
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What are you investigating?

Language Arts
February 19, 2014

We've been working on the Multi-Modal project for a bit now.  In fact, the body of the essay will be written in class today.  After you write your body paragraphs, share what you've been up to.  What did you choose to investigate?  What is your topic?  Why did you pick it?  What have you found so far?

I've got a sample posted as the first comment.

Take a look at what others are doing and reply to their comments.  (More than just "cool")

Essay Form - Forget how to write your essay?  Check here!


  1. Here's an idea of what I"m looking for:

    I decided that I wanted to investigate Curiosity. I wanted to see how it was different than Spirit and Opportunity. There was a ton of stuff out there. After looking around for a bit, I decided to research how it was made, how it is different than the other rovers, and what it's found so far. The most interesting thing I've found so far are all of the parts that Curiosity has that are new and different.

    1. I'm - seriously, I'm the teacher, right?

    2. I think that this might be somthing good.

  2. I wanted to find some more information about Opportunity.My first subtopic is the Jelly donut rock. My second subtopic is what has opportunity found since the book was made.

    1. Do you know exactly what else he has found yet?

    2. What has Opportunity done since the book was made?

  3. I decided that I wanted to investigate Oppertunity. I wanted to learn more about the Jelly Donut rock. There was a lot of cool things that I learned more about the Endeavour crater and that is very big it is the biggest crater so far on Mars

    1. that is relay cool thing I want to know more about endeavour crater.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Good choice, the book didn't really talk about the Endeavour crater.

    4. Cool topic hope you learned lots about the topic.

    5. What did they find out about the Jelly Donut rock?

    6. I thought that was a good choice I am doing Endeavor crater also!

  4. My topic is the China moon rover. Why did I pick it, because I wanted to learn about something we haven't really talked about yet. What have I found out, that there was A LOT of mechanical problems. And probably just problems in general. China really suffered for it. They almost lost the rover due to all the problems. But with lots of luck the rover is still doing its job on the moon.

    1. I read about this rover too the rovers name is called yutu it has alot of mechanical problems it took a two-week-long nap when it woke up every body was suprised

  5. my topic is the china moon rover some thing cool I resced about is that it almost died but it came back to life well it kinda did see it doesent move as much know and it takes a long time to go plases know.

    1. Good topic, there is a lot of things we don't know about that the book didn't talk about.

    2. I think this is awsome and real best

    3. Does the Chinese Moon Rover have a name?

    4. very interesting i didn't even though there was a rover on the moon

  6. I decided that i wanted to do Curiosity. I wanted to see the parts of the rover, Curiosity's discoveries, and how to drive the rover. The most interesting thing that I found out was that Curiosity has a lot of cameras

    1. In the book mighty mars rover they said that coursity had a eye that could burn the thing like a laser and see the inside of the rock

  7. My topic is the Curiosity Rover. I picked it because we have not learned about it and it sounds really interesting. One really interesting thing I found about it is that it is twice as long and five times as wide as the two rovers Oppertunaty and Spirit.

    1. Ya I agree thats a cool topic. I wonder what they built differently on Curiosity than Spirit and Oppertunaty. What are your subtopics?

    2. What has Curiosity been doing? What things did it find?

  8. I'm researching about JPL. I think some of the missions they have done are really cool. I like writing about them.

    1. That's a good topic! What are your subtopics?

    2. Thanks, my subtopics are early on at jpl, later on, and some of the missions they did. Early on there were no pro. scientists working at jpl, but later on, they got a lot better and did more missions.

    3. So am I!!! What have you learned so far, like any cool facts?

  9. I wanted to research Curiosity. I wanted to see how different Curiosity is from Spirit and Opportunity. I found a lot of things about how they were different. after a while, I decided that my topics would be how/when/why it was built. The most interesting thing I have found so far is that Curiosity is huge compared to the twin rovers.

    1. I like your topic! I was just wondering how has Curiosity gotten bigger and better than Spirit and Opportunity?

    2. He got bigger because Curiosity was built bigger.

  10. I am doing JPl as my topic. I was wondering why they made it, and what there first few missions were like. I also wanted to now how JPL has changed from their first few missions to today. What I found so far is that in the 1900's they didn't know much and a few spacecrafts blew up. But today there has not been hardly any blew up spacecrafts. The best thing I found is that in 1966 we accidentally blew up Mariner 1. And in few years we are about to have people living on Mars!!!

    1. Thats really cool, I'm researching Curiosity and I found out that its really big, and there are some new parts that were added to it.

    2. Those are really interesting things that you have already found out! I didn't know that they accidentally blew up Mariner 1!! But, how did they accidentally blow up Mariner 1?

    3. On the the way to space (in its launch) it got off course and blew up.

    4. I think that's a good topic. I also picked jpl as my topic. I was wondering, do you know how many missions jpl has done in all of those years?

    5. I don't know how many missions in all, but I would say lots of them.

  11. I decided that I wanted to research the Cassini spacecraft. I then wanted to look for what it found out observing and studying Saturn. It found out lots of stuff with the planet itself, but also the rings and planets too.

    1. cassini souds prity awesome and I think that it would be a good topic to resherch.

    2. What were some of the things they found out about the rings?

    3. One thing that Cassini found with the rings is that the F layer had an object fly into it, causing a gap in the ring.

  12. I am researching Curiosity.. I wanted to learn about Curiosity because I like the rovers.. I thought they were pretty cool to learn about.. I found out that the rover doesn't have one brain it has 2.. But the one brain is usually off. They have it incase something would happen to the one brain they can shut that one off and turn on the other one..

    1. Thats really interesting I wonder what the brains do, do they act like a human brain?

    2. I didn't know they had two brains! And I definitely didn't know one was shut off most of the time!! That's cool!

    3. I had no idea the Mars rover Curiosity had two brains!

    4. That is very cool, the two brain thing is interesting :-)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I like that whole two brain thing, its interesting. What do the brains do?!

    7. I never knew that it had 2 brains...that is so cool. I wonder if they ever had to turn the one brain off? If they ever had to why?

  13. I am researching Curiosity and Opportunity's discoveries. I wanted to learn about this because I thought it would be fun to learn even more! They found even more than I thought! Like clay in YellowKnife Bay, The jelly doughnut rock, and even more!!

    1. That is very interesting.

    2. Interesting i am also researching Curiosity, what do you think was the most interesting thing you have found so far about either of the rovers?

    3. Eve, the most interesting thing I found was about the Jelly Doughnut rock. How it got stuck in the wheel and ended up further away. It's a very interesting thing to think about..

  14. I am researching Curiosity, I wanted to learn more about Curiosity because it seemed like a good topic because it was a newer rover and I found out that the rovers is about the size of a small SUV,

    1. Wow that in very interesting :)

    2. A small SUV is still pretty big..... Imagine how much it weighs... Wow.

    3. I meant that is very interesting :)

  15. I am going to research Curiosity. I want to find out what it has found recently and where is he now. It had found an ancient lake bed that used to have water.

    1. Wow!!!!! I wonder what is in the Ancient lake water bed. I bet it has been hard to find good topics to fit Curiosity.;)

  16. I wanted to research the Curiosity rover. I chose this because we learned about the other 2 rovers Spirit and Opportunity. I thought it was interesting to learn about its parts, how it moves, and the amazing discoveries its made. Such as, a huge blueish rock that NASA has never seen before, they named this rock Jake Matijevic.

    1. The big blue rock sounds interesting, but what is it made out of, like methane, iron, uhhhm some other fancy mineral thinger. when you are done i would like to read your essay and see what it would be about, well i already know that but i would still like to see what some of the details are. Byee

  17. I am researching Curiosity and I thought it would be cool to find out some of the parts of Curosity. I found many parts where I could not fit it alll in one paragraph but anyways Curiosity has a lot of cameras and i thought that was cool how it needs so many cameras. My other body paragraph is about Curiositys softwarre in it and it has soooooo much software and different software from different companies. There is also a team working on building Curiositys software.:)

    1. Wow, that sounds like it was really hard information to find, but its interesting! :)

    2. What are the different cameras that it has to use and also what are some of them for?

    3. Thats cool. I am researching Curiosity too. How many camra's does curiosity really have?

    4. many that i can not say

    5. I chose to research curiosity to, because I didn't know as much about it as Spirit and Opportunity. I found out that in a place in Gale Crater called Yellowknife bay Curiosity took powder samples and found out a long time ago there might have been water. Also was Curiosity's eye camera mentioned in your essay?

  18. I am researching Endeavor crater and the rover that found it. One cool fact about Endeavor crater is that is has clay that Opportunity got stuck in.

    1. What did it find? And what made Curiosity a good research project?

  19. I am researching Opportunity. My subtopics are the jelly doughnut rock and endeavor crater. I found out that there used to be a lake called whitewater lake but now its gone.

  20. I'm researching Opportunity. I wanted to learn more about Endeavor crater, also the Jelly Donut rock. The most interesting thing i found out was that there are clay minerals on the rim of Endeavor crater.

    1. Wow that is interesting :)

    2. Wow, i never never that, sounds interesting to learn. :)

  21. I am researching Curiosity. I wanted to learn the troubles that he faces with mechanical problems, How big he is, and how far he has traveled on mars. I found out that Curiosity has two heads, 6 wheels,it weighs 1,982lbs, its 7 ft tall and 10 ft wide.

    1. I tried that too and i had troubled so then i did another topic.:)

    2. Wow, 7 feet tall it looks so small on the computer or in the book.

    3. Wow is it like 2 times bigger than Opportunity and Spirit

  22. I decided to research about cassini. The huygens probe is one of my favorite things about cassini.Also it launched on October 15, 1997.Also cassini only has 18 known moons.

    1. I found a lot more stuff. But very Interesting.

  23. I thought Caltech would be a good thing to research. My yellows are About, Applying, and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). My reds for About are How it started, The common core, The fields, After, Cost, and visiting. My reds for applying are How many people get in each fall, Deadlines, Types of applicants, Quest Bridge, 2/3, and How many people got in this year. And my reds for JPL are Founded by Caltech, Most scientist who work at JPL work at went to Caltech, What people should know how to be in JPL, Caltech and JPL are responsible for the more than 250 experiments, JPL are making rockets as we speak, and they make everything that goes into space.

  24. I'm researching about Ashley W. Stroupe PhD Member of Engineering Staff at JPL in 2003 she graduated from Carnegie university earning her PhD she was inspiried to be a scientest by Carl Sagan he was a very famous scientist in the 1950’s.Her hobbies are reading,traceling,and theatre.

    1. My sub topics are her personal information the second is her collages the third is who inspired her and the fourth is what it is like to work at nasa

  25. My Topic is opportunity..because, he found a lot more than found the jelly doughnut rock, And the Endeavor Crater...just a little better than what Spirit found....And my subtopics are the Jelly doughnut Rock, and the Endeavor Crater

    1. What is it that you could learn more about on those two things? Like we had already read about those two things in reading but we did a reaserch project on jelly doughnut.

  26. I wanted to learn more about mars first satellite, The mars global surveyor.
    I wasn't really sure what my subtopics should be but i finally chose two.

    What has it found
    what type of things are on it

    1. Wow that very interesting i bet your topic will be good :) but the bottom one are those your yellows?

    2. Yes, yes they are

  27. I decided to research curiosity. My yellows are how was curiosity made, Curiosity body parts, and landing. When i was researching i found out that curiosity landing was more emotional than the other two rovers opportunity and spirit.

  28. I picked Curiosity because I had read about Spirit and Opportunity and wanted to learn about other rovers. I investigated Curiosity's difference from Spirit and Opportunity, what curiosity has done and what will it do, and what some discoveries by Curiosity are. I have found out that Curiosity has found that water used to be on the surface of mars. I also found out that curiosity is heading to Mount Sharp.

  29. I decided to research Cassini-Huygens. I have two yellows. My first yellow is what Cassini found on Saturn. I found out about the hexagon on Saturn's North Pole, It has blue skies like Earth, a thin atmosphere on Enceladus, the rings are made up of rock dust and ice, Saturn is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, Some particles on Saturn's rings are as tiny as grains of sand, as big as skyscrapers, or about a kilometer. That is what Cassini found on Saturn. My next yellows are the moons Cassini found. Cassini found 13 more moons (I don't have them all though). 2 tiny moons Methone and Pallene. Polydeuces. Titan. A thin atmosphere on Enceladus. Phoebe. Dione, Rhea, and Helene. And a lot more facts about them.

  30. Recently Curiosity went over a place called Dingo Gap

  31. All livings things are made of cells. Robert Hooke was the first person to observe a cell. Leeuwenhoek observed many tiny living things with his microscope. Many cells come in different shapes and sizes, the human body has over a trillion of them. The cells in our body undergo over 500 quadrillion chemical reactions every second. The energy used by almost all forms of an Earth comes from the sun.

    By: Colleen and Kayle
