and sometimes have trouble at home. Vaping can add another pile on their plate.
    Physical Effects
    Another effect of vaping is it’s effects on your body. Many people think that vaping is a healthy-alternative to smoking cigarettes. Vaping is somewhat like jumping off a cliff because you were chased by a boulder. Neither option is great, but you will eventually reach the same outcome. Health-related problems can appear from both vaping and cigarettes.

    A Truth Initiative article wrote, “A recent and robust research literature review of e-cigarette health effects found that use of these products has been associated with increased odds of chronic cough, phlegm and bronchitis, as well as asthma diagnoses.” This shows that vaping can cause some very harmful effects on your body.
    Cognitive Effects
    Vaping can also have some cognitive effects. One teacher said, "A kid showing signs of (nicotine) addiction has mood swings (that they may or may not have had before), sudden drop in grades or loss or change of friend groups," This can have a big affect on lots of kids.. For example, vaping done in bathrooms or hallways can lead to this problem being boosted, especially for middle schoolers.
    Ultimately, lots of people have started vaping. Some think vaping is harmless. Some think it is a completely safe alternative to smoking. There are some positives to vaping, such as lowering stress levels.

    Although there may be some benefits of vaping, the given quotes and facts written in this article show some of the other side effects of vaping, and these symptoms can be even stronger, more powerful, and longer lasting for teenagers and young adults.

    1. Good with the research

    2. you did good on your punctuation

    3. i think you did good on using text evidence

    4. You did a good job with your quotes and I can see that you did a good amount of research for this article.

  5. At school, a major problem people deal with is vaping. It's been affecting teachers, students and especially each kid who chooses to do it. The question is, what consequences are there to these individuals and how can we put an end to it? When kids vape in school, it causes mental as well as cognitive effects to their brain, meaning their stress level from vaping and how it messes with the students ability to think along with concentrating.
    After interviewing a couple students who know and/or do vape at Wayne E. Bartels middle school, they all have come up with the same closure—students who vape do in fact stress on getting work done in school.
    Thanks to, we’ve found a couple ways to try to get kids to stop vaping not only in school, but in general. The step by step idea is to first educate yourself on the issue, recognize the differences between younger and older kids who vape, understand the consequences of youth vaping, talk to students or a teacher about it, get help from parents, and lastly to set punishments to repeat offenders.
    Learning about tobacco products is the first step in getting to know the situation. By educating yourself about the dangers of vaping, you can better understand the issue and find solutions. Try gathering as much information as possible so it can be easier making choices.
    Middle schoolers and high schoolers face different challenges when it comes to vaping. Middle schoolers may not be as mature and might think that engaging in bad habits like vaping will fix the problem. High schoolers are more mature but their brains are still liable to get addicted to nicotine and other tobacco products. It’s important to understand these differences so we can be by each student with empathy and support.
    Youth vaping can lead to serious consequences. According to the CDC, 1-4 high schoolers and 1-14 middle schoolers are currently using tobacco products or e-cigarettes. Vaping can become a gateway to drug abuse and have negative effects on kids mental and cognitive well-being. By spreading awareness about these facts, it may encourage others to make healthier choices.
    Once you have a good understanding of the topic, start having open conversations to classmates or teachers about tobacco products and the harmful effects of vaping. By sharing the information taken in, we can not only influence students to hold back from vaping but also help them understand why it's a bad habit.
    Good sources that support the fight against tobacco products are our parents. They are adults who can easily understand the situation and help us persuade kids to make better choices. They are also the guardians of each kid who makes bad choices which gives them power to stop them from vaping.
    After everyone's efforts, some students choose not to listen and continue vaping. If a student is caught vaping after a couple talks with adults, a punishment might be necessary. For those who don’t refrain from vaping, establishing disciplines will help in order for the individual to listen.
    In conclusion, everyone has the power to help stop kids from vaping. In 2023, schools in the U.S. reported 67% of highschoolers, and 51% of middle schoolers vaping. By influencing these students to stop smoking will lower their struggles on mental and cognitive effects. In addition to that, we will be also creating a safer and healthier environment for everyone!

    1. Good job with explaining the details

    2. I think you did a good job with the introduction and all the facts that back up your article.

    3. I like all of the details that you included.


  6. Vaping affects mental health and can cause lung diseases. Vaping is also bad for your lungs because you are breathing in different kinds of chemicals that it’s made out of.
    People like vaping because it calms you down and doesn't make you as mad. They also like it because of the flavors because they have all these different flavors. People are just wasting there money on vapes because they like that there depression goes away and they like the flavors

    Mental Health
    They don't know how much it’s killing their lungs and they know it’s bad for them but they still do it anyway witch is not good for them.
    Vaping can cause you to have asthma attacks which can cause death to your life. They can cause your lungs to scar witch it makes holes in your lungs
    People use vapes for their anxiety, because when they get stressed their vape is the only thing that will calm them down.

    Physical effects.
    When you start vaping its start to increase your blood pressure where your blood will start to flow around your body fast and it Increases your heart rate

    Behavioral health risk
    Vaping is an addiction to people when they hit it once. When you vape, Nicotine goes through your system which causes you to want to do it more. Vaping gives you depression because you have a different mood every hour so they would just vape every second to get the depression away.

    Vapes contain Nicotine which is a chemical that is bad for you and your mental health. It increases the concentrations of nicotine in the environment of all of the backgrounds of nicotine. Nicotine is a very addicting chemical that people like but what they don't know is it is very harmful for your brain and lungs.

    1. i think you did good on the behavioral health risk paragraph

    2. This is very well organized into categories

  7. you did a really good job with passive and active voice

  8. Vaping affects people's health all over the world in ways you might not even know. It’s very harmful for you mentally and physically. It has harmful chemicals and toxic substances that can lead to lifelong problems. Many people who study vaping have even found that vaping leads to so many diseases that can even be life threatening.
    Your physical health is one of the main things that can be affected by vaping all of the chemicals such as nicotine, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. Can give you diseases that can lead to harming your brain. Your brain is not fully developed until around the age 25 which means that all of these chemicals can damage certain parts of your brain such as synapses that connect brain cells that can mess up areas of your brain that function your mood, attention, learning, and impulse control. Vapes also produce lead which can cause brain damage. Your lungs are highly affected by vaping as well. One reason is the flavoring chemicals such as diacetyl which can cause bronchitis.
    Mental health is also greatly affected by vaping. You have a much higher rate of getting anxiety and depression from vaping especially if you start vaping at a younger age since your brain is not done developing. That can also result in mood swings and your attention which can make it hard for kids to focus in school. Vapes are also highly addictive which can mean if you ever lose your vape or don't have it you can get stressed out and get irrational anger because vaping lowers stress levels which is one of the most common reasons people start vaping in the first place.
    Cognitive health is also heavily affected by vaping. People who vape that have cognitive health problems have been increasing a lot according to the national library of medicine. Both kids and adults have been reported to have trouble remembering and making decisions than other people they are around who don't use a vape. Some teachers who have been interviewed have said there there students who vape have mood swings more often than others.
    Unfortunately vaping is something many kids and adults struggle with and get addicted to. Just know that vaping has messed up many peoples lives that started at a young age that are still addicted to this day. Those same people are the ones who suffer from physical and mental disorders.

  9. Vaping is like drinking ocean water because of the sea salt burning your lungs like vaping. Vaping can damage your mental health, your lungs and there is uncured conditions for vaping.

    The damage of vaping to your lungs
    When people vape it can damage their lungs very bad. The effect of vaping to your lungs involve situations like Swelling lungs, Lung scarring, and Popcorn lungs. What is Popcorn lungs? Popcorn lungs is another word for Bronchiolitis Obliterans. According to states that popcorn lung is a rare condition from damaging your lungs. Also Lung scarring and Swelling lungs are alike but have different damage
    Uncured problems of vaping
    One of the problems that is not curable sometimes is Popcorn lungs. Evidence shows that Popcorn lungs can not be reversal. Other conditions that is not curable is Lung disease.. According to states that lung disease is irreversible neurological injuries that are long term problems.

    Mental Health
    Vaping causes a lot of mental health issues. The mental health issues are depression, anxiety and a percentage of ADHD. Vaping causes this because of the nicotine so high doing brain damage.. According to states that vaping is significantly associated with high ADHD symptoms.

    Physical effects
    Vaping is known for causing damage around your body which is physical. Researchers found evidence about what vaping does to physical. According to states that the physical effect on your body to vaping is the increase of blood pressure and heart rates and the stiffness to arteries. Also it states that increase the development of heart disease.

    In conclusion vaping is bad for your lungs, mental health and physical health. Vaping also has conditions that are incurable. Vaping does a lot of people and children. In addition, we need to not write off as a safe alternative to smoking. It is not safe. quoted by Mikhail Varshavski.

    1. I like that you used an analogy in your introduction.

  10. Part 1
    Vaping, also known as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), involves the use of devices such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, or vaporizers. These battery-operated devices heat a liquid solution, often containing nicotine, flavorings, and other substances, to produce an aerosol that can be inhaled. While vaping was initially marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, it has become increasingly clear that it carries its own set of health risks.

    E-cigarettes and vape pens are the primary devices used for vaping. They come in various shapes and sizes, some resembling traditional cigarettes or pens, while others take the form of USB flash drives or other everyday objects. These devices work by heating a liquid, often referred to as e-juice or vape juice, which usually contains nicotine and flavorings. When heated, the liquid turns into an aerosol that can be inhaled into the lungs.

    One of the key ingredients found in many e-liquids is nicotine. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that can lead to dependence and addiction. When inhaled through vaping, nicotine enters the bloodstream and affects the brain, causing a release of dopamine, which reinforces the pleasurable sensations associated with vaping. This addictive nature of nicotine is a significant concern, particularly for young individuals who may be more susceptible to developing nicotine dependence.

    Apart from nicotine, e-liquids can contain a range of harmful substances. These substances include ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs, flavorants such as diacetyl (linked to serious lung disease), volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals like nickel, tin, and lead. The presence of these substances in e-liquids raises serious concerns about the potential health risks associated with vaping.

    Vaping has been linked to various respiratory issues and lung damage. The inhalation of harmful substances present in e-liquids can irritate and damage the delicate tissues of the lungs, leading to respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Additionally, the long-term effects of vaping on lung health are still not fully understood, but emerging evidence suggests that vaping can increase the risk of developing chronic lung conditions like asthma and bronchiolitis obliterans, also known as "popcorn lung."

  11. Part 2

    The adolescent brain is still in a crucial stage of development, and exposure to nicotine during this period can have detrimental effects. Nicotine can interfere with brain development, affecting cognitive functions such as attention, learning, memory, and impulse control. Studies have also shown that nicotine use during adolescence can increase the risk of developing substance abuse disorders later in life. It is essential to recognize that vaping poses a significant threat to the healthy development of young minds.

    In recent years, a vaping-related lung injury known as EVALI has emerged. EVALI, short for e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury, is a severe lung condition that has affected thousands of individuals. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and in severe cases, respiratory failure. While the exact cause of EVALI is still under investigation, vitamin E acetate, a substance found in some e-liquids, has been identified as a possible culprit. It is crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with EVALI and seek medical attention if experiencing vaping-related respiratory symptoms.
    Vaping not only poses risks to the individuals who engage in it but also to those around them. The aerosol produced during vaping can contain harmful substances that bystanders can inhale. This secondary exposure to vaping can have adverse health effects, particularly for individuals with respiratory conditions or compromised immune systems. It is essential to consider the potential impact on others when choosing to vape in public or around non-consenting individuals.

  12. Part 3
    Another concerning aspect of vaping is the risk of battery explosions. There have been cases of e-cigarette batteries malfunctioning and causing fires or explosions, resulting in severe injuries and burns. It is crucial to handle vaping devices and batteries with caution, ensuring proper charging practices and avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures. Furthermore, purchasing devices from reputable sources and following manufacturer guidelines can help mitigate the risk of battery-related incidents.

    While the long-term health effects of vaping are still being studied, there is evidence to suggest that certain ingredients found in e-liquids can contribute to the development of cancer. Some chemicals present in e-liquids have been identified as carcinogens, meaning they have the potential to cause cancer. Although more research is needed to fully understand the extent of this risk, it is imperative to recognize that vaping is not a risk-free activity and may carry the potential for long-term health consequences.

    Vaping during pregnancy poses significant risks to both the mother and the developing fetus. The chemicals present in e-liquids can cross the placenta and affect fetal development. Nicotine exposure during pregnancy has been linked to complications such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and developmental issues. Pregnant individuals should avoid vaping and seek guidance from healthcare professionals on safer alternatives for smoking cessation if needed.

    If you or someone you know is struggling with vaping addiction, it is crucial to seek support and assistance. Quitting vaping can be challenging due to nicotine addiction and behavioral factors. However, there are resources available to help individuals quit vaping, including counseling, support groups, and nicotine replacement therapies. Encouraging open and non-judgmental communication, providing educational resources, and seeking professional guidance can greatly assist in the journey towards quitting vaping and improving overall health.

    In conclusion, vaping is not the safe alternative it was once believed to be. The presence of nicotine and harmful substances in e-liquids, coupled with the potential risks to lung health, brain development, and overall well-being, make vaping a dangerous practice. It is essential to understand the potential dangers and make informed decisions about our health. By raising awareness, seeking support, and promoting healthier alternatives, we can help individuals break free from the grip of vaping addiction and pave the way for a healthier future.

  13. Vaping

    All over the world teens and adults have got themselves into vaping. It draws a lot of teens in because of the flavorings, and if you use a vape once or twice you may get addicted. Vaping may also lead to health problems

    How can vaping affect your lungs

    Vapes might explode and when they do they will most likely give you really bad burns. Vaping can cause a lot of things to happen to your lungs, One thing that can happen is you can get lung cancer, you may have swelling in your lungs, and you might get popcorn lung which there is no treatment for and you will have trouble breathing. The Nicotine in vapes get absorbed by your lungs

    How can vaping affect your Mental health

    Doctors have also found that Vaping may mess with your mental health. If you start to vape because you feel depressed or sad or anxious it’s mostly not helping it just tricks your mind into thinking you feel better.

    How can vaping affect your brain

    Doctors have also found that Vaping may harm your brain in many different ways. It might give you an addiction to the nicotine in the vape. Vaping may also give you mood swings too. You may also get low impulse control. When vaping you will have a risk of getting a brain tumor. Vaping may also cause cancer

    That's how vaping can affect your physical health, mental health, and your brain. “Once E-cigarettes use hits critical mass, the revolution will become unstoppable.”

  14. Benefits of free school lunch.
    Part 1
    There are many struggles now that parents have to pay for their kids' lunches again now that the Covid-19 pandemic has been lifted. Many parents are back to struggling to pay for their children's lunches. While the pandemic was going on heavily, all students' lunches had been free. While they were free, many parents didn't have to worry about finding a way to have enough money to either buy a school lunch or buy supplies to make lunches.
    There are many benefits of free lunch for students at school. There are many reasons why lunch is needed, especially for students. Without lunch, students will be less likely to be able to focus on their school work. Trying to focus while not eating is a struggle for students and probably teachers and everyone else.
    Students will get more stressed out than normal without eating any lunch. Missing lunch can affect blood pressure levels which can cause major problems with your body. Not eating can also cause major mood swings. These consequences affect their way of concentrating in class as well which also leads to more stress for missing work in class.
    Low income families may struggle with the cost of lunches for their children on a daily basis. Some families struggle with affording the cost of lunches or supplies to make school lunches for their children. If there were free lunches for every student, then their parents would be able to focus on getting their children items or food that they or their children also need.
    “One Green Bay teacher said she notices more kids not eating at lunchtime because the universal free lunch program ended.”
    Free lunches will give parents relief and not have to worry about not having enough money for their kids' lunch. Free lunch would relieve a lot of stress off of both parents and students. Students may also worry while waiting for lunch time in case they don't know if they can get lunch or not.

  15. Part 2
    Not getting lunch to eat while watching other kids eat can affect mental health. If a student doesn't eat they will be hungry throughout the day. It is a struggle trying to docs while being hungry. If they can't focus then they will have a lot of missing work. Missing work makes things stressful when trying to catch up and not fail classes. Having all that stress going on along with stress from maybe other classes, or if something is going on at home or with family will really make an impact on your children's mental health. Mental health is a really important thing to think about even if it isn't your mental health you're thinking about.
    Some schools have options of giving kids free food. Some you can learn about on the schools online website. You may see something about it when you are signing up your child or children for school. You could call your child's school to check if they have a program for free food. Some schools offer a program where your children can get free food and free school supplies. Some schools partner up with a local food drive so students can go to a room after school to either get food for a snack after school, food for dinner, or food for the weekend. There are options where kids from kindergarten through being a senior can get free lunch every weekday during the summer.
    No kid or parent should have to worry if they can eat lunch on day or if they have to go hungry. Free lunches would make sure that no kid has to go through a day of school wishing they could have eaten or worrying before class if they are going to have enough money to eat lunch that day. The parents wouldn't have to worry about having their child starve all throughout the day
    If every student gets free lunch, they wouldn't have to worry about not getting to eat lunch that day. They would be able to focus on their school work a lot better. They wouldn't have a pile of stress from not being able to eat lunch that day or that week.
    Free lunches would make students have better grades because they can focus better when they have lunch every day or even free breakfast from the school. Their parents wouldn't have to worry about their children having missing work or that their children may be failing a class because they were not able to focus because they were so hungry.
    As you can see there are many struggles that parents and their children face while trying to find a way to afford lunches or supplies to make lunches. Many families struggle with affording lunches for their children. It can affect both the parents mental health and their children's mental health. No lunch will affect kids' mental health and their focus for the rest of the day.

  16. How Can Schools Support a Teen’s Mental Health?

    Teens in this generation are having more struggles with mental health than ever seen before. In 2021, about 42%, or more, of teens were persistently down, sad, or depressed because of school. This means 4 in 10 teens were struggling with poor mental health, but the question is, what can the school systems do to help?

    First off, why is a teen’s mental health important? A teen is already dealing with puberty, which can be difficult on one’s mental health, let alone the struggles of schoolwork, friendships, relationships, and other large contributing factors.

    A teen’s mental health status can greatly change their behavior, grades in school, and overall physical health as well. When a teen is struggling with their physical health, mental health, and the factors listed above, it can become overwhelming enough to push them to their breaking point.

    But how can this snap affect their behavior? To start with, poor mental health can change a teen’s behavior in a bad way, this can be seen in poor or faltering grades, misbehavior such as disrupting classes, using poor judgment on one’s words, and other things. Other behaviours may include vaping or smoking, drug abuse, self harm, and even suicidal thoughts/actions.

    An article by the CDC says “Because many health behaviors and habits are established in adolescence that will carry over into adult years, it is very important to help youth develop good mental health.” This direct quote implies that poor mental health can lead to poor behaviors into adulthood, which can lead to other issues in life.

    Thirdly, how can the school systems help their students with their mental health? To start with, it would be best for school systems to train their staff to watch for harmful or different behavior patterns in the students. If the staff can see early signs of dramatically different behaviors, the teens mental health can be salvaged and repaired before it’s too late and they are permanently damaged mentally.

    To sum up everything said so far, there are answers to the questions stated; to start with, why is a teens mental health important? Well, a teen with good mental health is very different from a teen with poor mental health, as the one with poor mental health can and will have very different behavior.

    Secondly, how does poor mental health change a teens behavior? Poor mental health can change the way a brain thinks, and can lead to harmful behaviors believing it will help them. These behaviors can include vaping or smoking, drug abuse, self harm, and more.

    And thirdly, how can a school system help with their students' mental health? If a school system can inform or teach their staff about how a teen acts when they have mental health, then they can catch the early signs and the student can get help before they become destructive. Having trained psychologists in the building to help students get more serious help if necessary, then there can be less and less students with poor mental health.

    1. This is very well written and organized.

  17. Many kids in BMS struggle with mental health. But is there something parents can do at home to help? A lot of mental health problems start with issues at home so it's important to have talks with your kid.

    There are many things Parents can do to help their kids with their mental health problems. According to abc news, validating your kids feelings helps them feel safer with you. When kids feel more comfortable with a parent they will be more likely to open up to you about their emotions.

    Another thing parents can do to help their kids is to not have to talk with your kids about things that they can't handle. These things could be adult problems, marriage problems ect. The National Institute of Mental Health says that talking to kids about adult problems can make them feel responsible for your problems. Kids can't handle many of these issues so it's hard for them to deal with them.
    When is it a good time to intervene with your child's mental health?
    Well some good indicators are if your children are falling behind in school, any danger to themselves or others. Many studies show that when kids have mental health problems they might fall behind in school.
    In conclusion there are a lot of things parents can do to help their kids' mental health so they can do well in school and are happy.

    1. This is very well punctuated

    2. I love your topic it's so true

  18. How vaping is bad for people’s mental health and physical health
    Vaping is something that more people use everyday and that will affect their live because of what vaping does to your physical health and mental health

    How vaping is bad for people’s mental health

    The first reason vaping is be bad for people’s mental health is because according to the American heart association they had found out of 2,500 people more than 75% had signs of anxiety and depression because of vaping, adding on to this the chemicals in vapes cause
    Another reason why vaping is bad for people’s mental health is because the Balance Luxury Rehab found that most people that vape are addicted to vaping because vapes have nicotine which is highly addictive.
    The last reason why vaping is bad for people’s mental health is because vaping can also affect mental health by altering brain function according to the Balance Luxury Rehab because the nicotine found in vapes can interfere with people’s prefrontal cortex which is responsible for decision making.

    How vaping is bad for people’s physical health

    The first reason vaping is bad for people’s physical health is because According to the American lung association vapes produce chemicals such as acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. These chemicals can cause lung disease and heart disease.
    One more reason vaping can be bad for people’s physical health is because According to the American lung association Vaping can hurt your lungs Because vapes have Diacetyl in them and Diacetyl can cause inflammation which can cause permanent scarring.
    The last reason vaping is bad for people’s physical health is because According to the American lung association vapes contain acrolein which is a herbicide primarily used to kill weeds, it can cause asthma.
    One quote I found to support this is “ We thought vaping was better than cigarettes but we just keep finding worse things about vaping.” by John Stevens

    1. I love your topic, it's true that vaping is bad for you

  19. Kids in bartels middle school like it whereing hurds but the teachers don't like it when they what their hoods up in class the teacher make them them take it off immediately. A school in texas believes that banding hodes will help with the future careers of the students7. Some kids think of the sweatshirt as a escape for people if they need it. It can also cover a scar or a bad hair cute that they don't want their friends to see or they don't want to take about the naste skar or bern. If your friends are wearing sweatshirts and you're not you might feel left out and that miet effect thayer mental health it cod make people feel sad depressed and left out and then they can wear a sweatshirt so they don't feel left out.

  20. Pat Broz is a lunch lady at Oakville Elementary school. On March 8th she shared a statement with the NPR organization about how lunch lines were affected by the free lunch cut. Mrs. Broz claims that since covid ended lunch lines have shortened significantly. Another statement she said is “Before there were a lot more kids, Everyone wanted lunch and breakfast.”

    Health Struggles
    What is the outcome of a kid that can't eat? According to the Royal Children's Hospital a poor diet could cause being underweight, poor growth, and being pale. A poor diet can also cause poor sleeping habits, behavior problems, emotional difficulties, along with inability to focus. A lack of a balanced diet can also cause eating disorders such as anorexia, and binge eating.

    Financial Unburdening
    According to CNBC, school lunch prices are rising with inflation. Lunch prices on average are $162 a month, compared to the $122 a month for electricity. According to CNBC 90% of all public schools in America had free lunch regardless of income, in the 2020-2022 school years. Using the study cited above, the cost would not affect anyone particularly hard.

  21. How homework effects kids
    How homework affects myself : I think we all know what homework is but what effects does it have on kids? Well first I'm going to tell you my experiences first before we jump into it. When I get homework I get really worried about what my parents might say or if I'll lose the chance to be in clubs like stars or art clubs and I get a lot of anxiety and I start hyperventilating to the point I can't breathe. And I hate when that happens. Sometimes I work on homework late into the night and I put the work in front of eating and or sleeping and my health pluments to deep icy waters that I try to escape from but sometimes it seems like I can't and I just drown. Sometimes it just helps to take a break, sometimes like taking a nap or talking to some friends about it.

    Some effects it dose’s on other kids : now we're going to take some time and see what happens to other kids that have to deal with homework and the effects on them. Stanford University conducted a test and they had two groups of kids where one had a stable amount of homework, about an hour and the other group had an unstable 3 hours or more amount of homework. After the quarter passed they gave both groups a test to see how they were feeling and about 70% of teens were often stressed over school work and had symptoms which is what i'm going to talk about next. Some symptoms of over working or burnout are sleep deprivation, weight loss, headaches, and so on which I have talked about in my experiences but there can also be mental problems at play like anxiety or depression. People with some of those issues were more likely to drop activities or stop seeing friends and family. And I'm not saying that if you do have those problems doesn't mean that you do those things but that was just the results.

    Some benefits of homework : because we went over disadvantages we have to give homework some benefits. First homework can help improve students' achievements. Homework teaches kids beneficial skills that they can carry on to jobs or college. It can also carry on habits to stay on task. Homework helps reinforce classroom learning. Fun fact: did you know kids only retain 50% of what's teached in their class. Homework can also get parents involved with kids learning it allows them to see what their kids are struggling with and what their strong suit is. This would most likely make a habit for the parents to help the kids with their homework nightly. That all of the info i have on the subject so now i'm done

    - Betty Baertsch

  22. Fun fact:In the U.S.A 77% of schools have removed phones for use.
    People think that phones should be banned from schools except for high school Because they think that high schoolers are more mature but middle schoolers can't.

    They have interviewed 500 hundred kids with phones and without phones and 75% of them said that we should have phones and they interviewed 100 teachers and 25%% of the teachers said that kids should be aloud to go on there phone when they are done with their work.

    Parents think that there kids should be able to use their phones in school because half of there day is at school and because they should not be able during work time but when there not they should be able to. Taking someones phone know day is liking taking their free time away.

  23. Every day, more and more people become addicted to vaping. These people suffer adverse health effects and become dependent on their vapor products. This not only affects them, but also the people around them, as aerosol in vapes can be harmful to inhale. At some schools, locker rooms and bathrooms are being shut down in order to discourage vaping.


    Addiction is the beginning of vaping, and is the start of dependency. A research study conducted by the CDC confirmed that over 99% of vape products contain nicotine, which is addictive, and the user can become dependent over time. Vaping among teens is especially gaining popularity, as there are a lot of kids being peer pressured into vaping in order to fit in. The CDC conducted a different study, surveying high school students about their usage of vapes, and 14.1% of them admitted to using vapes recently, as well as 40% of seniors admitting to trying vaping.

    Vapes have become so popular that sales of them in the US have gone up 50% in the past two years. One thing that may be supporting these sales is that children become lured into vaping by the fruity flavors of vapes, and get hooked after their first one. Another way that people usually become addicted is trying to quit smoking, by using vapes in order to quit. This is not recommended, as vapes are also harmful to your body and mind, and the FDA approved ways of quitting such as Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

    Lung Issues

    Lung health is affected especially by vaping, and some people have developed fatal problems with their lungs. Vapes contain toxic metals such as nickel and lead, and whenever you use a vape, you are inhaling these metals. Other toxic chemicals contained in vapes are diacetyl and aerosol which can cause lung cancer, not only in the vaper, but the people around them as well.

    Vapes can cause a disease called Bronchiolitis Obliterans, which can be harmful to your lungs. Shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing are responses that can occur due to this disease. In the USA, and in February 2020 alone, vape-related diseases hospitalized over 2,800 people, and out of all those people 68 died because of their conditions.

    Mental and Cognitive Health

    Vaping products contain nicotine, and with more children vaping recently, concern has been rising. Nicotine is harmful to the developing brain, and if a child has not fully matured, their learning capabilities may be damaged.
    Experiments have also shown that vaping may cause increased heart rate which makes it more difficult for blood vessels to relax, and can cause stress and anxiety. People may also use vaping to escape stress or anxiety, but it only provides a temporary release, and is not recommended to replace a therapist.

    Other Concerns

    Other issues caused by vapes can be harmful in different ways. One large issue is that some rechargeable vapes can catch fire or explode when charging, due to defective batteries. This is an especially important issue, because some people charge them while they are sleeping, and an explosion or fire in somebody’s sleep could be fatal.

    Another large issue is that teenagers that vape are more likely to start smoking as well. A lot of people, especially people who use vapes to quit smoking, may end up both smoking and vaping, which causes a large amount of harm to your lungs and other organs.

    In the end, doctors are still unsure about the extent that vaping can have on mental, cognitive, and physical health, which is one of the reasons that it is not recommended by the CDC or FDA.

    1. I like the topic and how its organized

  24. Bullying can create a lot of effects such as depression and anxiety and can even do worse. sometimes students skip school because of how bad the bullying is and the effect it causes. bullying can also create suicide and harm to the person that is getting bullyed. Sometimes bullying could also cause violence not just with words but with harm. Lots or most kids drop out of high school and this can affect a person's life. people don't even see their parents or anyone, even friends and they could be staying in their rooms all day or longer because of it. says out of 5 people are getting bullied at the ages 12-18. it says that 20% kids get bullied every day weather its harm or words and 60% students reported being bullied in person or online and 25% of people are getting bullied for being apart of lgbtq and more people are getting bullied each day because of their religion and color even sexuality even adults still get bullied at work. Bullying can start at any age but it starts when you start preschool and going up and a few reasons why people are getting bullied is because of their weight or looks and style or how they act or there is something going on in the bully's life that makes them act how they act.

  25. Introduction
    It's almost everyday at Bartels middle school that you hear about a kid getting searched and getting caught with a vape on them. Even the Bartels middle school bathrooms got shut down since people were misusing the locker room. This is a middle school, grades 6th-8th, ages 11-14. Does this age of children know what risks they are putting themselves into when they vape?
    How can vapes affect you in the future?
    Although researchers do not know much about vapes yet. they do know one thing for sure, that vaping can affect you in a bad way. The first thing that they have found is that vaping can cause cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is a disease of the heart and blood vessels. This disease can cause strain on the heart, heart failure, heart attacks, and chest pains.
    Another thing that is caused by e-cigarettes is asthma.. Asthma is a respiratory condition that can cause difficulty breathing, chest tightness, coughing very frequently, shortness of breath, and wheezing..
    As everyone knows cancer is the news that nobody in their life ever wants to hear. Depending on what stage of cancer you have the symptoms vary but someone who has lung cancer could have symptoms such as, loss of appetite, trouble swallowing, wheezing, chest pains, and coughing up blood just to name a few. Now all of the conditions can occur without vaping although if you vape it could be more common for you to get it, or the symptoms could be even more severe.
    The unknowns about vaping
    In a recent study researchers found out that there were thousands of chemicals in e-cigarettes that they have no idea what those chemicals can do to your body. Scientists previously discovered two chemicals in vapes, Which are propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. These two chemicals are toxic for your cells.
    “I have a problem with how vaping is being marketed as more healthy than smoking cigarettes. In my opinion we are just not at that point when we can really say that” -Carsten Prasse
    Getting Addicted to nicotine
    Did you know that about ⅔ of JUUL users ages 15-24 did not know that the e-cigarettes from the company JUUL contain nicotine? Does this company have a warning on this item to show that it contains nicotine or are these young adults just that oblivious?
    A CDC study found that 99% of e-cigarettes sold in assessed venues in the United States contained nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and it can have some side effects that are not great for you such as anxiety, depression, increased appetite, and trouble sleeping, but that is not all.
    If someone decides to quit vaping the withdrawal can cause some pretty heavy symptoms as well. Such as becoming more anxious, having a hard time concentrating, irritability, and restlessness. Although, after the initial withdrawal scientists have found that your mental health gets better with less stress, depression, and lower levels of anxiety.
    Vapes were made for people who were already addicted to cigarettes. They were meant to be a healthy alternative for smokers. Now that researchers have started to study they have even started to question if it can be considered a better alternative. Another problem that has started to occur is that people who never smoked before have started vaping and putting these harmful chemicals in their body’s. “We need to not write off vaping as a safe alternative to smoking. It's not safe.” - Mikhail Varshavski

  26. School dress codes are always up for debate between students, parents, and teachers/ administrators. Often dress codes are getting rid of hats or hoods because apparently it's “ disruptive headwear “ although it can be disrespectful during the pledge, any other time in class or in the halls, it most likely isn't.

    Hoods are also often prohibited from schools, they say they are a safety hazard towards other students and teachers, seeing as school shooters usually have some type of thing covering their head/ face.

    Another reason schools say they cant have hoods is because they can generally hide unallowed items, such as firearms, drugs/substances, unallowed candy/food and mobile phones.

    A North Carolina principal suspended a high school student for 10 days because she wore a slightly off shoulder shirt to her school. Often schools target females for no apparent reason. A North Carolina principal suspended a high school student for 10 days because she wore a slightly off shoulder shirt to her school. Schools shouldn't be allowed to suspend students and take away fun activities that are important to the school for so long just because a shirt was slightly off someone's shoulder.

    1. i like your topic and how you go into detail

  27. Mental health in school

    Most problems of mental health in school are mainly problems from stress, anxiety, sleep difficulties, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, disruptive situations at home, and eating disorders.

    Most of the things that cause them at school are Stress factors at school, such as unempathetic and unsupportive teachers, student relationships and a poor classroom or school climate. Something that we could try to do to attempt to fix those things is Expand Social Emotional Learning(SEL). School mental health services and supports are an effective means of addressing the mental health needs of children and improving the learning environment.

    Comprehensive school mental health services help educators prevent and respond to crises while fostering a climate that supports teaching and learning. Highlighting stories of success and recovery helps reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. We can improve student outcomes through social and emotional support by building positive relationships and increasing school engagement to help concentrate on learning.

    Families are critical in their children's education and school staff and must be able to address mental health needs. Partnerships between schools, youth, families, and mental health providers can result in improved academic outcomes.

  28. Snacks in classrooms.
    Do you think that in classrooms you should be able to eat you want to? Teachers can eat whenever they want to, and the school is all about kindness and fairness. If the school is all about fairness then why in a block class kids are only aloud to eat one snack?

    Hunger in Schools.
    Did you know that some kids at schools have a hard time finding food to provide for their family? It’s true, and it's nothing to be ashamed of! In fact a lot of other kids have the same thing going on! If you just ask your school i'm sure they will give you food for home. It’s human nature to help those in need.
    What can you do to help?
    Having a Market at school can help a student at home if they don’t have enough food at home. Kids, it’s alright to be scared when you need to have help from school, don’t worry, the teachers will understand when you need help.

  29. Counselors and Mental Health in school

    Have you ever just wanted to talk to someone but had no one to talk to? Well some students all over the world aren't able to talk to guidance counselors because their schools might not have access to them. This has many different negative and positive effects on students.

    Many young adults aren't able to talk to people about how they feel and the few people they can talk to might not be specialized in that field. Its alot like putting a puzzle of emotions and thoughts together with most of the pieces fitting on a singular piece.

    CAO Central has done research that shows students learn best when they feel safe and valued. They also noticed that when students are able to talk to someone it can have many positive effects. For some young adults they become more social and more willing to take part in class. For others they are able to focus more clearly on their school work. Which boosts their grades.

    Sometimes a student or young adult just needs someone to talk to. One person can make such a great impact if they are just able to listen. They don't even have to give advice. sometimes to a young adult just knowing they have one person that listens to them can have a lot of positive effects on how they view school and life overall.
    Some schools might not have counselors or they don't have enough counselors. Even the schools that do have counselors might struggle to have a good even ratio for each counselor. Thaverage ratio of student to counsler is 250 students per counsler. A Lot of the time when schools don't have enough counselors its because they aren't able to pay counselors. Many schools are suffering from being short staffed and not getting enough funding. Which is affecting how many counselors that they have, but because of being short staffed they aren't always able to fill the spot for counselors.

    When schools aren't able to provide the students with someone who they can talk to it can have many unpleasant effects. Many young adults end up holding all their thoughts and feelings in. sadly when that happens it can negatively affect how well the student might do in school. Sometimes a student who could always have high grades and always be on the honor roll might slip up and fall below their previous level of efficiency.
    Many young adults get backlash at home and at school. This is because of many diffrent effects that can be caused by mental health thats not able to be aided to in school.

    But when students aren't able to talk to people they might feel like their feelings aren't valid. Which can sadly lead to students finding alternate ways to let the emotional pain go, and sadly a lot of the ways they find to let out that built up emotions are negative. These negative ways of letting out can affect the other students around them. Sometimes students might have outbursts or just stop trying. But on the other hand it can also lead to student harming themselves or others.

    Mental health is very important. Sometimes people might not realise that or they do and they don't know how to help. Even if you’re just the students teacher try talking to them if u notice a random change in the way they act. Sometimes they might not have a counselor to talk to or they might not have anyone that listens to them. Mental health has many effects on how efficient young adults might be in school, and sometimes they just need someone to step up and help them. I hope we were able to extend your knowledge on how mental health affects students all over the world. Remember mental health is a lot like putting a puzzle of emotions and thoughts together with peices that might all fit the same piece. One problem can cause many negative effects.


  30. What does the article tell you about?

    This article shows you the facts of bullying like how it affects students’ mental health, academic performance, and teaches you about how many students are bullied in today’s society. This includes the fact that, In Wisconsin state surveys show that around 18% of all high school students have reported being bullied on school property and being affected by it in some way.

    Are there any illnesses that have been caused by bullying?

    In the State of Wisconsin, according to Door County Medical Center students have reported having illnesses such as stomach aches, and headaches that were caused by the stress of bullying which is an effect of bullying. Some parents have even reported that their child has faked an illness to skip school because of bullying and other reasons. When you read this you can probably see that even mental bullying can be like being punched in the heart and the stomach by the strongest kid in the school even if they didn’t touch you.

    Are there even Academic drawbacks to bullying?

    The answer to this is yes, studies by the American Psychological Association written in an article on their website have suggested that there are academic drawbacks to bullying in school. Studies at public schools have shown that test scores and academic performance has gone down due to bullying. Studies have shown that schools with higher bullying rates had lower test scores which shows the answer to this question even more. I personally have seen certain students that were being bullied not focusing on work in class at BMS.

    What are the emotional/mental effects that bullying causes?

    The door County Medical Center has reported from surveys that their social interactions had declined after being bullied, which is an emotional aspect bullying. Most of the students in these surveys said that their self-esteem was lowered after being bullied which can lower their quality of life a lot. Some students have even reported having suicidal thoughts after being bullied on school grounds or by cyberbullying.

    What are some real life examples of emotional/mental effects that bullying causes?

    I personally have also seen examples of this at BMS when I have seen students who have been in a worse mental status after being bullied or picked on. Here is a story from a sixth grader in Wausau, WI who would get bullied on the bus almost every day. “It really pushed me out of my comfort zone, it made me feel like I wanted to not be alive anymore.” Which really shows just how much affect bullying can have on people.

    I hope you learned about the effects of bullying after reading this………

    If you didn’t learn much about this subject then I suggest you read some more articles to learn more about bullying in schools. In addition, here is a quote on the subject of bullying that shows you what some adults think about bullying, “Bullying is not just about physical violence, it's also about psychological violence - the kind of violence that leaves scars on the soul.” - Benjamin Disraeli which he suggests that bullying leaves emotional scars.

    1. I like really like the detail in the categories

  31. How to prevent Vandalism.

    There was a survey which 16,000 schools in the 50 states participated in. Only 48 percent took part in the survey. The survey showed that the most common type of vandalism is glass breakage.The statistics showed the other types of vandalism. Like, painting on property, theft, driving cars on the grass, and writing on property of the schools. People who study human behavior say “Students vandalize because of maliciousness, boredom, frustrations, ideological concerns, vindictiveness, or acquisitiveness or revenge.”
    Ways schools can prevent vandalism
    But schools found some ideas of how to prevent vandalism. Since vandalism is like just getting a paycheck then burning it. The schools may not have money for the clean up. If the schools don’t already have cameras they could get some. The camera can make vandalism harder at school. It also can help catch students who vandalize. The cameras can also make students worried about getting caught and the consequences. The schools can have assemblies to tell the consequences of vandalism and to not do it. This can make students rethink their actions or plans. The students also could paint a mural. The mural could be a way to express their feelings and show that there are substitutes to vandalism. Also, schools could get alarms to go off if anyone enters the school after closing time.
    More ways to prevent vandalism
    The schools that have done this have been successful. Scientists found out if you limit leaving the classroom there's less of a chance of vandalism happening. If you keep students busy they’ll be too busy with school work to even vandalize. The schools can also take breaks in the classroom to reset their brains after working so hard. Schools also provide school counselors that are willing to help students if they’re having trouble. If a student is vandalizing for some reason they can go to the guidance counselors to talk about ways to distress without ruining the school's property. Since vandalism happens after school hours. Students also vandalize during breaks or when they leave the classroom.
    Vandalism Quote
    The most famous quote about vandalism was said by John A. Logan he said, “Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations, that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of a free and undivided Republic.”

  32. Have you ever been bullied? Well there are ways that people get bullied like appearance, behavior, religion and many other different ways. Bullying affects the bully and the person getting bullied are stressed, depressed, anxious having thoughts about suicide, hurting themselves, trouble in school and many more ways. Did you know there are different types of bullying? There is mental, physical, and social bullying. Dealing with a bully is like a boulder.

    Mental Bullying

    Mental effects of bullying can last a lifetime. 20% of the people at age 50 end up with mental health problems later on in life. The reporter thinks it is so high because people at the age have been around for a while and have a higher chance of getting bullied in the 50 years they have been alive. Did you know one of the most common effects of bullying is PTSD? PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder. Also did you know one of the other consequences of bullying is self esteem and also high self esteem are both linked to bullying. Also people that have been bullied are more likely to get anxiety symptoms than other people

    Physical Bullying

    Did you know that overweight children experience more bullying than other people? Their also are other reasons that people get physically bullied like stressed, depressed, anxious having thoughts about suicide, hurting themselves, trouble in school and more ways. Being anxious is similar to drinking 5 cups of coffee in a day. According to, ways people can get bullied is appearance, behavior and race/religion. Another way that physical bullying can affect you is it does, chronic pain, stomachaches, headaches and more.

    Socially Bullying

    People that get socially bullied are most likely to have problems in life. Some of these problems of Socially bullying leads to drugs, alcohol, violence and more. According to, People who social bully others can get depression, anxiety, trust issues, and problems communicating. Also people that socially bully are most likely lonely and don’t wanna admit it. The reporter thinks the reason why they get side effects if you get socially bullied is because they don’t have the confidence to be included.


    In all, if you get bullied or are a bully you will find out the effects of being a bully. So if you don’t want things to happen to you later on in life then stick up to the bully or get a trusted adult. If you are the bully then you should stop and think how you might end up ruining somebody's life and your own life at the same time.

  33. Introduction
    “Right now I am $9 in debt,” said Sofia Favela, a 15-year-old student in the El Paso Independent School District. “Last week I was $4, and I think the highest I have incurred is $15.25 … I won't be able to get food unless I pay for it.
    This is sadly a reality for kids living in poverty after the government got rid of the free lunch program, and here's why.
    What happens to people in poverty
    In this paragraph I will talk about the people in poverty that have been majorly affected by the government taking away free lunch. In 2019. According to the USDA 74% of students needed the reduced lunch program before they even introduced the program.
    In 2020-2021, the USDA also says that 90% of the qualifying schools participated in free lunch programs when given the option.
    So when they took that away the families that really needed the free lunch but just fell short of the 51,338 dollars a year was like pushing them back down a hole after they had just gotten out of it.
    What people are doing to get it back
    In this next paragraph I will talk about what people are doing to get the free lunch back. They did a survey on all the schools that had the free lunch and they asked if they could they would bring it back. 65% of the schools said that they did want the free lunch to come, but 35% of the schools said they did not want it back.
    But 2 states are tired of waiting and have brought back the free lunch. Those states are California and maine. They have decided to take it into their own hands and bring it back, there are also 7 other states that are thinking about bringing it back.
    To conclude all of the data that was just stated according to the USDA 65% of states think it should come back. 90% of schools that were offered the option to have free lunch took it, ,and 2 states have already brought it back.
    So now you know more about the free school lunch and what has affected people.

  34. Remember, the punishments of vaping can be as varied as picking a random fish in the ocean. You can choose any punishment, and so can the school your child is at.

  35. I like your topic but you could add more than only 14 sentences like you could have made paragraphs like 6 or 7 of them because bullying has been happening for years so your topic should be longer than 14 sentences. Just saying

  36. You may have heard of ‘Free Lunch For All’ but have you looked into it? Did you know that 30.4 million kids go without lunch because they can’t afford it? The mental effects that can happen to a child struggling with debt in school due to their food balance can be harrowing to them.

    According to an interview with Lunch Supervisor Rachel Smith from Wichita, Kansas said, “We can’t just deny them a lunch.”s he says. “They automatically get a lunch. And then if they get behind, we’ll just send a notification out to the parents, and the parents will take care of it when they have a chance.”

    However, parents just might not be able to pay it, and some might just be refusing to pay the fee. Some parents have described the fee as, “absolutely ridiculous.” and had decided to not pay the fee. Schools in return, have given students who have debt an alternative snack and/or lunch. Lindsay Marks, mother of four says that lunch should indeed be free. “Prisons feed their inmates, even if they cannot pay. They still get fed, and those are people who did something bad. These are children who are trying to get an education. Why not feed them and help their minds grow?”

    Debts that can form from this can be a bitter pill to swallow. “They need to have more regulations in place to determine who gets free lunch.” Lindsay’s fiance, Mitchell Simonson says.

  37. This is a book about up the slide by jack london with a boy that is stranded in the open alone in canada by yukon. About this is that never giving up always leads to success. In this book Clay went to go get some firewood but was faced with a challenge. The challenge is where clay is on a hill filled with ice. He had three plans. 2 failed and the third one worked. He kept remembering the wood and the ax and that made him keep going.. Clay in the end sold the rest of the firewood for 50 dollars. This could be interpreted as creating a theme of hope; however it clearly created a theme of never giving up leads to success because the book was about how he never gave up while hope would just be like hoping for clay to get there and it would not be as clear as never giving up.
    “On the river side the mountain was scarred and gullied and gored and it was up one of these gores or gillies that clay had seen in the tree” This means that he was not giving up. The setting in the book up the slide is when he is by a fire for the first part then a cold snow climate then he wants to go get firewood so he is in the snow with no gear and everything is numb with ice and doesn't give up climbing Finally he gets back with the firewood and gives it to himself and sells it at the end.
    “The zigzag came to an end finally” Next he was starting to climb his journey to get the wood. He was trying to climb up with multiple plans but they failed. So he had to keep trying. His fingers were numb, he was limping and he was cold and broke something. But the ax in the wood made sure that he never gave up. He had to come up with another plan. Because his first plan had failed. It was surprising because he never gave up. Then he came up with his plan and he tried it. He was struggling because there was ice there but he kept trying.
    But before this he needed to start to take a break on a little cliff. Then that plan failed. So he had come up with a third plan and that one was difficult. At this point he was really struggling to climb and kept failing. He wanted to give up but he remembered that ax and kept going. At this point he was hurting so much but he also remembered that if he had not done it everyone would be dead. So he kept going and finally built up enough strength to climb the top with his third plan finally working. He was so proud of himself.
    The symbolism in the book was when he remembered the trees and he remembered the axe which made him not give up. Some imagery that went with this area is a boy that needs firewood and it is a snowy day with a hill that was full of ice and almost impossible to climb. The man could have easily solved this problem by investigating the hill to make sure it was safe or the surroundings. He could have also brought more people with him to help him. The reader could have done something different by making him go with other people and not solo. Although we know who was the victim in this story we don't know if the other people were scared to go climb the hill or if they were just other people around who could have helped him. But whether or not it was definitely a challenge for him.
    Clearly, the theme of “Up the slide“ is never giving up and always leads to success. The reader can prove this because in the short story the man is remembering something that made him not give up and it was the ax in the stump that he was doing and he remembered. At the end of this story he finally completed his goal and got the tree so then he had to keep some for himself and sold the rest for 50$. He was so proud of himself. This paid off because he did not give up and if he were to give up he would have not got the firewood and would maybe be dead. So overall the theme of this book is never giving up always leads to success.
